Meeting of the Board of Directors 10.00am to 12.30pm on Thursday 28 July 2016 John Bull Conference Room, Worthing Health Education Centre, Worthing Hospital, Lyndhurst Road, Worthing, BN11 2DH AGENDA – MEETING IN PUBLIC 1. 10.00 Welcome and Apologies for Absence Chair 2. 10.00 Declarations of Interests All 3. 10.00 Minutes of Board Meeting held on 30 June 2016 Enclosure Chair To approve 4. 10.05 Matters Arising from the Minutes Enclosure Chair To note 5. 10.10 Chief Executive’s Report Enclosure MG To receive and agree any necessary actions PATIENT SAFETY/EXPERIENCE ITEMS 6. 10.25 Quality Report – Month 3 Enclosure GF/AP To receive and agree any necessary actions 7. 10.40 2015/16 Safeguarding Adults Annual Report Enclosure AP To receive and agree any necessary actions 8. 10.50 2015/16 Safeguarding Children Annual Report Enclosure AP To receive and agree any necessary actions OPERATIONAL ITEMS 9. 11.00 Performance Report – Month 3 Enclosure PL To receive and agree any necessary actions 10. 11.15 Organisational Development and Workforce Performance Enclosure DF Report – Month 3 To receive and agree and necessary actions 11. 11.25 Financial Performance Report – Month 3 Enclosure KG To receive and agree any necessary actions STRATEGIC ITEMS 12. 11.35 Patient First Programme Update Report – Month 3 Enclosure MG To receive and agree any necessary actions Page 1 of 2 GOVERNANCE ITEMS 13. 11.50 Proposal to Amend the Trust Constitution Report Enclosure AG To receive and agree any necessary actions 14. 12.00 Patient First Strategy Deployment Reporting and Board Enclosure MJ/AG Assurance Framework Report – Quarter 1 To receive and agree any necessary actions 15. 12.05 NHS Improvement Self-Assessment Submission Report – Enclosure AG Quarter 1 To approve OTHER ITEMS 16. 12.10 Other Business Verbal Chair 17. 12.15 Resolution into Board Committee Chair To pass the following resolution: “That the Board now meets in private due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.” 18. 12.15 Date of Next Meeting Chair The next meeting in public of the Board of Directors is scheduled to take place at 10.00am on 29 September 2016 in the John Bull Conference Room, Worthing Health Education Centre, Worthing Hospital, Lyndhurst Road, Worthing, BN11 2DH 19. 12.15 Close of Meeting Chair 20. 12.15 Questions from the Public Verbal Chair to Following the close of the meeting there will be an opportunity for 12.30 members of the public to ask questions about the business considered by the Board Andy Gray Company Secretary Tel: 01903 285288 / Mobile: 07785332416 Page 2 of 2 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN PUBLIC HELD AT 10:00 ON 30 JUNE 2016 IN THE BATEMAN ROOM, CHICHESTER MEDICAL EDUCATION CENTRE, ST RICHARD’S HOSPITAL, SPITALFIELD LANE, CHICHESTER, PO19 6SE Present: Mike Viggers Chair Joanna Crane Non-Executive Director Jon Furmston Non-Executive Director Lizzie Peers Non-Executive Director Mike Rymer Non-Executive Director Marianne Griffiths Chief Executive George Findlay Medical Director Karen Geoghegan Director of Finance Pete Landstrom Chief Operating Officer Amanda Parker Director of Nursing and Patient Safety In Attendance: Andy Gray Company Secretary Mike Jennings Commercial Director Jenny Shore Deputy Director of Human Resources Dr Susie Jerwood Infection Control Doctor Consultant Microbiologist (Item 8) Helen Richards Lead Infection Control Nurse (Item 8) Carol Fenn Board Administrator (Minutes) 1. WELCOME 1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. 1.2 Apologies for absence were received from Bill Brown and Denise Farmer. Jenny Shore had attended the meeting in Denise Farmer’s stead. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS 2.1 There were no interests to declare. 3. MINUTES 3.1 The Board received the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2016, copies of which had previously been circulated. 3.2 IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the minutes be approved for signature by the Chair. 4. MATTERS ARISING 4.1 A schedule of Matters Arising from the previous meeting, copies of which had previously been circulated, was considered. 4.2 It was noted that: 6.5, 7.5, 7.8 and 7.9 – these items had been addressed in the Quality Report; and 6.6 – this item would be discussed under item 6. 5. CHIEF EXECUTIVE 5.1 Marianne Griffiths presented her report, copies of which had previously been circulated. 1 The following were highlighted: Professor Donald Berwick – Professor Donald Berwick, one of the world’s foremost improvement experts, had visited the Trust at the invitation of diabetes consultant, Dr Gordon Caldwell. In addition to observing the Trust’s improvement initiatives, Professor Donald Berwick had delivered a visionary talk on health care, which correlated strongly with the Trust’s Patient First Programme; “Colleagues as Carers” forum – following feedback received from the 2015 Staff Conference, a new “Colleagues as Carers” forum had been established, which would be supported and facilitated by Carers Support West Sussex; Governor elections – Marianne Griffiths welcomed all new governors and thanked all members of the Trust who had voted in the elections, members of the public who had put themselves forward to represent their constituencies and governors who had served their term; Nursing Times – the Trust had been shortlisted in three categories for the Nursing Times Patient Safety Awards. The categories were 1) best organisation, 2) board leadership and 3) technology and IT to improve patient experience. The winners would be announced on 5 July 2016; and Annual General Meeting – the annual general meeting of the Council of Governors and annual members meeting was scheduled to take place on 21 July 2016. 6. QUALITY 6.1 George Findlay and Amanda Parker presented the Quality Report for Month 2, copies of which had previously been circulated. The following were highlighted: Effectiveness o the crude non-elective mortality rate had fallen to 3.33% (April: 3.46%) and was slightly higher compared to last year (May 2015: 2.82%). The year-to-date (3.39%) and 12-month mortality rate (3.20%) were both slightly higher than the Trust’s limit (3.13%). These trends were normal given the proximity to the winter period; o the Dr Foster Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (“HSMR”) for the 12 months to February was 87.5 (100 being the level predicted by the Dr Forster model using the April 2015 benchmark). The slight difference in the HSMR for Worthing Hospital compared to St Richard’s Hospital continued to narrow to 90.3 and 84.1 respectively. The Trust was rated in the top 16% of trusts for its HSMR performance, which was a tremendous achievement; o the Summary Hospital-Level Mortality Indicator (“SHMI”) was 1.00 (1.00 being the national average) with the Trust banded “as expected”. The SHMI measured mortality after discharge. Unlike the HSMR, the SHMI provided limited granular diagnostic information for specialities. Like many trusts, there was a gap between the Trust’s HSMR and SHMI ratings; o there were two exception reports relating to: . the crude non-elective mortality rate for renal failure, which had further reduced to 20% (April: 27.3%). Whilst investigations had identified no deficiencies in care, monitoring would continue for the coming months; and . the HSMR for Worthing Hospital, which had progressively reduced from 116.4 in June 2015 to 77.3 in May 2016. This was a great achievement; Safety o there were: . six Serious Incidents Requiring Investigation (April: 13); . 39 falls resulting in harm (benchmark: 43), none of which resulted in severe harm or death. In 10 instances, the patient had previously fallen during their inpatient stay; . no cases of MRSA bacteraemia; . six cases of hospital attributable C-difficile, four at Worthing Hospital and two at St Richard’s Hospital. Two related to lapses of care (dusty environment and commode cleanliness); 2 . 21 Grade 2, three Grade 3 and one unstageable case of hospital acquired pressure ulcers. 157 patients had been admitted to the Trust from the community with pressure damage; o the Trust had delivered a harm-free care score of 95% (national target: 93.8%). 98.8% of inpatients were reported as having no new harms during their inpatient stay. The new national target of 99% remained challenging, particularly, as it was considerably higher than the national average (97.7%); o there was one exception report relating to the new national requirement to report on care hours per patient; o there had been no change in relation to the staffing levels for Broadwater and Barrow, which remained on the priority list for new nursing staff. The wards had over-recruited HCAs as a mitigation; and o the paediatrics wards had sufficient staffing levels for the summer period. Additional staffing would be considered for the winter period; Patient Experience o the number of complaints had decreased to 51 (April: 63); o all Friends and Family Test (“FFT”) scores remained good against national benchmarks; o the previously reported fluctuations in Maternity FFT scores were attributable to the low number of responses received; o the report included additional information on the moves of dementia patients (Appendix 1); o there were two exception reports relating to: . a mixed sex accommodation breach, which had occurred in CDU due to bed pressures; and . MUST assessment compliance, which had remained challenging but was showing signs of improvement. 6.2 The Board commended the Trust’s excellent mortality performance. 6.3 In relation to inquiries from Joanna Crane: Pete Landstrom advised that moves of dementia patients were sometimes triggered by sudden events, such as an infection control incident or other clinical reasons. All patients underwent assessments to evaluate the appropriateness of proposed moves.
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