Sandusky Game Tonight inwood VOL. XX No 1 COLUNWOOD HIGH SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, 1937 Teacher Spends 11 Weeks New Pass Subject of Controversy; Burn Candles at Seeing Sights of Eurtpe Collinwood Sees One Pupil Suggests 'Thumbers' Union Three Ends For Miss Edith Erickson spent 11 weeks in Europe. Sailing on the Ile de "If the Cleveland Railway Cqim- "Why doesn't the Railway Company Large Number Of France she landed at Plymouth and pany wants more revenue, let them get wise to itself?" asked John Ka- took a motor trip through rural raite the price of the present pass minski 12A. "Every one loses out by Faculty Changes England and Scotland and attended slightly, but give the students the the present system of restricted use!" two Shakespearean plays at the Me- benefits" of the old pass—thereby sat- ; From these opinions and many, Miss Estelle Kniff in, Gym Teacher Hunt Student Leaders "r Honor morial Theater at Stratford. She also isfying all." Thus Tom Kinney 12A, visited the homes of Sir Walter Scott others like them, one can well see Roll List; You Will Find Many , .„.„. ,IT , , _ , I president of the Student Council, ex that many students at Collinwood en- And Miss Ma rgaret Joseph, Art and William Wordsworth. During her j pressed his view on the present street tirely disapprove of the present 50- There Who Are in Activities stay in London she attended a ^eet" ! railway controversy^ Teacher, Leave School to Marry ing of Parliament and saw the King cent school-pass because of its strict and Queen of England. Bob Jones, president of the 12A restrictions. Who burns the candle at all three class, made this terse but heartfelt At the beginning of every semester ends ? Who is it that Mr. Whitney Leaving England she went to Hol- statement : "Better I should walk !" . All hope for, and think that a we find that there have been some Would gladly go bankrupt for ? Who land where she was amazed to find "I think we should organize a change is vital and will satisfy every- changes in the faculty. This year eventually fills in the much coveted that every other person according to 'thumbers" union'," said Dan Stearns one. v y there have been more than usual, with positions of student leaders? Who ? statistics had a bicycle. From Hol- 11 A. Do you? the addition of several new teachers Why none other than Honor Roll land she went to Belgium, France, and the loss of ten of the old faculty. Rhine Valley, Switzerland, Denmark, The opinion of Marvin Zosïov 12A students who live up to the stiff re- —"The majority of students, bought Miss Uva Janney is now head of quirements of all A's and not more Sweden, and Norway then back to Tom Kinney Directs the Home Economics Department at England and home on the Normandie. school-passes last year because of the than one B in major subjects, or of long hours and 7-day use. .-' Students John Adams High School. Taking Merit Roll recognition. On her extensive tour she attended New Student Council her place is Miss Avis, Bissell, who the International Exposition in Paris will buy passes only if the same These are the Honor Roll students regulations and hours are again in dislikes having her name spelled with- where the German and Russian build- use." . .'.;'• ' lZB's and 12A's Share Honors out that second "1" because she fears of last June: ings dominated the scene. GIKLS — Flora Barlow, Elaine Cook, Mar- In the Executive Positions it will connect her with the sweeper. jorie Dort, Mary Ellen Ingcndorf, Mildred In regard to conditions in foreign She has gone to Milwaukee Downer Keller, Winifred LimUay, Jean Perz, Kath- erine Sals, Hilda Schaefer, Elaine Schultz, countries she felt a feeling of unrest College as well as W.R.XJ. She taught : Silver Screen Brings Another semester brings the inevi- Edna Kirch, Miiisie Wilson, Virginia Harper, in Paris, a sense of quiet in Berlin at Wilson Junior High and Alexahder Naomi Jteyl, Ruth Lloyd, Ethel Lockwood, and of prosperity in the Scandinavian table change of Student Council exec- Hamilton. Her hobby is bridge and Elizabeth McClUrg, Dotores Parks, Katherine utives, and once again, pupils in this Peterbon, Emma Petti, Divine Pizzuti, Mildred countries. Talent, Music, Thrills handwork. She owns her own auto- lloberts, Hetty SpanKenberg, June" Williams, sel ectivo group hope to be as com pè- Carrriella Catalano, 'Belle Drake, Maude She says this is the nicest summer mobile and likes to drive it. Her tent and successful as the executives pet peeve is shopping for readymade Wilwin. she ever had, and wishes she could Vtllairs, Child Stars, Sirens Vary Of the semester before, Betty Bartlett. Esther Budlc, Nina Dovich, return soon. clothes. She has worn combs in her Eleanor Guenther, Marjorie Karnatz, Ann Liit to Please Movie-goers Tom Kinney 12A is : the new Stu- hair for many years and still likes to Lusin, Eleanor Iiusnak,, Catherine Snyder,. dent Council president, and Betty Lo:s Truder'ng, Helen Georgia, Julia Ipayec, wear them. She expected to find Rose Lcighton, I,can Willis,. -Ruby Cocker, Romance, sports, adventure, musi- Spjjngenberg 12B is vice-president. Collinwood pupils larger than her Clara Paradiso, Eleanor Babets, -Videt Bush, Winifred Lindsay Ì2A, clicking away Mildred Fox, Doi'othy. Hraster, Margaret No Hardened Arteries; cals, mysteries, history and comedies. former ones, but to her surprise, Hvala, Eleanor Kister, Marallyri MacRitchie, All have a large part in this year's on a typewriter, next week will com- they are not; . ;; a Katherine Martindaie, Marallyn Naugle, Lu- mence: her duties as secretary, while . cille Be Vries, Ruth Penko, Ellen Lucas, movie program. Miss Estelle Kniffin, physical edu- Aletha Brisbin, Margaret Cassidy, Josephine 'Spot' Has New Blood "the man on the flying trapeze,''Nor- Kosmerl, Nina Panarisi, Eleanor Poje, Edith George Arliss, Shirley Temple, man MacRaud 12A, will have his cation instructor, was married in Puncoh, Inez Bezyak, Lillian Borisb; Irene blond Alice Faye, handsome Tyrone head bent over the treasurer's books June to the brother of Mr. Clyde R. Gregas. Editors and Staff Promise Newsy Newell; football coach. Her place is Albina Sechnick, Mary Benesovsky, Mary Power and Errol Flynn, petite Ruby this: semester. Lee Dunlap, Marjorie Hamburger, El«ahor And Interesting Spotlights Keeler, oriental Warner Oland, he- Commander of the hall guards is being filled by Miss Jane McSorley, Higgs. Lois Kolmorgeh, Vpra Maririero, Betty who graduated from Lakewood High Jane Roth, Mis'y Sarrlsa, iJane Thompson, man Victor McLaglen, and a host of Ross Christiansen 12A, and command, Irene Petric, Ruby RlcharAjf Betty LarsOii, By Winifred Lindsay, News Editor other favorites will be parading down- er of the noon movies, Carl Weber School and received her B.A. Degree Anilrpy Vi^W'fivk, Sy'via' -V: ** . ^jae »>$a»bi, stairs across our silver screen. at Kent. Miss MeSorley's hobby is Eleanor Ranalio, Rita Sawyer, Evelyn Le]>ley, 12A, already ' has begun counting his Bessie Kostas, Audrey MaSlo, Mildred Van The main artery through which The movies scheduled for this pennies. The job of managing the writing for small, obscure magazines. VegheL Ollie HoUenbach, Kathleen Merryman, the news of the school flows is the She has a number of stories and ar- Doris Pry, Caroline Talladino, June Wilcex, semester are as follows: cafeteria guards falls into thè com- Margaret Bertte, Margaret Clark, Hyacinth "Spotlight." Collinwood hasn't hard- George Arliss in "Man of Affairs"; petent hands of George Will 11 A, ticles that have been accepted. She Gottozisi. Lisa Grimmer, Helen Koshel, Vir- ening of the arteries! We have new is enthusiastic about swimming- and ginia Savodnik,. Marganet Schblz, Mildred Shirley Temple in "Stowaway"; Ruby Mary Mascia 12B has charge of the Slmonctc, Carmella Mishkaryich,, Anna Louise blood coursing through them in the Keeler and Lee Dixon in "Ready, ! Honor Study Halls and Margaret will teach the Collinwood girls this Mayer, Mary Centa, Florence Durn, Violet form of a new staff. winter. She asked that it be pointed Mihelinec, Helen Fasuk,. Glga Trepal, Olga Willing and Able"; "Wings of the Grogans 12B steering clear of tickets Malher, Elizabeth Ponikvar, Josephine Simon, Bob Flating has enough new ideas Morning" with an all-colored cast; this semester is now commander of out that her name is not French and Ijoretta Albreeht, Dorothy Sechnick, Mary that the "ley" is pronounced "ly" not Vidrnai-, Patricia Cencape. Wanda Richard, for five school papers. He has given Victor Mc Laglen and Chester Morris the library guards. Nina Panarisi Elizabeth YoUng, Margaret Corron, Dorothy new life and zest to our second page in "Sea Devils"; the English picture, 11B, chairman of the ticket commit- "lay." She likes modern dancing and Bourne. make-up. "Nine Days a Queen"; Errol Flynn tee, handles ali Student Council dance tries very hard not to like candy. BOYS Dave Crill. Albert Kiivington, Allen Lepley, James Porcella, Fred Bashal, Stanley The second page is New and Dif- and Anita Louise in "Green Light"; tickets. ' ' Mr. J. Leon Ruddick, who was been Cawdtk, Robert Elmore, Desmond Farrel, Eu- ferent! Darwina DeMarzy is editor Power and Loretta Young in "Love Chairman of the publicity commit- head of the music department, is at gene Haako, Jule Hofstetier, Ralph Lefkof. Robert Marshall, Robert Wheatcroft, Carl of that page and still carries on her Is News"; Paul MuniV ^.uraeteriza- tee this semester is Jim Finch 1215, school headquarters. Gerber, (ieorge Lonchar, Richard Sanborn, clever column of nosy-news. Don tion of "Dr. Socrates", • arner Oland while Bob August 11B steps into his Mr. James Aliferis, who taught George Will, Larry Horner, Arthur McCrae, Wilmot is going to give the sport as, "Charlie Chan at the Opera"; ice- shoes as chairman of the properties theory of music, is gone and Mr.
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