Advertisements appearing for First Time erected on said lot must cost not less than $2,500.00. Miscellaneous Notices BEING the same premises which Christopher T. Fuller and Diane Fuller, husband and wife, by Deed dated November 18, 2002, and recorded November 21, 2002, in Book 4834, Page 358, SHERIFF SALE! granted and conveyed, unto Michael A. Friedrich, By virtue of certain writs of Execution issued single individual, in fee. out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans’ SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold as Court of Dauphin County, Pa., and to me the property of Michael A. Freidrich, the mort- directed, I will expose at Public Sale or Outcry, at gagor herein, under Judgment No. 2005 CV 4124 the Dauphin County Administration Building in MF. the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., on BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. Thursday, April 13, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. the fol- 24-006-098. lowing real estate to wit: NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 1 – STEVEN K. EISENBERG, Esq. Dauphin County, on Monday, May 15, 2006 and ALL THAT CERTAIN messuage, tenement distributions will be made in accordance with the and tract of land situate in the Township of Derry, said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of within ten (10) days thereafter. Pennsylvania, on the south side of Harding Avenue, on the Plan of Lots known as “Palmdale”, as laid out by Eugene W. Bowman No. 2 – SCOTT A. DIETTERICK, Esq. and J. Spayd Bomberger, on the north side of Route 422, formerly the Ben Franklin Highway, ALL THAT CERTAIN portion of a lot of more particularly bounded and described as fol- ground situate in Lower Paxton Township, lows, to wit: Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, being the eastern BEGINNING at a point on the south side of one-half of Lot No. 67 on the Plan of Colonial Harding Avenue, the northwest corner of Lot No. Park Farms Addition No. 1 as shown by the Plan 111, property now or formerly of Frank D. Care; thereof duly recorded in the Recorder of Deeds thence in a southerly direction along the west side Office in and for Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, of said Lot No. 111, 158 feet to a point on the in Plan Book “J” Page 7, more particularly north side of a 16 foot wide alley; thence in a bounded and described according to a survey of westerly direction along the north side of said 16 D. P. Raffensperger, R. S. dated June 10, 1961, as foot wide alley, 40 feet to a point, the southeast follows: corner of Lot No. 109, property now or formerly BEGINNING at a point along the southern of Charles R. and Mary Seibert; thence in a side of Marblehead Street at the division line northerly direction along the east side of said Lot between Lots Nos. 67 and 68 on the aforemen- No. 109, 158 feet to a point on the south side of tioned Plan, said point being two hundred twen- Harding Avenue; thence in an easterly direction, ty-six (226) feet West of Rutherford Heights along the south side of said Harding Avenue, 40 Road; thence southwardly along said division feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. line one hundred fifty (150) feet to the northern BEING Lot No. 110 on the Plan of Lots known line of Lot No. 74 on said Plan, thence west- as Palmdale. wardly along the northern line of Lot No. 74, fifty BEING known and numbered as 1220 Harding (50) feet to a point, thence northwardly at right Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania. angles to said last mentioned line and though the UNDER AND SUBJECT to the following center of Lot No. 67, one hundred fifty (150) feet restrictions: to a point on the southern line of Marblehead ALL buildings other than porches and steps Street; thence eastwardly along the southern line must be erected at least 30 feet distant from the of Marblehead Street, fifty (50) feet to a point, curb line on the south side of Harding Avenue; on the place of BEGINNING. the middle line of a strip of ground 3 feet in width HAVING thereon erected a brick ranch type immediately adjoining the curb line on the south dwelling known as No. 4715. Marblehead Street, side of Harding Avenue, trees must be planted; on Harrisburg, PA 17109. a strip of ground 5 feet in width immediately BEING THE SAME PREMISES which Carl adjoining the strip of ground 3 feet in width for Newkam and Arminda J. Newkam, husband and planting trees, a pavement 5 feet in width must be wife, by Deed dated July 26, 1961 and recorded laid on demand of Bowman and Bomberger, their August 2, 1961 in Deed Book 46, Page 235, in heirs and assigns; all walks or pavements laid on the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for said tract must be of concrete; dwelling house Dauphin County, granted and conveyed unto James Franklin Green, his heirs and assigns. Advertisements appearing for First Time SEIZED AND SOLD in Execution as the prop- erty of Todd J. Herbster under Dauphin County Miscellaneous Notices Judgment No. 2005-CV-4096-MF. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 07-084-080. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Darlene Waugh, believed heir and/or Executrix distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of of the Estate of James Franklin Green, under Dauphin County, on Monday, May 15, 2006 and Judgment No. 2004 MF 0249. distributions will be made in accordance with the BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto 35-060-064. within ten (10) days thereafter. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Monday, May 15, 2006 and No. 5 – BRETT A. SOLOMON, Esq. distributions will be made in accordance with the ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of land said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto located in Lower Swatara Township, Dauphin within ten (10) days thereafter. County, Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the eastern right-of- No. 4 – DANIEL G. SCHMIEG, Esq. way line of Mountain View Road, said point being located and referenced North 31 degrees 58 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of land minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 149.47 with dwelling thereon erected, situated in the feet from the terminus of a curve having a radius City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, of 17.00 feet connecting said eastern right-of- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania more particular- way line of Mountain View Road and the north- ly bounded and described as follows, to wit: ern right-of-way line of Lexington Avenue; BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of thence by said point of beginning by said eastern North Seventeenth (17th) Street, which point is right-of-way line North 31 degrees 58 minutes 40 80.5 feet southwardly of the southwesterly corner seconds East, a distance of 16.00 feet to a point; of Seventeenth (17th) and Verbeke Streets; south thence by line of Lot #13-J South 58 degrees 02 16 degrees 15 minutes east, 21.5 feet to a point at minutes 45 seconds east, a distance of 114.99 feet the northerly line of property now or formerly of to a point; thence by land now or late of Donald William L. Pryor; thence along same south 73 Shope South 31 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds degrees 45 minutes west, 110 feet to a point on West, a distance of 16.00 feet to a point; thence the easterly line of a 20 feet wide public alley; by line of Lot #13-H North 58 degrees 02 min- thence along same north degrees 15 minutes utes 45 seconds West a distance of 114.99 feet to west, 21.5 feet to a point; thence north 73 degrees a point on the eastern right-of-way line of 45 minutes east, 110 feet to a point, the place of Mountain View Road, the place of BEGINNING. BEGINNING. BEING Lot #13-I on the Final Re-subdivision HAVING THEREON ERECTED a dwelling Plan of Lots #13, 22, 34A, 34B, 36A, and 36B, house. Rosedale. Said plan prepared by Whittock- SUBJECT to all covenants, restrictions, reser- Hartman Engineers and recorded in Plan Book vations, easements and conditions and rights “E”, Volume 3, Page 72 on July 19, 1979, in the appearing of record, and subject to any state of Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin facts an accurate survey would show. County, Pennsylvania. BEING THE SAME PREMISES which Paul CONTAINING 1,839.84 square feet, and hav- R. Johnson, by his Attorney-in-Fact Serena M. ing erected thereon a dwelling known 532 Adley, by Deed dated October 4, 1999 and Mountain View Road, Middletown, PA 17057. recorded October 6, 1999 in the office of the UNDER AND SUBJECT to a 7.5 foot wide Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin County, pedestrian and utility easement along the rear lot Pennsylvania, in Record Book 3524, Page 416, line. granted and conveyed unto Moore Enterprises BEING the same property which Mylin M. Group, L.P. Messick and Doris M. Messick, his wife, by TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Deed dated November 19, 1986, and recorded Todd J.
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