test your John & Jay in the Know health iQ! P. 5 Predict who Movie Review will be MVP! P. 4 P. 5 diner lit P. 12 The Tower www.kean.edu/~thetower Kean University’s stUDENT NEWSPAPER Volume 9 • Issue 11 Apr. 8-Apr. 28, 2009 Eight days in Paris (See centerfold) Greek Olympics Give Students a Needed Break of Fun BY JESSIE RIVERA Sigma Phi, Lambda Theta Alpha and Nu Sigma Tau. The winner of the competition With finals around the corner and the received points for his/her Olympic team weather finally hitting the 60-degree and all the proceeds will go to Make-A- mark, Greek organizations were taking Wish Foundation. a time out to relax and have fun at this year’s Greek Olympics, which rapped up on April 6. The Greek Olympics, a friendly competi- tion between Greek organizations dating back to the 1970’s, competed in activities such as: Wii sports, basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, dodge ball, tug-of-war, a One student's trip to Paris. three-legged race and much more. The fraternities participating this year were Nu Delta Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sig- ma Beta Tau, Sigma Theta Chi, Nu Sigma Battle Brews Over Tuition Phi, Lambda Theta Phi, Psi Sigma Phi and Gamma Psi Epsilon. The sororities partici- pating are Nu Sigma Tau, Nu Theta Chi, for Illegal Immigrants Rho Theta Tau, Omega Sigma Psi, Theta Phi Alpha and Delta Phi Epsilon. All Greek Co-ed volleyball was one of the fun games featured BY ELIZABETH LLORENTE the limited seats in college at taxpayer ex- at the annual Greek Olympics last week. The Record (Hackensack N.J.); (MCT) pense,” said Gheen, who is based in North Carolina, where the group helped defeat "...all thE sororitiEs and Ashley Cere, the vice-president of pro- HACKENSACK, N.J. —A national group measures that would have allowed illegal fratErnitiEs comE togEthEr gramming for Greek Senate, and Alex that favors strict immigration policies has immigrant students to attend college at Louis, director of Greek Life, selected launched a campaign in six states aimed at in-state tuition rates. “These bills also vio- and havE a good timE.” the games with the help of suggestions drumming up opposition to in-state col- late federal law, provide taxpayer rewards and requests from Greek organizations. lege tuition rates for illegal immigrants. and incentives for people to illegally immi- organizations paid a fee of $70 to sign up The matches were organized by random William Gheen of Americans for Legal grate to America.” for the events. so the fraternities and sororities did not Immigration says the group will deploy Immigration advocates in New Jersey “My favorite thing about the Olympics compete against each other. Names were activists from around the nation to New said they were unaware of the new cam- would be that all the sororities and fra- drawn out of a hat and single-elimination Jersey, as well as to other states such as paign but vowed to fight it vigorously. ternities come together and have a good brackets were used to advance a team to Arkansas, California, Colorado, Rhode Is- “This campaign won’t get past the first time,” said senior Lauren D’Amico from the next level. At the end of the week-long land and Wisconsin to lobby state legisla- exit of the New Jersey Turnpike,” said Cid Theta Phi Alpha. competition, the first, second and third tors and hit the talk-radio circuit. Wilson, a trustee of Bergen Community Different this year about the Olympics place teams were to receive trophies at “In-state tuition for illegals legislation College in Paramus. was a God and Goddess competition host- the Greek banquet. replaces innocent American students in Last week, Gov. (Continued on page 3) ed apart from the Greek Olympics by Psi MORE THAN 100,000 ARE WAITING FOR A NEW ORGAN (see pg. 9) INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: What was the Highlight of Your Spring Break? BY KELLEY PENNISI Giselle Torres Joseph Onuoah Assoumou 'JR' Sahou Ralph Saro Senior, Elementary Education Freshman, Biology Freshman, Medical Technology Junior, Theatre "The highlight of my spring break was "The highlight of my spring break was "The highlight of my spring break was "The highlight of my spring break was an overnight trip to Atlantic City. I that I went to California." I played drums for a concert in Phila- my Garage Band for Dummies played spent all this money I don't have." delphia called the Blue Lounge." its first gig." Kean Fraternity Lends a Hand 2 Arts & Entertainment 4 Organ Donation 9 Big Names at Internship Fair 2 Rachel's Rave! 5 Women's & Men's Sports 10/11 Ludacris Hits the Stage 3 Editorial & Anger Management 8 Who Will Be MVP?: John & Jay's Picks 12 2 April 8, 2009 | The Tower Internship Fair Readies Students for Business BY CHARLEY FALKENBURG mation and pamphlets containing details ing a business internship fair, I definite- the organization what you have to offer. about their business. The company repre- ly made time to go. I know I want to do Make sure you gather two to three letters Kean University students walked around sentatives were cheerful and enthusiastic something with business in the future, so of recommendation from your professors, eagerly at the College of Business and in explaining their businesses and what an internship would really help me out,” coaches or academic advisors. If the orga- Public Administration’s internship fair they were seeking to everyone. said Steinberg. nization is impressed, they will set a date held in the University Center on March “Internship fairs are always interesting; Students that were unable to attend the for an interview. After the interview, you 26 to gather information about the you never know what kind of opportuni- fair and are curious about the internship should send out a thank-you note to the organizations and internships that the company for their time. Remember, not businesses offered. all internship applications are the same Several companies, such as Six Flags six flags, libErty sciEncE musEum and PrimErica wErE and each company may require some- Great Adventure, Sherwin Williams, thing different. Be sure to research what Liberty Science Museum, First Investors, among thosE offEring intErnshiP information. the company is seeking before you begin Primerica, Prevention Links, Inc, Broad- the process. way House for Continuing Care, Inde- ties you will find,” said Stephanie Romano, process should follow these steps. First, If you missed this fair, don’t fret; Kean pendent Food and Beverage Insurance a sophomore at Kean. find an internship that really interests is always holding different kinds of fairs, Brokers, Inc. and the U.S. Marine Corps Alex Steinberg, a sophomore at Kean, you and you have time for. Then, fill out workshops and lectures. Make sure to were present. attended the internship fair to further her the application form, create an intern- keep your eyes peeled and read the paper Each organization set up stands with education. ship resume and a cover letter explaining on information for future Kean events. flyers, internship applications and infor- “When I found out that Kean was hav- what your purpose is and be sure to tell Nu Delta Pi Helps Student Press BY LISA MARTINEZ Chief Kelly Nemeth. “Their help and their voluntary service [are] greatly appreciated Kean University’s Nu Delta Pi frater- by the entire staff.” nity has adopted The Tower as part of its Nu Delta Pi was founded Nov. 9, 1964 community service program and has been when Kean was known as Newark Teach- helping distribute the student newspaper ers College. The idea to create the frater- at the University Center when new issues nity took place at McSorley’s Ale House, are published. a famous watering hole in Manhattan. The fraternity distributed roughly 1,500 The founders felt that there were too newspapers of the last edition of The Tow- many cliché fraternities and they wanted er in March and said it will continue to do to stand out. The fraternity currently has 29 active members with Christopher Delgado as “wE want to somEhow president. When Delgado joined in the PErsonally gEt thE PaPEr spring of 2006, there were only seven active members. in thE hands of thE The fraternity brothers are known for Members of Nu Delta Pi their friendliness, diversity and welcom- studEnts.” ing manner. The fraternity’s reputation draws perspective members so much that the job for the paper. they do not have a recruiting process. The Tower is a student-produced news- “We don’t recruit, they come to us,” said paper that is part of the academic jour- Delgado. nalism program in the Communication Alumni are very active and offer a schol- Department. Staff writers and editors are arship for the brothers called the John responsible for coming up with story ideas Ulichy Scholarship. This scholarship is and then reporting, writing and editing based on candidates following the frater- Graduating Soon? the paper. The staff also distributes bun- nity credo ideals and applying them in ev- dles to Tower stands around the campus, eryday life. Delgado has been awarded the y Already have your degree? y but a problem has been that often stu- scholarship in the past. dents do not pick up and read the paper. The brothers also help the community Wondering where high-earning employment “Distributing the paper to the student by volunteering to give out Christmas body can be difficult. It is one thing to put gifts at Somerset Hills, a group home for opportunities lie in today’s economy? them in the stands, but we want to be in- abused children.
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