rxg'ymr* «• • —r- Thursday, May 21, 1952 AUTOMOBILES lUTOMOBILES TOMOBILES < AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 1851 JIM CONNELL'S If You Want The Very Best . CHEVROLET At The LOWEST POSSIBLE COST Bel Air Hardtop BUY NOW Two-tone green. Enjoy many miles of trouble-free driving in USED YOU AUTO BUY HERE'S this hard-to-find model. SEE ME alue For You S324 CAR JACKSHAW Cleveland 543 East 185th St. IV. 1-9173 '57 CHEV.$ '55 CHEV 210 Sta. Wagon "210 ' I Door NOW! V-8, Powerglid* Powerglide; a beauty Jee Kuharich 1953 DESOTO 1795 995 CONVERTIBLE CROC '54 FORD 55 ford s-f nnr BUYS! 263 Woodmere Dr., Willowick, WH. 4-0735 FIREDOME V I New and U*«d Custom 2-Door V-8 Fairlan* 2-Dr. I ll*8"j FIRST TIME OFFERED JEEPS V-8. Fully equipped *545 Fordomatic; sharp I UUU New Low Prices '55 BUICK$4 nn r '54 DeSOTOSFQF 1QCQ - OLDSMOBILES • KRAUSHAAR-HUNT THS WEEK'S lUUO EXECUTIVES CARS WILLYS DEALER Century Hardtop III *6 *| 4-Door Sedan, 1958 Full Power I UUU Powerflit. WWW SPECIAL! 1433S Euclid Avenue „ NOT DEMONSTRATORS Liberty 1-2100 '54 merc $nnr '56 chev rnr 88's SUPER 88's — 98*» Opp. East Cleveland City Hall . ^.cro;rb,• .$<I uuu 4-Door Sedan ■■ T 1953 PONTIAC Holidays, Four-Doors, Coupes, Sedans Monterey, Full Equip. Wm Vm fal'no. Hydramatic, ra- i, heater, pos.tr tt—t- Fuily equipped including power steering and power brakes—and As an added convenience to our one 98 Holidav 4-Door featuring lucite champagne mist finish, many customers our SERVICE '52 CHEV. SQjir '56 plym.$4 rnr $495 autronic eye, newmatic ride, air conditioning, driven only 2670 DEPARTMENT will be OPEN Deluxe Club Coupe, V-8 Convertible I Reel Shorp! W ■ W Full Power I UUU GLAVIC DODGE miles; listing at $5504. reduced to sell at $4100. All are fully EVENINGS. guaranteed and epch carries a new car warranty. MON., WED., FAI. DIRECT FACTORY DEALER '56 FORD $ '55 olds $-f nnr TRADE OR NO TRADE MILT MILLER V-8 Sun. Convt. "88" 4-Door I /MH Cont., Fordomatk Full Power I LUU LOW COST GMAC FINANCING AVAILABLE PONTIAC 1295 MO ONE SELLS . 22501 Shore Center Dr. '53 KAISER '55 MERC.S4 fl 5 P REdwood 1-7300 4-Door Sedan, Monterey 4-Door, I I l£L ”j Hydramatic 195 Mercomatic I 1 OLDSMOBILES 1956 FORD Easy Financing Plan To Suit Your Needs CHEVROLET OR FINE USED CARS FOR LESS! Fairlane Convertible Nearly Everybody Knows power­ Power steering, power seats, lid.. end heater, power windows. Continental Kit, LaTOUR Fordomatic shift. JOE O'BRIEN OLDSMOBILE, INC. $1548 14800 St. Clair Ave MU. 1-2000 58 DODGES - OFFICIAL'S CARS And You'll Be Sure of the Best Deal Of All JACKSHAW Every 3 months, the Officials at Gia vic's receive 543 East 185th St. IV. 1-9173 u ■: FOR RENT 10640 St. Clair Ave MU. 1-7000 1951 FORD These cars are now on sale AT ROOM and board, laundry. Men­ new cars tor township, near Routes 20-306. Tudor Sedan in* WH. 2-3092. 1954 OLDSMOBILE Radio and Heater GREAT SAVINGS TO YOU! 88 4 Door. Hydramatic, radio, WOODWORTH rd., large furnished heater. Tu-tone finish with match room on 3rd, for 1-2, phone, ing interior. This low mileage beauty parking, bath, shower; reason­ is showroom fresh C 9 ALL CARS FULLY EQUIPPED Was $1295 NOWh»lUW able. GL. 1-3928. $9$ CADILLAC Eldorado Convertible Pi 5 ROOMS up. near Cort-Hayden, 395 ECONOMY BUICK jgas furnace; adults. PO. 1-9194. JACKSHAW 12645 Euclid Ave. GA. 1-7641 5 ROOMS and sun room up. East 148th-I.rke Shore blvd., gas heat. 543 East 185th St. IV. 1-9173 $2595 IV, 1-2959. 1952 OLDSMOBILE i 1953 CHEVROLET 98 ' Holidoy hardtop. Duel hy ENTIRE 2nd floor, air conditioned, SEE OUR STOCK OF FINE Sedan. Model 210. No fancy study, large bedroom, private I FOR RENT aromatic, radio, heater, power gadgets or gimmicks to give you bath. IV. 1-2625 after 5 p. m. -teering, brakes, seat, windows; 1952 CHRYSLER j ’♦y *0*0 trouble, just a plain economical □ cor styled with that way ahead excellent running car that is a H ROOMS and bath furnished, up. SHAKFR-Lee, 5 rooms down, plus New Yorker 4-Door. Automatic trans ; include* fashion: priced for quick sale. real honest value, full price $395; call KE. 1-0371. small play room, porch, carpet­ mission, power steering and brake price $395; $5 down, $5 $5 down, $5 weekly. SLEEPING room for lady or ing. garage; children; $115. WY This luxury car gOQQ gentleman, private home, oil East 1-3386. was $695 NOW MVWt 1950 CADILLAC ! 1953 DE SOTO 185th St.. IV. 6-0235. Hardtop coupe. Original jet block ECONOMY BUICK Used Cars Firedome 4 door sedan thoroughly '• ROOMS, up. 169th-Grovewood; bni^h, fully equipped including checked by our skilled mechanic adult-: 880. UL. 1-1237. 12645 fuclid Ave. GA. 1-7641 hydramatic. This is the year to correct any mechanical defects, A Fine Selection of Top Quality, One-Owner Cadillac gave you 15 miles per this car has exceptional engine, 1 L’RNISHED rooms, utilities in­ Available Fo> gallon of gas city driving. Why •quipped with powerfl ite trans­ cluded. garage available. 15302 SOCIAL AFFAIRS WEDDINGS 1956 PLYMOUTH not buy the most expensive while mission. We invite your mechanic Sr-bon1 are it gives you better mileage than MEETINGS. PARTIES Euclid Trade-Ins -Door, V 8 engme rodi#, to inspect this cor. Full price ' FOR RENT heater. A ©ncein-o-life« the cheapest car’ Full price $395; $395; $5 down, $5 weekly. TWO-ROOM GUNN BLOCK AKE Snore brid.. 14302. loom lu; S899 JUST $5 DOWN WITH A STEADY JOB 788 Eas« 152nd St. GL. 1-2143 _lady. all privileges. IV. 6-0286. APPLICATIONS TAKEN BY PHONE 3 BEDROOM single house, in Eu­ 2 SLEEPING rooms, men. clid. call IV. 6-213U, 8 to 4. ask CALL TODAY—DRIVE TODAY kitchen, very clean. 730 tor Marion. IN TOWN. OUT OF TOWN' NO TURN DOWNS At Five Points 155th. 14212 fh.ENSIDE rd., 5~rooms low­ NO PAYMENT IF SICK OR OUT OF WORK 1 EUCLID-Noble area, first er, one on third, gas, garage. Liberty 1-6969 apartment, .newly decorated, un- adults^ LI. 1-5292. EAST SIDE WEST SIDE GLAVIC furnished. stove. refrigerator.r 4 ROOMS, upstairs, adults onlv. Id UR Engagement and Wedding heal and hot water; adults. EV. S-V KE _____ ____ '55 PONTIAC Star Chief 57 CHEVROLET; straight 2-4025. THE DODGE SALES AND SERVICE CENTER OF EUCLID Catalina. Mint stick. Convertible, V 8 SAVE Book, tiie Bude Book. Guest EAST 177th off Grovewood. 2 fam­ '55 CHRYSLER hardtop '57 FORD 500 Victoria. Book, at Tne SCOOP. 614 East ARROWHEAD. 19418. five’ rooms ily. 5 rooms down, $90; garage, Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Till 9 P.M. Nassau. Hardly used SAVE Absolutely spotless SAVE up. HE. 1-9337 till 2 p. m.. alter gas furnace. KE. 1-6780. 55 CADILLAC Convertible SAVE S6 OLDS Super Holiday $1595 5 p. in., call HE. 2-C8u5._ DOCTOR'S office consisting of 3 UPPER 5 room suite of double. BUICK 2 door Riviera $796 56 PONTIAC 4 door Chief­ 5 ROOMS and garage, off East MERCURY hardtop $792 rooms, suitable for dental office. —15602 St. Clair ave. tain "8, ' power steer­ 140tir st. WH. 4H152. 536 East 185th Street KEnmore 1-3375 PACKARD Custom ing brakes, windows SAVE Slovenian Workmen's Home 3 UNFURNISHED rooms up, ga­ 4-door spotless $695 55 FORD convertible. 15335 Waierloo rd., cali IV. 1-5378 13809 ARGUS ave., 4 rooms, down. rage. middle-aged couple, no T95S 53 OLDS 98 Holiday, 2 of from $1195 forfirrthcrjn formation adults, near- Lake_Shore blvd. rhi’rfren; available Mav 26»h. RE Dodge Dealer* Present "The Lawrence Welk Show" Every Sat. and Mon. on ABC - TV WILLYS full power, 3 of them . $694 '55 MERCURY 4 door I-' 'RNISHED apartment. 2 bed­ ROOM and board, private home; 1-1897. Jeep Station Wagon 53 HUDSON 4 door, AAonterey, 2 of from $995 rooms, single beds; garage, avail­ gentlemen. RE. 1-8265. iio, heater; in excellent Hydramatic $291 '55 FORD Custom Tudor. able June 10tn to August 2iith condition SLEEPING room. St. Cair ave . For Rent In Euclid- 53 STUDEBAKER Sport Block. 3 of from $795 Phone RE 1-1793 alter 5 p. m. clo«e to transportation. LI Coupe, 5 to choose from $397 55 FORD Crown Victoria . SAVE Babbitt Shopping Center $595 53 FORD Victoria $594 54 DODGE convertible. 53 KAISER 4 door . .. $292 Straight stick V-8 ... $895 ATTENTION/ Now have State Liquor Store, 1955 BUICK 53 LINCOLN 4 door . .. $695 '54 KAISER 2-door. Home and 2-fomily owners we HALL Allen Dry Cleaning, Franklin Ice 53 DODGE 4-dcor ... $394 AVAILABLE $591 have tenants for your property Cream and others. Excellent for Station Wagon '52 CADILLAC 4 door OLDS ' 98 Convertible SAVl FOR WEDDINGS. MEETINGS ' 62.' $693 33 NASH 4-door, spotless $49' Use Our Rental Service barber shop and other business. Standard Shift AUTOMATIC 52 CADILLAC Coupe STUDEBAKER coupe $395 No Charge to landlords PARTIES SOCIAL AFFAIRS FRANK HOMAN — CE. 1-8194 52 NASH 4 door Hydra­ '53 PONTIAC Catalina. matic, 3 of from $191 2 of from $595 A M PENA. REALTOR TRANSMISSION SERVICE 52 MERCURY 4 door '53 MERCURY convertible 620 East 222nd St AN L1660 SEAWAY LOUNGE ROOM in clean dry basement, all 3 of from $392 2 of from equipped for light housekeeping; $995 I $695 30300 Euclid Ave.
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