Ne\vsletter of the Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club ROBERTA SHERMAN RETIRES, SUE ANN PARTNOW BECOMES DISTRICT LEADER Sherman ends eighteen year -1 Jeffersonian leadership run E ' - July 21 . Canars1e. Brooklyn - In a mom.:nl '~I. rcrnml\cent of General Dougla~ McArthur\ forc­ ~ fr wdl speech hdore the U S. Congress s1xty-fi, c year~ ago. the Thoma~ JcfTer~on Club ·s .. General'· ~ for eighteen )Cars. Roberta Sherman. stood before a packed l10usc al the TJ Club on July 21 '' to bid farewell. a~ she '"pa:-.scd the baton'" to her successor. Sue Ann P:irtnow A two minute standing ovation and mes of .. we lo, e you.. from the crowd greeted l\h Sherman a~ ~he \tepped up to the podium. The TJ Club announced the retirement of Roberta Sherman (left) as district "'You·re gomg to make me cry:· ~aid Ms. kadt:r and tht: appointment of Sue Ann Partnow (right) as her successor on Sherman who \\3!. vi~ibly moved by the moment. .. , July 21''. am goi ng to be part of the Thoma~ Jefferson Cluh forc,er. ,, hethcr I lih· 11 or not. I felt that there was an outstanding person who could take my place. TJ Club gears up for all out war against f Ms. Partnow] wi ll do a great Joh. I have no doubt about that. .. self-aggrandizing challengers Ms. Sherman \\as ~elected as female district The amusmg thing about politics 1s that people often come llUI of leader m J 998 when then male leader, the legendary nowhere. lacking the qualifica11ons. judgment and abilities needed for Tony Genovesi. "'a~ looking to fi ll the vacancy political otlice and possessing limited knowledge of the pressing issues; created by Joyce Arbcrman ·s re :-.1gnation. At that concerning thei r community. yet still choose to run because they feel they tnne. the club was embroiled in a heated ri valry with were meant 10 run. For the fi rst time 111 years, the TJ Club faces such a the county leadership and Mr Genovc~i needed to candidate 111 this year's primary. The same candidatt.: who ran again,t our find someone capable of :1ss1~t111 g him during what councilman. Alan Maisel, three years ago and failed (and \\ ho Mr. Mai<;cl \\OUld be tumultuou~ 111nes. He turned 10 Ms. utterly destroyed in their only debate). ha~ now decided to chalknge our state Sherman. a local activist who \\ a~ president of the ~cnator. Roxanne Persaud. and our female leader Sue Ann Partnow She ha~ ~11ll I-land Civic Association. fou nded the Mill also managed to dig up another unqual ifi ed candidate to nm again~! our male hland Retiree~ and wa:-. a loyal club member. Mr leader, Frank Sedd,o. and ~talc assembly member. Jaime Williams. (ienovc~1 "ent around the borough introducing her According to reliable sources. the candidate she fou nd to run against both of th a, 1h1: ~late comn11t1cc,1·0man for the 39 Assembly them is actually her second such candidate. the first ha, ing re~igned alkr he th D,~1rn:1 ( precursor 10 the 59 ). even before <; he \\ a<; discovered she put hi:-. name on her petition as a candidate without hi s dccted. pennission or knowledge. Incredible! f(o11ti11ueJ 0 11 Page :!/ (Continued on !'age 5) Jaime Williams, taking 82% Seddio awarded the New of Vote in Special Election, York legal profession's now runs for reelection 'Academy Award' Aug. I. Canarsic, Brooklyn - In April. Jaime Williams, crnised to victory over her Republican challenger 111 the Special Election Photo by Ian Gaynor 1 for the Assembly 111 the 59 h Assembly District. obtai ning 82% of the vote in her first election. Now she gets ready to face a Honoree Frank Scdd10 embraces his award as he poses with 1 challenger in the September 13 h primary. master of ceremony and Fox News legal commentator. Arthur Only three months into her inaugural term, Ms. Williams Aidala and Columbian Lawyers president, Marianne Bertuna. has already hit the ground running. wTit111g several bills in the Assembly. including one that expanded the definition of"tcnant'' as it pertams to receivmg notice in foreclosure proceedings She April 15. Manhattan. New York - New York· s legal profession has co-sponsored eleven bills. including those dealing with came out to honor our leader, Frank Scddio, at the Waldorf labeling foods prodm:ed with genetic engineeri ng, enhancing Astoria as the Columbian Lawyers Association awarded him out-patient treatment programs. improving qua li ty of care fo r with their Charles A. Rapollo award. The award is generally individuals with strokes and other health issues, creating self­ regarded as the 'Academy Award' for the New York legal sufficient retirement programs, establishing a task force on profession and past award recipients have included such notable safety in school transportation. and modernizing the voter dignitaries as United States Supreme Court Justices Samuel registration for individuals with disabilities. Alito and the late Antonin Scalia. Mayor Bill de Blasio She needs your vote on September 13"' to contmue her hard introduced Frank before presenting him with the Award. o work for our community. o died, everyone came together. We had 130 people here every (Contmued from Roberta Sherma11, p. I) night because of the reputation this club had. Everyone came Tragedy would strike weeks later as Mr. Genovesi would together in honor of him." perish 111 a horrific auto accident on his way home from Ms. Sherman, only the third female leader in the club ·s sixty Massachusetts. Instantly. the club was left without their year history, would go on to serve wi th three other district charismati c leader and would now look to Ms. Shcnnan for leaders. Besides Mr. Genovesi, she served with Herb Berman guidance. fro m 1998 to 2000. Bernie Catcher from 2000 to 20 IO and her .. Roberta became the leader in 1998. literall y. the election current co-leader, Mr. Seddio since 20 I 0. Mr. Seddio had before Tony died. Three weeks later Bernie [Bernard Catcher. nothing but praise for the woman he often called his "political Genovcsi's nght hand and future TJ Club leader] had open heart wife." ~urgery. so she had to run the club," said Frank Seddio, the "She's had a momentous career, selflessly gave her all for fourt h leader with whom Ms. Sherman served. the good of this organization. I look at this with a great deal of Ms. Sherman reca lled that turbulent period when the club sadness, but at the same time a good deal of love and respect for "a~ ~1111 at war with the county organization and was involved in a woman who has made the difference in the Thomas Jefferson ~1x primary races, only one of which, outside the district, they Club," said Mr. Seddio. would ultimately lo~e. ''I've had enough time,'' said Ms. Sherman. "It's time to ·• J 998 \\-as a to ugh year,'' said Ms. Sherman. "When Tony pass the baton. I feel it in my heart, I know it's the right thing fo r everybody.'' o ()s.1hihiNPmln ~ ifimmaiiii NEW YORK STATE PRIMARY IS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH Our Thomas Jefferson Club Candidates: For State Committeeman 59'" AD: Fo r State Committeewoman 59th AD: la Frank R. Seddio Ii Sue Ann Partnow .,-1 }.~ i ■ Ki ngs County Democratic Chairman ■ Senior Center at HES-formerly at Bayvie\\, director ■ District Leader. 59'h Assembly District ■ Board of Trustees, Sisterhood of Temple Sholom ■ Retired Surrogate Court Justice, Kings County ■ Canarsie Volunteer Ambulance Corps., founding VP 1 ■ Former ~e" York State Assembl)man, 59 h A.O. ■ Ecumenical Committee, St. Bernard Church & ■ Past Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus Temple Sholom ■ Former District \tanager & Chairman, ■ Community Board 18, former member C'ommunit) Board 18 ■ Thomas Jefferson Club. Board of Directors ■ Founding president, East 90's Communit) ■ Bergen Beach Chic Association, member Association ■ Served on the PTA's of PS 312 and Ro) H. )1ano J HS ■ Canarsie \ olunteer Ambulance Corp., founding ■ Conducted seminars on elder abuse, senior citi.tcn president scams and falls prevention. ■ Flatlands \ oJunteer Ambulance Corp., member ■ Raised funds for breast cancer research, cerebral ■ Legal coum,cl, ~ e,t Indian Ila) Parade Association palsy and coordinated communi~ health expos, food ■ Our Lad) of Miracle!> and St. Bernard Churches, and e}eglass drives. active member ■ Organi✓. ed programs honoring veterans, hosted event., ■ Seddio & Associates, P.C.. mana~in~ partner for domestic \.iolence victim'>, Holocaust memorial ■ Annual Canarsie Christmas Di,pla), corner of ceremonies and Black Hi.,tory l\1onth. H atlands AH. and E.ist 93rd Street, creator ■ Bachelor's degree in pS)Cholog), Brookl)n College ■ Gre\\ up in Cananie, lives in Bergen Beach with ■ Grew up in Canarsie. lives in Bergen Beach"' ith her his \-\-ife .Joyce. He has two daughters and two husband, .lu\ticc Mark Partnow. She has two sons, grandchildren. \1itchcll and Brandon and daughter-in-law, \liri. ■ Prinripal la,~ clerk in State Supreme Court, resoh es For Civil Court Jud e: issues of Ian, procedure and evidence arising from medical malpractice, negligence actions, foreclosure l'J Consuelo Mallafre Melendez matters and trials. Conflict resolution and ,ettlements. ■ Office of "'I .Y.C. Corporation Counsel, Special Litigation and l\ tedical \falpractice l nit of the Torb Dh ision. ■ Former social worker assisting \.\Omen and children \.\ho were victims of dome\tic \.iolence. ■ Degrt.-es from Brool..J}n La" School, Rutgen l 'niHrsit~ ■ Original!) from Cuba, she came to the Lnitcd States m escaping from the Castro regime ■ Lives in Brookl)n \.\ith her husband, \\ith "'horn \he ha., three children.
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