.’'j. ft’s; J AveniK* Deity Net PrSee Run it Tbe Weether THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80, 19W | ' Wr. «M W««k' Mieet. - PAGE THIRTY-TWO O ct. 2 5 0 1 . IM S VianeMt 4« D. & Woetker Om w fianrh^aitpr lEmitlttg ^lirrallf ■ . • -i— ~ '■ 12,815 W hidy M d MMl VwIghL Laar l e (h e 48a./PMti]r eloody, w tm tf, eaM ' Newconners to M»nche«ter who David C. Ogrexi and Alan C, friends Will also be held' , at the M aoA ar « l Um A a d n h«d not Attended previoue meet­ Ogren, sons of Mrs. Winifred C ircle P Ianniitg Knights of CotUmbua Home Satur­ (RMrdajr. mgb 48 h> M. Drop bi and m o tlio "aH now" BarMW Ml fjlrMhitlMi ^ About Tuwu ings of the YWCA.sponsored Newr. Ogren, .172 E. Middle Tpke., grad- day. The meat will be served Manchmtter— A City of VillaK« Charm comers Club were welcomed 'Att.* uateif from re,rrult trajning Oct, 18 D ance Saturday promptly at 7 p.m. and dancing tea held recently at the home of at the Naval Training Center,. will follow. Mrs. Mildred Callahsui, M onehottor iorbor Sliop . The Manchester Boartl of Health Great Lakes, HI. 49 Coleman Rd., Is tihalrman of advises all persons to arranne Mrs. C. Easton Perry, 176 Wads­ g '. , . 1 St. Margaret'! Circle, Daughters the affair. VOL. LXXyilL Not 27 <TWENTY-KOUR PAGi$S—TWO SISCl'IONS) MANCHESTER, CON^., FRIDAY, OCTOBER SI, 1958 (duaUlei Aevardahig Page M) PRICE FIVE CBNTft with their family physician to re­ worth St. Mrs, Perry was assist­ of Isabella, at its meeting Tues­ .« 8 Barbers At. AH Tismeni ceive vaccine against flu, especial­ ed by the following committee: Army Pvt. Raymond {. Clement, .....• ... ly person.' employed in rrlticnl Mrs.’ Daniel Taylor, Mrs, Mar­ 20. son of Mi. and Mrs. Rufus K. day evening welcomed several new f»LUS 4 ON “'SATURDAYSI positions. This recom'memiallon jorie Reed, Mrs Robert ScllettIer^ Clement. 188 S. Main St., recently members Into the clrcte. Dona­ Broadcast Tonight was made at a meeting of the board Mrs. William Rlngrose end Mrs. ■was graduated from the Army in­ tions of money were voted to Holy Public Records ■fr'., ■...... Tests En d held yesterday.; Daniel Post. formation School at Ft. Slocum, Trinity Higji School. Hartford, and « Special attention given to ladles* aa<^ N.'Y. A 19.16 graduate of Manches­ rhildren'a hair ontthig. to the knights of Columbus for Warrantee lleeda Members of the Ladies of 8t. The Halloween party planned ter High School, he attmded the Eugene W. *nd Martha K, Free­ % James are reminded of the c::om- University of Connecticut before their printed programs, - • If an appointment is deeired, phone for tomorrow evening"' by Mhis man to Risymond W. and Effle -i'M I t-8841.. ‘ . ' T ■ /4s Fallout munlon breakfast following the 8 Lynne Evans 2.S .N. Elm .St has entering the Arniy last May. Mrs. Foster Williams and, Mrs. May Blake, property at 98 Deep- am. Ma.ss''Sunday in St. .lames' been canceled because Miss Evans Michael Gorman were aj pointed wood Dr. , - ' ■ . ...Hf ._____ School hall. Tickets may be ob­ I Is 111. Mias Carolyn Robert, daughter to represent the circle at 'll meet- Richard A. and Theodora M. es tained from .Mrs Charles lats- of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Robert. 6J2 : inga of the Council of Catholic Nohte to Eugene W,*j(irtd Martha j OPEN DAILY 8 to 6—CLOSED WEb?fESbA,Yl^ perance or any of the following ! Members of the Manchester W .Middle Tpke., headed the col­ Women. / committee: Mrs. Thomas Wilkie. j Association for the Help of Re- E. Freeman, property at 828 W. lege chest.'drive al Ml. Holyoke Those who plan to attend the Middle Tpke. Atomic Test Site, Nev., Oct. Mrs. Herbert Wright. Mrs Joseph ! tarded Children will lour Mansfield College Ihi.d week. She is mnjoring banquet ’ of the Hartford Circle, I .State Training School Wednesday, ■' Trade Name 31 (A*)—An, eri of nuclear Sullivan. Mrs. Bernard Cogarty. In F.ngllsh literature. Daughters of Isabella, should make MANCHESTER BARBER SHOP alauting at »:30 a m. Anyone inter­ . By THE ASao 0 1 A*rBO FBESS weapons testing ended at mid­ Mrs. Benedict Zollo. Mrs .lohn reservations Ihrougli ' the regent. Andrew Bsmiak, doing busi­ 1099 MAIN STREET—NEXT TO KEITH’S FURNITURE Mitchell Mrs .lohn OCnnnoi- and ested in joining Ibe lorn may call Miss Alina I-nGace before Nov. 6. ness as Andrew's'tJrocery at 457 "A night. And in its wake: Re­ Mrs, Louis Sllhavy, 1.3 Ridgewood I Bruce A Staples, 22 Russell St.. Pnaldent Eisenhower makes a l|nal bid tonisht for ••Re- Mrs James Crowe. ' A^lnper dance for members and Main St. pubucen Congress. The opposition says he oims thanks to newed furor over the dangers St. was recently promoted in grade to . Plans Heunion of radioactive fallout. The .Manchester Shiitlerbugs will I cadet staff sergeant In the Air “ire the Dfnnocratic-controlled Congress for any administration Manchester Auxiliary PnIne G a u n t! W. Hunt. 27 (Jrecn Rd., President Eisenhower’s one-year meet Wednesday nighi at 7 o'clock I Force Re/>erve Officers Training pifEldrnt of 1943 o f Mfln* accomplishments. Eisenhower, who has campaigned With I will meet tomorrow night at Po ! Corps at Colby College, Wsterville, Buspenaion of tests went into ef­ at the home of Reginald riiilo, 371 chGRlor High Srhnol. 1ft. on the ar- new vigor in this year’s battle for--^'—------- --------- ----------------------- ' fect today. Talks between the • -f .fX W Middle Tpke . and prm ecd from I lice Headfpiartera at 6:30 for aa- .Maine Cadet Staples, a sophomore Congreaa, chose Baltimore for hlay aignment to the vadoua Halloween rangemonlM ciommlUoe for the United States, drita^ and Russia there to Ilarlfoid foi night shoot­ al Colby, Is assigned ss a fllgiil rlBKft reunion Nov. 29 at the K of t '"Windup vote-Repubiican appeal to Sets Monitor Parley ; parlies Ihroiighoiil the town, I setgeant. will determine whether it lasts ing of the Capilnf Building and the Homo, the nation via radio and television. Sikoreky^iCuts longer. Hotel Staller In the event of bad Reaorvationft from rlHanmate.'^ Tile President has struck some weather the meeting will he held 33ie nex. meeting of the hoard heavy blows at the Democrats in ’ne last atomic shot went off of diiectoi s of the Mam heslei; ^tilrl .Major F,. Waller Lainie will are b*lnp aroepted hv Krneftl in a mountainside tunnel with an St Pinto ,s home si 8 oi lock condiirl an informal Bible study Di*ke, RFt) 3, and they cloee Nov. Speeches all the way to the West W ill Idle 1,100 Condition at Geneva I Scoiils will be held al Ihe -fliil earth-jolting shock It wai. as big ■Sioiil r ffii'c. 02.3 .Main St , Tuesday this evening al 8 o'c lock In the 10. Coast But he waa expected to lay as the atomic pomba which de­ A memorial ,Ma^« for the de. .Salvation Aiiuy Citadel. A verse emphaata-tonight, on what he con­ Stratford. OcL «X (8P)—The Si­ ceased members of (iibhons As- night at 7:.30 stroyed Japanese cities in World Geneva, Oct. 31 (4>)—Russia today reiterated ita demand i by verse study of St P a n I'l TKIVIIM tends are hla ' administration’s korsky, divlaion of United Aircraft War n. It lofted a 500-foot wide senibly Calhohc l.adies of ('ohim- klpislle to Ihe Romans will be achievements in, the foreign arid' for nn immediate suspension of nuclear weapon testa forever, biis will he lieM in .'it .lames’ The aiiniial budget' meeliug of In Ihe riilciiliiiii of the early Corp. will reduce its workforce by column of rock and di~t 1,000 feet the Second (.'ongi egatlonal Church highlighted by free and open dis­ universities, the trivlum nieanl Ihe domestic fields. / about 1,100 ' employes, the firm above the >nountain top.. Huge Soviet Delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin made the deman<^t Chiircli at 11,30 .Siimlay mot rung cussion by the audience. The piib- Senate. Democratic Legder Lyn-' Members will meel in a body at will he held Monday al 8 p.m at .flrsl Hire, of the seven liberal arts: skid today. bouldets crashed down the elopes. the start of negotiations with the United States and B t^ in llc Is invited. doi) B. Johnson of Texas said last the cliimli ai llvl.'i.' i the church. gramtidir. logic snd rhetoric. The company gaVe declining pro­ Atomic Energ/ Commission aci- for a joint su.sjiension of tests under international conCTol. night Eisenhower has received duction schedules and decreased entlati kept trying to set’ off an* more cooperation from Democrats Defense Dept, spending as the rea­ other weapon right up until the Tsarapkin said a permanent undertaking by the thrra pow­ In Congress than from Republi- sons for the cutback. The cuts will r. Idnight deaaline. A blast waa ers to stop tests should precede negotiation of tl« control eans in the House and Senate. take place between now and April to have gone off under a balloon system to detect violations. The West has cnnaiiMently re­ Sneaking to a party rally In In- 1, 1959 atjilnnts here and in at 1,500 feet altitude. But high fused to agree to a permanent ces.sation of te^ts unless th« 302 MAIN ST., CORNER MIDDLE TURNPIKE (Uanapolia, Johnson said the Preai- Bridgeport. wJnds balked the effort. dent ought to refnember "that the Lee S.
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