\- ■ \ V' Avmmgte Daily “Met Preiw Run ■' i' V Forr 'Die'Din WeekWMk Bndei)Bndt \ \ . , The Wither . // June *0,(0, 197019T0 Cloudy and cool «d^i Ohowen through ' Saturday, ^U| heavy 'at times. Tonight's low In BOs. 15,770 Tomorrow's high in 60s. bm* MancheaterT—A City of Village Charm day partly cloudy,' cool. y o u LXXXIX, NO. 227 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1970 (Olasalfled Advertising ofl Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS ------------------------------_ V 4 --------^------------ State’s Eyes Foeus Belfast Appeal Court Rules _ ___ I ^ Cong Launch New Attack To Tighten On DemcTeratie Party Bernadette Must Be Jailed BELFAST, Noirihem Ireland week, and she Is not expected to By CARL P. LECB8UORF (AP) — The Belfast Appeal lose her seat because, she goes Tension Grij^ping Cambodian Capital AP Political Writer Court ruled to ^ y that Bernad­ to prison. ITie House oF Com­ HARTFORD, Conn. (A P)—The strains.oF ethnic ri­ ette Devliil mukt go to prison. mons will have to vote whether .PHNOM PENH, Cam­ valries, personality clashes and “ new politics” activism A warrant For her arrest was she remains a member, smd It bodia (A P)— North V iet are threatening the long, tight party control oF Con-' to be Issued later today.. seemed most unlikely that with name6e and Viet Congr TTie court rejected an applica­ necticut Democratic Chairman John M. Bailey. the threat oF renewed rellgloua troops launched a new at­ tion from Miss Devlin, the warFare hanging over Northern As a result, the two-day party tack on Kompong Speu youngest member oF the British Ireland, the legislators would In­ convention opening tonight-^ early today. They, also im­ 1 House oF Ckimmons, to appeal to flame the Roman Catholic mi­ with much ot the state watching the House oF Lords against a nority by ousting the young periled an important sup­ on an educational television net­ Many Raees six-month sentence given her woman who has come to bo ply .depot at Long Vek, 20 work—Is likely to lead In August For Incitement to riot and riot­ miles north oF Phnom to the first statewide primary In known as their Joan,oF Arc. ing. The House oF Lords is Brit-, Penh, and For the First history, a three-way scrap For About 40 supporters cheered C.onstitute aln's highest court. the seat now held by Sen. Thom­ her as she entered the court­ time threatened Oudong, as J. Dodd. The 23-year-old Roman Catho­ house today, wearing an emer­ site oF ancient Buddhist lic militant was first sentenced Dodd, In political disFavor ald green miniskirt and an oat­ monasteries and tombs 20 Political Race In Londonderry last Dec. 22 For back home since his 1967 Senate meal-color sweater. .■ miles northwest oF the (»p- . her activities during street censure and the victim oF a May An attorney For Miss Devlin, ital. By DON MEIKLE fighting last fall. Associated Press Writer heart attack, withdrew From the Tony Somers, told newsmen: The attacks marked a contin­ _ Democratic contest two weeks On Monday, Northern Ire­ '"ITiore Is no legal move we can uance oF --the pressure which HARTFORD, Conn. land's lord chieF Justice, Lord In the ^ probable repu­ make now. We can only plead Cambodian military oFFicials Doing the double-crost McDermott, rejected her appeal Sunday newspaper-lls child's diation but may run as an Inde- For a Free pardon." say has Phnom Penh as the ulti­ against the sentence. Her de­ mate objective. play compared to the task oF P®"*!®"! fense lawyer then applied For The court*took 16 minutes to figuring out a Ucket For a state Three oF his four Democratic reject the application For leave Meanwhile, the U.S. Com- election campaign. challengers appear to have suF- permission to take the appeal to ^ mand In Saigon announced that the Lords In London, and this to appeal to the Lords In Lon­ n ie rules recognized by both' **®*®"t convention strength to don. a U.S. Navy escort plane at­ was turned down today. major pollUcal parties are that *°'"®® primary, Oasollne bombs and rocks tacked gun positions deep inside ethnic and geographical consid- ^he past, Bailey, state Miss Devlin won re-election In North Vietnam Thursday after eraUons must be taken Into ac- chairman For 24 years and na- the British general election last (See Page Seven) the guns fired on a reconnais­ count. You don't put up a sla,te Democratic' chairman sance aircraFt the Navy plane enUrely composed, say, oF can- ^ always was escorting. dldates From HarUord County; been able to resolve contests The attack 16 miles northwest and. In a state like Connecticut, ®hort oF a primary. Any candl- oF the coastal city oF Vlnh and you don't put up a slate entirely "'h® K®t® 20 per cent oF the about 156 miles northwest oF the composed oF Anglo-Saxon Pro- convention vote on any ballot Senate Vote Passes demilitarized zone was the first testants. can enter a primary against the such reported since May 26. "There was no damage to The Ideal tickpt For the Dem­ convention winner by getting U.S. aircraFt," the command ocrats, who open their state con­ 5,(XX) voter signatures and pay­ $4 Billion School Bill said. It gave no assessment of vention tonight, would include ing a $2,12S Filing fee. Bailey's man For governor. WASHINGTON (AP) — The two versions now go to conFer­ damage to the North Viet­ candidates with Italian, Polish namese positions. and Irish names, a Negro, a Rep. Emilio Q. Daddarlo, Is ex­ Senate has approved a $4.76 bil­ ence where it appears the Sen­ Since the U.S. bombing hal^ Jew, at least one woman, and pected to win nomination with- lion education money bill that is ate total likely will be trimmed. bomeone from each area oF the challenge In his ))ld to suc- over North Vietnam on Nov. 1; nearly $800 million more than Earlier Thursday two recently state where the party has slgnif- ceed, 'retiring Gov. ( John M. 1968, U.S. planes have continued President Nixon requested but desegregated Southern school to Fly reconnaissance missions leant strength. Dempsey. I districts have told the House But oF course there are only But the Senate situation has includes the initial funds wanted over the North with armed es­ they need the emergency feder-' corts. The Pentagon said In May seven places on the ticket—U.S, been upset first by Bai.ey's In- by the White House For aiding al money to help'lmprove condi­ Senator, governor,; lieutenant kbility to decide upon an ac- American planes had been fired desegregating schools. tions whites ignored when only upon and had returned fire govemor, secretary oF the state, ceptable choice, and then by the black children were involved. treasurer, comptroller and at- determined drive oF two antl- The bill was passed 74 to 4 . more than\60 times, and nine tomey general. And that's the organization candidates, early today, capping a long ses­ The Dade County School planes have been reported shot Board In Miami, Fla., Increased down. rub. You simply can't satisfy all One, the Rev. Joseph L. DuF- sion that didn't end until after Its budget For police and guards the groups that want represen- tey, leader oF the 1968 McCarthy midnight in the second half oF a The Cambodian military tatlon on the ticket. campaign here and national From $360,000 to a projected $1.2 spokesman said North Viet­ two-sessidh day designed to Tlckot - balancing Is a tricky chairman oF Americans for Iminran in one year aFter whites namese and Viet Cong Forces at­ learned oF lunch-money shake- game, but one that politicians Democratic Action, Is running clear a work load backed up by tacked barracks and a provin­ downs in once all-black schools. cial military headquarters at 2 must play whether they want to an Issuse-orlented campaign the debate over Cambodia. South Viets look over rifles captured From Cong in Cambodia. (AP PhotoFax) or not. They have no choice, fueled by youthful volunteers. The final approval came after And in Houston, Texas, whites a.m. today at Kompong Spei^ a are demanding that dilapidated provincial . capital 30 miles Hxey are besieged by groups He has been endorsed by Sen. the Senate passed 70 to 18 an demanding, representation. Abraham RiblcoFF. schools once attepded only by southwest oF Phnom Penh. Gov­ When they play the game oF The other, state Senate Major- amendment to provide $160 mil­ blacks be Fixed !up now that ernment and South Vietnamese tcket-balancing, politicians lay ity Leader Edward L. Marcus, lion as the first installment of white children will be attending Forces recaptured the city In a themselves open to the charge broke with the state organiza- the $1.6 billion Nixon wants to them. ; House Unit Undecided on War nFajor battle 10 days ago. oF cynically manipulating the tlon over personal and political help Southern school districts In Dade's chairman. Holmes Kompong Speu is on the only their desegregation eFForts. PHNOM PENH, Cambodia Ham .R. Anderson, D-Tenn.; Lee Montgomery said he believes ethnic and . geographical loyal- disagreements and has shown Braddock, told the House Edu­ (AP) — The chairman oF the Hamilton, D-Ind.Robert H. the Laotian people are "basical­ highway open between Phnom Inclusion oF the $160 million Penh and Kompong Som, Cam­ ties oF the electorate. The public unexpected strength in precon­ cation Committee Thursday oF U.S. House Select Committee on Mollohan, .
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