¬«76 ¬«9 ¬«218 ¬«9 ¬«9 ¬«272 £¤218 ¬«325 ¬«76 ¬«51 ¬«364 ¬«150 £¤18 £¤63 ¬«24 ¬«147 New Hampton # £¤18 235 ¬«193 ! !| !9 !_Twin Ponds Wapsi Junction Area!l # 230 ¬«14 ! W ¬346 a £¤18 « p s # ip 225 in ic o n R ¬«56 # Alcock Park _! !² !9 y! !n 220 iv ¬«128 e ! r !| Sweet Marsh ¬«13 215# 93 ¬«188 «¬ ! Sumner !| !# 210 Snyders Access !| Wapsie Access £¤52 Tripoli ! !# Brewer Access!| 205 ! !| Hay Access ¬«187 #200 ¬«3 Smoke Town Access!| ¬«3 ! !9 !|Siggelkov Park ¬«218 Waverly ¬«3 #195 Bruce Childs |! ¬«3 Seven Bridges Wildlife Area!| Access ¬«410 !# 190 !| !9 !_Bruggeman Park ¬14 « Rigdon Access!l ! 185# ! !|Wapsi Bluff Access River Birch Bottoms!l ! ¬«52 ! ¬«386 #180 l!Cutshall Bridge £63 ¬«57 ¤ ! !l ! £20 Wapsi Bend ! !n Littleton Dam ¤ # 175 ! ! ! !y !l Cutshall Area !l ! # Otterville Bridge 170 ! ¬20 Mickey Fox !y !l Wapsi River Access « !l # ¬«966 165 ! Wildlife Area n! ¬«968 Independence #! 160 Double Dams «¬20 !! ¬«967 £ There are eight low-head dams along the Wapsipinicon River,£¤20 indicated ¬«963 ¤218 Bathing Beach Park !| !y # l! !yPine Creek Area with the dam icon: n. Paddlers need to avoid these dams, portaging well 155 ¬«282 !y !ly !9 !_ above and launching far below them. Dangerous currents below these ¬«14 58 Quasqueton Park Legend ¬« 150 dams are capable of trapping and holding you underwater for extended Waterloo # ! ! ! ! Quasqueton ! ! periods of time. Even the most experienced paddlers recognize that dams y Hard-surface boat ramp ! ¬«38 ¬«214 # !n must always be avoided. £¤218 Iron Bridge Access!y 145 Quasqueton Dam | Carry down access £¤151 !y Quasqueton Boat Ramp | Unmaintained access Boies Bend Area !9 !l £52 ! ¤ # !l !l Fishing access ¬«175 Cedar Rock State Park!l140 Sand Creek Area ! 9 Campground ! !y W Troy Mills Co. Access Watercraft campsite ¬«215 Frogville Access!l # !! a 135 ps «¬13 !_ Restroom # ip 130 in !y Troy Mills Wapsipinicon Access ² Drinking water near river ¬150 Troy Mills ic « # on ¬«920 !n R n Dam (danger!) Dam 125 iv !n Pinicon Ridge Park Dam ¬985 er Monticello « ¬«150 m Rapids or rock dam !# Central City Pinicon Ridge Park !_ !y !9 ! £61 120 £¤151 ¤ ¬«62 5-mile markers, from mouth ! !y !9 !_ # 110 Wakpicada # !y !9 !_ Matsell Bridge Federal or state highway ¬«96 115 ¬«38 ¬«198 Paved & unpaved roads # Below 105 ! City or town Independence, Stone City!y 100 Anamosa #! Public lands the Wapsi flows !!! !n !y ¬229 Anamosa # 95 Anamosa Boat Dam ¬«330 « through a combina- !y !9 ¬«113 tion of timbered valleys Boat Ramp «¬64 ¬«64 £¤151 # and wooded bluffs with 90 ¬«954 # Wapsipinicon ! !y occasional limestone rock !y !9 85 Olin Access outcroppings. One of the most State Park Wapsi pinicon scenic one-day excursions lies be- Riv Olin #! # er ¬«199 tween Independence and Quasqueton, ¬«94 75 ! #70 Oxford Junction especially in fall when the oaks are chang- Cedar Rapids Newport Mills!y 80 ! !y ¬«136 ing colors. Another popular section to paddle ¬«38 65 Oxford Mills £¤67 ¬«13 ¬«1 lies between Central City and Stone City, but Ana- Jungletown River Access!y # mosa to the Newport Mills Access offers as much if not more in the way of natural beauty. Here, the Wapsi passes 60# ! 55 !y !9 !² !_ !l ¬146 through some of the most rugged little cliffs and limestone !y !9 !² !_ #! « ¬«131 £¤71 Massillon Area formations on the entire river. Cedar Rock State Park offers tours Walnut Grove Park of a house built by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1950. The boathouse can be Mount Vernon ¤£30 ! ¤£61 # Wapsi Below Anamosa seen from the river. Call in advance for tour information: 319-934-3572. £¤ 50 £¤218 Lowden |! Muhl Bridge Access Clinton ¬«14 Syracuse Access !y Smallmouth bass, northern pike, and walleye are common below the dams, and in ! De Witt # ¤£30 the rocky areas of this stretch. Channel catfish enjoy the areas near log jams and 45 30 £151 !l !² !_ !y !9 £¤ fallen trees. ¤ ¬«382 Sherman Park Barber Creek ¬«38 Wildlife Area !| Wapsi Wildlife Area ¬«212 220 N From Anamosa¬« to the Mississippi, the Wapsi is a free flowing river with no dams, ! £¤63 Wapsi River Environmental ! 40 !| !y McCausland ¬«224 !# !m ! ! # # allowing fish from the Mississippi unimpeded access to this 95-mile stretch. Lunker 1 mi. 2 mi. 30 ! !² !_ !| !l # 20 15 Access Education Center #! 25 #10 ! flathead catfish weighing as much as 40 pounds or more may be caught here.The 5 ! M 35 # Wapsi here averages 2 to 4 feet deep with many deep holes for lunkers to hide. i 14 ¬«965 ! s ¬« ¬«1 |! # !9 s i ¬«6 The abundant number of sandy beaches offers numerous places for camping, fish- Buena Vista Access Kingfisher s s 109 i ¬« p ing, and swimming. !_ p Camp !y !9 !² !l i £ R Mississippi River 63 i ¤ !y !l v Allens Grove e Rock Creek r 979 Marina ¬« «¬130 £¤6 Bettendorf Northern Pike Walleye Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Flathead Catfish ¬«76 9 ¬«9 ¬«218 ¬«9 ¬« ¬«272 £¤218 ¬«325 ¬«76 ¬«364 The Wapsipinicon River begins its journey from Taopi, Minnesota¬«51 and flows for 255 miles through Northeastern Iowa until it empties into the Mississippi River where it forms the border between Scott and Clinton counties. The stretch that flows ¬«150 £¤18 through Mitchell, Howard, and Chickasaw counties is too small to support large populations of gamefish or float a canoe Wapsipinicon River£¤63 during normal water levels. However, like any natural stream, the “Wapsi” is a great place for wildlife viewing and a Map 1 variety of other recreational activities along its entire length. ¬«24 ¬«147 New In Bremer and Black Hawk counties, the Wapsi flows through a long, swampy greenbelt of lowland river birch and silver Hampton # maple woods, with backwaters extending over most of the flat bottomed valley. The river corridor between Sweet 235 £¤18 ! ¬«19Marsh3 and the confluence with the Mississippi River has been designated a Protected aterW Area by the Iowa Depart- !| !9 !_Twin Ponds Wapsi Junction Area!l # 230 ment of Natural Resources because of its scenic and natural qualities. Northern pike are common in the backwater ar- ¬«14 ! W a eas of this river stretch. Channel catfish are abundant and can be caught near the numerous log jams and trees that ¬346 £¤18 « p s ! i have fallen into the river. Smallmouth bass and walleye are also common in the rock riffle areas. The Littleton # p 225 in ic Dam is an historic structure that has always been a popular place to fish. Sweet Marsh, originally created with o n hunters in mind in the 1940s, also serves as one of the top bird watching areas in the state and offers many R ¬«56 # Alcock Park _! !² !9 y! !n 220 iv other types of recreational opportunities, such as, fishing, paddling, hiking, and wildlife¬«128 viewing. The Wapsi e ! r above Independence has been designated a Bird Conservation Area (BCA) due to its great diversity of !| ¬«13 Sweet Marsh bird species. 215# «¬93 ¬«188 ! Sumner !| !# 210 Great Blue Heron Snyder Access !| Wapsie Access £¤52 Tripoli ! !# Brewer Access!| 205 ! !| Hay Access ¬«187 #200 !| Aldo Leopold Access Channel Catfish ¬«3 Smoke Town Access!| ¬«3 ! !9 !|Siggelkov Park ¬«218 Waverly ¬«3 #195 Bruce Childs Legend |! ¬«3 Seven Bridges Wildlife Area!| ! Access y Hard-surface boat ramp ¬«410 !# 190 !| !9 !_Bruggeman Park | Carry down access ¬«14 Rigdon Access!l ! | Unmaintained access 185# ! !| Wapsi Bluff Access !l Fishing access River Birch Bottoms!l ! ¬«52 ! ¬«386 #180 l! Cutshall Bridge 9 Campground £¤63 ¬«57 ! !l ! £20 Wapsi Bend ! !n Littleton Dam Watercraft campsite ¤ # 175 ! Cutshall Area !| !l ! ! ! # !y !lOtterville Bridge !_ Restroom 170 Mickey Fox Wildlife Area !l ! Drinking water near river ¬«20 # !y !l Wapsi River Access ² 165 ¬«966 ! Sweet Marsh Bathing Beach Park!| !y n! n Dam (danger!) ¬«968 Independence #! 160 Double Dams «¬20 !! ! ¬«967 ! ! m Rapids or rock dam £¤20 ¬963 £¤218 Independence Mill Dam !n !9 City Campground « # ¬«282 155 ! 5-mile markers, from mouth ¬14 Highway 150 Boat Ramp !y lPine Creek Area « ¬«58 Waterloo 150# ! ! !y !ly !9 !_ Three Elms Area !l !y ! ! Quasqueton Park ! ! Quasqueton Federal or state highway ! ¬«38 ¬«214 Iron Bridge Access!y # £¤218 145 !nQuasqueton Dam ¬«13 £¤151 !y Quasqueton Boat Ramp Paved & unpaved roads !9 !l £52 Boies Bend Area ! ¤ ¬«175 # !l 140 Sand Creek Area City or town Cedar Rock State Park!l ! !y Troy Mills Co. ! Public lands ¬«215 # ! ! AccessW £¤151 Frogville Access !l 135 a photo by Kip Ladage # ps ip !y Troy Mills Wapsipinicon Access 130 in ¬«150 Troy Mills ic # on !n Pinicon Ridge Park Dam ¬«920 !n R ¬«9 Dam 125 £ ¬«985 ive ¤151 ¬150 r « ! ¤£218 # Central City Pinicon Ridge Park !y !9 !_ ! £¤61 Wapsipinicon120 River ¬«62 £63 ¤£18 ¤ ! Charles City ¬«150 !y !9 !_ # 110 ¬«24 Wakpicada # !y !9 !_ Matsell Bridge ¬«96 New ¬«38 ! ¬«193 ¬«198 Hampton! 14 C ¬« e da £18 r 346 ¤ ¬ R « i v e r ¬«56 # ! Nashua 105 ! Stone City!y 100 Anamosa #! 188 ! ¬«93 ¬« ! ! !! ! Sumner ! 218 # !n !yAnamosa Boat Dam ¬«229 ¤£ ! Anamosa 95 ¬«330 Tripoli ¬«187 !y !9 ¬«113 ¬«3 ! ¬«64 ¬«3 Boat Ramp £¤151 ¬«64 Waverly ¬«3 90 # ! ¬«954 ! # 63 ! Wapsipinicon ! !y £ ! ¤ 52 386 !y !9 85 Olin Access ! ¬« «¬ ! !! MAP 1 ! ! ! Dubuque State Park Waps ! ipinico ¬«20 ! n R Independence! Olin ive ! 20 #! # r 20 ! ¬« ¬« ! 75 ! 70 ¬«199 ¬«94 80 # Oxford Junction 282 !¬«! Cedar Rapids !y ! ! ¬13 Newport Mills ! ! « ¤£52 ! !y ¬«136 Waterloo¤£218 Quasqueton ¬«38 # 65 Oxford Mills £¤67 ! ¬«1 ¬«175 ¬«13 ! ¤£151 ! W ! a ¬«150 p ¬«920 si Jungletown River Access!y p ! 60# in ! 8 i !Central City ¬«3 co ! 55 n ! 61 !y !9 Walnut Grove Park ¬«146 R ¤£ Cedar Rock Boat House #! ¬«131 iv ! £¤71 er ! ! Anamosa Massillon Area!y !9 !² !_ ¬«64 151 «¬64 Mount Vernon ¤£ ! #50 Cedar Rapids ¬«956 ! ! 136 ¬«30 ¬«13 ¬« 67 Olin ! £ ¤ £¤218 Lowden ¬«14 Oxford Junction ¬38 ! « ! £¤30 ! £¤30 Mount Vernon Clinton # 45 £¤30 £218 ! £¤61 ¤ Lowden £¤151 ¤£30 ¬«382 ¬«38 Syracuse Access !y| ! ! De! Witt ! ¬«1 ! Wapsi Wildlife Area McCausland ¬212 ! « ¬«38 ¬«220 !y !9 !y £63 Sherman Park 40 Access!y ¬224 ¤ «¬130 MAP 2 Expedition #! # « ! ! 30 ! # ! Iowa City ¤£6 # 15 #! 20 #10 Wapsi River Environmental 25 #5 ¬«965 !| !l 35 ¬«14 ¬«1 #! ¬«6 Education Center Barber Creek ¬«109 !| £ & Wildlife Area Be safe out there!¤63 Stay legal! Buena Vista Access!| Allens Grove !y Wear a life jacket! Camping on sandbars is allowed on the Wapsipinicon River ¬«979 ¬«130 They really do save lives.
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