• * 6. - V ‘ • AYEBAOH DAOLT OIBOD1.ATION fW the Meath e< October, IMS e< U. 8. Weather BMrtlerd 6,201 of the Aadlt Fair tonight; TaaMay eleady lei- eC ObealatlaaB iK m tfIjp atp r iE u p u itw fe a l J i lowed by tala Taawlaj aimrt, aet much changa hi tenperatarak MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVnL, NO. 82 AdverHalM «■ Pag* Id)* MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1938 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS War Supplies Fired By Japs at Bias Bay FOUR PERSONS DIE JAPANESE PAVE WAY IN BOLTON CRASH; 2 SERIOUSLY HURT FOR RECONSTRUCTION SFEIEC^SES ^OO^ILIOHT Foir Others Injnred h Ac- AT BOUDAY IHNNER OF WAR-TORN AREAS Philadelphia, Nov, 7— (A P ) — cident Caused When Lo- It wUl be the epeecbes, not the LOOT MARKETS DOING ' turkey, that wUl highlight the , FLOL'RISHINO BUSINESS cal Car Skids At Over- Klngaley dub's TbanksgvUng MORE REVISION Form Central China Devd- dinner. Membera are stutterers,' I Canton, China, Nov. T— (A P ) ' pass, Crashes Another. or former stutterers, the club| Loot markets are doing a ' opment Company; P ru i- having been formed aa aa aid to MAY BE NEH flourishing business here with overcomUig the Impediment. I Chinese ornaments, silks and John Koke, of Eugene, Ore., a I other valuables selling for next newcomer, wlU attempt hla first' dent Of New Concern Four perrons are dead and two to nothing. pubUc speech this year. HUNGM PLEA others are on the critical Uat at the I One foreigner purchased for k ^ ch eater Memorial hospital as the leas Ulan |1 a camera of a type Gives Assurance Japan ^L of an automobile'^accident on i Mid In the United States for Enthnsiasin Whipped Up By ! 8350. Has No Intention Of west side of the Bolton Notch ^•rpaas which occurred about 11:30 NEW DEAL AND zturday night. Four others also Military Occupation Of Monopolizmg Commerce. were Injured. The dead: Colllnr Johnston, 21, son o f Police JURY INQUIRIB Czechoslovakia Brings JAPS PREPARE Commissioner and Mra. Jamea H. Tokyo. Nov. 7— (A P ) Tha J^anass Johnaton of 9 Monroe atreet, Man- government paved the way for rt- chester, who died at the local hospi- “Partial Justice” Claim. MAJW ISSUES FOR NEW DRIVE construetion of war-davaatatad tal shortly after midnight Saturday night after being removed from the arsas o f central China today whsB , scene of the accident it formed ths Central China Davair Budapest. Nov. 7.— ( A P ) - Senti- Robert McKay, 24, of Bolton, who Stan) On h Bold ReEef As AGAIN^tHIANG opment Company, twin o f ths North ment for further territorial revision was killed Instantly when his neck smashing drive on Canton WM to China Developmant Company. was broken by the Impact and was a n to m ilitary warchouR^a on thi>the watarwater front. Framed i.In a- _border___ _ of grimly-BlIhouetted__ Jananeee rode at high crest In Hungary to- net removed from the car until after A t the aama time Kenjl KnAama, Result Of Disenssion By Jddiers. this picture .how. an Important part of the mlUtary supplte. of tie Jolni “^p ?n day. tha coroner arrived, three hours AttackiDg Chinese Positions president o f the nearly formed oem> Enthusiasm whipped up by mlll- later. paay, gave aanirancaa that J^mn U ry occupation of a slseable chunk Mrs. Leora Wlerock, 30, of Willl- Cross A i^ Leadinf Ri- had no intention of nyimyaiieing mantic, who died at the hospital here of Czechoslovakia inspired Hungar- Along Border Of Hnnan at 7:20 Sunday morning, having been ian leaders to tell the people this commerca In China o f Intarfealng thrown from the car. She suffered vals, Baldwin And McLevy victory was "only partial justice." Province, Advandng Up with exlettng or futura foralkh an- a fractured akuU, face and body SAYS REDS USE HIGH TRIBUNAL DELAYS Hungsry, they said, rejoiced that terprise. • Injuries. Italian-German arbitraUon brought *Ve have no Idea o f monopoly," the return of 4,875 square miles of John T. Johnaton, 40, of M Ash- By ASSOCIATED PBES8 tn tirtin territory, about one-fifth o f the to- River Also Overland. ford street Hartford,' who suffered BOOK OF LABOR with foreign Intereete already axist- a fractured skull, died at the Man- Two major Issues— the New Deal LABOR BOARD DECISION tal lost to Csechoslovakla at the Ing In central China nor wlU wa op- chester hoapital early yesterday and Connectlcut'a two grand jury end of the World war. But, speak- po6e new foreign Inveatmenta pro- afternoon. investigations— stood out In bold re ers added, the nation wrould not be Shanghai. Nov. 7.— (A P )—Japa- vided they are offered in the aSlrtt Oa Critical Uat BOAIMHCIAL satisfied with that. of friendly cooperation." lief today, tha day before election neae forces were reported attacking On critical Uat: Also Lea?es For Later De- (The post-war Treaty of London Chinese positions along thi border of The new holding company, whleh Frank Wresien, 28, of 18 Chapman as a result of discuaalon by Gov. transformed Hungary from a mari- was Incorporated today, araa eanttal- road, WiUlmantic, who has a frac- RUSSIAN SEES time empire of about 10,000 aquars Hunan Province today preparatory Wilbur L. Crosa and his two leading Ised at 1 0 0 .0 0 0 ,6 0 0 ^ Tihout tured akuU and has not regained con- Witness Before Dies Com- miles to a land-locked nation of to a drive Into the hitherto untouch- ♦27.700.000). ^ rivals. Republican Raymond E. Bald- termination Case Inrolr- sciouineM since being brought to the about 86,000 square miles. ed territory where Oenerallestmo Denies Jspansee Osntrsl ^ and Socialist Jasper McLevy. horaital. mittee Says Chief Econo- NEWCONFUa (In the dismemberment of the Chiang Kai-Shek has concentrated Kodama aald the oompany aroold The chief executive, retorting to Miss Laura Lariviere, 32. of 441 ing Chfld Labor Amend- former Austro-Hungarian empln>, not BoHdt foreign financial aid. crlttdsm by McLevy in Connecticut the backbone of hla defenaea. West street, WllUmantlc, who has a Clzechoslovakia got about 24,300 adding that "we are not In n poal- fractured skull. with the Waterbury and Merritt mist Wrote Text Studied square miles; Rumania about 38,000 The Invaders were advancing up tlon to do that" He denied thatthe Others Injured: Parkway eaaca. attacked what he ment To The Consdtntion AGAIl*^ NAZIS square miles, and Yugoslavta, 8,100 the Yangtze river from Hankow, aa various companies to be affUlnted Nathaniel Summers, 36. o f 42 termed "Inatnuatlona" that he had aquare miles. In the separation of “ f. overland, aiming at YoA ow , under the holding company would John street WlUimantle, arha warn been connected "with dlahoneat men In Communists’ School Austria and Hungary, Austria got 122 miiEi from tho formor provision- al capital. be completely Japaneae. tha owner of the oar that was hsad- o f the taro leading partlaa." Washington. Nov. 7.— (A P )—Ths Higli Soviet (MTidal FredicU about 1,900 aquara milea. Italy "On tha eontruy", he cUted. “we sd «a * t serkmsiy but not critically "Bveryona who ta acquainted with got the port of Fhime.) Yochow is on the Canton-Hankow intend to work hand in hold Supreme court.dellvered 18 opinions raUway and the Yangtze at the en- injured. me knows that I have never bad Washington. Nov. 7.— (A P )—The Archduke Leads Drive. the Chlneae. Chlneie capital ariU Mrs. Mary Johnston, 89, wife of today, but left for later determina- The 72-year-old Hapsburg Arch- trance of the 3,000 aquare mile Lake any inUmate association with men House committee Investigating un- War In Late 1941 Unless Tungting. enter and c:hlneae labor alraady la at John T.'Johnston, one of those klU whoee character at the time wee In tion cases involving powers o f the duke Joseph, a field marshal In the work.” ' ed, who is badly Injured, but la az' American activities received testi- One Japanese column was taport- question." he aeeerted in a campaign National Labor Relations Board and World war, was one who called for Refarrtng to British PrUna M in w SA' pected to recover. mony today that David Saposs, Workers Of World Unite a drive to gain full revision of the *0 lo have captured Tsungyang, 65 broadcaaL the status of tne proposed child miles northeast of Yochow, wbUa ter (Tbamberlaln’s recent irttoh In Edward Werner, 35, of 11 Crosa A t the same time, Govemo:- Cross Identified as chief economist of the World war Treaty of Trianon. which (Thamberlaln aald t o e t la M street, Mancheater, who was the labor amendment to the constitu- "Now, without distinction of another waa said by the Japanese termed Baldwin a “political reac- Labor Relations Board, was the was not far dlatanet when Japan driver of tha car headed weat, who tion. To Block Fasdsm Spread class or rank, we will only be Hun- to have taken Wulipao, 35 mUes to tionary" and in turn waa criticized the northeaat, killing 400 Chinese. would need British capital for haa a dislocated left shoulder and author of a text book used in a Cases decided by the court today garians working for restoration of work, Kodama aald: body Injuries and U a paUent at (Ztommunist workers school in New Lose Entire Battalion (Clentlaiied On Page Two) after a two-week. recess were of ‘T believe that statament la baaad tha hoq>ital. York. minor importance. The Chinese admitted they had Moscow, Nov. 7.— (A P )—Soviet (Onnttmied on Pag* Two.) lost an entire battalion In an attempt on misinformation.
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