i ' im L ' iQanrlirBtPr Sti^nino HrraUl T H U R SD A Y , J A N U A R Y 21, U Manchester's **March of Dimes’* Campaign Opens Tomorrow Alterations are being made In t - About Town the House and Hale building to Manchester, provide extra office space for Green Society Heads Parley Pays Trilmte Average Daily Cirenlatlon The Weather Charles 8. House and Raymond R. Date Book Far the Meath e f Deoemher. IM S Fere mat ol tl.'S. Weether Boreaa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry o f Bowers. The three front offices Manchester '?i„ Wai are being changed to make a suit Is Prospering To War Hero S Floersr street gave s party at Ooatlnued cold and lather wlady of offlcea for the lawyera The of- Tomorrow aviSaa Defenoa Pboae 2-616T -> Bad Cmoa Pboiie 6687 7,858 their home Sunday for their son toaighti leweet temperatore only flee occupied by Judge William J. Zoning Board of Appeals, Muni­ Junes, who leaves for service In Mcoiber of the Aodlt few degrees higher thaa laat sight. the U. 8. Army tomorrow. Rela- Shea is being taken over by Mr. cipal building at 8. Parent-Teacher Associa­ Dr. Woodruff Speaks of Prodnctioii 4/thanking the Rad C^roas for Boreaa lEu jitittg IJpralb tivss from Hartford, New Britain, Houae. Saturday, January 28 BtainviOo and this town attended. " ' ■ A Opening Mile of Dimes cam­ tion Reports Passing Private Frank Mans* Arrangementa have been made offer and accepting it Manchester-— A City of Village Charm paign. whereby the Red Crosa production The A m y has requested a The Arm y and Navy Club mem­ Splendifl Year. field. Parish Member. Bag for every service man go! A special ineetlng of the Nurses' Monday, January 25 headquarters In Cheney Hall will bers will meet tonight at 8 o'clock on overseas duty, to be given 'if (Claaeified Adverttatag ea Page U ) (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ) A«d— assodatlon, of which Mrs. at the comer o f East Center and Special Town meeting at High VO L. LX IL . NO. 96 MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1943 Mrs. Richard McCarthy, presi­ be open each day from 10:00 a. m. at the port of embarkation. Itoona Beed Is president, wlU be Spruce streets and march In a school auditorium at 8. Center church, the largest Con­ dent of the Manchester Green Par­ to 3:00 p. m., Monday through F ri­ National Headquarters fumii held tomorrow evening at eight body to the Watkins Funeral home Tuesday, January 28 gregational church in town, has a Joint meeting Manchester’s Ser­ ent Teacher association, presided the material and tape fo r the I o’cloek at the T. M. C A. Xt is to pay their respect to Arthur membership of 1345, according to day inclusive. TTiose In charge are: vice Clubs. Speaker, Rev. Dr. at the business meeting held last and chapters make them and important that all aides attend. Bartley, who was a member of the Monday, Mrs. Charles Wilkie; James Gordon Gflkey. night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the report submitted last night'by for the contents out of their club. Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Willett: funds, or with the help of Mss Mabel A. Lanphear of Wil- Wednesday, Janimry 27 Gllmoure Cole of 58 Stephen the clerk, Mlsa Evelyn R. John­ street. VV^dnesday, Mrs. Finnegan, Mrs. ! side groups and organisations. British Battle Today Manchester t)ay at Hartford Soviets Tighten Net Bmantlc Is the guest of Miss Lela In an item in yesterday’s Herald ston. There were a total of 79 ad­ Had Prosperous Year Edwards; Thursday, Mrs. Lester | The contents (approved by Webster of Center street Miss telling of the commissioning of Blood Bank. ditions to the membership. Trans­ Routine business wss conducted Hohentbal; Friday. Mrs. William i War Department) cost $1.00 ■ I liSnpbear was formerly principal Judge Emri Stidham as a captain Work on Red Cross Siirg^lcal fers to other churches and ten during which it was disclosed that Mwnce. I eaeh bag—wholesale ^cSs. S f the Manchester Green school. in the U. S. Arm y it stated that dressings at the American Legion deaths reduced the net gain to 27. Due to shortage of gasoline it i Interns] Revenue omce allows he is the father of one son. Judge hall between the hours of 10 a. m. the association had a prosperous Paj-s Tribute to War Hero will be possible to have Red Cross i Red Crosa to purchase cUraret The Townsend club will have a Stidham has two sons. Donathan and 4:30 p. m. and active year In 1M2. and a Rev. Dr. Watson Woodruff, the Tuesday, February 2 total of 120 membera were en­ sewing and knitting delivered only In Tripoli’s Suburbs; pastor, gave a brief review of the smoking tobacco, and playil On Stalingrad Foes; brief meeting and card party to- and Emri, and one daughter. nHwrow evening at 7:30 at the Annual meeting of Manchester rolled. Due to fuel restrictions, it year just passed. He paid tribute once a week. People desiring cards tax free. ) Betty-lou. He received his law de­ either, to be delivered to Park Hill home of the president Arthur gree at Memphis University Law Red Cross Chapter. Trade .School is impossible for the present to to Private Frank J. Mansfield of Manchester has respontled sple F.orists, Mrs. Marie Cox on Hud­ Palmer, 139 Oakland street School. auditorium at 7:30. hold meetings at the Green school, the Marine Corps, news of whose dldly to this program and to .' Monday, Marrh 1 and it was voted to omit the Feb­ death from wounds received in a son street, or Red Ooss office. Individuals and organizations Prises vdll be awarded the win­ Lester C. Smitli ners at cards and refreshments Bingo will be held as usual in "Riibinofr and His Violin" at ruary meeting. An invitation has battle overseas, had just been re­ Orders should be in at production contributed in the amount High School hall. Auspices Man­ headquarters by Monday noon, and Nazis Menace Town already been received for the ceived. The youth who is only 19 S743.93. Nazis Admit Menace served. Plans will also be made the Orange hail basement tomor­ Mr. Smith is general chairman chester Kiwanis Club. March meeting at the home of one Is the son o f Mrs. Martha and the package wUl be delivered at the fo r representation at the mass row night under the auspices of of the War Production Conference One large ifiiipment has gof of the members, after which it will late Frank Mansfield, and is the stations Tuesday. meeting In Hartford Sunday the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. Play being held today at the Hotel overseas and the Manchester Cba probably be possible to hold an first member o f the church to be The K it Bag program Is one of ter is. now starting to make Other Spearheacls Are afternoon from three to six will begin at eight o'clock sharp. Bond. Mr. Smith is an engineer High Command Ad­ o’dock. It will be held in Ttal- Orange hall is so centrally located April meeting at the school with killed In action in the present war. the most Important projects In the fill another 400 bags for this PUers a special speaker. The sum of for the Spencer Turbine Co. of He was a member of the Boy Scout production department at the prea- mits Army Fighting Believed to Be Bypasff- lan-American club ball on Pearl that the Tall Cedars believe most Say Farewell Hartford. Over 1,000 production quota. The latest donors are: three dollars was voted to the troop of the church and received ent time. Sherwood Cheney, 34 Park sL Street of the bingo players can reach men and engineers are expected ^ ing City in TliruBt "March of Dimes" Infantile the highest honor in scouting when Early last winter the national And Dugouts of Rem­ For Life Against Far Mate in Valley to Get Credit there by bus or by walking. to be present. One o f the fea­ 85.00; Ladles Auxiliary. Andet. By Russians There will be a meeting of the To Postmaster Paralyaia fund. he became an Eagle scout. chairman, Norman Davis, wrote to Shea Post No. 2046 Veterans tures ol the conference will be the nants of 22 Divisions. Superior Forces; Prob­ West Is Fought to To Cut Off Road to finance committee of the Man­ Prize Winners Dr. Woodruff spoke of the ef­ the War Department asking if Corporal Knute Anderson. of talk at 2:45 on ‘T h e Conversion Forelg;n Wars. 85.00; Moriar chester T.M.C.A. at the Y tomor­ fects of .war on the different they would like to have the Red ably Gloomiest Com Standstill During the Tunisia; Only Rear Fort Hamilton. Brookljm, N. Y., is Prize winners at the various Engineering Program in the Brothers, 850.00; Women Feder Before City; Oil-Rich For Action row noon at 12:15. It is an im­ ^ames included Mrs. E. W. Whit- church organiiktions by the draft­ Crosa supply these bags. They con­ No Surprise home on a 10-day furlough. Employees Pay Tribute Springfield Ordnance District” by tion Center Congregation churcl Savage Counter • At­ Guard Troops Left portant meeting and all members ham. Mrs. Betty Lewis, Mrs. How­ ing of younger members of the sidered the matter for some time 83.75' Miss Elizabeth Krapowicl Region South of Ros­ munique Issued by To Thomas J.
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