C019 071 010 All.Pdf

C019 071 010 All.Pdf

This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 1 - E '.I ! • l_ _ ;.: • .) l. 2:45 PM 3:45 PM CON'l'A\'"': r1r.:ud.n;1. 1-!t>l'.1·~_;.,.,_r ;. l 1/~24·-~51':: 5:15 PM Ar. AsheViL19, N.c. Asheville 3et Center 704/684-6fi::ii MET BYt 5! PM Ar. Gro'\,.O l'~ . ~ ' . ,. 704/252-2111 ... PRESS C0Nf''·FENC£ Heritage Bal!room C 6~.10 PM 1 6:20 PM- A'l TEND FU-NDP.Ais: •:G HLCB!' A . Iv!~ 6:45 PM Major c<~r:.,J1,s ~~.~· ,.;11;;.r ........ ::. 'l't~~-· .. -.r Magnol ia Io~mg~ f.ljOTO v ' ,, '• E , ..f- • .t... Page 1 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu BCIE ~11]:_[ 1 ~.. _:r:_ F . :: -: Presantat.i<~r. of ·:.~ ••~nr'"1.... , •. ·.-:. ...; .. t. Df:ii<.. '!.t .. :~1· Dc.1::i.o to Jiln Franc.:;:; / G·~nl H9:r -;., ',n ...... ,~ i·r""<.i. , Grove :P<ll':}c llln by s~natc-.r. Dol~. ccn·~t· ,.. u.m:::..:-t & Mrs. Taylor 7: 30 PM Program concludes Senator Dole escorte~ to car by Taylo~ staff 7:35 PM Lv. Grove Park Inn 7:55 PM Ar. Asheville Jet Ce! .l~r 704/694-6BJ.:il a:oo PM Lv. Asheville AIRCRAFT: >?ooa Lic-n Pee.:..:~ .Te>t -.. oo TAIL NO.; 1~ 10 >"L CONTACT: Vince Wat.kins 704/633-825u, Ext. ~H54 9:00 PM Ar. Wa$hinaton Naticn~l Signature ~'light B&Jpport 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wllb&rt PROCEED TO P.RTVATI!! Page 2 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu DR.!~Sl' ~l 12/ :.4/92 ?:30 PM Lv. Washington Nat.~~c.na; via Deltc Shut~lo ?:30 l?M Ar. N$W Yor": LaGu&rdia Airpott MET BY; Fottune ~i~o~~- ~ ~o. (Sad~::'! -- .'2l'. a l • mc.o) CON'rAC'.l': Net 212/d38-26~2 RONt W~ld.crf Astoria h-· Tc.w-;.:: Suit.& 42H (Lt:r:layri(t r.ndretx•s: e :Jui te) 212/3!55-'•000 8:00 AM Lv. Waldorf A:sl:or~& DRIVER: For.une Limo 8:15 AM. Breakfast Me~ting The Brook lll East 54th straet 212/753~70:?.0 CONTAC1~: .-: '.'.\ r J • : ATTENDERS: Mauri cs Gre.~nbd;"•; ~ cr.15' · • ;.1(·~· 1 :'.:.:; Charl9s H~irui.10.Ld •· .t-rwr..; • ·.1.... , .t..· •• .'.._-~.0:.·-t-lyeri;; Bria.n Littl6 - F'crstr1~ri.n L!.:,' l•:! ~, ::o, ('.:.'eiim '.;.OO) Joe Mondello - N~ssa~ c~. GCP ~nei~m~n and New York GO? c .... ~!1n,i t t.ee1ner. Frank Richardson ~· Pre.::~: (i,·mt., 1~,3srz,y Cap .1 tal ~o.q:... (Ta1:u11 100, HY CO_) r.inan·~e Ccnrndttoc1) Joe. Fogg - Mor·~an Stanle~· Page 3 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu I I. : ;_ .- ~ - .1._ . PAGE TWO 1Z:20 PM Ar. Don Mcr:roi-,'s :)f!'11.:.' Paith'l Webbor 2121113-2103 c~1~t~~ ~· . ;. .:.~:.. J ! 12:30 PM Proceed to 3Bt~ flo~r ATTEND LUNCHEON ~E'I l.YG AT'l'ENDEES; Linda Wachner - Wurr:ttcr:: George Klein - ~ark ~n~2r ·~rity Ezra Zol kh1>i. - :::c1:r:-.h-:,, *• 1'..•s:;c··. ,,:i. 5.r,;.r.;;:; et.liiant.s Dick Voell - - R•'.)C°f.a!'e.i > ,,. ':J•.ui:u~.~ ior.& John ti Jack it :.~6l1iH)dy - ;.:::..... ~' ~- '·· :s .- ...-~. l rJaper Z:>Od rd CC>. Cha.rlae 1Tonas .... ·:rn.:...1 .. :" · <-_··.! ~ C.:<;:r:p. Paul Gunth~r - Pre~ d-~~i ~~i~4 ~eb~er Don Ma1·ron - Pe:.irH~ We.t:b"'.;...1 CONTACT: Chris Manion 212/713-2865 AFTERNOON FREE RON: Waldorf AGtoria 6:10 AM DRIVER: Fortune L~m~~&l". ~. 8:30 AM Breakfast Meetin~ Sky Club Met Life Bldg. 200 Park Avenue ·- 56th !floor 212/867-955C CONTAC'!': Koen La!'lgOr.t.;, (SecJ:,:.tary~ Bet ..-.".!.S~J _--, c,r Pi!l.!r Goldman) 212/4.21-2500 ATTENDEES: Adam Arnott · X-Air ~f ~~w ~01 ~ Arthur Bahr -· GE !nve.st.:r ... n'..'. C·:.·.t:'' Vincent Ranker - Ale)~ !3t"tJWn Frank Cahoue~ - ~ellon Rank Arthur Calcognini - Lomha~d Wc1~~ 11ade Joh11 cat.siniatidi s - Red Ap11le C:Jmpanie-s Patricia Chrtdwick - Chancellor Capital M;mt. Ronald Clark ·· All ism: tn•restn.ent Peter Crisp - Venrock Aoo0ca . Page 4 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE 'l1HREE AT.'l'ENDEES ;ct:wrn1D.!W); .rosetJh D i.Mi::,rt: !. r ·! •· :--:. ~ ''· 1· ,; . ~ . .~ . Star.lay Dru -.;k ~nsti ';.Jr:.n - f<'"~·:.· :«~:·.. ~ 1'-•:)!llt. Groilp Konnarl Eig - Laz.a.1·.J F't'.l'o! :.. aa• Dale Fray - GE rnvc~L~~~t Co;~. William narn.i &c...!I - r..:i.i..·.:n:.m~H:.n-.r... c::t Michael Ho~en - BancfiL Capi l~: Mgmt. Frank Houghton - L}'nch & Ma:,·ar Carl Jones - Invamod A~soos. William Kat-irr~ri - Sh'lllarac-n L6h'"r1\rth Cristina l<apn&r ~ !riv...ame.r.:\ Aft.P..tX.' tJ. Kenneth T;a.itgo1·i?.: - Ir:•.... .. !f,ad ; :::.r;..o cs- oavid Mark$ - Allittn~ ID\8Bt ment John Myers - t;E :rnv6:1Jtw1:.'f.nt ;,.".c.t. ~ . Edwin Mc.Am1E• Skalldl;}n r ";. t'f t• .• l'ie:·agher ~nc.'1tG £, '?'lo:m Edwar1j Rapp:"l - P.W .Pru.t".t.1;_;r. l ·~!l ~ Co. Dan Sullivan - sasco ~:~~~a: George 0 1 Neill - M0rr1w~a~h~r zap1cal Julian Rohertsor - Ti~er Ma;~ge~~nt Cccp. David Schafer - schr~fer Capital Mg:r1rt. Andrew Taussig - Friot Bost~n crop. Thomas Teagu~ - Salam N~tion~:ease Peter ~nachos - >.ust in .rnveetn:a:.nt. Mgr;~t. Matt Wenning - Red AppJe companies 10!30 AM Ar. Links Chili 36 East 62nd 9treet 212/8:38-8181 ME'!' BY: 'rom Fol e~1 MEETING 'KITH To:'··! 'f'QT.._E '/ Other Attend~es~ Charlie Glazer - GOP Fi;. .n-11.,is·~:i.: fn;i:m CT, ps1:.e.or1al friend of 'I'om•s Scott l"rantz - ycung w~.;>.1 ~.:hy ~.t.~ pt:i.n:~ .lean with history of l&DJa ~on~t1ons CONT.AC'!': Tom f'c 1 ey 203/862-235(; 11:30 AM LV. Lj r.ks C.1 t;;".: 12:00 PM Ar. (La Guardia??) Page 5 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PACE FOUf< 12:15 PM TAIL. NO.~ N 10 .... TF PILOT: Dwain C&dWt\.,Y CO-PILOT~ Frank !,.Ask~u.;:-:rss co~ TA CT : rmain Gr~dway 914/4C2-62rr. 1:15 PM Ar. Washington Nation&; Signature F·: :tgh.t Sq:1po.r t 703/549-831'0 ME'r BY: Wilbert 1: 30 PM Ar. S-230 Page 6 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu December 14, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO THE LEADER FROM: JOHN DIAMANTAKIOU ~ SUBJECT: POLITICAL ~RIEFING Below is an outline of your briefing materials for North Carolina. Enclosed are the following: 1. Campaign briefing: • talking points - issues • Taylor biography • District overview • Event preview 2. North Carolina Election Results 3. State Statistical Summary 4. State GOP/DFP Supporter list 5. District Map Page 7 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Talking Points * Charles Taylor won an historic victory in 1992 -- overeominq the nemocrat•s gerrymander o~ the 11th District and the tarqetin9 ot the raee by the DCCC in Washington • Taylor's victory margin of 22,205 votes is more than the margins of the previous five elections combined The great victory is a tribute to Charles, but also a * tribute to the hard work of the hundreds of volunteers and supports attending Monday's Victory Dinner • As a ~ounder ancJ membe:t' of "The Ganq or seven,° Charl.es Taylor has fought for meaningful reforms in Washington -- like the Line-Item veto, the Balanced Budget Amendment, and Congressional Term Limits • Taylor and "The Gang of seven" stood up to the House Democrat leadership and demanded ru11 disclosure ot the House Check Bouncing Scandal * Char1es has also been an effective advocate ~or Western North Carolina He won runding for a new $12.6 mil.lion nursing home at Asheville's Veterans Hospital; Charles won an agreement with TVA to delay the annual drawdown of its lakes in North Carolina, whieh will help create new jobs in the district * In just two years, Charles Taylor has a1r~ady emerged as an effective voice in Washington for the people of Western North Carolina Page 8 of 27 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu The District North Carolina's 11th District won fame during the 1980s as the most competitive congressional district in the country. Between 1980 and 1990, five of six incumbents were defeated and every race since 1980 was decided by fewer than 4300 votes. 11th District voters took turns bouncing Republican Bill Hendon and Democrat James McClure Clarke out of off ice between 1980 and 1986. In 1988, Clarke broke the string of incumbent defeats when he beat Republican newcomer Charles Taylor by 1573 votes. But in the 1990 rematch, Taylor defeated Clarke by 2653 votes -- the first win by a Republican candidate in an off-year election since 1896. Taylor faced several new obstacles in the 1992 campaign. Redistricting gave the Democrats an even greater registration edge, raising their 56%-37% advantage to a 60%-34% gap by replacing 15,000 r~gistered Republicans with 15,000 Democrats.

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