AGENDA NCVEMBER 4-7, 1953 r Wed Jul 08 13:49:03 EDT 2015 bl771966 Last Updated: 07-18-2013 Created: 06-16-1989 Revisions: 11 LANG engEnglish COPIES 8 BIB LEVEL mBOOKS SKIP 0 CAT DATE 06-16-1989 BC0DE3 LOCATION multi MAT TYPE aTEXTUAL/LANGUAGE MATERIAL COUNTRY xx Unknown or undetermim MARC Leader #####nam 22#####1 4500 LOCATIONS nih / hsrls OCLC # 001 MARC 008 NLM/NIH # 035 /-< MT.M 1 rtNT M 1 Hm MARC 040 niiin 1 cnxjin | uiu • c MARC 049 MARC 060 0 NLM/NIH # 069 0 43010300R CALL # 090 RAll|b.B2a MARC 090 RAll|b.B2a AUTHOR 110 1 0 United | bPublic Service. States . Health |bO££ice of the Surgeon General TITLE 245 1 0 Agenda, conference of the Surgeon General of the P\:blic Health Service, jbwith the state and territorial mental health authorities their community mental health program directors IMPRINT 260 0 [Washington] : jbDept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, |c [1950]- DESCRIPT 300 v SUBJECT 650 2 Mental Health Services ALT TITLE 740 0 1 Conference of the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, with state and territorial mental health authorities LOCAL INFO 949 |e[date] Page 1 of 1 AGENDA FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONFERENCE of THE SURGEON GENERAL of the PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE and THE CHIEF of the CHILDREN'S BUREAU with THE STATE AND TERRITORIAL HEALTH OFFICERS THE STATE MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITIES and REPRESENTATIVES OF STATE HOSPITAL SURVEY AND CONSTRUCTION AGENCIES November k-lf 1953 Department of Health, Education, and Viielf are Bldgo Washington, DcC<» DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE ( TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information Schedule of Events List of State Health Officers, Mental Health Authorities and Hospital Construction Authorities Federal Relations Conmittee Environmental Sanitation Committee Hospital Committee Infectious Diseases Committee Maternal and Child Health Committee Mental Health Committee Special Health and Medical Services Committee c I V c I FOR YOUR INFORIIATION MEEQ'ING Rums General Sessions take place in Yyilson Hall, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, and in the Auditorium (first floor) of the Department of Health, Education, and VCelfare Building, Korth, Uth and Independence Avenue, S, W«, Y:ashington, D« Co Committees meet in the rooms listed on Comm.ittee Agenda HEADQUARTERS Official conference headquarters for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers is the Viashington Hotel, 15 th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N,Wo REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION Registration, Registration Desk is located in the main lobby of the Departm"ent"BuiTZingj> facing the Auditorium entrance on the first floor. Check here Ijednesday, November Uth, to register and pick up your conference badge* Late registration here, tooo Informati on,, Information Desk is located in the main lobby of the Department Building, to help you find friends, govermnent personnel, committee rooms, directions for getting about imshington, lost and found articles. Arrangements for stenographic service may be made at the registration ' desk, too, RESTAUR/.NTS, CAFETERIAS, SNACK STANDS Government Cafeterias, North and South Department of Health, Education, and Vifelfare Buildings, serve: Basement South Bldg Basement North Bldg, Breakfast 7:30 to 8sU5 7:00 to 8:U5 Lunch lljOO to 1230 11:00 to 2:00 (A Line) lltGO to IjjO (B Line) 11:30 to 12:u5 Snacks 10:00 to 3:30 10:00 to 3^30 Supper !^:00 to 6:00 The official dining room, first floor, of the South Building, is open for lunch from 11:30 to 1:30 » Wear your Conference badge for admittance to this dining room. « 0 « « j Snack stands are open in basements of both buildings for refresh- ments! South Building, east end 700 A« M, to kth^ P. M. South Building, center 7tU5 A, M. to 14:30 P« M. North Building, east end 7:1^ Ao M, to 5s30 P. M« North Building, west end 8sC0 A. k. to U:30 P, M. Restaurant in Congressional Hotel, 300 New Jersey Avenue, S. Eo, three-and-a-half block walk from Department Building, serves breakfast from 7O0 to llOO a, m,, lunch from 11:30 a^ m, to 2:30 p=, m,, dinner from 5:30 to 9:00 p« mo SOCIAL iVii'ITS Association dinner is scheduled for Thursday night, November 5* 7:30 Po M. at the Washington Hotelo Other social events will be announced at the beginning of the Conference TR;\NSPORTATION To Capitol, House and Senate Office Buildings: Take # 30 street car, stop directly before HKY Building, to Capitol Hillo To Washington Hotel: Take # 30 street car on opposite side of street before Hj£W Building. Car passes before hotel entrance, l^th and Pennsylvania Avenue To Union Station: No direct street car connection, but trip can be made via # 30 street car to Capitol Hill, transfer at Library of Congress to # 90 car. Capitol Transit fare: One fare 17 cents Tokens J Five for 7$ cents To Yiashington National Airport; Arrange with airline ticket office to meet airport limousine Cabs: Available on the street between the Department Buildings, and on the streets at either end of the Buildings 0 Best service ordinarily available on corner at Fourth Street (west) end of North Building parking area. National Institutes of Health, November 5: Buses mil pick up State health officials at 8:U3' A. M. at the Washington Hotele Buses will be available at 5O0 P« Me at Building 1, KIH, to transport State health officials to Washington Hotel* Consult shuttle service schedule from NIH for transpor- tation at other times. Cab service also obtainable ( ( ,1) SCHEDULE OF EVENTS When Wtiere What Nov, 3, Tues# 12:00 noon Highlands Hotel, Luncheon of Civil Defense Conn, & Calil\,NW Committee with FGDA offi- cials Following Room 708 Gelmarc Meeting of Civil Defense Twers, 1930 Committee Columbia Ed,,] To be announced Room 3065-South Special Comirdttee on Indian Affairs 7:00 pm Parlor D, Washing- Meeting of the Executive ton Hotel Committee, Chairmen of Standing Committees, Vice- Chairmen of Hospital and Mental Health Committees, PHS and GB officials and liaison personnel Nov. hj Wed. 8:30 am-9:30 am First Floor-North Registration 9:30 am-10:00 am Room ^5l-North Executive Session of Association 10:30 am-12:30 pm Room 5022-South Environmental Sanitation and Committee 2:00 pm-3':00 pn Room 505l-North Federal Relations Committee Room 3063'-South Hospital Committee Room G-7U3A-North Infectious Diseases Com- mittee Room G-7^9A-North Maternal & Child Health Committee Room G-75l-North Mental Health Committee Room G-7U7A-North Special Health k Medical Services Committee Nov, 5, Thurs, 8:30 am Washington Hotel Pick-up for transportation of State health officials to National Institutes of Health 9:30 am- 11: 30 am Wilson Hall, Blg.l, General Session of the National Institutes Conference sponsored by of Health the PHS and CB ll:l!5 am-12:lt^ pm Clinical Center Tour by State health officials 6 I When VJhere What Nov, 5, Thiirs. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm Clinical Center - Executive Committee meet- Room to be an- ing with Chief of CB, nounced Surgeon General, and other CB and PHS repre- sentatives 2:30 pni-h:00 pm V/ilson Hall, Big. 1, Executive Session of National Institutes Hospital Authorities of Health Conference Room 1, Meeting of all State Big. 1, National Mental Health Authorities Institutes of not attending above Execu- Health tive Session of Hospital Authorities li: 00 pm-5:30 pm Wilson Hall, Blg.l, Executive Session of National Institutes Mental Health Authorities of Health 7:30 pm Washington Hotel Banquet of the Associa- tion of State and Terri- torial Health Officers Nov. 6, Fri. 9:30 an Room 505l-North Executive Session of Association Nov, 7, Sat, 9:30 am Auditorium General Session of Conference Following Auditorium General Session of Association 12:00 noon To be announced Executive Committee of Association of State and Territorial Health Offi- cers, outgoing Chairmen of Standing Committees, outgoing Vice-Chairmen of Hospital and Mental Health Committees meeting iirith the Surge ai General and Chief, CB, and other PHS and CB representatives ROSTER OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL HEALTH OFFICERS STATE MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITIES STATE HOSPITAL FLAMING AND CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITIES September - 19^3 ALABAm COLORADO SHO: D, G, Gill, M,De SHO: Rc L, Cleere, M.D. State Health Officer Execituve Director State Department of Health Colorado State Department of Montgomery U, Alabama Public Health hlh State Office Building ALASKA Denver 2, Colorado SHO: C, Earl Albrecht^ M.D, COOT^CT ICUT Commissioner of Health Territorial Department of Health SHO: Stanley H, Osborn, M.D, Alaska Office Building Commissioner of Health Juneau, Alaska Connecticut Department of Health Hartford 15, Connecticut ARIZONA DELAWARE SHO: Clarence G» Salsbury, IJ.D. Director of Public Health SHO: F. I. Hudson, M.D. State Department of Health Executive Secretary Phoenix, Arizona State Board of Health Dover, Delaware ARKANSAS MHA; M. A, Tarumianz, M.D., Supt. SHO: John T. Herron, M.D, State Board of Trustees State Health Officer Delaware State Hospital State Board of Health Farnhurst, Delaware Little Rock, Arkansas DISTRICT OF COLUmiA CALIFORNIA SHO: Daniel L. Seckinger, M.D. SHO: Wilton L, Halverson, M.D, Director of Public Health Director of Public Health Dist, of Columbia Health Dept. Department of Public Health Washington 1, D. C, 668 Phelan Building San Francisco 2, California FLORIDA MHA: Ee H. Crawfis, F.D. SHO: Wilson T. Sowder, M.D, Director State Health Officer State Department of Mental Hygiene Florida State Board of Health Sacramento, California Post Office Box 210 Jacksonville 1, Florida Key: SHO - State Health Officer MHA - State Mental Health Authority HCA - State Hospital Planning and Construction Authority FLORIDA - Continued INDIANA - Continued HCA J Arthur G, Burns, Supervisor MHA: Margaret Morgan, M»D,, Hospital Division Commissioner, Div.
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