s ■ Average Dally Circulation For the Month of November, IN I The Weatker ’ Fereenet of U. S. Wintber Bnraia 7,010 , Mostly cloudy and eclder t»- Member et the Aadtt' night; Thursday fair and eeldert Bareaa of ClrenleHime moderate to freob eoutbwoot wtaSe. Manehe»teT—-A City of Village Charm Advertising On Pnge 18) VOL. LXI., NO. MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY’, DECEMBER 10,1941 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THRESf CBI Invasion of Luzon; Two British Warships British Battleship Sunk by Japs Off Malaya Japanese Jubilant Roosevelt Says Navy I After News Given Still Has Supre Of War Suceesses Declare 'British utZ Hull Wants Wales, Repulse Eastern Fleet Oblit e ra | e d ' in Announc­ M eet Held ing Sinking o f Bat­ Most Disastrous Blow Army Communique Re*; tleship and Cruiser; On Menace To British Navy in Britain Will ports Japs Altaic Land in Philippines. ------ Whole War; No Word Open Bases ‘In Force’ at Norths The powerful new 35,000-ton Battleship Prince of Wales (shove) Of How Ships Sunk Tokyo. flying the flag of Admiral Sir Tom Phillips (right), commander of End; President Radio Picked Up by AP)— ] Foreign Mini$ter$ at the British fleet In Eastern waters, and the 32,000-ton Battle Cruiser Or Fate o f Crews, To­ For Allies misses as ‘ Fanta^e* Loudspeakers shouted Ja-1 Repulse were sunk by the Japanese off Malaya In the most disastrous talling 3,000 Men;; Rio de Janeiro in Jan­ tingle blow struck to the British Navy In the whole war. Their los.t Japanese Qaims olf’^ pan’s most tremendous news was announced by the British Admiralty without word o f how they Japs Oaim Sinkings uary on iVar Peril. were sunk or of the fate of their crews, totalling more than 3,000 men. *All Facilitiet We Can . Naval Supremacy of war successes bo far— the sinking of two of Britain’s Result of Air Power. Afford Will Be Avail­ Result o f Surprise*^ Washington, Dec. 10—o»>)_Sec- II I ■ mightiest capital ships and able* in Pacific; Jap­ the landing of Japanese retary of State Hull today propos­ London,’ Dec. 10.— (A»)— Washington, Dec. 10.— ed a conference of American for­ forces in the Philippine is- Britain lost two of her might­ anese Called Pirates. —The War Department’s ' eign ministers to be held at Rio de Japan Lands Troops Unda—today to Jubilant throngs iest capital ships today— the Janeiro, Brazil, in the first week of first official communique to*4 of war-stirred Japaneae. Announc­ powerful new 35,000-ton bat- London, Dec. 10.—Of)—A British ing that Britain's new, 35,000-ton January. day announced the defeat of^i Hull’s call for a conference to tle’S^hip Prince of Wales and authority declared today that "all a Japanese invasion attempfcl battleship Prince of Wales and In Northern Luzon battle cruiser Repulse had gone discuss the new war menace which the 32,000-ton battle cruiser bgaea and facilitiea we can afford on the w’est coast of Luzon I^.! confronts the western hsmiaphtre Repulse— both sunk by the will be available for our alUea" In down In the Padfle off MUaya un­ land as President Rooseveltl der bursts o f Japanese air bombs, waa disclosed in the following Japanese off Malaya in the the Pacific. statement issued by the State De­ .1^ D^ussing the Naval situation claimed continued supremacy' Imperial headqiferters declared partment: most disastrous single blow "the British Far Eastern 5eet has '‘sTn"*".”. Warnings In the Pacific, hr stigmatized the for the United States Navy ■ ^ "Thla morning the secretary of ■truck to the British Navy In the Japaneae aa “a bunch of pirates been obliterated." in the Pacific. lAizon la the pria- ■ state proposed to the governing And Damage at Least whole war. Their lose was an­ whose technique In opening hos- cipal Island of the PhiUpjXlMHL No ladleattoa of Other Loeeae In New York nounced by the Admiralty with­ Manila is located on it, about MB ' (The k>aa o f the two ablpa was (Coattaned Oa Paga Two) 2 More Enemy Ships. out word of how they were sent to (CooUnoed Oix Page Slzteea) miles from where the . Japaaee* aclmowledged by Britain but the bottom of the Pacific ocean or landing were attempted. B^rtler there was no Indication of other Bulletm! Sound Again of the fate of their crews, togeth­ from Manila an Army communi­ leases to substantiate the Japa­ er more than 3,000 men. A Japa- que had reported the Japaneea neae claim that Britain’s newly San Francisco Manila, 1:15 p. m-, Dec. 10. neee communique aald they were Britain looses were attacking “In force" at. La - massed Naval atoeogth in the Far — (12:15 a. m . r s,t ) ■ (/P), - ' 'Enemy Bombing Immi­ destroyed by air attack. zdiri'fioriBem end, betV/een Vlgan East had been nidlllled.) Japanese parachutists were | This, If confirmed, would be the and Aparri. Japan already had otalmed naval nent' Police Report; flrat known alnklng of any war- In Blackouts reported to have captured the i Plan to Sped Air Base Near The communique said that In­ supremacy o f the Padfle after her Bhlp of the alze either of the formation received from the oon - Sunday air smash -against the northwestern Luzon port of | Later Found to Be Prince of Wales Or the Repulse by mending general of the Far East­ United States flieet In Pearl Harbor, After Alarms Vigan today and sea-borne Naval Patrol Planes. Nation’s Pace aerial bombardmenL Thai Frontier ern command "reveals the defenfc: Hawaii, and Imperial headquarters troops landed near the north­ of a hostile attack against tSa ‘ M today proclaimed her prepared to Slakes Terse Statenaent ern port of Aparri. An Army New York, Dec. 10—(IP) —Air Prime Minister Churchill made west coast of Luzon between aelae control of both the air and Fernando and Vigaui. Our water of the Peclftc, Indian end Accompanied by Tales communique said the Japa­ raid warnings were . Bounded in On War Work public the announcement in a Balks Japanese Drives Antarctic oceans. terse atatement before the shock­ bombing attacka on stz Hidf Dosen Flares nese fought their way ashore New York et 8:41 a. m. (e.a.t.) to­ ports at Vigan resulted in dhtaA.I ' In a virtual broadside of com­ ed House of Oimmons. In Northern Malaya muniques which kept crowds gath­ at Aparri under the protec­ day after almilar 'Wamingi had hits on three hostile ahlpg Dropped Over City flashed over Long Island. The all Substantial Expansion He gave the news bluntly: And at Kuanton; Re­ damage to the remaining ered In front of radios end newe- tive fire of their warships paper bulletin boards, the Army From Enemy Planes. clear waa beard at 9:01 Of Naval Building Pro­ "I have bad news for the House one ship capsizing and i amid bombing by American Police headquarters reported which I thought I should Impart port Units Reorganized immediately.” and Navy sections- of the Imperlu planes. heSj^uarters. that "enemy bombing waa immin­ gram and Seven-Day to them at the earlieet possible The pl!«sident dizmiaaed aa Sen Francisco, Dec. 10.—(P)— ent" but Flrat Air Force headquar- moment,” he declared, ’’n ie report Singapore, Dec. —(;p)_ i^ e tastic" the Japaneae eieiiw Laadlag Partlea' Soceeasful 10 Two air raid alarms early .today tera at Mitchel Field diaclairhed Week to Aid Effort. has been received from Singapore they had taken naeul supreB Bald Japanese landing partlea Manila, Dec. 10.— (A^— British appanently have lost Kota plunged San Franclaco Into a any knowledge of hostile aircraft that HMS Prince of Wales and in the Pacific through their had been set ashore successfully In Japanese troops landed in being in the vicinity. Washington, Dec. 15— (IP) —A HM8 Repulse have been sunk while Bharu, the northern Malaya air blackout almost 100 per cent ef­ prise attack on Peart Harbor I the Philippines north of Manila In northern Luzon' today, the Patrol Planea Taken . base where the Japaneae have day. fective. substantial expansion o f the Na­ Joint land-aet-alr operations first full fledged landing on It later waa learned that U. S. (Coatlniied Oa Page Sixteen) landed strong forcea Just inside the Nevertheless, he told the : against PhlUpplns realatance. The elarma were accCmpehled Navy patrol planes bad been mis­ val conatruction program, already Thailand frontier, but a commu­ Declared that previoualy-report- Amel-ican soil since, the War taken for enemy craft. The police hiztory’a biggest, and I^sident nique Indicated tonight they have by reports thst e half dozen darea (Continoed On Foga aixtaeB)^ •d occupation of the United States had been dropped over the city, o f 1812, after American war­ Telegraph Bureau said it sounded Roosevelt’s announced policy of a Treasury Balance balked Japanese drives both In Padfle Island of Guam bad been presumably from enemy planes. planes sank one transport the alarm after receiving a warn­ seven-day week in all munitions that area and at Kuantan, only " .... confirmed and that Japanese miU- 200 miles north of here. T ~ r ; ^ The Army Interceptor com­ and damaged at least two ing by wire signal from the New Industries promised today to quick­ Washington, Dec. 10.—(flV-The tery and Naval forces now York Information-Center oh De­ The communique mentioned aecurely established there. mand, silent aa to the cauae of the more of the attacking force, fense. en the pace of Aiherica’a war-time position of the Treasury Dec.
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