Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-6-1962 The Ledger and Times, June 6, 1962 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 6, 1962" (1962). The Ledger & Times. 3976. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3976 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - •- . • - r SS .-• 912 5iiktholl Al A Boit A1 Ronnci Kenfncty Community Rewraps: In Largest 'HER God Circulation In We The City • ot, Largest Trust Circulation In The County IN OUR 83rd YEAR United Press International Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, June 6, 1962 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXXIII No. 134 FISCAL COURT SUED ON CALLOWAY GYM Students Of Mrs. Diane Elkins Graduates From Taz Mason Was In Winter In Recital Lusanne Lilly J. R. Cooper ' Five Day Exercise Perry Claim's $2,962.02 As • , I. Qn Friday evening, in the So- Murray State With 4.0 Standinu!clad . Hail at First Methodist Church, Wins Alumni Dies 1; Tuesday S. FORCES, Being Unpaid On Building Gym • Mrs. John C. Winter presented u. GERMAN Y - ; 11her piano students in a demon- (AHTNu) _ Army PM Taz L. Miss Diane Elkins, who graduat- elude Delta Lambda Alpha, lion- J. R. - Mason, stratoni of their musical growth Rip" Cooper. age 81, died son of Mr. and Mrs. (ghee T h e Calloway County Fiscal after a conference with contract- ed on Monday night from Murray orary Freshman Women's Fre- Scholarship . for their parents and friende. Tuesday at his home on the Stella Mason, Route 1, Kirksey, Ky., rec- Court has been sued by Hal Perry ors and architect Perry was paid State College, will leave June 15 ternity; Beta Beta Beta Biological ; Road. He was ently ill The program, entitled *Mater- a former resident participated in Grand Slam general contractor of Benton. Ken- $2600, leaving the sum of $2,963.02 for Baylor University College of Society of which she was secre- 'rats of Musicianship". of the Hazel community. I, a five-day Central Army Group tucky, in connection with the Mew unpaid. Medicine, Houston, Texas, where tary for two years; recording eec- was pre- so_ sented in fOtr. segtions: He is survived by his wife, Mrs. (CENTAG) exercise in Germany. Calloway County High School The school board has indicated she will begin her medical train- retary of Sigma Sigma Signig a- Fingers in .Song. Excursions in Ardell Cooper; one son, Zelna A missile repairman in the 193d gymnasium. that the gymnasium was not com- ing with a research fellowship cial sorority and winner of the Interprege rum out, team. Rhythms from Cooper, Greenwood, Indiana; four Ordnance Detachment in Wacker- The suit calls for payment of pleted on t h e scheduled date, awarded by the National Institute national scholarship Dance, and ' Piano Techniques. daughters, Mrs. T. L. Tipton, Pine nheim, Mason entered the Army $2,963.02 to Hal Perry to complete therefore funds w e re withheld. of Health. Students participating in the I Bluff, Arkansas, Mrs. Harold Hen- in January 1961, completed basic payment on the structure. The contractor intimates that the Miss Elkins was graduated from dley. Mayfiel training ill program were: Cathy d, Mrs. Wayne at Fort Knox, Ky., and County Judge Robert 0. Miller contract calls for an extension for Murray State College with High Mitchell, 1 4 Rachael Bear, Susan Wright, Mayfield. and Miss Myrtle arrived overseas t h e following said •today that the Fiscal Court unusual weather conditions Distinction and was recognized Emerson, during Bobby Wyman. Sheri James, Cooper of Mayfield; and one sis- December. is being sued because it is the the time of construction. Perry in the graduation ceremony by Jayne )Say 1; Scott. Laura Whayne, Ricky Jones, ter, Mrs. Bessie Green of Paris, agent ,f the Calloway County also said that the building Ralph Woods, for hav- The 19-year old soldier is a was Debbie Luther, Linda Boyd, Beth Tennessee. Board of Education. The school ready for inspection prior to the ing attained a perfect 4.0 aC a - 1960 graduate of South Marshall Tuck, Lynn Whayne, Funeral services will be held at board cannot let a contract legally, time it was accepted:" dernic standing for her entire Karen Ad- High School in Benton. ' anis. Carolyn Hendon, Sara Lewis, the Burn Funeral Hume in May- and since the Fiscal Court let the The Fiscal Court, as the four years of college work. agent 1Ricki Hodges. David Alexander, field Thursday at 3:30 p.m. Rev contract, it is the agency being for the school board, must seli 41 As far as can be ascertained, Beth Wyman, Emma Ruth James Tharp and Rev. M. *M. sued. bond issues for the school this is the first time in the his- Valen- board, tine, Cindy Alexander. Pamela 'Hampton will conduct the rites. The lawsuit came about in the and must handle all ails from tory of the college that this re- contracts, 'Clark, Rebecca Hendon, Burial will be in the Highland following manner. The since it is not legal for cord has been achieved. Becky gymnasium the school Moore. Beth Garrison, Park Cemetery in Mayfield. was contracted to be board- to do so. )his two 1 • She was named the Outstanding Conielyn finished by The court has I Lowry, Parker, last May 1 with a acted as agent Senior Girl in the Class of 1962 Patricia Rick clause in the for the board 'Brunner, Mary Eyrl Winter, contract that for each throughout the entire ones are and was also awarded honors Dan day it wa.-; construction Miller, Mary Beth Robertson, Jane Vacation not completed a phase of Calloway as the Outstanding Senior Biology Bible forfeiture of High and the Scruggs. $50.00 would be new gym there. her miles Student and OtiLetanding Senior , Saxon. and Toni School made. Following Will Begin The school The suit TriSigma She was listed in Who's the program punch board at first held will be heard in Cir- !r. There and cake were served to the group back $5.600 on final payment, cuit Court unless settled prior to Who in American Colleges and The Salem but from a tea table centered with an Baptist Church sf that time. Universities in both her Junior Lynn Grove will have registration ? can do. arrangement of magnolias. Miss Lusanne Lilly The issue has been discussed in and Senior years. day for Vacation Bible School on Fiscal Court for the past several Past honors and affiliations in- Friday morning.' June 8, at 800 whatever Lusanne Lilly, Murray; Jajtet District In months. -- I Bodies Of Eight o'clock. The school will be held Judge Miller appraised the court Elaine Anderson, Oweneboro; and from 8:00 to 11:06 each morning lone does 9 Miss Mane Elkins Infants Are Found of the circumstances yesterday in David Edward Fields. H n; next week. June 11 through 15, a regular meeting of the court. Normandy Was have been awarded alumni schol- with commencement services Soil Contest standing Freshman Chemistry - - Sun- In other action by the arships to Murray State College day night June 17. court a Award, president of Student Al- AKRON. Ohio UN --- The badly sheriff's settlement was made .on for next year. , Transportation will he provided filiates of the American Chesnical i decomposed bodies of eight in- remaining 1961 taxes, collected for evereone who wishes to in Stormed Today Society; and candidate ifor Miss (ants, some of which apparently ' Miss Lilly, who writ study-pre- at- I912. These are tend. For transportation Calloway County Soil tand Vie- taxes that were WI1 Murray State. Mountain laurel ;had been there since July. 19811. medicine, is the daughter of Mr. or in- left uncollected formation about the t'''. _ bter) conservation district has en- because of the Representative, Best-Dressed CoJerevar-found by police at a funeral and Mrs. George Lilly of Murray. school please change call 435-4513 tered the 16th. annual Goodyear in the sheriff's office, ed, and Shield Queen. 'home here Tuesday. She is valedictorian of her grad- Richard Nixon 18 Years Ao competition to select the nation's caurt employed Leon Coop. C)¶hS daughter or Mr. end Mrs. The bodies, those of stillborb eating rlass and is a National te surplus , top 52 conservation districts. ac- food commedi- W. C. Elkins of Murray. Miss and newborn children, were in a • Merit Scholarship semi finalist, - cording to Lowell Palmer ut Kirk- ties from Mayfield to Murray Elkins will be one of four girls 'pile of rags, sheets and blankets By JOSEPH W. GRIGG finalist, and certificate of merit sey. Rt. 2. district chairman. The court has been using county admitted to Baylor Medical Col- in the rear of the funeral home winner. She was a staff member trucks for this United Press International Activities of the district will purpose in the loge this year and some still bore identfication of both the Murray High year- be past. OMAHA M)H, France ill) - Nixon weiithed against the performance beads around their wrists. book and newspaper. Back the dehM- On Ray Herndon was American and French officials of other districts in the state in hired for an- Clarence Irby. 37. who lived mg team, the chorus, and numer- other yegr as county paid tribute here today to the determining the outstanding dis- dog warden M°RFMEAD: KY.
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