jrjHF^i| TRINITY COLLEGE • HARTFORD • CONNECTICUT P^^B8™^ Vol. LXXXIV, Issue 12 December 10, 1985 Cheerleaders Cited for "Grain Train" Party by Brian Rowe "Grain alcohol is a very danger- Staff Writer ous drink and its relative lack of taste encourages irresponsibility, The recent "Grain Train" dance, she said. sponsored by the Trinity Cheer- Underage students were served leaders, violated "several alcohol at the party, according to Chu- policy regulations," according to Richardson. Assistant Dean of Students, Paula "A few underage students were Chu-Richardson. served, and one was taken to the The main violation of the policy, hospital due to intoxication," Chu- according to the college, was the Richardson said. distribution of hundreds of pam- Davoren defended the effort to phlets advertising the grain alco- resrict drinking at the party. hol punch that was served at the "We carded every person and dance. the bartenders mixed and served "The policy states that alcohol all the alcohol," she said. shall not be advertised; especially Representatives from the cheer- such a potentially dangerous drink leaders, bartenders, and Dean of as grain alcohol," Chu-Richardson Students Office met last Friday to said. discuss the aftermath of the "Grain Holly Davoren, captain of the Train" incident. This scene is soon to be a familiar one as exams begin on Saturday, the 14th. Thursday and Friday are cheerleading squad, acknowledged According to Chu-Richardson, reading days. Photo by Meryl Levin that the advertising was question- the captains of the squad have been able according to college restric- placed on admonition status and tions. are required to write a bulletin for "We agree we did something the college community concerning Curriculum Plans Discussed wrong as far as the advertising the dangers of alcohol consump- goes, but in the week before the tion. The organization is also pro- hibited from sponsoring parties for by Judy Sandford the humanities are taking natural same time," Kirkpatrid: com- dance no one in the administration sciences." notified us about removing the the remainder of the academic Staff Writer mented. One suggestion offered make re- "The faculty considers any signs or changing the ads." year. quirements while keeping Trinity changes to be extremely important . Although grain alcohol is not In addition, both bartenders and Trinity is one of the few colleges unique. It would ask students to and takes this situation seriously. prohibited by college policy, Chu- several students who were intoxi- to offer an open curriculum. That integrate a thematic minor of at Trinity must keep a vision of some- Richardson believes the beverage cated have been given penalties, may change soon. Although incom- least six courses before taking on thing distinctive from other col- is more harmful due to its high po- according to the Dean of Students ing freshmen are encouraged to a major. Another suggestion would leges," he said. tency. Office. NWMUMiiiift:,varied \ataxw load, no be to require students to take one requirements are made outside of course in each of the major disci- Milling a major. According to plines. Professor Frank Kirkpatrick, Sec- The reason why some faculty retary to the Faculty, any changes want to make changes is that they Consortium Offers Jobs to Seniors- in the curriculum "would go into feel students are graduating with- effect in the fall of 1988." out any "internal proficiency and by Deborh L. Owen chosen for at least one interview, any of the other schools. Some of The faculty is now in the process cannot accurately be called liberal Staff Writer some for multiple interviews, re- the employers have even decided of talking about and voting on the arts graduates," Kirkpatrick said. sulting in a 55% success rate. to come to out campus to recruit issue of a core curriculum. Kirk- Three schools from the Boston more Trinity seniors. patrick notes that the faculty is di- Students are wondering how The Career Counseling Center area are also participating in the The interviews will be held in vided-en the issue to change the changes might affect the attitudes has been humming with efficiency program, including Bates, Bow- early January in Boston and New curriculum. Indeed, several fac- of prospective students. this semester, aiding students with doin and Holy Cross. Again em- York. Career Counseling will take ulty members are happy with the "Requirements may be attrac- resumes, applications, and career ployers had to choose 3 from each the whole program to see who way things are. Some faculty are tive to better students, but may choices. school. The Boston employers were makes it through 2nd interviews, "not finding enough students in also cause us to lose some at the diverse, ranging from Mass. Gen- who gets offers and who accepts The New York and Boston Re- eral Hospital to the Boston Chil- them. cruiting Consortiums are 2 of the dren's Museum. Of the 99 Trinity If students were not selected for most important projects Career applicants 41 were chosen for interviews it doesn't mean com- Housing Lottery Held Counseling has been tackling this either an interview or as an alter- plete rejection. Some have been year. The Consortiums are set up nate. Trinity students received placed on waiting lists, plus stu- by Patrick J. Trostle who has put themselves on the to make it easier for organizations more interview opportunities than dents can follow up on their own. News Editor waiting list for a [housing] change. It is much smaller than the regular to hire top Trinity students: housing lottery and it is run more Rozanne Burt, Director of Ca- The "mini" housing lottery will informally... This year's mini-lot- reer Counseling explains the con- be held during Reading Days to tery is typical in size, there is no cept behind the consortiums as Trinity Community Responds place approximately 180 students great number of students coming "setting up an avenue of access in college housing, according to in who desire changes," she said. from students to employers wh Kristina Dow, Director of Residen- The mini-lottery has been suc- didn't traditionally recruit on our To Tutu Refugee Fund tial Services. The December hous- cessful in years past, Dow com- campus." This is an incredible op- ing lottery concerns students mented. portunity for both students and returning from leave and those "We've run the same program employees. The whole consortium Mfembers of the Trinity College cation Program, headed by Presi- who desire alternative rooms. with success the last eight years." project is about 3/4 completed now community have donated $4665 to dent Derek Bok of Harvard, in The size of the mini-lottery this Dow said. and repsonse to it thus far shows the Desmond Tutu Refugee Fund. seeking students for these schol- year is average, Dow said. The absolute deadline for mini- its definite success. The donation was presented last arships. "The December lottery is open lottery candidates is Wednesday, The consortiums begin in the fall week to Naomi Tutu Seavers, In addition, Trinity has donated to students returning to the col- according to the Office of Residen- of each year. In early November daughter of Bishop Tutu and chair- $2800 to the South African Stu- lege for the spring term or anyone tial Services. students could select a maximum person of the fund. dent Scholarship Fund, which sup- number of 10 employers to receive The fund is administered by the ports balcks and colored students their resumes. They then turned Capital Region Conference of attending white South African their resumes into Career Coun- Churches and provides economic Universities. This contribution was seling, who handles all the paper support for refugee camps in coun- made through the New England INSIDE: work and administi-ative tasks tries beyond the borders of South Board of Higher Education, during the Consortium process, Africa. An educational program on the and the resumes were sent to em- The initiative for the fund drive Trinity College campus, also man- Hockey Dethroned ployers who have had a month to at Trinity came in mid-October dated by the trustees in October, review the students and make their from Trinity's board of Trustess, began in November, with visits to selections. The results for this who invited other members of the campus by Simeon Nkoane, Suf- in Tourney year's students will be out this College community to join with fragen Bishop of Johannesburg, week, according to the office. them in support for South Africa's and David Welsh, professor of po- In New York there are almost blacks. litical studies at the University of 30 organizations participating. At that time, the trustees also Capetown. Other events will be "Hamlet Machine" There are 4 other schools partici- established two scholarships for held nnext semester. pating: Conn. College, Middle- South African refugees to attend At their October 12th meeting, bury, Tufts, and Stanford. The Trinity College. According to Trin- Trinity's trustees voted to divest employers must choose two from ity President James F. English Jr., shares in two U.S. companies Chip Rhodes' each of the five schools, and then the College is working, through which had not signed the Sullivan have free choice .of 1 each from 3 Bishop Tutu's Southern African Principles, and to continue to work Column of the schools. Trinity had 114 stu- Refugee Scholarship Fund (estab- ' with Sullivan signatory companies dents apply, submitting a total of lished by Tutu in November 1984), in pressing for change in South Af- 845 resumes. From that 63 were as well as the South African Edu- rica. Page 2, THE TRINITY TRIPOD, December 10, 1985, NNOUNCEMENTS Calendar Today: Wednesday: Thursday: Help Wanted: A slide show featuring lesbian im- The Triniy Library Booksale- Spe- 7:00 -13 - Madhur Jaffrey's Indian ages with commentary entitled cil Holiday Edition Wenesday thru Cookery - CBN - Courtship of Ed- • "Women See Women" will be held Friday in the Library Lobby die's Father - LIF - Mother's Day There are many employers looking Student Worker needed Spring in the Women's Center, MCC, at - How to answer a child's sexual for student help from December Semester to work at Residential 7pm.
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