CABRAMATTERS SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ISSUE 4 2015 Cover design by: Brian To 1 Peace Day 2015 By; Nita Kong and Katrina Trinh ............................................................................................................................................... Friday the 13th of November saw a In addition to Mr. Gittoes’ visit, Peace Day bountiful array of colours, as Cabramatta also unified 60 diverse cultures within the High School celebrated Peace Day. With a school. Students from grades 7-12 were special visit from the 2015 Sydney Peace part of the welcoming party attired in their Prize winner, George Gittoes, fifteen traditional clothing. On top of this, many schools and special guests came together great performances demonstrated the to glorify the day’s significance. multiculturalism in Cabramatta. George Gittoes is a remarkable individual Principal, Ms Beth Godwin commented who promotes peace through art. The on the tremendous effort as well, stating Afghanistan Yellow House is one of his “Cabramatta High School staff, students most successful projects, that aims to and community are a living example of establish a safe haven for artists across how many cultures can come together to several countries. create peace.” The school captain, Petra Matic, has stated A few days after the event, Gittoes sent an that “It was great to be able to contribute email to the school expressing his thanks to Mr Gittoes Yellow House Foundation and appreciation of the day and said, with {the} fundraising we did over the past “It was definitely the most amazing day of few weeks.” my life and certainly one of the happiest.” Proudly sponsored by: Scan this QR code to be White Doves ‘R’ Us directed to the school’s website for more photos. Photos courtesy of Mr. Hallab 2 3 Debating champions By: Ms. Simatovic (Debating Coordinator) ...................................................................................................................................................................... Contents: Peace Day 2015 ........ 2 Proud supporters........ 20 Debating Champions ........ 4 2015 the year ........ 21 to be green careers corner ........ 4 Throughout the year, the Year 7 and 8 to the Grand Final of the Premier’s Debating HSIE Newstand........ 22 Debating Team has participated in a number Challenge for 2015. Out of 64 teams, our Principal’s Message ........ 6 of debates against schools in the South Year 7 and 8 Debating Team was able to Special RED Time ........ 25 Western Sydney region. They have debated successfully defeat Picton High School in the Principal’s message ........ 7 Roll CalL against Cecil Hills High School (Team A and South Western Sydney Grand Finals. translations B), Hoxton Park High School, Canley Vale school council minutes ....... 14 CHS Stationary shop ........ 26 High School and Hurlstone Agricultural High We congratulate Danijela Sekuljica, Sarah School. Through it all, they have remained Nguyen, Julina Lim and Emma Tang for their Cabramatters Challenge ........ 15 IMC Sky High ........ 27 undefeated. excellent efforts and wish them all the best at Their ongoing dedication and hard work the Debating Camp. Oakley in Residence ......... 9 Cabra Foodies ........ 28 has meant that they have made it through Where are they now? ........ 17 2nd chance helping ........ 29 The people of Ethiopia The Science Lab ........ 18 Careers corner CAPA: Art studio ........ 30 By: Mr. Pulham ................................................................................................................................................................... School Calendar ........ 31 Cabramatters challenge WIN A $50 WHAT THE FUDGE FOOD VOUCHER ! The Minister for Multiculturalism, The Honourable John George Ajaka, recently presented Timothy Lam with a Premier's Volunteer Recognition Program certificate at a ceremony at NSW Parliament House. Congratulations to Timothy, our Captain of 2014 ! 4 5 Principal’s message had significant representation in state level towards making the world a more peaceful су изнад државног просека, што указује swimming, athletics, cross country and place. These projects are very important to на посвећеност и ученика и наставника. 2015 has been an excellent year for football. our cultural identity in Cabramatta and the Учествовање ученика на разним Cabramatta High School academically, in school. By giving back to the community националним и интернационалним sports, the arts and in global citizenship. In the arts our school dancers featured in we are showing that we value our lives in такмичењима донело је највише оцене, Our school building project has finished the prestigious School Spectacular and Australia, we want to make a difference and међу којима је и резултат од 100% из and the school facilities are of the highest performed at a number of venues in the that we appreciate the struggles of others. хемије. Велики број ученика је постигао standard. local area. The Lion Dancers performed академски успех и добили су значајне at many schools in the region showing a Our school completed the five year major стипендије за сениорске године и We started the year with fantastic reports high level of discipline and motivation. The refurbishment and building project funded универзитет. Наш јуниорски тим је of high numbers of school leavers entering drumming groups were in high demand by the state government. Our campus тријумфовао у дебати победивши све tertiary study (85%) and other students or performance at other schools and in facilities are now recognised as world class школе у регији југозападног Сиднеја и gaining full time employment and training high profile community events. The school with specialist facilities and technology a постали су шампиони. opportunities. Five students gained results hosted professional artists in the Artist feature. The school and community are to be in the top 10 of the state and in practical in Residence program and worked with commended for their patience and flexibility Да подржимо и одамо признање subjects of textile, art and multimedia students to produce some outstanding during the building project. ученицима који теже да дају све од себе, student work was selected for state wide artworks. The school concert was of high 2015 has been a progressive year for ми смо створили 19 стипендија у износу exhibitions. quality and strongly supported by the Cabramatta High School. до 5.000 долара. Свим ученицима смо community. The school choir and individual рекли да се пријаве и резултати ће бити Our NAPLAN results continued to show that singers were selected to perform at a The staff, students and community have all оглашени током завршне свечаности the school is High Performing at State and number of events including the Moon worked together to create great outcomes 2015. National levels with some of the best results Festival and the Australian and Business for students across all areas. Cabramatta High we have had in five years. Year 9 numeracy Community Network. School has shown that it is a school where У спортским такмичењима ученици results were higher than the State average, everyone is valued and can achieve. су се такмичили у голфу и одбојци. И which reflects the dedication of both Our school has been very active in the девојчице и дечаци освојили су 3. и 4. students and teachers to numeracy. Student field of global citizenship. This is an area I wish the staff, students and the community a место у држави у одбојци. Fitness клуб participation in National and International that is very important to students as they safe and peaceful holiday season. и даље расте и заједно са Breakfast academic competitions yielded high go forward in the world. It is what helps клубом приказани су на телевизији на distinctions, with one student gaining 100% them develop empathy, values and a B e th Go dw in јутарњем програму. Имали смо значајан in chemistry. A number of students have strong sense of responsibility. It promotes број представника на државном нивоу у excelled in all academic areas and were leadership and team work and allows пливању, атлетици, кросу и фудбалу. offered significant scholarships for their students to respond to issues with purpose. Principal’s message translations Што се тиче уметности, наши ученици senior study and university. Our Junior The school raised money to help rebuild an плесачи учествовали су у престижном debating team triumphed over all schools orphanage devastated by the earthquakes 2015. је била одлична година за Cabramatta School spectacular програму и такође in the South West of Sydney to become the in Nepal. Money was raised for our sister High школу академски, у спорту, уметности изводили на неколико локалних места. champions. school in Kenya to provide tables for the и глобалном доброчинитељству. Започели Тзв. Lion плесачи изводили су свој плес students. Money was donated to the Yellow смо годину са фантастичним извештајима у неколико школа у регији показујући To support and acknowledge our students House project in Afghanistan promoting о ученицима који су завршили школу и висок ниво дисциплине и мотивације. who strive for personal best we have artists working in peace. Fundraising наставили на другим високошколским Наши бубњари били су веома тражени created 19 school scholarships as high as activities have resulted in enough установама (85%) и оним који су добили да учествују у другим школама и на $5000. All students have been asked to money being raised to build a school for посао и могућности за обуку. Пет догађајима високог профила у
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