ONS Auction, 18 0ctober 2014 References used: A Stephan Album, A checklist of popular Islamic Coins, 3rd edition, Santa Rosa 2011. Bop. Osmund Bopearachchi: Monnaies Gréco­Bactriennes et Indo­Grecques, Paris 1991. Brotman Irwin F. Brotman: A Guide to the Temple Tokens of India, Los Angeles 1970. Codr H.W. Codrington: Ceylon Coins and Currency, Colombo 1924. Deyell John S. Deyell: Living without silver: The Monetary History of Early Medieval North India, New Delhi 1990. G/G Stan Goron & J.P. Goenka: The coins of the Indian Sultanates, New Delhi 2001 Göbl Sasanidische Numismatik, Braunschweig 1968 / Sasanian Numismatics, Braunschweig 1971 Göbl2 Münzprägung des Kushanreiches, Wien 1984 Gomes Alberto Gomes: Moedas Portuguesas, Lisboa, 5th ed., 2007. Van’t Haaff P.A. van’t Haaff: Catalogue of Elymaean Coinage, ca. 147BC – AD228. Lancaster 2007 HG T.R. Hardaker & P.L. Gupta: Ancient Indian Silver Punchmarked Coins, Nashik 1985. Herrli Hans Herrli: The Coins of the Sikhs, 2nd revised and augmented edition, New Delhi 2004. KG Karl Gabrish, Geld aus Tibet, Winterthur 1990. KM Krause/Mishler: Standard Catalog of World Coins, 23rd. ed. 1996, 18th and 17th cent. editions. Kulkarni Prashant P. Kulkarni: Coinage of the Bhonsla Rajas of Nagpur, Nagpur 1990. McClenaghan Tony McClenaghan: Indian Princely Medals, New Delhi 1996. Millies H.C. Millies: Recherches sur les monnaies des Indigènes de l'archipel Indien et de la péninsule Malaie, The Hague 1871. MWI M. Mitichiner: Oriental Coins and their Values: The World of Islam, London 1977. MAC ­ do ­, The Ancient & Classical World, London 1978. MNI ­ do ­, Non­Islamic & Western Colonies, London 1979. MIT M. Mitchiner: Indian Tokens; Popular Religious & Secular Art. London 1998. MBLA M. Mitchiner: The Land of Water; Coinage and History of Bangladesh and later Arakan, c.200BC to the present day, London 2000. MSEA M. Mitchiner: The History and Coinage of South East Asia until the 15th century, London 1998. Mitch. M. Mitchiner: Indo­Greek and Indo­Scythian coinage, 9 vols., London 1975­76. M/W K.K. Maheshwari/K.W. Wiggins: Maratha Mints and Coinage, Nashik 1989 Pieper Pieper, W. & O. Bopearachchi: Ancient Indian Coins, Turnhout 1998 Pr F. Pridmore: The coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Part 4 India, vol 1 East India Company Presidency Series c.1642­1835, London 1975. Pr.(A) F.Pridmore: The coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Part 2 Asian Territories, London 1965 Rem Remmelts, A.A.: Chinesische Käschmünzen, Amsterdam ­. RGV N.G. Rhodes, K. Gabrisch and C. Valdettaro: The coinage of Nepal, from the earliest times until 1911, London 1989. Sch Scholten, C.: The Coins of the Dutch Overseas Territories 1601­1948, Amsterdam 1953 Sellwood D. Sellwood, An Introduction to the coinage of Parthia, London 1971 Senior A catalogue of Indo­Scythian coins, vol. I­IIV, Glastonbury 2000, 2006. Shore Fred B. Shore: Parthian Coins & History, Quarryville, Pennsylvania 1993. SS S. Singh: The Coins of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1400­1986, Kuala Lumpur 1986. S/S W.F. Spengler and W.G. Sayles: Turkoman Figural Bronze Coins and their Iconography, 2 vols., Lodi 1992­96. Tye Robert & Monica Tye: Jitals, Isle of South Uist 1995. UBJ Uno Barner Jensen: Danish India Tranquebar Coins 1620­1845, Brovst 1996. Val. W.H. Valentine: Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan States, London (1911) repr. 1969. W H. Nelson Wright: The coinage and metrology of the Sultans of Delhi, Delhi 1936 Note: ● Estimates are given in EURO. Bidding will be started at approx. 75­80% of the estimate for the coins and at 90­95% for the books, provided that no more than one postal bid has been received for the lot concerned. ● All coin lots are (from the middle of September 2014) illustrated at ZENO.RU – Oriental Coins Database. You may view this at: http://www.zeno.ru/showgallery.php?cat=11241 LOT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE 001 Abbasid, al­Mansur (136­158/AD754­775), AR dirham (2.46 g.), mint: al­‘Abbasiya (in modern Tunesia), AH156, citing governor Yazid (A.213.3) S VF € 30,= 002 ­­, al­Madi (AH158­169/AD775­785), AR dirham (2.92 g.), mint: al­Muhammadiya, AH166 (A.215.1; Miles 66A) gVF € 40,= 003 Abbasid, Al­Rashid (AH170­193/AD786­809), AR dirham (2.73 g.) al­Mamum Abdallah as heir, Madinat Balkh, AH185 (A.219.11; MWI.174) VF € 60,= 004 Afghanistan, Durrani dynasty, Ahmad Shah (AH1148­1186/AD1735­1772), AR rupee (10.94 g.), Anwala, AH ­ /Ry.14 (KM.228.1) VF € 35,= 005 ­­, Durrani dynasty, Ahmad Shah (AH1148­1186/AD1735­1772), AR rupee (11.56 g.), Dera, AH ­ /Ry.10 (KM#328) gVF € 40,= 006 ­­. ­­, ­­, AR rupee (11.01 g.), Attock with ‘Ra’ij’ countermark, dated AH1182 (KM.233) host coin gF, c/m gVF € 40,= 007 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (11.49 g.), Dar al­Aman Multan, AH1170/Ry.10 (KM.643) gVF € 35,= 008 ­­, ­­, Timur Shah (AH1186­1207/AD1772­1793, as King), AR rupee (11.22 g.), Peshawar, date off. (KM#703) VF € 35,= 009 ­­, ­­, Zaman Shah (AH1207­1216/AD1793­1801), AR rupee (10.33 g.), Kashmir, AH12xx/Ry.8 (KM#578) gVF € 30,= 010 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (10.91 g.), Derajat, AH1214/Ry.8 (KM#358) gVF € 30,= 011 ­­, ­­, Mahmud Shah (AH1216­1218/AD1801­1803, 1st reign), AR rupee (11.42 g.), Bhakhar, ND (KM#308) gVF € 30,= 012 ­­, ­­, Mahmud Shah (AH1216­1245/AD1801­1829), AR rupee (10.16 g.), Herat, AH1243 (KM.398) VF € 40,= 013 ­­, ­­, Mahmud Shah (AH1224­1233/AD1808­1817, 2nd reign), AR rupee (10.29 g.), Ahmadshahi (Qandahar), AH1233 (KM.158 var.) gVF € 40,= 014 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (11.19 g), Dar al­Sultanat Kabul, AH1228/Ry.5, with fish­shape Ra’ij (=current) countermark, Ry.9. Attractive gVF € 55,= 015 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (9.47 g.), Dar al­Sultanat Kabul, AH1251 (KM#481) gVF € 40,= 016 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (9.38 g.), Dar al­Sultanat Kabul, AH1251 (KM#481) gVF € 40,= 017 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (10.62 g.), Peshawar, AH1231/Ry.7 (KM.727) Attractive aEF € 50,= 018 ­­, ­­, Ayyub Shah (AH1233­1245/AD1817­1826), AR rupee (10.52 g.), Peshawar, AH12(3)8 /Ry.4 (KM#733) gVF € 40,= 019 ­­, ­­, Dost Muhammad (AH1239­1255/AD1824­1839), AR rupee (9.85 g.), anonymous with title Sahib al­Zaman, Dar al­Sultanat Kabul, AH1242/Ry.12 (KM.478) gVF € 45,= 020 ­­, ­­, Dost Muhammad (AH1258­1280/AD1842­1863, 2nd reign), AR ½ rupee (5.54 g.), Qandahar, AH127x (KM#187) VF € 35,= 021 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (9.10 g.), Dar al­Sultanat Kabul, AH1258 (KM.494) VF € 35,= 022 ­­, ­­, ­­, AR rupee (9.22 g.), Dar al­Sultanat Kabul, AH1273 (KM#497) VF € 35,= 023 Anatolian Beyliks, Saruhan, Khizr bin Ishaq (AH804­813/AD1402­1410), AE mangir (2.68 g.), NM, ND (A.1253) R aVF € 24,= 024 Arab­Sasanian­Umayyad, AE pashiz (1.86 g.) ND, profile bust coarsely engraved / Pahlavi inscription, mint: Zaranj (A.49; Gyselen (2009) 50, p.154, pl.9) R F € 30,= 025 Artuqid of Mardin, Najm al­Din Alpi (AH547­572/AD1152­1176), AE dirham (13.08 g.), NM, ND, countermark ‘Najm al­Din’ (A.1827.1; S/S 27) S F­VF € 30,= 026 Artuqid of Mardin, Husam al­Din Yuluq Arslan (AH580­597/AD1184­1201), AE dirham (14.02 g.), AH589 (A.1829.3; S/S35) gF/aVF € 28,= 027 Aq Qoyunlu (White Sheep Turkomans), Hasan (AH857­882/AD1453­1478), AR tanka (4.90 g.), Mint: Sari, (A.2512) aVF € 30,= 028 ­­, ­­, AR tanka (4.91 g.), Ani, ND (A.2512) VF € 25,= LOT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE 029 ­­, Rustam (AH897­902/AD1492­1497), AR 2/5 tanka (2.03 g.), countermarked on Shirvanshah tanka of Farrukhsiyar (AH869­906/1466­1500) dated AH894 (A.2536 /A.2471.3) host coin F, c/m VF € 30,= 030 Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuk (1972 ­ ), Cu/Ni 25 chhertum (4.51 g.), 1979 (2002) (KM.47a) UNC € 3,= 031 Ceylon, VOC, AE 2 Stiver (24.48 g.), ND (1660­1720) with leafy wreath, Colombo mint value II.St on both sides (Sch.1289; KM.20) R VF € 125,= 032 ­­, ­­, AE 1 stiver (15.70 g.) ND (1660­1720), with thorny wreath, Jaffna mint (Sch.1290; KM.19.3) VF € 35,= 033 ­­, ­­, AE ½ stiver (7.34 g.) ND (1660­1720), with thorny wreath, Jaffna mint (Sch.1291b; KM.18.2) gVF € 40,= 034 ­­, ­­, AE ¼ stiver (3.90 g.) ND (1660­1720), with thorny wreath, Jaffna mint (Sch. 1292; KM.17) R gVF € 30,= 035 China, auspicious brass charm (17.25 g., 43 mm.). Obv.: 驅邪降福 qu xie jiang fu (To banish demons and (to call) blessings from heaven). On the right immortal Zhong Kui. Rev.: Five poisons (dangers):Tiger, Toad with three paws, Scorpio, Spider, Snake. Late Qing dynasty. (Zeno 28267) VF € 15,= 036 Egypt, Farouk (AH1355­1372/AD1936­1952), AE token (2.75 g.) aVF € 8,= 037 Georgia (Bagratid), AE fals (3.25 g.), small countermark of Queen Rusudan (AH1223­1245) on Giorgi IV Lasha (AH1213­1223), small flan, K’oronikon 430 (=1210) F­gF € 60,= 038 Hephthalites (ca. AD475­576), Western Provinces, Bactrian series with cursive Greek legends, “Napki Malik” coinage, AR Drachm (3.07 g.), Bare headed bust right of Hephthalite "Napki" type, Tamgha behind bust, legend in cursive Greek “Srio Shaho” / Rev: Normal fire altar and attendants design (MAC.1491­1494) VF € 50,= 039 Hephthalites (ca. AD475­576), Ghandaran series, Napki Malka coinage, AR Drachm (2.91 g.), Obv: Bare headed bust right of Hephthalite "Napki" type, Tamgha behind bust, Pehlvi legend contracted from Napki Malik / Rev: Normal fire altar and attendants design (MAC.1522) VF € 50,= 040 Hephthalites (ca. AD475­576), Ghandaran series, Napki Malka coinage, AR Drachm (2.74 g.), Obv: Bare headed bust right of Hephthalite "Napki" type, Tamgha behind bust, legend with a 'fish' / Rev: Normal fire altar and attendants design (MAC.1523) VF € 50,= 041 Ilkhans, temp.
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