Have aHa py Girl Scout Holiday! Celebrate the spirit of the season with gift giving from GSUSA. " Giftables" which present Girl Scout identity for you, girls and supporters, too. Shown, a sampling of what's in store for you at your local Girl Scout department (all this plus super stationery and more). Exciting surprises which bring a little bit of Girl Scouting to every time of the year. Show this ad to girls and adults who may wish to buy singles and multiples of these exciting items. To allow ample t1me for your Girl Scout department to order "extras" of these items, bring this ad in now w1th your requests, so you won't be disappointed later. Shop your local Girl Scout department or order directly through GSUSA, National Equipment Service. Selected items available through J.C. Penney, or Sears, Roebuck and Co. Fall Catalogs. A. Brownie Bear #11-137, $8.00 B. Br. G.S. Elf Pin #12-154$1.40 C. Br. G.S. Bracelet # 12-272 $3.00 D. Br. G.S. Ring # 12-273 $2.25 E. Br. G.S. Watch #12-237 $15.99 F. Br. G.S. Barrette Set #12-307$1.75 G. Br. G.S. Pony Tail Holders #1 1-143$2.00 pr. H. Heart Pendant #12-274$4.00 J. Trefoil Charm Bracelet #12-271 $3.00 K. Trefoil Stick Pin #12-270 $2.75 L. G.S. Friendship Pin #12-191 $1.75 M. G.S. Barrettes #12-508 $1.75 pr. N. Cut Out Stick Pin #12-166$1 .85 P. Br. G.S. T-shirt Pendant #12-198 S2.00 Q . Br. G.S. Canvas Tote #11-135 $6.50 R. Flag Pin #12-266$1.25 S. Adult Carry-All # 11 -136 $7.75 T. Canvas Tote #1 1-125 $6.00 ·.. GSUSA.NES 11-83 Girl Scout WINTER 1983 fEATURES National President Visits National Center West 6 GIRL SCOUTS Results of the "Girl Scout Leader" Survey 9 President Mrs. Orville L. Freeman Tomorrow's Citizens Plant for Their Future 10 National Executive Director Safe 8t Sound at Home Alone: Frances Hesselbein Tips for Leaders 12 Assistant National " Safe 8t Sound at Home Alone: for Executive Director, Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts Communications 13 Rhoda Pauley ~ Discovering Winter 21 Director o f Publications Kyle Warren Ahrold Girl Scout Gold Award 23 Managing Edi tor Patricia Stoddard Macy Honor Roll 29 Graphics and Design Director Cover; 05USA National President Mrs. Orville L. f'reeman and Michael Chanwick National Center West staff members superimposed on a back­ growid of pictographs, representations on sandstone of ani­ Advertising/Circulation mals and images symbolizing the passage of months. The Manager pictographs, which are several hundreds ofy ears old, are found throughout the NCW property. Photos by 05USNBonnie Lou Ethel Rot is ton Mct:wan. Assistant Editor Marianne llaw Editorial Assistant DEPARTMENTS Colleen Floyd Circulation Assistant President's Message 2 Millie Freeman In the News 3 Production Manager MensC\ie de Ia Presldenta 2 2 carolyn Caggine Re: Sources 28 Production Assistant Madeline R. Kraner <llr1 Scout Leader !ISSil 0017-0577115 published quarterly by Olrl Sc.ou!6 of Sub5c:rlptlons: $4 t c:arly H issues!; $5 ror au destinations outside U.S. and the L.S.A., 830 Third Avenue. F'ew York. li.Y I 0022. Cop)il1ght 1983 b) Glr1 Sc.ouls possessions; $1 Senior Olrl ScoutS. Change or address· Wrtte Oiri Scout Leader. or the United States or Ammc:a. All rtghts resen.-ro. This pubUc.aUon may not be 830 Third Avenue. ,._ York. N.Y 1OOl:t Include old and .- address. as " -ell as reproduce<~. stored in a rttriC\'ai SYStem or transmitted In ~o.hole or in par1. In any council troop. and kknUOcation number AlloW 8 "ed<s for Change. Vol 60. No. 4. form or by any means. electronk. me(;hanlca~ photocoP>ins recording. or 'A111ter 1983. otheowlse withOut the prior written permission or Oiri ScoutS or the United Stales of America. Send stamped. self·addressed envelope with unsolicited manuscripts. photos. or art. Olrl Scout l.eadcr cannot be responsible for suc:h material In II$ ornces or In transit. Thlrd<lass postage paid at 1\cw York City and additional malJing ornces. President's Message As I write this at summer's end. we've just received the news from Washington that Juliette Gordon Low has become the second woman in history to have a major federal building named in her honor. The Juliette Gordon Low Fed­ J eral Building complex is now under construction on Telfair Square in Savan­ nah. Ga .• just two blocks from the Birthplace. I know you share my pride in this national recognition of our extraor· dlnary founder. It is not only a tribute to her and the organization she created, it honors you and the millions of Girl Scout \olunteers .... ho ha\e follo.,.,ed her lead in serving the girls of America for more than 5e\ en decades. That news arrived shortly after my return from an unforgettable first visit to our magnificent National Center West. What a glorious time I hadl The highlights of my three days there are described on page 6, along with on­ the-scene photos of girls, their leaders. \lSi ling officials, and good friends of the center. I loved it all-the happy young faces of the girls, the unspoiled natural setting, the chuck-wagon dinner with its backdrop of a spectacular western sunset the sound of taps echoing O\ er the hilltops. Particularly memorable was Its effect on one very young Girl Scout "'ho'd never been west of the Hudson River. The beauty of the center and the excitement of new vistas, new experiences, and new friendships made a lasting impression on her bright young mind. It also was impressive to see ho.,., the center's activities challenge the Girl Scouting leaders, as well as the girls. Both ha\e countless opportunities to stretch themselves and learn more about their own capabilities-and that has to should always be a make a real difference in their lives! I think it's important to remember that Girl Scouting should always be a growth experience growth experience for both girls and adults-a time for self-discovery, a place to learn new skills to better serve the larger community. Not long ago I for both girls and attended an awards dinner, sponsored by the Birmingham (Alabama) Beau­ tlflcatlon Board, and saw how Girl Scout volunteers can join others to raise adults-a time for the quality of life In a community. I feel very proud that Girl Scout adults serve on this board and on many other community improvement committees self-discovery, a across the country. You bring a special understanding of youth's capabilities place to learn new along with organizational and managerial skills. You do such a superb job as Girl Scout volunteers, it's wonderful that so many of you also have the skills to better will and energy to share your talents and experience with the larger com­ munity. seJVe the larger We're full of anticipation and exceedingly proud that we will soon be hosting WAGGGS 25th World Conference, to be held in Tarrytown, N.Y., July community. 17-July 26, 1984. I hope all of you will share in the exciting conference­ related activities described in the fall 1983 issue of Girl Scout Leader. They will unite the world family of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in a very special way. Until next time. Sincerely, ·. 2 Girl Scout Leader/Winter 1983 In the News American Indian Conference Success Stoey GSUSA wUJ sponsor a conference The conference leadership LaRae Orulllan. Treasurer of on American Indians and Girl team includes Owanah Anderson. GSUSA's National Board of Direc­ Scouting from March 16 to 19 at Choctaw. director of Ohoyo Re­ tors. is a shining example of how Edith Macy Conference Center. sources Center, Wichita Falls, Tex.; dreams can become reality. Five Teams of Girl Scout and American Rosemary Christenson, Ojibwe, years ago. she helped to found the Indian volunteers and staff from director of Indian Education. Min­ Women's Bank in Denver, Colo., jurisdictions of selected Girl Scout neapolis Public Schools, Minn.; and the institution realized a profit councils will participate. Virginia Nordby. a member of almost immediately. Today. LaRae Goals of the conference in­ GSUSA's National Board of Direc­ oversees a staff of 31 (most of clude increasing the participants' tors and an administrator for the whom are female) as president of awareness and appreciation of the University of Michigan; and former a bank whose 1982 deposits to­ diversity of American Indian tribes GSUSA National Board members taled more than $21 miiJion. and their contributions to society; Ada Deer, Menominee, Native One of a handful of female developing preliminary plans for American Studies Program, Madi· bank presidents in the United mixed leadership teams to extend son, Wis., and Helen Peterson, States. LaRae climbed to the top and strengthen Girl Scouting Oglala-Sioux, Tribal Government of an industry where only 2 per­ among American Indian girls and Services Office, Bureau of Indian cent of women hold senior man­ adults, and increasing partici­ Affairs. Portland Area Office. agement positions. even though pants· skills in communicating and Contact your Girl Scout coun­ females comprise 70 percent of all collaborating with American In· cil for more information on the bank employees. dian girls, adults, and communi­ conference. ties. Girl Scout Books On "Reading Rainbow' Two GSUSA publications were fea­ bow," developed to encourage tured on a segment of "Reading young people to read good books Rainbow." a new, 15-part chil· over the summer, used a maga· dren's television series that aired zine-style format to highlight fea­ this summer over the Public ture books through animation, Broadcasting Service.
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