newsms Carrier Address 3 River Wireless @sms.3rivers.net Accessyou (Hong Kong) @messaging.accessyou.com ACS Wireless @paging.acswireless.com Advantage Communications @advantagepaging.com Aio Wireless @mms.aiowireless.net Airfire Mobile @sms.airfiremobile.com Airtouch Pagers @myairmail.com Airtouch Pagers @alphapage.airtouch.com Airtouch Pagers @airtouch.net Airtouch Pagers @airtouchpaging.com Alaska Communications @msg.acsalaska.com Aliant @sms.wirefree.informe.ca Alltel @sms.alltelwireless.com Alltel @alltellmessage.com Alltel PCS @message.alltel.com AlphNow @alphanow.net Ameritech Paging (see also American Messaging) @paging.acswireless.com Ameritech Paging (see also American Messaging) @pageapi.com American Messaging (SBC/Ameritech) @page.americanmessaging.net Ameritech Clearpath @clearpath.acswireless.com Andhra Pradesh Airtel @airtelap.com Andhra Pradesh India Cellular @ideacellular.net Api4SMS @members.api4sms.net Arch Pagers (PageNet) @archwireless.net Arch Pagers (PageNet) 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