PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. JUNE ESTABLISHED 23, 1862-VOL. 30_PORTLAND MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 181'I. _PRICE V, k YEAR, WHEY PAID fif ADVANCE Jl. IHC'ML NOTICE*. niSCBLLtNEOIW. WAIKTIID. WILL CAW IN NOCKLAND BEACON’S TWENTIETH. ISABELLA, LADY SOMERSET. ANTED—We want to sell more for THE SEAL IN WHERE IS \\J goods COURT for that RAGED LIKEBEASTS Celebration the Well BRAZIL ? tv cash. Our prices are always low, but we Another Industry Hustling Birthday by The Cifced our Englishwoman Who can save you lots of money If you will visit Notes. Known Lodge of Odd Fellows. store this week. Rump steak 18c to 22c, good City-Ma*ine Will Soon Visit Portland. round steak loc, best 12Vic, slrlolu roast 12c, best rib roast 12c, beef roast from 6c to loc, ^Special to the Press.1 Beacon lodge, No. 67,1. O. O. F., cele- steak lc, sausage Hu Will Cunt Mm an roast pork 10c, Pork lie, Interna- Conviels Faced Death in the Howl- brated its twentieth The Isabella, Lady Henry Somerset, one of tripe 10c, liver 8c, legs lambs 14c, whole ham Rockland, November 10.—George E. anniversary last Big Republic Fplitting Up lute salt the notable galaxy of stars that are In at- 11c, lean smoked shoulders 8Vic, pork Tllden, manager o( tbe Hurricane evening In the elegant apartments of the beef briskets 8c to tional Canning 8Vic by the strip, corued 4c, Tribunal his of the Stoim. Portland Odd Fellows in tendance upon the World’s Woman’s flanks 8c to 4c, naval cut 4c, Squire’s pure lard Company, has announced intention of iog Farrington block. Peity States. this Christian Union session in 8c, In sn ail tubs; best VermoDt tub butter 26c, removing his business to city the com- For once the noble grand vacated bis seat Temperance at J HNSON & LAMBERT’S, 24 Wilmot Boston this as has been stated ing spring. The Industry will make an of honor In the lodge room and ladles and week, will, street.101 In the important addition to the city’s business gentlemen sat In the places Prkss, visit .'ortland after the Bos- to know we are the commonly kept public If for ton meetings. She has a desire to WANTED—Tbeonly House 111 the U. S. that sell tbe 6-A the Senate Ratifies the Terms as it furnishes employment nearly 100 Huudred Killed in the Indian sacred to the high potentates of the order. Da great Three Fonseca Will Use Re- see 6 Mile Horse Blankets for And we have the, Force to the home of Neal Dow and the work- |1.10. hands. In addition to employment The following programme was lots ol other good bargains in Horse Blankets rendered: for those who furnish the ing methods of Sheriff Cram In a Carefully prepared the Finest and Pur Robes. F. O. BAILEY & given factory with Organ Voluntary—Finale. prohibi- CO., Plum Agreed Upon. firm does an Fenal Station. unite Trade, and sold with a of material. This extensive Clemenza dl Tito.Mozart Them, tory city of this prohibitory state. guarantee Street._10-1 business, packing annually about a million E c- Farnsworth. r» ,« Hr Lady Somerset has a beautiful good second hand retort. Ad- cans of mackerel, Bardlnes, clams, lobsters, Duet—Dance Young Maidens.Schubert face, ABSOLUTE PURITY. WANTED—Adres«, W. N. FKNDKRSON, Great etc. and Miss Bicker. with regular features, crowned with VtoUnviu u*?lss,Jin,6ht soft A marvel of Chebeague, Maine.lo-l At the South Marino railway, the Solo—Cavatina. Bohn dark hair. She has the trained Strength and Effici- of thll Miss Goodwin. English lo Officials Silent Wheu schooner Yankee Maid port is being Female Brave 1 the Sea’s voice fhll know that the famous Washington Prisoners Solo—By Normandy’s B ue Hills.Trotere But He Is Near Unto Death and which gives the listener perpet ency, always uniform, reliable, WANTED—LadlesBlusb ol Roses is Is the Eiffel Tower of repainted and recaulked. The schooner Miss ... Knight. delight; and her weight, and so highly concentrated toilet articles. Tbe effect Is Immediate, delight- Asked for Ancle M. Allen of Boston has Deen re- stately, gracious preseu ful, refreshing and charming, aud gives a lovely POWDER Particulars. classed after receiving thorough repairs. to Save Lives. O. B. Whitten, P. G. shows her Inheritance of as to make them the most economical Fury m!. Willing to Retire. culture, reflc> complexion. H. H, HAY A SON.9-1 Absolutely Pure. Steamer May Field Is receiving a new i Duet-When Life Is Brightest.Plnsutt ment and wealth. to use. them. Sold stern post and otner repairs. Miss Knight anJ Miss Bicker. Try everywhere. loan *10 *20. (80,*50, *100, violin Isabella, A cream of tartar bak Ing powder. High- Bolo—Springtide, obligato. Becker Lady Somerset, was born In WANTED-Toto *10,000, on furniture, pianos, organs, THE Miss Bicker. the eldest Maurice Baker & Co., libraries, eat of all in HALF ROUND feLOBE Violin 1861, daughter of the Earl and horses, carriages, diamouds, watches, leavening atrengtb.-iafeat V. Washington, November 10— An agree- Solo—Scherzo.bait 2d mortgages, notes and pay off furniture leases London, November HO.—Further partic- Miss Goodwin. London, November 10,7 p. m.—A dis- Countess Somers of Eastnor Castle, Led- Laboratory, PORTLAND, ME. Business confidential. PORTLAND COLLAT S. Government Food Report. ment has been entered Into between the Would Stretch the Yost's Travels ulars received here this morning from Cal- Beading—The Glpsejr Girl. patch Just received from Pernambuco bury. a quaint old market town in ERAL LOAN CO., 186 Middle street, room 6 United States and Miss Alice Here- Great Britain upon the cutta show that the which Cushing. nov4 eodtf-sn second of the Steamboat Inspectors. cyclone swept brings further alarming Intelligence re- fordshire, Eog. floor,_y-i terms of tbo arbitration of the Miss Alice Philbrook was Behring Sea over the Andaman a British con- accompanist. the In Islands, garding situation of affairs In Brazil. Lady Somerset’s family can trace back persons want of trunks of fisheries The numbers were TO LET. to at dispute. Attorney General Miller vict settlement in the of on heartily encored, Advices an WANTED—Allbags call E. D. REYNOLDS’, 666 HOLD ON TO LIFE Adousta, November 10.—The state in- Bay Bengal, yesterday showed a feeling of dis- unbroken lineage for over 700 years. and 668 Congress corner of as we said this afternoon that the agreement was Misses Knight and Miss Goodwin street, Oak; Monday caused a very much larger Ricker, content time owners manufacture our aud can therefore spectors of steam vessels made their annu- last, prevailing everywhere throughout Long In county Kent, the I.ET—A new, gunnv rent of seven rooms, goods, give and subject to the ratification of the and Miss CnshiDg to recalls. bottom trunks eve- to live reno- Senate, loss of life than was at first and responding Brazil. The TO $16 per month, OG Oxford street, corner you prices; repaired; open prepare by al to the Executive Council reported, Republicans see In the last family numbers among Its members many uutlll but to such report today. General Whitten’s Mayo. on the or address E.T. Ings e- 8-2 that, subject ratification, was that the was far in excess of address dealt with the moves of Da Apply premises that there are In state damage done Fonseca an attempt to over- illustrious men and women. no MLKRILL, 2 Fessenden street, Portland. your cleanse complete. He declined to They report waters, rise of Beacon and Having want a smart man or woman vating system; state what the amount first here. In ad- lodge, he then touched ride the 10-1 subject to tbe board’s authority, 102 steam telegraphed authority vested In him by the brothers and being the eldest daughter. WANTED—Weas general agent lu Maine; very smalt the blood and set points were to be submitted for arbitra- on the general principles of the order of a the stom- dition to the drowning of nearly all of the constitution. So has the Isabella succeeded LET—At Oakdale, down stairs rent of 7 capital required; splendid chance for tbe right tion. vessels of all classes, with an strong opposition Lady to her father’s one to start new Secretary Blaine aggregate Odd Fellows at some rooms wlih and bath a aud paying business; replies positively de- crew of H. M. S. the length. Beacon to Da TO pantry room, Sebago, the of 84 of Enterprise, govern- Fonseca grown that yesterday, it vast estates, and her tenants number over two new convenient confidential. For particulars address ELEC- ach, and liver in clined to make any statement tonnage 172,410 tons, which bare was large bay windows; house, kidneys, touching the ment steamer In the lodge organized November 7,1871, In was announced that and pleasant. Inquire at the houso, No. 21 TRIC CO., 1 Hancock street, Boston, Mass. I been inspected by them and granted certi- engaged conveying the Important prov- 100,000 people. Her ancestral home, East- wanted matter. Other officers of the State De- the old ball on Exchange street. There William street, D. K. FKOHOCK. 10-1 Agents everywhere. 2-3 order. ficates of The convicts to and from the settlement, by ince of Rio Grande do Sul had declared Its nor Cattle, is a Norman baronial castle of partment were either ignorant of the inspection. owner of steam- were charter pro- ci which 78 out 84 forty-six members, of whom LET—Lower rent 78 Pine six to buy from $1000 to $16- xiyasn iciuses 10 nave ms vessel inspect- of men lost their lives, it is independence.
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