OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY. November/December 1998 The • How do we helpl We Sing ... for lifel mEl Harmony Foundation ACOUSTIX SETS THE NEW STANDARD in vocal performance with their passionate, heartfelt, and technically masterful singing on Jazz, Jazz, Jazz. Standards from "jazz" and "easy listening" are step one of Acoustix' formula. Now add Barbershop phrasing, perfect intonation and rich harmonies. The secret ingredient however is authenticity. That's what makes Acoustix' Jazz, Jazz, Jazz a masterpiece. I am not generally a fan of barbershop, but Acoustix is just too unbelievably talented not to like. Their uncompromising musicality simply dwarfs any other considerations. They are the masters of their art, and the first-rate performances that literally overflow from Jazz, Jazz, Jazz will transform any listener to an Acoustix devotee. Eight of the thirteen songs are completely a cappella, but lush, mostly four-part vocal harmony dominates all the tracks. Todd Wilson, Rick Middaugh, Jason January, and Joel T. Rutherford focus Acoustix' sound on ensemble rather than solo performance. The sum of Acoustix is far greater than its talented component parts. Sweetening the mix, the Dallas Jazz Orchestra under musical director Galen Jeter and The Steve Lehmann Big Band both swing through their accompaniments, supporting, enriching but never dominating. Also joining the quartet as special guests are jingle singers, Jim and Greg Clancy to fill out the hauntingly beautiful Gene Puerling arrangement of Unforgettable. Adding a very pleasurable sonic element is Sky­ Tenor, Todd Wilson's talented sister, Wendy Wilson DeCrow on The Nearness of You. The engineering, mixing and mastering are all technically excellent and artistically tasteful. The richness of the harmonies cuts through even the most-dense arrangements. The voices shine on every cut. Jazz, Jazz, Jazz is a very successful blending of barbershop, pop and jazz style and sensibility. If you love beautiful singing, you have no excuse not to own this album. It's a gem. - Jonathan Minkoff· Recorded A Cappella Review Board (RARB) • www.rarb.org JAZZ, JAZZ, JAZZ CDS: $15 TAPES: $10 ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS includes: plus shipping & handling also distributes: Jazz,Jazz,Jazz ACOUSTIX A Shine On Your Shoes I Steppin' Out Medley The New Science of Sound Answer Me, My Love NORTH AMERICAN SHIPPING Stars & Stripes The Nearness Of You IF ORDERS TOTAL: ADD: Unforgettable The Suntones Straighten Up & Fly Right Up to $15.00 $2.50 Complete Works, Volumes 1, 2. 3. 4 & 5 Day By Day $15.01 - $25.00 $3.50 The Dealer's Choice Graduation Day Ill's A Blue World Medley $25.01 - $50.00 $4.50 Anthology 4-CD sel @ 549' Route 66 $50.01 - $75.00 $5.25 4-lape set @ 533' All The Way Over $75 $6.00 Poinciana The Bluegrass Student Union Legacy 3-CD set @ 560' Orange Colored Sky OVERSEAS ORDERS will be charged at our cost and will vary according to The Simon & Garfunkel Montage VOICES VHS video @ $19.95' location and order size. Allow 4 weeks for delivery. We must have a telephone Keep America Singing Visa, MasterCard, American Express & number and expiration date on all VHS video @ 529.95' Discover Cards accepted. Make checks credit card orders. payable to ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS • plus shipping & handling Distributed by: ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS 10455 North Central Expressway, Suite 109-128 • Dallas, Texas 75231-2211 USA Call 888/448-STIX (7849) for recordings or 888/449·STIX (7849) for bookings TOLL·FREE within N. America Fax: 214/265-9555 • Email:~' • Web site: www.acoustix.com SPEDSQSA The Vision Statement The Society is to be an ever-growing fraternity ofbar­ bcrshop-st)'lc singers, leading the cause of encourag­ ~armonizer ing vocal music in om schools and cOlllmunities. A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA. INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY Hannony Foundation 1m Your clearinghouse for all charitable activities, including SingAmericn, SingCanada, Heartspring, the Heritage Hall i."luscUlll, the Cl\dO\\~l1Cllt progmm nnd llIClllOri[l! giving, may be reached at (800) 876-SrNG, ext. 8447 Headquarters Office Staff 5 Harmony Foundation DARRYL FLINN, Execuli\'e Director General Fund Campaign, historical notes fundraising and service projects. Ilr. GREG LYNE, Din:cloror~,usicEduralion & Services FHANK SANTAI{ELLI, CPt\, Cf\E II The Ditchfield Family Singers Dir~'ClorofFi.lJal1cc8:. Adminislr.llion G,\RY STAMl\I, CAE The slory behind Ihe Irip 10 Allanla. Hannony Foundation Executive Dir('clor 12 The Revival Plan [>ireclor of EXlemal AO"ilirs EY NA U, i\lmmgillg Director of i\lcmbcr Sen'ices Meet your 1998 international champion quartet members. BRIAN LYNCH, Public Relations Dircctor JOHN SCHNEIDER, Ewnts f\lanagerfStaffCoullsel 14 The march to the gold TOi\! UAIUl, Libnuian, Old Songs Library The StOl)' behind the Alexandria Harmonizers' 1998 championship. RUTH ULAZINA-JOYCE, }'luscum Curntor/An:hi\'ist DAN DAILY, Publications Editor 16 Harmony College 1998 JI;\I DEBUSJ\IAN, J\lusic Specialist/Quartet Development Stories from Tile New York Times, quartets and music educators. LANI D1ETEH, C&J Coordinator.Quartet RegistryiHC-DC RUSS FORJS, 1\lanrtgcrof1\lcdirt Production rtnt! Services 22 Buckeye Invitational X LARRY GILHOUSEN, Development Dircctor SCOTI HOGE, J\1:mager oflnfonnatiOIl Systems Story and photos from this year's event. JOE LILES, J\lusic Publicrtliol1s 26 Promote community singing? Who, me? HErrY J\IAnSEN, J\lcrchandise Operntions i\lrtnager BlLL ItASllLEIGII, J\lusic Sp...-cirtlist/Youth OU!R'rt<.'ll Good tips from all experl. REED SAJ\IPSON, Public Relations Specialist I'ATRICK TUCKER-I< ELL\', World Hannonyltlemb<'rsllip 30 VM shows hearts of gold l nEE VESEVICK, Assistant to the Executive Director A behind-the~scelles stOl)' from the Atlanta convention. KiRK YOUi'iG, J\lusic Sp.."'Ci:tlist 32 Toward a more productive evaluation session Society Headquarters More good tips from an expert. 38 Singing Valentines-I 998 SPEBSQSA Stories, tips and photos from around the Society. 6315 Third Avenue Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 Telcphonc (414) 653-8440 Toll-free (800) 876-SING (7464) FAX (414) 654-4048 m 654-5552 8 &•• E-mail (namc)@spcbsqsa.org Ex: Jack Singer = [email protected] Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.l11. 24 From the Archives l\lonciay-Friday (Ccntral Timc) Web Site: Part 1 of2 on the history of audio recording-quartets were pioneers. http://www.spebsqsa.org 28 Reaching out Chicago Tribune story, plus photos ofschool participation. NovemberlDecember 1998 34 Chapters in Action Volumc LV11l, No.6 This issue features a wide variety ofchapter activities. The HUI"I/lollilcr(USPS No. 577700) (ISSN 00 17-7849) is the 36 News About Quartets official publicrttioll of the Soci,,;ty for the Pr,,;scrvrttion anti Encoumgelllent of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Ball games, picnics and, yes, The 1\lusic 1\1([11 again. Inc. (SPEBSQSA). It is published in the months ofJanuary, 40 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers 1\ larch, J\la}', July, September and Novemberat 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha. Wisconsin 53143. Periodicals postrtgc paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin, and at :Jdditional mailing offices. Editorinl and :Jdverlising ofiices arc at the Society he:Jdquar­ ters. Advertising rilles available upon request. Publisher as­ sumes no responsibil ity for return ofunsolicited manuscripts or rtrtwork. Postmastcr: send addr,,;ss changcs to cditorial otTiccs of The !larmon;zer, 7930 Sheridnn Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143 at least thirty days before the next publica­ tion date. A portion of each member's dues is allocated to cov,,;rthc magazine's subscription price. Subscription price to • non·members is 521 yearly or $3.50 per issuc; foreign sub­ scriptions arc $31 yearly or $5 Jler issue lV. S. funds only). Recognizing the inaugural Harmony Foundation General Fund Campaign is the Pl998 by the Society for the Preservation nnd Encourage­ ment of Brtrber Shop Quartet Singing in America. Inc. feature of this issue. November/December 1998 c!Jfalfnonizer • by Darryl Flinn, Executive Director SPEBSQSA Board of Directors Ed Wat"sche. Society Prrsidrnl 6 Vista Lane, McI\'ilh:, NY 11747 Chuck Walson, Socirl)" Eurulh'e "ire )'rrsldenl 784 ~!t'CaJl Court, Columbus. 011 43235 Kelt Flrtcher, Sociely Trrasurer 4241 21s1 Ave, W, 11100, Scali Ie WA 98199 Tim lIanrah:m, Soelrl)' Imlllediale Pasl I'ruidrnt 21511edgeeock Court, S:lldlite lle'aeh, t'"L 32937 Darr)'1 Flinn. Socirl)" Exrculh'e ))lreclorlDoard SrcrrlarJ ('X I~Oicio Jim Bagby, SocIety Hoard Member 8714 E. 57th Terracl', Kansas City, r-.tO 64129 The secret of Christmas Don Challman, Socil'l)' Board l\lember ••• 916 Tanglewood Dr" Shor..:\'icw, r-.IN 55126 Gene Courts, Society lJoard l\IrllIber 2544 i\ladison Rd., Cincinn:ui, QH 4520S remembered Bob Cox. Sociely Board Memhel' 5578 Ka}'ak Wa}', NE, Salem. OR 97303 Earl HagTl, Sodrl)' Uoard ;\Iembrr 1211 Stmtford Dr., Richardson, TX 75080 Ric lIa}1hom, Socirl)" Board i\lember ello, friends, and Happy Holidays for our Heritagc Hall Museum to preserve 4124 Flinlridgt", Dallas, TX 75244 John Krizek, Society Hoard .'lrmbrr to you and your family. Whether and display our Society's archives. 13615Ikbb)' SI., V3n Nu)'s, CA 91401 it's Christmas time or Hanukkah, it's Our music is so very expressive and we Brian O'Leary, Sociely Board ;\lernher H P.O. Box 3174. Wobum, M" 01888~2074 a good feeling. A time to worship, to give are so emotionally generous when wc per­ Charlie Rose, Sodrly 1I0ard Membrr thanks, to love, to share, and, ofcourse, it's form it, yet, our entire Harmony Foundation P.O. Hox 7885. Rock)' ~lounl. NC 2780-1 Dale Schulz, Societ)· Board l\lember always a good time to sing. effort is funded to the tlille ofonly about 25 10608 Walers Forest Dr.. Dubuque, I" 52003·9667 Friends, our Society's charitable activity, cents per week per individual member, If John W..lker, Society Hoard ;\Irmber HD 112, I.lox 99G.
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