Thought for the week Never think that war, 110 matter how necessary nor how justified, is 11ot a crime. Ernest Hemingway DO~ s covcr l rrtl ~====GUE !!!I University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario Volume 36 Number 37 Nov. 11 , 1992 New task force to examine racism University begins search for human rights adviser by Martha Tancock Kaufman. "This is a significant more open process in developing University Communications issue that needs to be addressed." a policy, says Kaufman. Racism and race relations wilJ be The newly formed Race Rela- Last winter. a subcomminee of the priority of U of G's new tions Commission on campus has the Educational Equity Advisory Presidential Task Force on Human documented 30 reported incidents Committee began examining the Rights. of racist remarks and behavior by need for a race relations policy. Acting president Jack faculty! staff and students over the Made up of advisory comminee MacDonald has asked Janet past year. And a survey of members, students and staff with Kaufman, director of employment graduate students last winter backgrounds in this area, the and educational equity, to chair a found that more than half of those group prepared a draft report for 15-member task force examining who responded had experienced the president last spring. some form of sexual, religious. non-sexual discrimination and Statement of values harassment on campus over the ethnic or racial discrimination at next year. She will also lead the the University. Of the non-white Broadening its focus to a11 forms search for a new part-time human graduate population who of non-sexual discrimination, the rights adviser. responded, 30 per cent said they group recommended developing a had experienced discrimination statement of values and a dispute- No formal policy on the basis of color and race and resolution mechanism as well as Until now, there has been no for- 25 per cent on the basis of erh- reviewing programs and services mal U ofG policy for dealing with niciry. for any evidence of systemic dis- campus complaints of racial dis- Kaufman says the task force crimination. This is the core ofrhe crimination. Although there are does not intend to carry out further new task force's mandate. special student and administrative smveys on racial discrimination Acting on criticisms from the offices that can and do act on on campus. 0 1f we say we don't 45-member Race Relations Com- human rights complaints, the tolerate di scrimination, then we mission that the group had not University " is h a rdly at the don't need to know how much is been open enough, Kaufman forefront on policy development," going on. There may be people recommended a task force be says Kaufman. Local school who will say: 'Prove to me there created with greater repre- Leader of the backpack boards, for instance, already have is a problem.' We' re beyond that sentation from those affected by policies in place, she says. stage." discrimination. Members of rhe Liz Cockburn of the Department of Rural Extension Studies models one of the backpacks that are bringing practical educalion Stephen Lewis's recent report Creating a cask force was new task force will include rhree to the women of rural Cameroon. See story, page 8. on racism in Ontario has focused prompted, in part, by the Race employees. three students, three Pholo by Sherry MacKay, Office ol Research more attention on this issue, says Relations Comminee's push for a See HUMAN RIGHTS, page 2 It can pay off Included in this issue of Ar Work advances on revamped OMAF agreement Guelph is PARTNERS, a by Owen Roberts administrative efficiencies. operating efficiencies. Meek. who wi ll chair this task financial-planning newsletter Office of Research Once that 's accomplished, the "We wane to ensure that the fo rce. published twice a year agreement is dynamic and helps Othermembersare Profs. Wally A task-management structure has task force will draft a mission Beve rsdorf. Crop Science; through University Affairs been established for the Univer- statement and broad strategy that the Onrario agrifood sysrem deal and Development. Its goal is sity/OMAF agreemenr restructur- will form rhe basis of an opera- with emerging issues," says Sec OMAF, page 2 to provide reade~ with cur- ing exercise (see Ar Guelph, Sept. tional plan to be developed in the rent information that wil1 23). new year. benefit them financially. To The project's executive director, The admini strative task force receive future issues of OVC associate dean Alan Meek, will be chaired by Prof. Larry Maclean's numbers .don't PARTNERS. call Don says a structure developed with Milligan, vice-president for re- Stephenson at Ext 6498.0 input from the Canada Consulting search. Members are Meek, CPES tell it all, says MacDonald Group recognizes the need for Dean lain Campbell, Jim Mahone broad consultation and senior ex- of the Office of Research, OAC U of G is pleased it was ranked pur U of G sixt h among ecutive involvement. Dean Rob McLaughlin and OVC so bigbly in the Mac/ean·s Canadn'~46 universities for ex- Inside: Dean Ole Nielsen. "'Two task forces have been es- universily survey - sixth in cellence and innovation. in the The second group, the research Campus groups tablished to examine the agree- Canada and third among opinion of university. govern- welcome forum . 3 task force, will make recommen- ment from both an administrative medium..sized universities - ment. corpomre and research Implementation of and research perspective," says dations for program consolidation says acling president Jack within the agreement. There are leaders. Phase 3 on schedule 4 Meek. "These cover the breadth MacDonald. Guelph ·s repulJUon pu1 il in of areas the restructuring exercise currently about 25 separate pro- But lhe ranking process rhe same company as Waterloo. Potato pest meets its will initially address.'' grams within the agreement: offi- match in the trenches 5 doesn't capture all the impor- Queen'!!-, Toronto, McMasrer The administrative task force cials believe these can be stream- tant chuac1eristics that con- and McGill univer.>ities. con- More training needed will develop various options for lined. lribuu: to a good university. sidered the top five schools in to deal with child administering the agreement, then The consolidation exercise is such as overall environmenr sexual abuse . 6 evaluate these against a set of designed to take a systems ap- and educational goals. he says. the counrry. proach to the overall research ac- Among medium-sized l..lOi- Gryphons edge closer criteria to reach a consensus on an "A studcnl's comfort wirh a tivity under the agreement, enable versiries. Guelph ranked third to Vahier Cup . • . 6 institutional vision. univcnity cannor be reduced to research problems that span com- These may include increased a SCI of numbers." behind Waterloo and Simon flexibilily in the agreement, mak- modities and disciplines to be ad- /Jlar/lan'smagazine'ssecond Frnser and ahead of nine other ing more of the resources com- dressed more readily, foster inter- annual university ranking issue univer.>ities.CJ petitively available and achieving disciplinary research and achieve CIBC iD't;! DISCOUNT l•OlflAGf Get the edge on DISCOUNT BROKERAGE Up to 84% in Commission Savings. CIBC 23 College Ave. W., Guelph Full range of INVESTMENTS. " Ct BC 824-6520 Sircuritinlnc. ...... nn••w""' ofl~aoti"A broll11n11.• t1tn .. m "~' JQOI 2 AtGuelph/Nov. II, 1992 Student speak OMAF restructuring progresses Continued from page l Phase 3 of the project, slated for in the hospital weren' t able to get second-year political science: Tammy Bray, Nutritional Scien- January through May of 1993, out for Halloween, we would ..What is the purpose of grading ces; Dan Butler, Clinical Studies; will involve development of a bring Halloween to them," says the quality of university education Anne Croy, Biomedical Sciences; detailed operational plan for im- by Scott organizer Peggy Hoar. as a whole when we are all over- Stewart Hilts, Centre for Land and plementing the vision arising out McNichol Because so many OCUS mem- crowded and underfunded, with Water Conservation; Bev Kay, of Phase 2. It is to incorporate both bers wanted to participate in the insufficient course selections and Land Resource Science; Walter administrative and research ele- program, they decided to ·1isit Kehm, Landscape Architecture: ments. Implementation of the plan seniors' homes as well. she says. crowded classes?" Lynn McDonald. Sociology and will then begin. At the hospital, the visitors Nona Robinson, Central Student Anthropology; Marc Le Maguer, "I'm confident that this is a Jobson disk passed out hand-made get-well Association president: "I think Food Science; Dennis Murr, Hor- realistic outline and schedule," c ards and toys donated by Mac/eon's is falling short on Career Services is offering two ticultural Science: Bruce Stone, says Milligan. "We believe that Wendy's on Wellington Road and rating quality of students, includ- software packages providing in .. OAC dea n 's office; Gord through this restructuring, the Biway at Stone Road Mall. ing facilities, options and services formation on jobs for graduating Surgeoner, Environmental Biol- needs of OMAF will be met or Seniors were entertained by skits, srudents. available." ogy; and David Waltner-Toews, exceeded, high-quality, socially magic acts and juggling. Career Search is a darabank of Jeff Marek, fourth-year English: Population Medicine. rele va nt research will be Hoar says she hopes to repeat the 2,000 jobs, listing companies with "Although I don't think Guelph This task force will also recom- delivered and the integrity of the program again next year. positions to be filled, job descrip- makes any pretensions to be on mend criteria that can be used in University will bepreserved." 0 tions and brief histories of the Reaction to Maclean's the ultra-elite pecking order of determining the balance of companies.
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