■— ■¡—g*— » ’ i yrrtrr-r - - VOL. II. BniO&TOISr, M E., FR ID AY, SEPTEM B ER 28, 1800. N O . 47. ¿Ip Dttildón Reporter ton wi thing a fortnight. She asked to be ‘No— never!’ she said firmly. ‘ I'm not ■Ami is there nothing wrong beyond this ? ' 1futility that was maintained, could have towels, and dusted tho ash besprinkled' lovingly remembered to her aunt and cousins going to have my niece a teacher in that . fCBUSHEO E V E R Y F R I D A Y M O R N I N O ‘Nothing that I have heard. Agaiust her imagined how the case realty stood. hearth with his best silK handkerchief?— adding that it would have been grateful to school. No— nor any school in Boston.' 111' S. II. N O Y E S . purity of character, slander, I taKe it, dare Mr. Edmondson was still talking with the He’d like to see a room in better trim her feelings to have received a letter from ‘ Why not ?’ asked Eunice. not even whisper. And Miss R-------says, Gregorys, when a movement indicated a se­ than that— guessed he would! And now ENOCH K¡NIGHT, EDITOR. one of them. ‘Is the girl beside herself!' that in sweetness of temper, womanly dig­ lection of partners for dancing. The young he was mending himself up, preparatory to All letters must be addressed to the •Harriet,’ said Mr. Gregory, ‘you must ‘You must reconsider this whole matter,’ nity, se f-reliance, aud Christian patience iu man, instead of asking Harriet to take a going to call on the very pretiest girl in jier Communications intended for write to your cousin. It isn’t Kind !' said Mr. Gregory. ‘I ’m sorry it was not •ition should be accompanied by the the discharge of duty, she is peerless.’ place with him on the floor, merely bowed j New York. Not that he w as particularly ‘ Indeed, pa, you must excuse me,’ answered mentioned before, Have j'ou really engag- ¡¿the author. ‘I liKe all th at!’ replied tho young man, and withdrew. In a little while, gay mu- j fond of the needle,but when a fellow’s whole J(, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN AI>- the young lady, in a cold, proud manner.— ged with Miss It- with er thusiaism. ‘Here we have a real sic filled the air, aud beauty wheeled in in- j foot goes through a hole in the northeast toe ygg; one dollar fifty-cents at the end of •I have nothing to s a y / ‘ Yes, sir.’ woman: not a weak, selfish, proud, indolent, tervolving circles through tho rooms. N o : ot his stocking and there isn’t a button on mr. _ •You could say a Kind word to the moth-1 ‘My niece! Such a disgrace !' ejaculated iiisOF Advertising. One square 16 ! spoiled nursling of a luxurious home, rear­ one had offered a hand to either of the Miss . his shirt, it's time to repair damages. oae inaertion 75 cents, 3 insertions cries? girl. Think of her lonely, sorrowful Mrs. Gregory, carried away by her feelings.' ed by \ weak and selfish a mother, and Gregorys, and they sat, iu some disappoint-1 Now as Mr; Thornbcooke’s whole stocK of 4; $2.00 ; 6 months $3:50 , one condition. It should fill your heart with ‘What will bo thought of this?’ j^OO; 1-4 column $18:00 ; 1-2 column Kept iu}. Aos and satins, and pillowed ou industrial implements consistid of a lurnn tenderness and pity.’ ment, where tney had taken their places ou [ j; one column $50:00 ‘I will call on Miss It-------and cancel the down, tor some silly man who is weaK eutoring the parlors. Mr. Edmondson was of wax, an enormus pair of scissors, and ono i PRIN’TI.NG executed with neatness, But Mr. Gregory could maKe no impres­ engagement,’ said Mr. Gregory, iu the kind­ enough to take her, in the hope of getting a ou the floor, in the ether room, but they were j needle, the mending didn’t progress rapidly. ,3tss and despatch. sion on the proud, unfeeling girl, who was est manner. ‘I regret that you have not wife ! Of what use to auy one in this world not, at first, from their position, able to Ilis way of managing the button question, ;IEL T. NOYES, A gen t in P ortla n d . wholly influenced by ber mother’s estimate felt at homo here, but we will try to make of care, sorrow, trial, reverses, aud disap­ make out his partner, of whom they could , too, necessarily involved some delay; he bad of the case. things more agreeable. Don’t think that pointments, is a silly doll like that ? He is to cut all these useful little appendages from r«Arthur's Home Magazine for October. A t the cud of a fortnight Eunice arrived. Mr. you arc a burden to us. ’ only get fleeting glimpses, as she swept to ! a fool, who tries the voyage of life with such the outer circles iu the mazy figures. They j another shirt and sew them on, and next POOR COUSIN EUNICE. Gregory met her at the railway station. He j ‘Uucle Gregory,’ replied Eunice, ‘I settled ; a helpless companion. I piiy him when the saw that she was tall, beautifully formed, j weeK wThen the second shirt was wanted, why had not seen her for five years, but recognized this matter long ago. I am too self-relient BYT. a ARTHUR. sKy darkens, and the storms fall ! The aud graceful in her movements, but attired it was easy enough to make a transfer a- her in a moment by the large,dark, chestnut j &nd too just, I hope, to live in idle depend- niece, I infer, was poor.’ with exceeding plainness. Her face did not gaiu ! See what it is to be a bachelor of gen- In« a letter from Windham,’ said Mr. brown eyes which he had thought so beautiful | once. Since I have becu here, I have tried i ‘Yes. A brother of Mrs. Gregory married happen to be toward them, when her person ious ! It never once eccurred to him to buy a ;iT. It was nearly five minutes after in her mother. Her reception, when he pre­ to make myself useful, and to repay your a girl whose position in life did not suit her was seen. few buttons extra ! ;il come in, one cold Saturday cven- sented her at home was not cordial. The gonerous kindness in all ways in my power. high notions; and so neither himself nor Who was she? That was the one ques­ “Buttons are not much trouble,” said Mr. iKorember. A fire had been made up aunt and cousins scarcely veiled their re­ It has been done inadequately, I know— but wife had any countenance. The brother tion in their thoughts. The solution came. Thronbrcok to himself, as he wiped the per­ * dining-room, and his wife, and two luctance at receiving her with a decent po­ the heart of gratitude was there, and it will died some years ago, and his widow, and As the figures tooK a reverse motion, the fa­ spiration from his brow, “ but when it comes 4 daughters, Harriet and Lizzy, were liteness. They pushed her away from them never cease to beat. Now I go, as I have true, good woman, ns I have learned, strug­ ces of the dancers were seen successively, to coat-sleeves, what the mischief is a fellow gis its genial glow when he entered, to the utmost distance in their power, and said.’ gled alone with poverty, to raise and edu­ and that of Air. Edmondson's partner was todo? I haven’t auy black thread, either;” she moved back, instinctively, at the press­ Remonstrance and persuasion were alike ini the circle that opened to receive cate her daughter. She died, after well ac. and ho looKed dolorously at a small tear ure, and stood afar off— not in tearful sub­ unavailing. At the time specified, Eunice presented to the eyes of Mrs. Gregory and complishing her work. The Gregory» then her daughters, radiant with beauty aud | just in his elbow, where some vicious nail ?•* Helen.’ mission to her fate, nor iu proud defiance— left her uncles house,and assumed the duties offered Eunice a home. They were written feeling. had caught in the broadcloth. “A blacK but in such calm, womanly dignity, that of a teacher in Miss R-------'s school, greatly h Helen is dead.’ to, I believe, by Judge Ilelmbold, cf Wind­ pin may do for to-night, and to-morrow I’ll her aunt and cousins were embarnssed in to the scandal and mortification of Mrs.! ‘What a sweet, pure lovely face it is,’ re­ .«if ham ; and sho was taken into their family, send it to the tailor. The fact is, I ought to their effort to make up an estimate of her Gregory and her daughters, and greatly to marked a lady, who had seen the counten­ ’«t m surprise, but no sorrow in the as I infer, merely to save appearances.' be married ! and so I would, if I on,ly dared character. She had disappointed them.— ance of Air. Edmondson’s partner. She ad­ ■i ¿»Uttered and echoed the word— tho satisfaction of her owu independent to ask Lilian. 0, dear ! I Know she would’t ‘Why, a girl like this one, is worth a hun­ dressed Airs. Gregory, but received no res­ Her picture, iu their minds, had been that mind.
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