PEER.REVIETYED ARTICTE Descriptionof Thermal Anomalies on Two Active GuatemalanVolcanoes Using Landsat Thematic MapperImagery RobertJ. Andresand William l. Rose BackgroundGeologY Abstract has been SantiaguitoDome, Guatemala,continuously extrude d dacite SantiiguitoDome [t+"q+'N,91'34'W, 2520 m) (Rose,1972)' lava and underwent daily, vertical, phreatomagmaticerup- eruptiig dacite since it beganto grow in'1922 on petrogra- tions during 19BGto 1gBB.Three Landsat satellite Thematic The malmatic temperatureis about 850'C, based Mapper (ru) subscenesrecorded this activity.ovet a two-year ohv and Fe-Ti oxide data at domes of similar composition wandered be- peiioa. The subscenesshow a stationary,high-temperature iRose, rgzz). The focus of dome extrusion has active vent, ihermal anomaly around the active vent, Caliente. Two of i*e"., se.reralvents over the years.The currently which the subscenesdepict vertical ash eruptions, one of which Caliente,is the site of frequent vertical ash eruptions amounts reached 4.5 to 5'km above the dome. The subscenesprovide eive rise to water-richplumes that containvarying (Andres, '19s2). evidence that a recently detected, deep ercsional episode on 6f volcanicash 1992;Andres et ol', volcano the dome did not begin significantly before February 1988. Pacaya(14'22'N, 90'36'w, 2552 m) is an active (Eggers,1971; Wun- At Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala, a basaltic cone neatly on the south side of a 100-km'zcaldera -in in a seriesof continuous'eruption since 1967,a single subsceneshows a derman and Rose,1984)' It has erupted basalts seriesof com- larg,e,hieh-temperature thermal anomaly with the character- eruptions which have createdand destroyeda (Eggers,1'97L:Eggers, 1983; Born- istlcs of a basaitic lava flow. Periodic processing of ru im-. positeand cinder cones al., tg}q; A. MacKenney,personal communication)' agescon provide a valuable, supplemental monitoting tool. lrorst ef on-site monitoring is More complete descriptions of recent activity at these two 'Iimitedfor active volcanoes, particularly _when by economic or personnel resources. volcanoes can be found in Andres (1992). Landsatlmages lntroduction global coverageand A minimum of 158 volcanoeserupted from 1975to 1985. Landsat satJlites provide regular, nearly in six-spe^c- During this time, approximately 50 more volcanoesshowed their TM sensorprovides 30-m ground resolution two mid-infra- unresialthough eruptions did not occur (McClelland ef o,1., tral bands (three visible, one near-infrared, and (thermal 1989).Limited econbmic and personnelresources do not aI- red) and 120-m ground resolution in one band TM sub- low for close, on-site monitoring of all of these potentially infrared) (Lillesa-ndand Kiefer, 1987).Four Landsat were acquired' dangerousvolcanoes. scenesof two active Guatemalanvolcanoes "Thit (approximately pup". further demonstratesthe use of commercially Each subscenewas 512 rows by 512 columns edifice' The data availableiatellite imagery to supplement on-site volcano 15 km by 15 km) centeredon the volcanic gain monitoring by combining severalexisting techniquesand ex- *ere radiometricallycorrected to accountfor detector mer- t[e ii.ttitt of some of these techniques(Francis and and offset, and geometrically corrected to a space oblique oanding correction itothery, 1987rRothery et a1.,19BB; Mouginis-Mark et o.l', cator map projection (cct-p format)' Tle geometric imagesand 1989;Abrams et al., 1991;Mouginis-Mark et al., 1'g9fi Moug- involved'n'earest-neighborresampling for the 1986 19BBimages' inis-Mark and Francis, 1992). Satellite imagesare relatively cubic convolution resamplingfor the 1987 and the extremes inexpensive,as compared to field campaignsto active volca- Cubic convolution resamplingtends to minimize magnitude noes^,and can be analyzedby one person' Also, daily to bi- in the data set, resulting in possible errors in the nearest-neighbor weekly coveragecan be obtained of an area dependjng upon and location of thermaf anomalies.Therefore, values are the tvpe of satellite used. Four Landsat Thematic Mapper resampling is preferred becauseorigin^al-radiance "fiIl" pixels may occur (rv) zubscenesof two active Guatemalanvolcanoes portray preserved;ho*ever, some duplicate volcanic phenomenanot directly observedon the ground by iGlaze et o1.,lg8ga; Oppenheimeret al., 1'993). was performed with the local monitoring agencies.The morning Landsat orbits Image processingof the subscenes PCand with precedethe buildup of orographic clouds around thesevol- Decisiorilmages software,Release 4.2, on a 386 3/60 system' ianoes (Lillesandand Kiefer,1987). ERDaSsoftware, Version 7.4, o^ a color Sun Departmentof GeologicalEngineering, Geology and Geophys- PhotogrammetricEngineering & RemoteSensing' ics. Michigan TechnologicalUniversity, Houghton, MI 49931. Vol. 6r, No. 6, lune 1995,pp. 775-782. R.f. Andres is presently at the Center for the Management, Ss16105-7 75$3.00/0 Utilization, and Protection of Water Resources,Earth Sci- 0099- for Photogrammetry encesDepartment, Tennessee Technological University, Box O 1S95American Society RemoteSensing 5062,Cookeville, TN 38505. and PE&RS PEER.REVIEIYED ARTICTE 330 0.0173 530 570 500 300 o,007 ).o128 o-o2 o.oa 710 550 6ro o.oo24 !.oo7l 0.o000 330 .720 0.041 o-oo22 7CO 440 ii:?40:: '.000t r.0 t44 o.oota 66q t 0.00 13 North Pfate1. TMsubscene, generalized geologic map, and temperaturemap of the 25 October1987 SantiaguitoDome thermal anomaly.The thermal anomaly appears as the brightorange area in the centerof the image.The 7.3- by 7.1-kmsubscene displaysTM bands 7, 5, and 4 in the red,green, and blue imageplanes, respectively. This band combination also portrays volcanicrocks in tonesof brown,orange, or gray;jungle foliage in blue;and agriculturalareas in yellowor green. geologic The map of the areashows the variousexogenous units which comprise the dome,many of wnicfrlsnaOeO units) can be clearlyseen at the 3O-mresolution of the ru subscene.During the two-yearperiod covered by the three TM subscenes,a daciteflow has rapidlyadvanced down the RioNima ll watershed.The map showsthree successive field-ob- servedflow-fronts. The 1987 subsceneallows for anotherflow front determination,approximately 25O m down slope of the June1987 fieldobservation. Map modifiedfrom SEAN(1988). Eachsquare on the temperaturemap representsone pixelof the ru subsceneand is approximately30 m on a side. The uppernumber in each squarerepresents the thermalanomaly temperature in degreesC. The lowernumber in each squareis the correspondingf or fractionof the pixelat that emittingtemperature. Lighter squares indicate cooler tempera- tures, rangingfrom > 7oo"c, 4oo-70o'c, to > 3O0'C. Emptysquares do not containany significantthermal anomaly. Both software packageswere used to take advantage of spe- rated pixels were then examined for their kinetic cific image processing functions unique to each. temperature, T, by using the radiances recorded in mid-infra- redbands 5 (1.5sto 1.25pm) and 7 (z.o8to 2.35 pm) and ThermalAnomalies the graphical method presentedin Rothery ef oi. (19SS).This Thermal anomaliesin the sceneswere located through the method relies upon the ru sensorradiance calibration con- thermal infrared band o (10.4 to 12.s pm) which is quantita- stants (Markham and Barker, 19BG)and a rearrangedversion tively sensitiveto temperaturesup to 100"C.Above IOO"C, of Planck's radiation law: i.e.. the TM sensorfor this band saturatesand becomesnon-ouan- T : cz / \ln([ec,i{/zlR^]+t) titative for whole pixel temperatureevaluations. Band 6iatu- 776 PEER.REVIEWED ARIICLE where c, : 0.0144m K, i : wavelength(m), e : emissivity The 14 April 1986 Santiaguito subscene (scene lD num- of the radiatingsurface, c, : 3.742 X 10-16W m', fi^ = spec- ber Y50774154g3)contains a large eruption cloud rising above tral radiance (W m ' pm-r sr-1 (calculatedfrom Equation 1 of the dome (Plate 2). This cloud obscures the dome thermal Markhamand Barker(1986)). An emissivity: 0.8 was used anomaly; thus, no temperatures were determined. for all calculations and is representativeof emissivitiesused The oresence of the eruption cloud in the 19BB and 1986 in other studies(Francis and Rothery,L987; Rothery ef 41., Santiaguiio subscenes causei the measured radiances to in- 19BB;Abrams et al., 1991).A | 0.2 changein emissivity crease and thus give anomalously high temperatures for pix- equatesto less than a + 15'C changein temperature.Radi- els containing such clouds. Calculations using the ancesused in this study were correctedfor incident sunlight atmospheric electromagnetic energy propagation model, I-ow- by subtractingthe averagedmeasured radiance in non-ther- TRANT(Kneizys et o1.,rgaa), show that the presence of the mally emitting pixels of similar composition and slope as- eruption cloud increases multiple scattering in the atmos- pect in the scene.See Rothery ef 01.(1988) for a more phele. This scattering increases the amount of energy_which- iomplete description of the method and the inherent errors. is propagated upwards in the atmosphere and, thus, detected This equation allows for determination of the tempera- by the satellite TM sensor. This gives rise to elevated, calcu- ture of subpixel sized thermal featuresby substituting e/ for lated radiance levels and, thus, anomalously high tempera- e, where /: fraction of the pixel emitting. Under clear sky tures. Cloud-free pixels allow this same energy to travel to conditions, reasonabletemperatures were obtained for all / > the ground surface. Along this path, this energy is absorbed 0.0005 or for ground
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