Between the mountain and the sky Miscellanea 215 Between the mountain and the sky Carlota Fuentevilla UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA Born in Santander Behind the apparitions (1988), he graduated in Fine Arts from the of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastián University of Barcelona (2014), where he obtained a Master's de Garabandal degree in anthropology and ethnography in 2018. He combines research Introduction tions would follow, during which the girls in the artistic field with would be able to see and talk to him. On social and cultural anthropology. n June 18, 1961, 1 July 1962, he informed them that they in San Sebastian would soon receive the visit of the Virgin de Garabandal, a Mary as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. small mountain On 2 July of the same year, the Virgin village in a narrow appeared to them in a grove of nine pine Cantabrian valley, trees, on top of a hill above the village, a four girls from very humble families, all little above the “Calleja”, known today Oaged eleven or twelve claimed that the as "Los Pinos". Archangel Michael had appeared to them. The four girls, Mari Loli Mazón, Jacinta As described by the four girls after the appa- González, Conchita González and Mari ritions, the Virgin appears in the form of Cruz González, began by confirming they Our Lady of Mount Carmel, dressed in the had visions of the angel, and that after original style of the advocation with a white this first appearance eight more appari- tunic and blue mantle, sometimes carrying Paraules clau: antropologia de la religió, aparicions, garabandalistes, San Sebastián de Garabandal, Mare de Déu. Palabras clave: antropología de la religión, apariciones, garabandalistas, San Sebastián de Garabandal, Virgen María. Keywords: anthropology of religion, apparitions, Garabandalistas , San Sebastian de Garabandal, Virgin Mary. Los Pinos. August 2017 CARLOTA FUENTEVILLA 216 Miscellanea Catalonian Journal of Ethnology December 2019 No. 44 the Child or the traditional scapular she doing and in a physical state which showed Mass meeting of people on the occasion of the ecstasy of girls gave to St. Simon Stock (Prior General of signs of being possessed by some higher (1961-1965). AUTHOR UNKNOWN. the Carmelite Fathers of the Cambridge force, she would go into a trance. These convent) in 1251. situations occurred on many occasions with the four girls together, but on other This is how the apparitions of Our Lady occasions they often happen during the would begin and would occur repeatedly journey that took them somewhere in the over three more years until 18 June 1965, village. These journeys sometimes involved the day on which the messages and visions walking forwards and sometimes back- would cease. The procedure would be sim- wards, on their feet or on their knees, with ilar in the many ecstasies that took place their heads tilted and looking at something during those years: the girls, like every- unknown above them. According to the body else in the village, would be occupied witnesses, despite climbing backwards or in their everyday tasks when suddenly one on their knees on the cobbled streets by of the girls would begin to feel what is day or night, they never appeared to be popularly known as "The three calls". At injured; also, they did not react to pain that time, she would stop whatever she was when poked or pinched. Aquest article s’emmarca dins de la Este artículo se enmarca dentro de la in- This article is the result of research and investigació i etnografia realitzades a San vestigación y etnografía realizadas en San ethnographic studies carried out in Sant Sebastián de Garabandal (Cantàbria) Sebastián de Garabandal (Cantabria) du- Sebastián de Garabandal (Cantabria, durant el 2018, entorn de les aparicions rante el 2018, en torno a las apariciones Spain) in 2018 surrounding the Marian marianes que van tenir lloc entre els anys marianas que tuvieron lugar entre 1961 y apparitions that took place in the village 1961 i 1965. El seu propòsit és tractar 1965. El propósito de la misma es tratar between 1961 and 1965. Our goal is to de respondre a diferents plantejaments de responder a distintos planteamientos provide a response to different hypothe- sobre l’afectació que les aparicions sobre la afectación que las apariciones ses regarding the effects that these appa- marianes han tingut i tenen per a les marianas han tenido y tienen para las ritions have had, and continue to have, on persones del poble com a part de la seva personas del pueblo como parte de su the villagers’ cultural representation and representació i transmissió culturals, així representación y transmisión culturales, transmission, as well as other derivative com altres processos derivats. así como otros procesos derivados. processes. Between the mountain and the sky Miscellanea 217 Another characteristic feature, according to and hopes, interspersed with daily life, which the various testimonies of the time, is that had been deeply altered. It is not surprising the girls would become faster and heavier that news of the apparitions soon reached during their ecstasies, and had the ability to the regional and national press, since the return objects (such as crosses and rosaries) location chosen by the Virgin was especially to their owners or find them if they were striking: a remote mountain village, at the hidden, and could recognise priests dressed top of a steep valley, with no electricity in as laymen (Zimdars-Swartz, 1991: 134). But the stone cottages, only accessible by a dirt without a doubt, one of the most significant road. Events like this had a huge impact; features of the apparitions is that the Virgin curiosity and devotion quickly led to the spoke to the four girls, leaving them messages massive arrival of visitors and experts of var- which they were required to spread. Two of ious kinds. The Marian apparitions quickly the messages are regarded as more important became the dominant story in the village, because of their apocalyptic character. which went from being a tiny hamlet lost among the mountains where nobody ever Thus, between this date and July 1965, the came, to an international pilgrimage desti- visions and ecstasies of the girls occurred nation, as it still is today. almost daily. The apparitions quickly shook the whole population of San Sebastian de Fifty-four years after the apparitions at San Chaplains surrounding the four girls during one of the Garabandal, as they also became participants Sebastian de Garabandal, many questions ecstasies (1961-1965). and witnesses to the girls' ecstasies, prayers continue to be raised about the religious AUTHOR UNKNOWN. 218 Miscellanea Catalonian Journal of Ethnology December 2019 No. 44 events. Although there have been numerous although the terms in which the appari- writings and approaches, there is still a need tions occurred and their effects belong to to try to respond to different approaches to a moment of socio-economic transforma- the affect that the Marian apparitions have tion of acute and specific characteristics, had and have on the people of the town they fit into some affectations that can be as part of their cultural representation and shared with other similar processes in the transmission. This article is based on this rural areas of Cantabria in general. For this aim. After an early, still ongoing, research reason, I will try to give a brief overview of approach and an ethnographic study, the the socio-economic context of Cantabria main hypothesis focuses on the analysis of based on its historiography, which will later the refusal by many people in the village to allow me to analyse the approaches of this continue talking about the apparitions as a research with greater richness. form of resistance to the feeling of loss and fragmentation of the community, which Thus, although we could go back a long leads us to question the mechanisms of time, I will start my analysis with the trans- instrumentalisation and commodification formation towards modernity in Cantabria of the apparitions as symbolic and material (constituted as a Province of Cantabria in capital through pilgrimage, as well as other 1778), which happened much later than processes arising from the same marian in other areas of Europe, maintaining the apparitions. predominance of a peasant economy "as that form of production based fundamen- Therefore, I think that beyond the specula- tally on family labour and organised in small tive theories about why they happened, we agricultural exploitations of labour-intensive should try to understand them within the technology, that use natural means of pro- society of the village of San Sebastian de duction, and that rely to varying degrees on Garabandal at that time, in order to analyse shared assets, complementary activities and them today. This is important if we take the market to assure their economic repro- into account that the context in which these duction" (Domínguez Martín, 1995: 259). apparitions occur is a key moment in order In the second half of the nineteenth century to understand how, within the framework there was an economic boom that "was based of certain historical particularities, a change on a view of the city of Santander as a natural of paradigm was taking place, functioning port of Castilla, on the consequent colonial between the micro and the macro. That is, trade with America, and on the genesis and it linked together broader social transforma- consolidation of an industrialisation process tions, such as the Second Vatican Council, that developed along a Camino Real (the the apogee of developmental policies and the Reinosa and current Besaya corridor)" (Vil- end of economic autarchy with a particular laverde, 1998: 18). Thus, the first industrial and local symbolic process.
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