1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 2133 ar-e serving abroad in the Armed Forces of the consideration of their resolution No. 115 with MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE United States, or who are employed abroad reference to the passage of H. R. 2843, pro­ by the United States Government; to the viding for the investigation in the Territory A message from the House of Repre­ Committee on the Judiciary. of Hawaii of the conservation, development, sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, its reading and utilization of water resources; to the clerk, announced that the House agreed Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. to the report of the committee of con­ MEMORIALS 98. By Mr. McDONOUGH: Petition of a ference on the disagreeing votes of the Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo­ number of citizens of Los Angeles, Calif., two Houses on the amendments of the protesting against any move to extend the rials were presented and referred as fol­ draft and favoring universal military train· Senate to the bill <H. R. 3053) making , lows: ing; to the Committee on Armed Services. supplemental appropriations for the By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ 99. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, and for lature of the State of Arizona, memorializing Petition of the City Council, Lowell, Mass., other purposes; that the House receded the President and the Congress of the United asking that Congress take action to extend from its disagreement to the amend­ States relative to their house joint memorial the authorization for the Federal Govern­ ments of the Senate numbered 2, 6, 8, No.5, requesting the establishment of an ad­ ment to control rents in Lowell; to the Com· 10, 12, 16, 18, 19,20, 25, 30, 31,32,and42 ditional International Gate at Nogales, mittee ·on Banking and Currency. to the bill, and concurred therein; that Ariz.; to the Committee on Appropriations. the House receded from its disagreement Also, memorial of the Legislature of the • • ..... •• Territory of Alaska, memorializing the Presi­ to the amendments of the Senate num­ dent and the Congress of the United States, bered 24 and 27 to the bill, and con­ seeking enactment of H. R. 91 and H. R. 92, SENATE curred therein, each with an amend­ 83d Congress; to the Committee on Ways and ment, in which 1t requested the con­ Means. FRIDAy' MARCH 20, 1953 currence ef the Senate, and that the Also, memorial of the Legislature of the The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown House insisted upon its disagreement to State of Maryland, relative to their house the amendment of the Senate numbered joint resolution No. fo, memorializing the Harris, D. D., offered the following 33 to the bill. Congress of· the United States to study the prayer: Federal liquor tax policy and to enact legis­ The message also announced that the lation to reduce the present excessively high Lord of all being, wh06e glory flames House had passed a joint resolution tax rate; to the Committee on Ways and from sun and star and on the resurrect­ <H. J. Res. 223) providing that Reorgan­ Means. ed earth: We bring to Thee our parched ization J?lan No. 1 of 1953 shall take Also, memorial of the Legislature of the and jaded souls that they may be re­ effect 10 days after the date of the enact­ State of Montana, relative to their senate stored and become as gardens of the ment of this joint resolution in which it resoluMon No. ·4, opposing legislation pend­ Lord. 0 Thou, from whom in vain we ing in the Congress for the support of prices requested the concurrence of the Senate. of beef cattle at 100 percent parity; to the try to flee, in a violent world grant us Committee on Agriculture. now a. saving experience of inner quiet and serenity. The futile years with their ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION bitter lessons have taught us that the . SIGNED PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS things for which men really grasp, the The message further announced that Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bauble of fame, the glitter of gold, the the Speaker had affixed his signature to bills and resolutions were introduced and allurements of sense, the bread of pleas­ the enrolled joint resolution <H. J. Res. severally referred as follows: ure, are but vanity and vexation of 206) to authorize the Clerk of the House spirit. And now, at this noontide hour, By Mr. BRAMBLETT: of Representatives to furnish certain H. R. 4132. A bill for the relief of Mrs. with the unsatisfied desires of our yearn.. electrical or mechanical office equipment Raymunda Panart de Zanino and Julio ing hearts, we turr'.. in contrition to Thee. for the use of Members, officers, and Zanino; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Like the flowers in spring gardens uplift­ committees of the House of Representa­ By Mr. DOLLINGER: . ed to the sun, like still waters that mirror tives, and it was signed by the Acting · H. R. 4133. ·A bill for the relief of Mendel the eternal stars, so we would lift our President pro tempore. Kuchcik and Civia Kuchcik; to the Commit­ needy souls to Thee, our light and our tee on the Judiciary. life, our health and our hope. In the By Mr. CARRIGG: PROGRAM FOR TODAY AND NEXT H. R. 4134. A bill for the relief of Francesco Redeemer's name. Amen. Gorga; to the Committee on the Judiciary. WEEK By Mr. GRAHAM: DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESI­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ H. R. 4135. A bill for the relief of George dent, I ask unanimous consent that I Telegdy and Julia Peyer Telegdy; to the Com­ DENT PRO TEMPORE mittee on the Judiciary. may proceed for not to exceed 2 minutes, By Mr. HESELTON: ' The legislative clerk read the follow­ in order that I may make an inquiry of H. R . 4136. A bill for the relief of Willi ing letter: the majority leader. · . Wetterich; to the Committee on the Judi­ UNITED STATES SENATE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ ciary. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, pore. Is there objection? The Chair By Mr. KEATING: Washington, D. C., March 20, 1953. hears none, and the Senator from Texas H. R. 4137. A bill for the relief of Robert E. To the Senate: may proceed. Warren; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Being temporarily absent from the Senate, By Mr. KLEIN: I appoint Han. ANDREW F. SCHOEPPEL, a Sen­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. I shall have H. R. 4138. A bill for the relief of Sara ator from the State of Kansas, to perform to be absent from the Senate Chamber Salcer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the duties of the Chair during my absence. for a brief period during the noon hour. H. R. 4139. A bill for the relief of Jankiel STYLES BRIDGES, Therefore, I wish to inquire of the dis­ Berek Blumsztajn; to the Committee on the President pro tempore. tingui-shed majority leader what business Judiciary. he plans to bring before the Senate to .. H. R. 4140. A bill for the relief of Hyman Mr. SCHOEPPEL thereupon took the day and next week. Drayer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. chair as Acting President pro tempore. By Mr. REED of New York: Mr. TAFT. Presumably there will be H. R. 4141. A bill for the relief of John · nothing but formal matters considered Joseph Kingsley; to the Committee on the today, such as the business of the morn­ Judiciary. THE JOURNAL ing hour and the Executive Calendar. By Mr. ROBESON of Virginia: On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani .. · As to next week, I expect to bring be­ H. R. 4142. A bill for the relief of Edward .mous consent, the reading of the Jour .. fore the Senate on Monday the nomina­ Smiley, formerly Eddie Nichichuk; to the Committee on the Judiciary. nal of the proceedings of Wednesday, tion of Charles E. Bohlen, which is on March 18. 1953; was dispensed with. the Executive Calendar, and will be passed over today. I hope that by PETITIONS,. ETC. Wednesday it may be possible for the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Senate to consider the resolution approv­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Messages in writing from the Presi­ ing the plan to raise the Federal Security and referred as follows: dent of the United States were commu.. Administration to the status of a Cabinet 97. By the SP]l:AKER: Petition of the nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one office. That is all I can report at the County Clerk, County of Hawaii, petitioning of his secretaries. present moment. 2134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE March 20 ended June 30, 1952 (with an accompany­ reimbursing the States for their costs in Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Is the sup­ ing report); to the Committee on the Ju- maintaining such strict supervision and con­ plemental appropriation bill still in con- diciary. · trol, and providing revenue; and in fixing ference? . the amount of these excises, States have GRANTING OF APPLICATIONS FOR PERMANENT sought an optimum figure which will achieve Mr. TAFT. The message just re- RESIDENCE FILED BY CERTAIN ALIENS ceived informs us the House has now a balance between the three enumerated acted on the conference report, so I A letter from the Commissioner, Immigra­ objectives; and tion and Naturalization Service, Department "Whereas the Federal Government has so see no reason why it could not be taken of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to law, substantially increased its excise tax on up today by the Senate, although it copies of orders granting the applications alcoholic beverages that the consumer price ..
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