OBSERVER Vol. 12 No. 13 September 17, 1969 Front Page Allen Young (LNS) Page 2 Proctor Raps An Interview Marion Swerdlow Art Show Varieties of Figurative Art Tits & Ass Page 3 Join The Conspiracy Page 4 Miss Amerika Cartoon Kotzky Art Review Kenneth Daly Sounds Willie (LNS) Page 5 Instant News Liberation News Service Day Of The Dolphin Jerry Bernstein The Day of the Dolphin Robert Merle Quote From Thomas Jefferson Editor Jailed Page 6 Black Mountain College Roger A. Wicker Page 7 Continuation Of Previous Articles Page 8 Editorial Editor Letters [ . Consider qualified black applicants for new faculty appointments . .] Patricia de Gorgoza Cartoon Feiffer Student Senate Page 9 Easy Rider Quote From Abraham Lincoln Hip? Bad Dope Call Issued Page 10 White Panther Gets 10 Page 11 Political Cartoon R. Cobb Public Service Notices & Things The Sweet Smell of Money P & F Disbans sel'lr A black man on the stage, singing about · by Allen Young ( LNS) treatment plants and who refuse to All right. The Clearwater. Pete Seeger. take necessary measures against the In Kingston. Lets find out what, if trouble with the cops. But not in King­ ston. Not tonight. COLD SPRING, N.Y. (LNS) --a offending corporations. anything, is happening. We shake our graceful sloop, with a 106 - foot way down the hill, under the yellow Pete Seeger is the MC. Bounces up on mainsail, an interracial crew and Ultimately, Seeger and the Clearwater ochre streetlamps, towards whats left the stage, and talks with a lilt and a the songs of Pete Seeger, is plying sponsors would argue, action against of Kingston's waterfront, a tiny rec­ quick line. The middle aged ladies the waters of Hudson River these the industrialists and the politicians tangular strip of grass wedged between ahead of me are enthralled. But so days as part of a campaign to make will come only when the people are the water and the Miron Cement Com­ are the kids. Practice, I think. He's its waters run clear once again. aroused. pany's former residence, a dirty red got it down pat. More performers. brick building that still bears the slo­ Some local, all from the Hudson The idea of the boat, Pete Seeger Some of the people are aroused, all gan "Better Lumber from Better Mills" Valley area. A constant insertion of says, "is to bring tens of thousands right, but against the Clearwater. When between the dark sockets that were Clearwater propaganda. Clean it up. of people to the waterfront. We've the boat was tied up to the small once windows. We walk across the Clean it up. Several black singers. got to get the patient to admit there:s wooden pier at Cold Spring, a lily­ grass, toward a crowd of 200 at the The few blacks in the audience re· a disease. Many people say, 'It's a white village of 2,000 in rural Putnam far end of the rectanlge, seated facing spond with yells. Seeger says that the sewer, so what?' We bring 'em down County, only 50 miles north of New a makshift stage whose yellow bulbs show must end by ten. City Hall says and they are reminded of what a York City, right-wing hoodlums hassled gyrate crazily in the sheet metal of so. A few local chicks sing. Then some beautiful river the Hudson is and the crew. They stood on shore yelling the warehouse behind it. On my right Woodstock guys. Then the capitain there's no more of that 'so what' such epithets as "scumbags", "blow­ rises the mast of the Clearwater, sepa= of the ship sings. He makes up for stuff." jobs" and "cunt" and said they didn't rated from the crowd by a cyclone talent with sincerity. want the "communist" boat in their fence, low in the water, a composite of The approach of the Clearwater, its town. "If you want to clean up the ropes and rolled canvas, douglas fir I find myself liking the whole thing crew and the association that raised river,"they shouted at tile crew spars, so the signs tell me. a little better. No one's trying to $180,000 to build and outfit the {which includes black people and hip con me. Seeger all over at once. At sloop is hardly militant. They feel people), "just get off it!" I wonder what the hell the residents the sound booth, with the audience, that the people who live in the towns of the areas collapsing rat ridden rooming talking to kids, blacks, cops, back to and cities along the river need to be The sloop's reception has been mostly house think of all the noise and crowds the stage for another introduction. awakened about the problem. Those positive, however. Some of the money of long-haired white men in the ghetto Since things ara so peaceful, Seeger immediately responsible for the pol­ for the project, ironically, comes tonight. The crowd is hip. Woodstock. says, the law says we can run past ten. lution of the river, ofcourse, are from old WASP families who live in A sprinkling of Kingston High School; A cheer. Black chick sings Summertime. industrial magnates who own the fac­ big old Hudson Valley mmsions. older ones, wives, babies, their desert The audience is really warming up. tories which dump waste into the (Seeger and his family have lived for Hudson, and the politicians, bigtime years in a comfortable log cabin in boots make them hip. Kennedy people. and smalltimi, who do nof allocate And cops. Four. No, six. Nighsticks. cont' d on page three appropriate tax money toward sewage cont·d on page three 2 OCTOR An Interview of all the years I've been speaking, I've cause I was there. If you had treated us. You never come to us, just wait for us by Marian Swerdlow never had such a pretty audience. them like people, you would have had to corre to you. If you guys were handl­ Young lady, are you a policewoman? more cooperation. I know because I'm ing it right, we wouldn't have to come out 'The Dutchess County Sheriff's Depart­ I answered, no sir. Not NO Sl R. But there every day. there at all. ment spokesman, Sergeant John P. Daikin, politely, no, sir. He asked me how. I Pat said, We're trying to establish trust, by addresses assembeled officers from the knew about the meeting and I told treating them like people. I love some of Villages of Tivoli, Red Hook and Rhine­ him about reading the SeptemUer 4 Lewis said, You and the Dean wouldn't these kids. I put up $900 of my own beck, as well as village and town officals Red Hook Advertiser regarding the cooperate and tell me where those kids money after the first bust. Then he told and representatives of Bard College in the class~ and the fact that it was open to were, because I wouldn't show you the about some girl who had become hysterical first of a series of policework classes at the public. I plan to go to college here warrent... l didn't have to show the after her arrest. He asked again that they Rhinebeck Town Hall.' for four years, and I consider myself warrent to anyone but the person I'm carry out the arrest in a different manner. -Kingston Daily Freeman a resident. · arresting. Pat said, If you had come to Sept. 11, 1969 me 24 hours before, I could have had the OBSERVER: Did he ever clarify what he Daikin began to talk about the police fkids you had warrents for waiting in my meant by 'different manner'? OBSERVER: I understand you sat in in relation to the community .. .! don't office with no trouble. Treat them like on a policework class in Rhinebeck. remember the exact quotes... people and you'll get cooperation. MERRY: I got the idea he meant individual How did you first hear of this class? arrests with warrents, without getting a Lewis answered, Proctor, I was busting whole lot of people 1involved. MERRY ENTIN: I read in the Red OBSERVER: The Freeman quotes him them You don't seem to know what Hook Advertiser of September 4 as saying, 'Our feet hurt, we get hungry, that means. You don't send them any in­ Afterwards, Wally drove me back to Bard. that judges, FBI agents and law enforce­ we have financial and social problems, vitations. He talked about the kids he knew, he told ment agents would be speaking to the but the citizen sees only the uniform me there were twelve heroin addicts, or local police. It mentioned that in­ nine times out of ten ... The fastest way Daikin began, Listen, proctor ... It was an some number like that, here last semester, terested residents were invited to at­ to ruin your image is to brush off obviously contemptuous form of add­ though only a few of them had come back. tend. I consider myself a resident. It that man that is asking for help. Spend ress. Pat interrupted, My name is Pat He talked about how they had become ad­ seemed to relate to the idea of get- a couple of minutes, hear what he has Defile. Daikin said, Listen, proctor, if dicted... not being able to take the tension ting to the community, of meeting to say, and help as you can.' that school was doing what it was sup­ of work, about broken homes, with parents them face to face, of seeing how they posed to do, there wouldn't be any need away all the time in Europe..
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