Alexandria Holiday Entertainment Gazette Packet Page,15 25 Cents Serving Alexandria for over 200 years • A Connection Newspaper November 29, 2018 ‘Not Sold On This’ School Board expresses more concerns, questions about high school proposal. By Dan Brendel ters reside in leased spaces that can flex with need; Gazette Packet and would best serve the community’s vision for what a modern secondary education should look like. he school division administration’s desire Learning centers would focus on career-oriented to grow T.C. Williams High School into a “themes” — like business, medical sciences, STEM Tnetwork of programmatic sites met — in much the same way that T.C. Williams’ various pushback from the School Board on Mon- “academies” already do. day, Nov. 26. This thematic array With the high school would enable students and bursting at the seams, the “To me we need something parents to customize edu- division needs to add more cational “pathways” based seats. But rather than ex- that moves a little more on their interests. panding existing facilities The proposal leans or building a second com- quickly to solve our capacity heavily toward providing prehensive high school, the stress right now.” “experiential learning,” division’s senior staff and such as internships and hired consultants would — School Board member Margaret Lorber dual enrollment college prefer multiple off-site courses, similar to the “specialty learning centers.” They say a multi-center schools’ Career and Technical Education program. Photos by Laura Mae Sudder Photos approach is more feasible than expanding T.C. Will- Partnerships with businesses, nonprofits and insti- iams’ main campus, already atypically large; offers tutions of higher education — like Virginia Tech’s greater adaptability over time if, for example, cen- See Board Expresses, Page 4 ‘A Life Well Spent’ Joann Miller dies at 91. By Jeanne Theismann years, worked to help better the Gazette Packet lives of those in the community. On Lighting for the Season Nov. 20, the political leader and The 2018 City of Alexandria Tree Lighting Ceremony s a young military wife, tireless advocate for battered on Friday, Nov. 23 at Market Square heralds the AJoann Miller picked up women, children and the elderly and moved often. But she died at Greenspring Retirement holiday season. contributed Photo and her husband, Air Force officer Community from complications Edward Anthony Miller Jr., had a related to Alzheimer’s disease. She different way of collecting souve- was 91. nirs from their travels: they Born in Detroit on June 23, adopted children. 1927, to Bernard and Nettie “I always joke that mom and dad Gough, Joann Elizabeth Miller at- picked up a kid everywhere they tended Mackenzie High School went,” said Adrienne Miller, a re- where she began volunteer work Joann Miller, a 2013 Living cently retired Alexandria police as a member of the Girl’s Reserve. Legend of Alexandria, died officer and one of three children See ‘A Life’, Page 9 Nov. 20 at the age of 91. adopted by Miller and her hus- Alexandria, VA 22314 VA Alexandria, band. “My friends would ask if that St., King 1604 To: ted bothered me but I was always re- Reques Service Address ally proud of it. Mom always said material. Time-sensitive ‘I didn’t just have you – I had my Postmaster: choice. I got to pick you.’” Attention When Ed Miller was assigned to Margaux Cronin, #482 Permit duty at the Pentagon in 1967, VA Alexandria, “Rosalie,” and PAID Miller chose Alexandria to raise Postage U.S. Nora and David Earle Anna Verich STD PRSRT her family and, for more than 40 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Alexandria Gazette Packet ❖ November 29 - December 5, 2018 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Alexandria Gazette Packet ❖ November 29 - December 5, 2018 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Alexandria Gazette Editor Steven Mauren From left: Jason Raborg, News 703-778-9415 or [email protected] Giant Food District Direc- tor; Willem Polak, chair- man of the Alexandria Police Foundation; Captain Don Hayes of the Alexan- dria Police Department; Virginia Obranovich, executive director of the Alexandria Police Founda- tion; Norman Dichard, Giant Food Store manager; and Gordon Reid, Giant Food president. Photo Contributed Newest Giant Food Opens he Alexandria Police Foundation selections, hot food bars and more. Addi- received a $1,000 check from tional store offerings will include free WIFI TGiant Food at the Nov. 16 grand and a full-service PNC Bank at both stores opening of its new store at 6200 as well as a Starbucks Caf . Little River Turnpike. Giant pharmacists offered health screen- The new location offers enhanced ex- ings and the nutritionists discussed healthy panded departments for local shoppers. The food options during the grand opening new and upgraded features include ex- event. From left: Alexandria Elks Lodge #48 Exalted Ruler Harold M. Ford; panded natural and organic departments, For more information about Giant, visit Daughter of Israel Temple #138 Ruler Joycelyn Bogans; John L. larger produce, ethnic food, beer and wine giantfood.com. Taylor, Senior Citizen Committee chairman; Leonard J. Polk, Jr., Esq., Grand Exalted Ruler, I.B.P.O.E. of the World; and Doris L. McMurray, State President, Virginia Daughters of Elks. Police Encouraging ‘Street Smart’ Photos Contributed s part of the Alexandria Police If driving: A Department’s traffic safety program ❖ Slow down, obey the speed limit, and Feeding and commitment to Vision Zero, the be alert for people walking and biking. Field Operations Bureau is participating in ❖ Stop for people in crosswalks. the Metropolitan Washington Council of ❖ Never pass a vehicle stopped at a cross- Governments’ Fall Street Smart campaign. walk. Seniors This region-wide public safety campaign ❖ Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists when aims to educate drivers, pedestrians, and turning. lexandria Lodge #48 and Israel bicyclists about existing traffic laws and If walking: ATemple #138 in collaboration how to safely share roadways. The ultimate ❖ Wear something bright or reflective with the Alexandria Depart- goal is to reduce the number of traffic re- when it’s dark outside. ment of Recreation, Parks and Cultural lated crashes and injuries on the roadways ❖ Use the crosswalk and wait for the walk Activities held their 36th Annual Pre- by identifying and changing unsafe behav- signal. Thanksgiving Senior Citizen Dinner for Principal speaker at the dinner ior patterns among travelers. ❖ Watch for turning cars at intersections. seniors at the Lee Center on Saturday, William Chesley, deputy director, As part of the Street Smart campaign, If biking: Nov. 10. More than 275 seniors at- Alexandria Department of Recre- Alexandria officers will conduct high-visibil- ❖ Be predictable and obey signs and sig- tended the event. Guests were treated ation, and Harold Hughes, Elks ity traffic education and enforcement on N. nals. to dinner and entertainment. Lodge #48. Beauregard Street, between Sanger Avenue ❖ Never ride against traffic. and Seminary Road on Wednesday, Dec. 5, ❖ Use lights at night. from 7-9 a.m. and 3-5 p.m. For more information about the city’s Key safety tips for drivers, pedestrians, commitment to providing safe streets for all New Turning Restrictions and cyclists include: users, visit alexandriava.gov/VisionZero. walking and biking, children, and seniors). How To Reduce Stormwater Fees City targets One of these Year 1 Engineering Priorities Beginning Dec. 1, all property owners in new infrastructure to meet Chesapeake is to install “No Turn on Red” restrictions at the City of Alexandria can apply to lower Bay cleanup mandates. City Council 10 intersection for 10 intersections to improve safety for people their 2019 stormwater utility fees through adopted a credits program for nonresiden- walking and driving. credits for actions that reduce stormwater tial properties in 2017 and a program for “No Turn on Red.” Crash data was analyzed for 2011-2016 runoff or improve stormwater quality. residential properties in October 2018. during the Vision Zero Action Plan process. Property owners may visit Credit applications are due each year be- tarting late this fall, staff with the De- The data showed that during this time, 445 www.alexandriava.gov/Stormwater to view tween Dec. 1 and Feb. 15, for the fees due Spartment of Transportation & Envi- people walking were involved in crashes the new Stormwater Utility Credit Manual the following June and November. ronmental Services (T&ES) will in- with one in seven of those crashes result- and learn more about approved credits and stall new “No Turn on Red” restrictions as ing in death or serious injury to the person. fee reduction percentages. Crime Report part of the implementation of the city’s Vi- Turning-movement crashes were found to Single-family residential property owners sion Zero initiative to improve safety on the be among the most common crash types in are billed flat fees based on the types of The following incidents were reported by the streets. Alexandria. property they own. The fees for nonresiden- Alexandria Police Department. As part of the Vision Zero Action Plan, T&ES staff will be implementing a por- tial properties are based on each property’s SUNDAY, NOV. 25 City staff analyzed crash data, industry best tion of these new restrictions over the com- total impervious area. Impervious area in- The Alexandria Police Department is investigat- practices and research, public input, and ing months. During implementation, T&ES cludes only hard surfaces on which rain ing a felonious assault at Edsall Road and Yoakum Parkway. One subject was transported to hospital also formed an interdepartmental collabo- staff advises residents and visitors to stay falls, and does not include the interior with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. ration team to develop a set of Year 1 Engi- alert to potential new traffic patterns square footage of buildings.
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