Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 9-19-1977 Arbiter, September 19 Associated Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. SBA'sfile Injunction SI..!Bdirector produces play The combined student body the State Board tp pass an associations of BSU, the Univer- 'emergency rule' is' totally _ sity of Idaho, Idaho State without foundation, is a sham, University, and Lewis and Clark and is' a deliberate attempt to by Terry McGuire father. It is a cause he believes something to make things State ,College filed an injunction defy the orders and judgments" If you take a moment to meet in not only because of his better. We're selfless and it in the Fourth District Court of the state courts. the man who, every day, makes personal loss, but also due tn becomes more important" that under Judge Gerald Schroeder. ·The rule refers to sanctions it his job to make life as pleasant we are," Notnian contemplated, The purpose of the injunction is that have not been established as possible, you would see that "Collectively ,man can do to determine whether the and allows for unequal applica- Fred Norman cares. He, greets much; individually, we're not Alcohol Policy implemented by tion" of enforcement. you with 'that-peepetual smile that important. the State Board of Education at ·The rule is void for vagueness and the warm, extended hand, "If we have a spirit that their September 2 meeting and its enforcement violates the synonymous with, how he goes uplifts, that arises above the deprives students of their right United States and Idaho consti- about his job as SUB director: mundane and the mediocre ... to due process and equal tutions in denying. university warm,open and friendly. we can do better. That is what protection under the law. students due process and equal In seven years as director of I'm experiencing with the The injunction contends that: protection under the law. the BSU Student Union Build- show," ·The State Board is under the ·In attempting to require ing, Norman has added the "Shenandoah" will be per- control of Idaho's Administra- visitors on campus (non-stud- personal touches to the building formed in Boise, November tive Procedures Act, and thus euts) to comply with the rule he feels should make the 10-20, after an engagement at must follow the APA's rule- enforcement of the State Bo- student feel as if i~ were his or CSI in Twin Falls, November making" procedures. ard's action would violate the her home. The addition of plants 4-6. "'The "rule" adopted by the Idaho Code and local ordin- and assorted greenery may be Norman carries this sense of Board at their last meeting ances, in" addition to the state the incidental touches of friend- purpose, a sense of accomplish- prohibiting alcohol on public and United States' constitu- liness, but the attitude that the ment, in his position as director areas of the campus "threatens tions. staff and employees carry are of the SUB. to interfere with or impair the The injunction requests a "court what Norman would like to see "I try daily," he said, "to 'legal rights or privileges" of declaration that the rule is null, as an extension of him. reach out and say, 'If you were university students. " void and unconstitutional and a An accomplished collegiate Fred Norman my son, how would 1 react?' I "'The State Board, in adopting permanent ban on the State athlete, professor and educator, care. There's been almost a the alcohol rule, did not follow Board's declaring any rule on Norman is known throughout the fact that he actually cares. ," marriage between the students its own established procedures, alcohol in addition or contrary to the Boise valley mainly by his Through his connection with and myself," did not follow the procedure for state, county, or city laws. directorial duties in the produc- " the Morrison Foundation, Nor- In seven" years at BSU, adoptions of rules outlined in Further, the injunction asks for tions of·"ManifLa Mancha," man has secured a substantial Norman' has seen its rapid the Idaho Code, and did not $10,000 punitive damages .plus "Fiddler on the Roof' and now grant to defer the costs of a development from a state publish the adopted rule accord- plaintiffs' costs and attorney "Shenandoah," produced in linear accelerator, a device that college to a university; he has ing to the Idaho Code. fees. conjunction with the Mountain MSTI badly needs in its fight seen" its growth as a maturing "'The State Board invoked the States Tumor Institute. against cancer. influence on Boise and its emergency statute, but did not The rule as set forth by the Norman carries through his Watch Norman's eyes, his people. show evidence in writing of an State Board at theirSeptember production not only entertain- gestures, as he speaks of his "We've got to be reaching for emergency, nor did they show 2 meeting prohibits the posses- ment, but a cause:" the end of production; one can see his something. A BSUhlls to "that the rule need be effective sion and consumption of alco- cancer. His own life was genuine determination toward become a university ,not only in immediately or at a period of holic beverages in public areas touched by the death of the cause. name... a living thousands, less than twenty days thereafter of grounds" of state-supported someone due to the disease: his "Once in" a while, we do [c;ont. on page 13) because of imminent peril by institutions of higher, education. f t ARBITER I September 19, 1977 SBEex'empts selves Something specia.lfor.·MSTI from APA by Mike Isbcll accelerate the intensity of the ing other cells in the body. radiation until" it reaches (the There are still some side-effects'. by Bud Humphrey stated Mike Hoffman, president intensity) they want. The from the machine, but it's much of the Associated Students of The Mountain State Tumor computer also ~lines up the more effective, because it can Idaho's State Board of Educ- Boise State University. "[Those Institute, in conjunction with the device so that it knowa how get right to what it -wauts." ation, in the wake of their are) student" fees, rates 'of American Cancer Society, will deep to go, how much is there, The Shenandoah project was surprise ruling on alcohol ill the tuition, student activities and present a dram tic musical to exactly pinpoint where they concieved by the Morrison .state's universities. has filed a discipline, and student housing entitled Shenandoah at the Fammily Foundation as a fund proposal in the Legislative .... if anyone suffers, it will be Boise High School in an effort to raising campaign for the Tumor Council intended to exempt the the student:" raise money for the payment of institute, and as a way to get the Board from the rule-making The State Board, . at' its MSTI's (pronounced mis-tee) t community involved. They are requirements in the Adminis- meeting in Sandpoint, ,Septem~ newest piece of equipment -~the paying for the LA. The Morrison trative Procedures Act'.Accord- bel' 2, introduced the alcohol $500,000 linear accelerator. The .j Family Foundation has contri-: ing to Senator Leon Swenson, ruling under the emergency", play will open in Boise Nampa, who plans to introduce , provision of the APA, The ruling November 10th. r-~ buted an additional $400.000 to the bill in the next session of th banned possession and use of The linear accelator is a cancer f< the project. The single theme of the project' ' Idaho legislature.ithe act 'will alcohol in public areas of srate arresting devise recently devel- cover certain "areas that; .. the college and" university earn- oped by the American Cancer is "Shenandoah: Something Administrative Procedures Act puses,-citing imminent peril to , Society,' Before the development ¢1'~\, special for MSTI." Its compan- was never' intended to apply public health, safety and wel- -of the linear accelerator, cancer ion project is the drive for BSU too" ," , fare if there were no restriction patients were required to ~~: involvement." The th-eme:"BSU The act, technically an am- on alcohol at schools. undergo treatment using a for MSTI -BSU's' greatest endment to the APA, would In response to the Board's machine thatutilizes uranium as LeelWercy victory - helping to wipe out exempt the State Board from the emergency ruling, t1}e student' its radiation source. These were cancer," APA's procedures in the areas associations of all, 'state~sup- known as Cobalt' treatments . want the machine to take "It's like the, hundred 'yard of imposition of student fees, ported institutions of higher "Oftentimes the LA was effect:' The linearaccelerator is dash," says Jerry Davis Direct- rates of -tultton, personnel education (BSU, University of developed, cancer patients were a device that allows us to get in or of High School and University management, .student activities Idaho, Idaho State University,,, required to endure the Cobalt and kill cancer without destroy- , ' {Cont. on page 13) and .""discipline, admission re- Lewis and, Clark State, College) radiation treatments which cau- quirements, 'degree require- filed 'an injunction, now pend- sed" hair to fall out, had to ments, courses of study and ing, ,to block the alcohol ban.
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