SECRET // 20331013 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STATES COMMAND HEADQUARTERS , JOINT TASK FORCE GUANTANAMO U.S. NAVAL STATION , GUANTANAMO BAY , CUBA APOAE09360 JTF- GTMO- CDR 13 October2008 MEMORANDUMFORCommander, UnitedStates SouthernCommand, 3511NW 91st Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) ISN 010022DP (S) JTF - GTMO Detainee Assessment 1. ( S) Personal Information : JDIMS/NDRC ReferenceName: Bashir Lap Current/ True Name and Aliases: Lilie, Mohamed NazirBin Lep, Suicide Ali, Usman Waayita, Ibrahim , Awang, Awae, Omar Place of Birth: Johor, Malaysia (MY) Date ofBirth: 26 December 1976 Citizenship: Malaysia Internment Serial Number (ISN) : 010022DP 2. (U //FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in excellenthealthwithout any significantchronic medical conditions. 3. ( U ) JTF- GTMO Assessment : a . ( S ) Recommendation: JTF- GTMO recommendsthis detainee for Continued Detention Under DoD Control ( CD) . JTF- GTMO previously recommendeddetainee for CD on 8 December 2006. b . ( S ) Executive Summary: If released without rehabilitation, close supervision, and means to successfully reintegrate into his society as a law abiding citizen, it is assessed detainee wouldprobably seek out prior associates and reengage in hostilities and extremist support activities. Since transfer to JTF -GTMO, detainee has appeared to be cooperative during interviews but may also have been withholding information and employing counter interrogation techniques. Detainee is a member of al-Qaida and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) who CLASSIFIED BY : MULTIPLE SOURCES REASON : E.O. 12958, AS AMENDED , SECTION 1.4 ( C DECLASSIFY ON : 20331013 SECRET NOFORN 20331013 SECRET NOFORN 20331013 JTF - GTMO -CDR SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under Control (CD) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN - 010022DP (S ) admittedly swore bayat (oath of allegiance ) to Usama Bin Ladin (UBL . He was a member of a cell slated to conduct a hijacking operation called the “ West Coast Airliners Plot” involving the hijacking and destruction of CONUS targets planned by Khalid Shaykh Muhammad, aka (KSM) , ISN 010024DP (KU - 10024 ), which was similar to the attacks on 11 September 2001 in the US. Detainee is a well-connected lieutenant of al Qaida operative and leader Riduan Bin Isomuddin, aka (Hambali), ISN -010019 (ID- 10019) , for whom he planned terrorist operations , cased targets, and facilitated money transfers. Detainee cased flights at Don Muang Airport in Bangkok , Thailand (TH) for suicide operations to attack Israeli citizens , as well as foreign embassies, particularly the US Embassy, in Kuala Lumpur, MY . Detainee attended flight school using an alias, probably to participate in a suicide operation. Detainee had the training and the means to prepare and use improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and admittedly still wishes to die in a suicide operation against the US. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DETAINEE IS AVAILABLE IN AN SCI SUPPLEMENT . -GTMO determined this detainee to be: A HIGH risk as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies A HIGH threat from a detention perspective OfHIGH intelligence value . (S//NF) Summary of Changes: The following outlines changes to detainee's assessment since the last JTF-GTMO recommendation. (Changes inthis assessment will be annotated by to the footnote.) Added possible new alias of detainee , Included further reporting on detainee's actions as a courier for ID- 10019 Added detainee’s admission to extremist ideology Updated information on detainee’s associates 4. ( U ) Detainee's Account of Events : The following section is based, unless otherwise indicated, on detainee's own account. These statements are included without consideration of veracity, accuracy, or reliability. 1 Analyst Note: JI is a NationalIntelligencePriorityFramework(NIPF) Counterterrorism(CT) Priority 2 target. Priority 2 targets are defined as issues, opportunities, or threats that rise to , or are expected to rise to the level of interest of the CombatantCommandersor DNIEXCOMPrincipals, not already identifiedas Priority 1. This includesterrorist groups, especially those with state support, countriesthat sponsor terrorism , or countries that have state organizationsinvolvedin terrorism that have demonstratedboth intention and capability to attack US persons or interests. 2 Analyst Note: See 500MI-RPMLA - 2006-00071 formore information about the threat posed by JI and al-Qaida terrorist cells, such as ID- 10019's, operating in SE Asia. / 54922-03 2 SECRET NOFORN 20331013 SECRET NOFORN 20331013 JTF - GTMO -CDR SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN - 010022DP (S ) a. S//NF) Prior History: Detainee graduated from secondary school in 1995 and went on to attend the Muedzen Technical School located between the villages of Melaka and Muar, MY. After receiving his diploma in architecture in 1997, detainee worked as a draftsman for H & Y Architecture in Kuala Lumpur for a little over a year-and - a-half. Detainee next worked for Syed Architecture near Kuala Lumpur but quit after two months. He went home to Muar and four months laterjoined the Malaysian military where he received training on the American M - 16 and the Austrian Styer. Detainee spent one -and-a-half years in the military but only worked two days a week , on weekends , unless his unit left town on an exercise. In the beginning of 2000 , detainee opened a business inhis home selling sugar cane juice , a business he operated for about six months. b . (S ) Recruitmentand Travel: When detaineewas 18 years old, he beganreading booksonjihadthat inspiredhim to fight, and he was particularlyinterestedinthe idea of martyrdom, survival, and the jihad life. Detainee stated the books focusedon the Soviet invasioninAfghanistan(AF) and inspiredhimto find a way to fight. While in the Malaysian militaryin early 2000, detaineesaw an announcementthat ID- 10019was givinga lectureat a localKualaLumpurmosque. Detaineeand his friendMohdFarikBinAmin, aka (Zubayr) , ISN 10021DP(MY- 10021), whom he met while workingfor H & Y Architecture, attended ID- 10019'slecture, which further inspiredthemto fight abroad. Detaineeand MY 10021ran into ID- 10019two weeks later at the same mosqueand detaineeasked ID- 10019 to help himand MY- 10021get involvedin fighting. Detaineegave ID- 10019his phone number, and two or three weeks later, ID- 10019called and asked detaineeandMY- 10021to meet him at his house in Bentang, MY . Once there, ID- 10019told detaineeand MY- 10021 that he wantedto send thembothto Afghanistanto train for combat. MY- 10021and detaineeagreedto go so ID- 10019 instructedthem to get Pakistanivisas, buy tickets to Karachi, Pakistan(PK) and gave them a telephonenumberto call once they arrivedin Karachi. DetaineeandMY- 10021traveledto Karachion 26 June 2000. 5 c. (S//NF) Training and Activities: Uponarrival in Karachi, detainee called the number ID- 10019 had given him. An Arab picked up detainee and MY- 10021 at the airport and drove them to an apartment in town . Two days later, detainee and MY- 10021 traveled to Quetta, PK. They stayed in what the detainee describes as a house or clinic . Detainee stated he thought the house or clinic belonged to the Taliban , because there were several wounded Taliban soldiers staying there . They then traveled to Kandahar, AF and stayed at the Hajji 4 TD - 314 /49954-06 5 TD-314/ 49954-06, AnalystNote: TD- / 62640-03 states detainee'spassporthas an entry stamp for Karachi dated26 June 2000, corroboratingdetainee'sstatements. 3 SECRET NOFORN 20331013 SECRET NOFORN 20331013 JTF - GTMO -CDR SUBJECT : Recommendation for Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN - 010022DP (S ) Habbash Guesthouse. and MY- 10021 then attended eight weeks of training at al Faruq Camp from approximately July to September 2000. Upon completion of training, detainee became ill and went to Kandahar to recuperate for two - to -three months . After convalescing, he traveled to Kabul, AF where he was posted on the front lines under the command of Hassan al- Tajiki. There detainee became friends with a Somalian named Hizebar who taught him about anti-aircraft and anti-tank weaponry and mines. Six months later, detainee's unit was ordered to report to the front lines near Bagram, AF . While serving at Bagram, detainee was wounded when a Russian mine exploded due to improper handling. In early 2001, detainee returned to the Hajji Habash Guesthouse for a month and then to al Faruq Camp where he was given a job as a weapons storekeeper , a position he held until shortly after the 11 September 2001 attacks , when the camp was evacuated. Following the bombing of al-Faruq Camp in October 2001, ID- 10019 asked detainee to take part in a martyrdom operation and detainee agreed. In Kabul, a group of four individuals -- detainee, Afifi, MY - 10021 and Masran met with UBL and gavehim bayat. After the meeting, detainee learned Masran was the . Together , the four traveled to Karachi. After a month, on 20 January 2002, detainee, Afifi, and MY- 10021 left Masran in Karachi and traveled to Hat Yai, TH, via Bangkok. Detainee did not cross the border into Malaysia but remained in Hat Yai because he was concerned he would be arrested . Detainee explained he had many friends who were members of the Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia (KMM ) and had been arrested. Detainee was afraid his friends had given his name to the Malaysian police which would mean he would be arrested upon entering
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