ASTON-CUM-AUGHTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 9 MAY 2017 IN THE PARISH HALL ROSEGARTH AVENUE AT 7.15 PM PRESENT Cllr Mrs L Pitchley (Chairperson) Cllrs A A Armitage Mrs B A Bartholomew G Clough G B Davis Mrs P Davis D H Gee D A Knowles C Robinson Ms S Smith Mrs P Wade M R Woodhouse Mr A J Hodkin (Clerk) Mrs C Manship (Assistant Clerk) IN ATTENDANCE 10 Members of the Public 17/51 ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON 2017/2018 It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs Pitchley be elected Chairperson for 2017/2018. 17/52 DECLARATION OF OFFICE The Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Chairperson) was duly signed by Cllr Mrs Pitchley. 17/53 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON 2017/2018 It was RESOLVED that Cllr D A Knowles be elected Vice Chairperson for 2017/2018. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A member of the public requested an up-date on the replacement of missing sign lettering above the William Layne Reading Room. The Clerk reported that the required parts were on order from the sign installer. END OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 17/54 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs A T Clough Mrs J Peech R Taylor 17/55 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was made:- Name Agenda Item/Details Level Minute Cllr Mrs Pitchley 16 – Chairperson’s personal *P 17/62 allowances. Reason: Chairperson of Parish Council. P 17/68 22 – Memorial plaques Aughton Early Years. Reason: Chairperson of Governors Aughton Early Years. Cllr Mrs Bartholomew 22 – Memorial plaques P 17/68 Aughton Early Years. Reason: Governor Aughton Early Years. *Personal 17/56 CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS FOLLOWING THE EXCLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC It was RESOLVED that, in pursuance of section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as amended, the following item(s) be considered following the exclusion of the press and public, by reason of the confidential nature of business to be considered and publicity thereof would be prejudicial to the public interest. Item 23. 17/57 CODE OF CONDUCT The Clerk asked that confirmation be given to the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct be agreed/confirmed. 17/58 STANDING ORDERS AND FINANCIAL REGULATIONS The Clerk asked that confirmation be given to the Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be agreed/confirmed. 17/59 COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE The Clerk asked that confirmation be given to the Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure be agreed/confirmed. 2 17/60 ELECTION OF COMMITTEES AND NEWSLETTER EDITORIAL GROUP It was RESOLVED that membership of Committees and the Newsletter Editorial Group for 2017/2018 be as follows:- (i) GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE Chairperson plus Cllrs G Clough G B Davis D A Knowles Mrs J E Peech C B Robinson Ms S Smith Mrs P Wade (ii) RECREATION AND OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE Chairperson plus Cllrs A A Armitage Mrs B A Bartholomew A T Clough Mrs P Davis D H Gee R P Taylor M R Woodhouse (iii) FINANCE AND EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE Chairperson plus Cllr C Robinson together with 3 members to be nominated from each of the General Purposes Committee and the Recreation and Open Spaces Committee. (iv) NEWSLETTER EDITORIAL GROUP Cllrs Mrs B A Bartholomew Mrs P Wade Mr A J Hodkin (Clerk) (v) PARISH PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE Cllrs A A Armitage Mrs L Pitchley Mrs P Wade 17/61 ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON OTHER BODIES (i) PARISH HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2017/18 It was RESOLVED that representatives to serve on the Parish Hall Management Committee for 2017/2018 be as follows:- Cllrs Mrs B A Bartholomew A T Clough G Clough D A Knowles Mrs J E Peech Mrs L Pitchley C B Robinson R P Taylor Mrs P Wade M R Woodhouse. (ii) ASTON-CUM-AUGHTON RECREATIONAL CHARITY Cllr A A Armitage was currently serving a four year term as Parish Council representative on the above Charity. (iii) ASTON CHARITIES Cllr Mrs B A Bartholomew, along with ex Parish Councillors Mrs H L Jack and R M O’Keeffe, were currently serving a four year term as Parish Council representatives on the above Charity. 3 (iv) YLCA SOUTH YORKSHIRE BRANCH 2017/2018 It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs Wade be elected to represent the Parish Council at meetings/events of the above Branch and County Association. (v) ROTHER VALLEY WEST AREA ASSEMBLY CO-ORDINATING GROUP It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs Bartholomew be elected to serve on the above Co-Ordinating Group. (vi) PENNY HILL WIND FARM LIAISON COMMITTEE It was RESOLVED that Cllr Robinson be elected to continue as Parish Council representative on the Penny Hill Wind Farm Liaison Committee with Cllr Mrs Wade as substitute representative. 17/62 CHAIRPERSON’S ALLOWANCE It was RESOLVED that the personal allowance of the Chairperson remain the same as for the previous year i.e. £200 per year plus full telephone rental and £10 per quarter towards the cost of calls plus VAT. In the case of the Chairperson receiving telephone allowance from another authority, the Parish Council payment would be limited to £10 per quarter plus VAT towards the cost of calls and no rental payment would be made. 17/63 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING It was RESOLVED that the Chairperson be authorised to sign the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 11 April 2017 as being a true record of the business transacted. 17/64 POLICING INFORMATION/REPORTS There were no Police Officers present and no reports received. Disappointment was expressed at the lack of contact with the Police. Cllr Mrs Wade reported her attendance at a recent meeting of the Joint Working Group where the issue of policing and contact with them was discussed. Also, some Police buildings were being disposed of and she had made a suggestion the possibility of using the Parish Hall as a venue if required. Following discussion it was RESOLVED that the information be noted. 17/65 FRIENDS OF ULLEY COUNTRY PARK The Clerk reported minutes of meetings of the Friends of Ulley Country Park (FUCP) held on 9 March and 13 April 2017. During discussion members asked Cllr George Davis, Parish Council representative on the Committee, to convey their appreciation for the work done by the Friends of Ulley Country Park. Following discussion it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the FUCP held on 9 March and 13 April 2017 be noted. 4 17/66 YORKSHIRE LOCAL COUNCILS ASSOCIATIONS (YLCA) Consideration was given to the submission of nominations for 2017/2018 for representatives for the YLCA South Yorkshire Branch and the Joint Executive Board. Following discussion it was RESOLVED that Mr Duncan Wright of Wadworth Parish Council be nominated for the position of Chairman and Derek Liddell of Silkstone Parish Council be nominated for the position of Vice Chairman of the South Yorkshire Branch of YLCA. No other nominations be made. 17/67 ELECTORAL REVIEW OF ROTHERHAM WARDING ARRANGEMENTS The Clerk reported that further following the previous meeting when he, in consultation with Cllrs Mrs Wade and Knowles, had been delegated to submit the Parish Council’s preferred arrangement, incorporating the preferences put forward at the meeting to RMBC for the review of Ward boundaries (ref minute 17/46). Details of the submission which proposed a 3 Ward arrangement which required the splitting of the Rosegarth polling district. Following submission it had been notified that the RMBC Consultation Working Group had adopted the Parish Council’s submission for inclusion in RMBC’s response to the Boundary Commission Following discussion it was RESOLVED that the Clerk’s report be noted. 17/68 AUGHTON EARLY YEARS CENTRE Consideration was given to the replacement of two war memorial plaques at Aughton Early Years Centre originally provided by the Parish Council and which were in need of renewal due to deterioration. Following discussion it was RESOLVED that approval be given to the replacement of two war memorial plaques at Aughton Early Years Centre at an estimated cost of £600. 17/69 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Consideration was given to planning applications contained within lists 15 – 18 (2017). At the time comments were made on the following application only:- RB2016/1734 – Demolition of existing building and erection of 9 NO. apartments and associated landscaping works – 152 Worksop Road, Swallownest Members of the public were in attendance and were invited to speak on the above application. 5 They outlined concerns which included: not being in keeping with the present residential area; overdevelopment of the site and parking issues on Worksop Road. Following discussion, and taking into account residents’ concerns, it was RESOLVED that objection be made to the above planning application on the basis that:- • It would result in unnecessary gross overdevelopment of the site. • The building, due to its imposing size, would be detrimental to the residential amenity of existing residents and also the streetscene. • The possible number of occupants (19 bedrooms) and the likely associated vehicle movements generated, would also seriously interfere with the residential amenity of existing residents. • Six parking spaces (plus 2 disabled) was entirely insufficient for a 19 bedroom property. It would not provide the necessary off-street parking for residents. • The insufficient provision of off-street parking would lead to increased parking on Worksop Road and thus unnecessarily compromise the health and safety of existing residents. 17/70 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS It was RESOLVED that the accounts at Appendix I amounting to £17981.94 be approved.
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