FRIDAY, AUGtrST 11, 1961 Averaffe Net Press Run The Weather For tho Weak Ended ForecMt of O. 8. Weather gone 8, 1981 ^ The weekly Friday dances sponsored by the recreation de­ Tot’s First Drive itsm , ___ ___ _ « I 13,3.30 Clearing, cooler,tonight. Low In About Town partment win be held tonight at Sartor to Train at Chanute mld-60e, Suqday moetly. mmny, the West Side tennis courts from Ends with Crash Member of the Audit cooler, letM humid. High 88 to 86. Mancheider Banmcki, Vateraas 7:30 to 8:30 for youngsters As CAP Cadet^ Then Airman Boreau of Gircalatlon Of WorW War I, will be hoet to a throught 12. and 8:30 to 10:30 Manchester— A City of Village Charm for teen-agers. A three-year-old’s first experi­ department meeting of the De­ ence with driving had crashing re­ partment of Connecticut Sunday Cadet Capt. Richard Sartor of >year the space program has been liiii mghth District Fire Department sults last night The lad only re­ VOL. LXXX, NO. 266 (TEN PAGES—TV SECHON—SUBURBIA TODAY) lilANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1961 (Clooaifled Advertteiog on Page 8) PRICE FIVE CENTS at S p.m. at the VPW Poat Home, the Manchester Cadet Squadron of offered. MANCHESTER iilil members who wish to participate Sartor has passed tests on mis-. ceived a bump on the forehead. MAIN STREET Manclieater Green. Barracks and the a v ll Air Patrol will receive auxiliary units throughout the In a parade in Broad Brook will sUes and rocketry conducted by training at the same U.S. Air Patrolman Richard Rand gave state win attend to hear reports meet tomorrow at 6-,30 p.m. at the the Air Force. Having been award­ this account. of the department ccmvention. firehouse on the comer of-Hinlard Force Base as both a CSvil Air ed the Civil Air Patrol Certificate Situation Explosive and Main Sts. Patrol Cadet and an airman in the ' Jeffrey DeZuttl, of 111 Ridge St. / Missing Child Ladles of the auxiliary will serve of Fh-oficlency, he has been ac­ went outside to play after supper. FAMOUS FORMFIT Castro Ties refrertunente after the buslnesB Air Force. cepted in the Air Force as an air­ He entered his family’s four- meeting. Sartor, who will leave Sept. 12 man third class. for basis training at Lackland month-old car, parked in front of Of UN Official Sartor Is the second Manchester his home. U.S. to Plot ■nie VFW Auxiliary will hold Hospital Notes Air Force Base, Tex., will be sta­ cadet to be honored with attend­ IVhile playing wdth the steering, East Refugee /F lo w to Oust Frondizi a public card party tonight at tioned at Chanute Air Force Base, ance at the joint sponsored orienta­ he disengaged the emergency Found Asleep 8 at the post home, Manchester 111., for missile training as a mem­ tion programs. Cadet Major Timo­ break. The car rolled 188 feet dowm VlsIOng hours are 2 to 8 p.m. for ber of the U.S. Air Force. "SKIPPIES"^ Green. thy Beckwith will return tomorrow a hill and up the front walk of the To Kill Raul all areas except maternity where He has already been selected to New Y-ork, Aug. 12 (tP)—The in­ they are 2 to 4:80 and 6:30 to 8 after spending a week at the CAP Russell Upton house at 46 Cooper Holds Despi Reds represent the State of Connecticut Jet Orientation Course held at Per­ S t fant son of a United Nations In­ Charles HlrUi. T9 Hollister St., p.m.; and private rooms where the.v at the CAP-U.S. Air Force spon­ dian official, object of an intense has bem appointed a member of are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors are rin Air Force Base, Tex. The ear ripped through a hedge By JOSE MARIA ORLANDO sored Space Age Orientation Sartor. 18. and a June graduate seqrch last night, was found after the National Security, National requested not to smoke in patient's and crashed into the front steps, Havana, Aug. 12 (/P)— The By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS <•> he East German regime yes- four hours— asleep in a doorway rooms. No more than two visitors Course., also being held at Cha­ of Msmchester High School, has and Foreign Affairs Committee for nute. Sartor will spend a week at moving them a foot from the foun­ Fidel Castro government Depplte rigorous Red police con­ :4rday threatened harsh measures near his home. Fizzles in Argentina at one time, per patient been a Civil Air Patrol cadet for dation. the VFW national ewivention In the base as one of 52 cadets four years. charged today that authori­ trols, 1,332 refugees from EJaaU that may seal off the West Berlin A medical exaniiner said the Miami Beiich, Fla., Aug. 20-29. selected from throughout the U.S. Damage Vas estimated at about Germany registered in West Be^ escape route, but no details were child, 22-rnonth-old Dilip Rasgotra ADMITTro YESTERDAY: Wal­ He is the son of Det. Sgt. and $500 to the car, and it was towed ties at the U.S. Naval Base at Mrs. Fred Morrell, 239 Henry St„ and territories.' This is the first Mrs. Joseph Sartor of 30 Irving St. lln in the 21 'hours up to disclosed. waa unharmed except for a few credit officer at Manchester Me­ ter Olsen, Mansfield Center: away. Guantanamo Bay armed two today, westepi officials rej^ted. West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt mosquito bites which dotted his morial, recently attended a one- Sandra Jacobs. 249-Woodland St.; Jeff was treated at Manchester men with a 30-caliber ma- In the same period lastSatur­ told a meeting of local authorities diaper-clad body. George Churilla. 82 Foxcroft Dr.; day accounting and credit Insti­ Mrs. DiTnn Odell, 424 Vernon St.; Memorial Hospital and released. right: chinegun to assassinate Raul day the number was l,>flP; the that only military force by the The father, Maharajcdirishna Insurgents tute at St. Raphael's Hospital, WajTie Campbell, Blast Hartford; Mrs. Harriet Machie, 480 N. Main Patrolman Quits, previous Saturday 925/ Ejst German Communists can Rasgotra, said the child wandered New Haven. Mrs. Lena DeGrace, 15A Oak St.. St. Castro last month. The total m ounte^ after the stop the refugee flow from rising. away from the backyard while In Rockville; John DeQuattro. 124 DISCHARGED TODAY; Mrs. Reason Unknown An official report claimed the Communist re g im ^ threatened He hinted that such force might the care of a manservant. He aaid Mrs. Gferard Keen of Hartford, Constance Dr.: Mrs. Helen Rogers. Claire Renn, 9 Chestnut St. two were to fire on the prime min- 36 Morse Rd.: Mrs. Elizabeth iater'a brother from a house ad­ harsher measures Xo stem the hu­ the servant saw the child toddling S u rren d er assistant medical records‘^brarian Reilly. 150 Oak St.; "Mrs. Joyce Patrol.nan Richard J. Lorbcr, 65 joining a stand in Santiago where man tide. (Continued on Page Two) toward the front yard, but had at Manchester Memorial Hospital, Bachl, 20 Victoria Rd.; Randel Town Seeks Bids Russell St., a member of the Man­ Raul Castro was scheduled to Present facilities tor handling assumed he was going to his moth­ was honored by the department Lanzano, 154 Lj-ness St.; Morton chester Police since Dec. 15, 1968, speak July 26, eighth anniversary the refugees /are sufficient. But er. ' • and other staff members at a din­ 6.50 western offi<dals say that to be The Rasgotra family had moved On Demand Gany, 25 Maple St.. Rockville:’ resigned yesterday. Police CSiief of the Castro revolution. ner and performance of 'The King For Cub Tractor on the safyside they are . prepar­ Special Forecast into the 16-room home in the Francis Rippin, Warren Ave., Ver­ James Reardon said. • firm, ribbon front panel Cuban economic boss Ernesto and I" at the Oakdale Music The­ non; Miss Jane Niemiec. Williman- The resignation waa turned in Guevara made a similar charge ing emergency slee^ng quarters fashionable Riverdale section of By NAON ABRAMOVICH ater recently. She leaves today for Bids for a 1961 Farmall cub yesterday, he said, and was ac­ in tnov^ buildings. The giant Windsor Locks, Aug. 12 (Ah - the Bronx just yesterday and was tic; Bldward Werner. 11 Bremen early this week In a speech before Buenos Aires, Argentina, Boston, Ma&s., where her husband Rd.; Rita Landerfin. 64 Russell St.; tractor' or equivalent for. park de­ cepted, effective immediately. • satin elastic back panel the Latln-Amerlcan Economic Olympic Stadium was cjfie of the The U.S. Weather Bureau at still unpacking when the Infant will continue his medical educa­ Maryann Mongell. 70 Brent Rd.: partment u.se will be received at Chief Reardon gave no explana­ Conference at Punta del Este. plac^ earmarked for possible use. Bradley Field today Issued .the disappeared, precipitating a search Aug. 12 {JP)— A vest-pocket tion and she will work at Massa­ David Taylor, 64 Pearl St.; Mrs. the general manager's office for tion for the resignation except, • 21/2 " waistband for extra control Uruguay. The report today gave ithough it ic becoming more folllowing special weekend fore­ by .50 policemen. midnight revolt against Pres­ Ra.sgotra is one of four first sec­ chusetts General Hospital. Dorothy DiPietro, 132 Harlan St.; opening next Friday. Aug. 18. at "we had an investigation.” Lorber what the government claimed to cult to slip through the ring cast: ident Arturt) Frondizi came 11 am.
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