Telephone Directory CALL IN EMERGENCY Particulars Phone No. Fire Brigade 250488 Ambulance Red-Cross Society 256622 Ambulance Service 254588/102 P.G.I.M.S. Enquiry 211305, 212643-46 Police Control Room 100 Civil Line Police Station 228135 Police Post (P.G.I.M.S) 212327 Police Station (Sukhpura Chowk) 9996781068, 241656 Police Lines 250279 Police Station Sadar 276975 Police Station (Bhiwani Stand) 235676 Casualty P.G.I.M.S. 211304 Blood Bank 211306 IMPORTANT ENQUIRIES Particulars Phone No. Time 174 Trunk-Call Booking 180 Trunk-Call Assistance (Enquiry) 181 Phonogram 185 Directory Enquiry 256077, 197 Local Complaints/S.T.D. Complaints 198 Local Assistance 199 General Bus-Stand (Enquiry) 276641 Railway Station (Enquiry) 268648 IMPORTANT S.T.D. CODES STATION CODE STATION CODE Abohar 01634 Dujana 01251 Agra 0562 Faridabad 0129 Agroha 01669 Ferozpur 01632 Ahmedabad 079 Fatehabad 01667 Aligarh 0571 Gandi Nagar 02712 Allahabad 0532 Gohana 01263 Ambala 0171 Guwahati 0361 Amravati 0721 Gurgaon 0124 Amritsar 0183 Gwalior 0751 Badli 01276 Hansi 01663 Bahadurgarh 01276 Hassangarh 01262 Ballabhgarh 0129 Hissar 01662 Bangalore 080 Hoshiarpur 01882 Baroda 0265 Hyderabad 040 Beri 01251 Indore 0731 Bhatinda 0164 Jaipur 0141 Bhiwani 01664 Jagadhari 01732 Bhopal 0755 Jalandhar 0181 Bhubneswar 0674 Jammu 0191 Bond Kalan 01250 Jamshedpur 0657 Bijnore 01342 Jind 01681 Calcutta 033 Jhajjar 01251 Chennai 044 Kaithal 01746 Chandigarh 0172 Kalka 01733 Ch. Dadri 01250 Kanpur 0512 Dabwali 01668 Kapurthala 01822 Delhi 011 Khanna 01622 Dubaldhan 01251 Karnal 0184 IMPORTANT S.T.D. CODES STATION CODE STATION CODE Kalanour 01258 Pathankot 0186 Kurukshetra 01744 Patna 0612 Ladwa 01744 Phagwara 01824 Lakhan Majra 01257 Pundri 01746 Loharu 01252 Pune 020 Lucknow 0522 Raipur Rani 01734 Ludhiana 0161 Rajkot 0281 Mahendergarh 01285 Rajpura 01762 Meerut 0121 Rewari 01274 Meham 01257 Rohtak 01262 Modi Nagar 01232 Saharanpur 0132 Moga 01636 Sampla 01262 Murthal 013082 Sangrur 01672 Mussoorie 01362 Shillong 0364 Muzaffar Nagar 0132 Shimla 0177 Mumbai 022 Sirsa 01666 Mysore 0821 Siwani 01255 Nabha 01765 Smalkha 01742 Nahan 01702 Sonipat 0130 Nainital 05942 Srinagar 0194 Narwana 01533 Tohana 01692 Narnaul 01282 Tosham 01253 Palwal 01275 Udaipur 0294 Nilokheri 01745 Varanasi 0542 Panchkula 0172 Vishakhapatnam 0891 Panipat 0180 Yamunanagar 01732 Patiala 0175 INDEX Office/Branch/Deptt. Page No. Officers of the University 1 Vice-Chancellor’s Secretriate 2 Registrar’s Office 2 Office of Controller of Examinations 2 Dean of Academic Affairs 3 Dean of Faculties 3 Establishment Branch (Teaching) 4 Establishment Branch (Non-Teaching) 4 Secracy Branch 5 Conduct Branch 6 Result-I Branch 7 Result-II Branch 8 Result-III Branch 10 Result-IV Branch 11 Certificate Cell 11 Re-Evaluation Branch 11 Regn. & Scholarship Branch 12 Academic Branch 13 Colleges Branch 14 General Administration Branch 15 Purchase & Store 16 Accounts Branch Bill Section 16 Payment Section 16 Budget Section 16 Pension Cell 16 Remunaration Section 17 U.G.C. Cell/Loan 17 Office/Branch/Deptt. Page No. Cheque Section 17 Fee and Cash Section 17 Audit Branch 18 Public and Enquiry 18 Public Relation Office 19 Security Office 19 Legal Cell 19 RTI Cell 19 SC/ST Cell 20 Faculty House 20 University Canteen 20 Transport Office 21 Vivekanand University Library 22 University Website 23 Health Centre 23 Dean Students’ Welfare Office 23 University Press 24 Directorate of Sports 25 Engineering Cell 26 SDEs/JEs of the Engineering Cell 27 Horticulture 27 Hostels (Boys) 28 Hostels (Girls) 29 Directorate of Distance Education 30 S.B.I. MDU Branch 31 Co-Operative Bank 31 Computer Centre 31 Centre for Competitive Examinations 31 Non-Teaching Employees Association 32 Office/Branch/Deptt. Page No. N.S.S. Office 32 University Campus School 32 University Employment Bureau 34 Women Study Centre 34 List of Ministrial and secretarial cadres of 35-59 UNIVERSITY TEACHING DEPARTMENTS Bio-Chemistry 60 Cente for Biotechnology 60 Botany 61 Chemistry 61 Commerce 62 Computer Science & Application 62 Defence & Strategic Studies 63 English 63 Economics 64 Education 64 Environmental Sciences 65 Food Technology 65 Geography 65 Genetics 66 Hindi 67 History 67 Institute of Management Studies and Research 68 IMSAR Library Staff 69 Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management 69 Journalism and Mass Communication 70 Department of Law 70 Mathematics 71 Music 72 Office/Branch/Deptt. Page No. Pharmaceutical Sciences 72 Political Science 73 Public Administration 73 Physics 74 Physical Education 75 Psychology 75 Sanskrit 76 Sociology 76 Statistics 77 Engineering & Technology 77 Institute of Law and Management Studies Gurgaon 79 Visual Arts 79 Zoology 80 P.G. Regional Centre Mirpur (Rewari) 80 President MDUTA 80 Centre for Haryana Studies 80 Institute of Development Studies 80 Chief Editor & Director MDU Alumani 80 Indian Institute of Management 80 Ch. Ranbir Singh Chair 81 Campus Network Management Unit 81 New Campus 82-102 Affiliated Colleges 103-138 District Administration 139-140 State Universities 143-144 University Grants Commission 145-146 Media of Rohtak 147-148 Court Officers 149-150 MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY, ROHTAK-124001 (INDIA) UNIVERSITY LIBRARY NEW CAMPUS NETWORK EXTENTION & MAINTENANCE UNIT TIPS FOR USING UNIVERSITY’S TELEPHONE SYSTEM 1. To use t he syst emas I nt er comi .. e use wi t hi n t he NewCampus, di al f our di gi t number l i st ed i n t he Di r ect or y. For example, di al 3001 or 3030 t o cont act hol der s of t hese I nt er comNos . 2. To cont act f r omUni ver si t y I nt er comon a Landl i ne No. ( say 292367 i n Roht ak, di al ‘0’ f ol l owed by Landl i ne No. e. g . 0292367 (i f‘0’ f aci l i t y i s pr ovi ded t o t he I nt er comNo . hol der ) 3. To cont act f r omUni ver si t y I nt er comon a Landl i ne No. out si de Roht ak, di al ‘00’ f ol l owed by ‘ Ar ea Code’ and t hen Landl i ne No. (00+Ar ea Code + Landl i ne No.) e. g . 00+01662 (Ar ea Code f or Hi sar ) + 294378 (Landl i ne No. of Hi sar) ( i f ‘00’ i s pr ovi ded t o t he I nt er comNo . hol der ) 4. To cont act f r omUni ver si t y I nt er comon a Mobil e phone wi t hi n Haryana onl y, di al 0+ t en di gi t Mobil e phone number ( i f‘0’ i s pr ovi ded t o t he I nt er comNo . hol der ) 5. To cont act f r omUni ver si t y I nt er comon a Mobi l e phone out si de Har yana, but wi t hi n I ndi a, di al “00 ”+ t en di gi t Mobi l e phone number ( i f ‘00’ i s pr ovi ded t o t he I nt er comNo . hol der ). 6. To cont act f r oma Landl i ne or Mobil e No. f r omRoht ak, add 39 bef or e t he I nt er comNumber l i st ed i n t he Di r ect or y. For example, t o cont act t he hol der s of 3001 or 3030 I nt er comNos . hol der s f r oma Landl i ne No. i n Roht ak, di al 393001 or 393030. To con- t act f r omaa Landl i ne Nos. f r omout si de Roht ak, add “ Ar ea Code 01262” bef or e t he above si x di gi t number . 7. Posi t i on of namesi n t he Tel ephone Di r ect or y does not i ndi cat e any seni or i t y. For hel p, pl ease cont act HCL Teamon 3030 or 3050 or 99969- 70060/99969-70080/99969-70090 or Sh. Sat i sh Mal i k on 3001. MDU EPBAX Nos. (OLD CAMPUS) For Incoming Calls 266051 266052 For Outgoing Calls 266054 266055 266056 DIAL ANY OF THE ABOVE NUMBERS. AFTER THAT A ECORDED VOICE WILL BE HEARD. PUSH * BUTTON AND THEN DIAL EXTENSION NUMBER. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PROVISION IN YOUR INSTRUMENT THAN WAIT FOR OPERATOR. Any change in your Telephone Number etc. as and when occurs, may be intimated to the General Branch, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. (1) OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY Name Desig- Inter Off. Resi. Mobile nation Com No. CHANCELLOR His Excellency, Jagannath Pahadia (01272) 2740654 2740643 – VICE CHANCELLOR Prof. R.P. Hooda 294 274327 274710 – DEAN ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Prof. Surinder Kumar 283 292208 292541 9996464009 REGISTRAR Dr. S.P. Vats 212 274640 272820 DEAN, COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Prof. Daleep Singh 231 274532 9896358085 PROCTOR Prof. K.P.S. Mahalwar – 272499 9416498123 CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Dr. B.S. Sindhu 213 274169 272770 9416731550 FINANCE OFFICER Sh. I.S. Poria 223 295258 9813193434 (2) Name Desig- Inter Off. Resi. Mobile nation Com No. VICE-CHANCELLOR’S SECRETARIAT Sh. Surender Kumar D.R. 208 274327 274429 9416272831 Sh. Chatter Singh Supdt. P.A. 209 292431 9255596639 Sh. Hans Raj Asstt. 294 274327 210194 9467670194 Sh. Nanak Chand Asstt. 294 274327 9416978354 Sh. Mohan Lal Clerk 274327 9466473917 Sh. Babu Ram Clerk 274327 9416283137 Sh. Bijender Singh Clerk 274327 9416508421 Sh. Parvinder Jain Clerk 274710 9466350567 Sh. Jeet Singh Gun man 274327 9466832424 Sh. Kuldip Grover Steno 274327 9466075170 Sh. Chand Singh Security Guard 274327 9416197736 Sh. Kaptan Singh Clerk 274327 8053325066 REGISTRAR’S OFFICE Dr. Anar Singh Dhull P.A. Grade I 317 274640 279083 9813023738 Sh.
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