V y Feb, 12, t i88j Kentucky Live Stock Record. U2 Breeders' Directory. Breeders' Directory. Breeders Directory. StaWes. ATBKS, MARSHALL, SALINE Co., HD. breeder of Shorthorn Cattle. Walnut Hill Stud Farm J, Shropshire and Cotswold sheep and Poland-Chin- a Lynwood Hogs. 215 Herd, Clintonville, Bourbon (Jounty, Livery and Sale Stable, TREAOI, dealer In Trotting and Ky., Harness Horaea, No. - Breeederof Shorthorn Cattleof the following BJ. HBEastShort BLOOD STOCK FOR SALE- samilies: HEAD OF SHORT STREET, LEX Street, LEXINGTON, Ky, Keeps on hand Surmise Duchesses, Craggs.Lady INGTON, KY. an 'or Bale, single Horses and pairs. Trot- Languishes, Qwynnes, Young Marys, Ac ting and Gentlemen's Roadsters a special- Yearlings, Two and Three-yea- r Olds. Red Rose Duke 2d, a pure Rose of Sharon, at & ty. Stallions and Brood Mares of the best the head of the herd. Also breeder of'pure Smith Coons Proprietors. Ian? lies of Running and Trotting blood al- Mares stinted to War Dance, Southdown sheep. Young stock for sale. 361 Particular attention given so, buying, ways on hand and lor sale. Horses trained selling, shipping, boarding at 2(!0 Longfellow, and horsff reasonable rates. JAMES L. PATTERSON, and mules. HILL, "HILBUBN HERD, Ten Broeck, 276 ly. FGANO VILLB, Ky., breeder of Short-Hor- BROADWELL, KY, of the most fashionable blood. Also, Kyrle Daly, Trotting Horses and Cotswold Sheep. ?12 Gilroy, RURAL CHOICE'HERD, SI. S. STEtADSEL, MOORK.SHAWHAN, BOURBON Co. Enquirer TEKy., Breeder of Shorthorns, Trotting, Tom. Breeder of Shorthorns: Desdemonas, Combined Saddle and Harness Horses, also and Great Gwynnes, Phyllises, Amelias, White Training, Sals and Commission Stable Cotswold, Merino and Southdown Sheep, Trotters from the beet Kentncky strains Cashhmere Goats, White Holland Turkeys, Roses, &c, and Cotswold sheep. Young and Game Fowls. Annual sales of horse on both sires' and dams' sides. Also pure stock for sale. 300 ly stock In February. Mambrlno and Hamble-tonla- n bred Southdown sheep. Fair Grounds, South Broadway, stallions In use. 312 ly J. A. GRINSTEAD. W. T. WOODFORD, 284 ly Lexincton, Ky. OAK FOREST STOCK FARM. PARIS, KY., LEXINGTON, K Y . HARROD'S CREEK HERD & FLOUK, Breeder o ATTENTION given to Training THOROUGHBRED HORSES, The Home of the Sams ol breeder of Shorthorns and Cotswold 'sheep, SPECIAL Selling and Shipping Stock. HERZOG, AUREOLA, WAR JIG, HAZEM with tbe premium ram Lord Brampton at Also Trotters, Roadsters, Stallions and SOUTHDOWN SHEEP, .frc. HIMYAK, head of the flock, perhaps the best rara In Brood Mares --for sale. and 210 tf Sto k for sale. Address, on the Russell Cave turnpike, at the bridge America. Stock lor sale. S61 WALTER A. DUN, six miles from Lexington, Ky. J. O. TRIMBLE. JOHN KEEP, V. S. ' Thoroughbred Horses of only running fam- , 468 Mechanicsburg, Ohio. ilies and the best imported SOUTHDOWN FOR SALE. TRIMBLE & KEEF, SHEEP for sale atall times. BERKSHIRE HOGS, SALE, AND STABLES, 288 ly B. G. THOMAS. Bred from imported English stock. A FEED very sine lot of pigs now Muin Street, Mt. Sterling, Ky., R. M. FSSHER, ready. ' For Sale. COTSWOLD SHEEP. Dealers In trotting and sine harness horses DANVILLE, KY., A sew young rams ready for use. Fine single drivers, coach and saddle horses THOROUGHBRED HORSES; made a specialty and always on band for BREEDER OF SHORTHORN CATTLE. sale. Ample arrangements for seeding and JERSEY CATTLE (Herd Resistor); One sawn-colore- d Jersey cow, No. 5S07. shipping horses and rmiles. 317 ly SHORT tORNS and Prices low. S. BLACK, SHETLAND PONIES. 31 0 ly Box 240, Frankfort, Ky. 0 TV. 2SjE1.bZb, Late of Leesburg, Ky., having purchased, re- SOUTHDOWN SHEEP. Spring Station, Woodford county, &y fitted and lurnlshed the i9!ly 812 W. W. ESTILL, LIVERY SALE STABLE, No. 41 E. Short street, bet. Upper and Lime- M'FERRAN & SON, LEXINGTON, Ky. stone, Lexington, Ky., is prepared to accom- T. J. HflECBBBEftS, J. C modate the public with nice vehicles and Proprietor of gentle horses. Board for horses by the single Glenvlew Stud Farm, Louisville, Ky., seed, by the week or month at reasonable HERD, Elmwood Herd of Short- prices. Horses bought and sold. Mr. Hen FAIRVIEW BKEEDKKS OK ry Anderson will be in charge of the Train-lu- g horns & Flock of Cotswol'dB. Department, and wlli handle anil devel- op Qpo etocic an.1 trotfy-- at reaaoaa ble raffM. 3 JUtiir-'- 'Station, Ky., -- " JjJM "iiorted Stock Young Bto of Thoroughbred and Trotting Some choicely bred and valuable youna stal- TTOOIL.iVJNr FARM BREEDER lashlonable strains of Short- lions and Allies on hand for sale. 319 horn Cattle, Cotswold and Southdown Sheep. Wants, Situations, &c. Traiping and Sale Stable. 312 ly The Poyntz Herd of Jerseys. miles from Versailles, on the Lexing- ton pike. Stables new and commodious. pHOROUGHBRED and Particular attention given to buying ar Established in the Year 1853. FREE ADVERTISING. selling stock. Trotters, roadsters, stalllorp Trotting Horses, brood mares and colts forsale. A. B.Parkr Stock registered In the A. J. C. C. H. R. and We have determined hereafter to make no Manager, who is known as one of the nt A. J. H. B. charge for advertisements under the head of and most careiul trainers, and with his long Shorthorn and Jersey Cattle, Rabbi 2496-- J C C H R, first" premium at 2 our Employment Column, of an acceptable experience In tbe business, will make this years old at St. Louis Fair 1879, at the head nature and not exceeding five lines. We department a specialty; will handle and de- 3betland Ponies & Southdown Sheep ot the herd. Stock for sale. shall devote sufficient space to accommodate velop trotters at reasonable rates. Corres- Catalogues free on Application. Address (hose desirous of availing themselves of the pondence solicited. W. H. STEWART. FOR SALE AT TVOODBURN FARM, J. B. or S. M. POYNTZ, advantage of a free advertisement. 301 ly 312 Maysvllle, Ky. No business advertisement will be Inserted Spring Station, Woodford Co., Ky. without pay. We desire to make the Live Stock Record the medium through which Livery Feed 5 Sale 312 ly A. T. ALEXANDER. R. G. ESTILL, the general public, farmers, turfmen, herds- &c SMITH. men, may have their wants supplied, or E.K.THOMAS. H. O. Elmhurst Stock Farm, parties seeking employment may secure sit- uations. Is answeis fall to come the first STABLE. Lexington, Ky. time, we invite a second, third, or as many Th.oxn.as & Smith., repetitions as are necessary to secure what Is TROTTERS, ROADSTERS, COACH- - Breeder of pure registered Cotswold and advertised for ERS AND BUGGY HORSES, - pure unregistered Cotswold Seeep; also Shor- Advertisers should remember that letters North Miciaietcvwii, Kv- thornsYoung Marys, Phyllises. Josephines, directed to initials only are not delivered on hand and for sale at reasonable prices Gems and Desdemonas. 3d Duke of Flat through the postofflce. Is initials are used Correspondence solicited. An experienced Creek (a pure Rose of Sharon) at head of they should be directed to the care of me herdsman, I will nil oiders for shorthorn cat-tl- o. of Shorthorn Cattle o herd. J51 person, firm or postofflce box. Relerence Clark County National Bank. BREEDERS Also Cotswold r5ne No free advertisements taken aster 11 elk 28S ly R. PARKS, Winchester, Ky. Catalogues sent on application and corre- G-OJbU?- a. m., on Thursday of each week. spondence promptly answeied. 312 ly P. Any communication requiring an answer W. T. WOODARD. WILEY BRASSFIEI.D must have a stamp enclosed to cover a reply. HOLMHURST HERD. Advertisements can be lest at the office or WOODARD & BRASFIELD, S. BUCKLER, sent through the mall to the Live Stock Rec- ord, Lexington, Ky. PARIS, KY., Winchoster, Rentuelcy. Training & Sale Stable, Fore Bred Shorthorns, WANTED. Treacy's old Stable, Short street, Lexing- BREEDER OF FAST TROTTERS ton, Ky. AND ROADSTERS. 150 Pure Bred Cotswold Ewes. Stock for Sale. 212 ly By a young man from Ohio, of good educa- Special attention given totralnlngjiuying, From the fastest and most fashionable sires, tion and liletime experience In farming, selling and shipping stock. Also Trotters, and from ten mares by Stratumore. one. by especially sheep raising, a permanent situa- Roadsters, Stallions, Saddlers and Brood Clark Chief.two by Edwin Forrest, &c. Also M. C. Q Mares for sale. 289 1 v 281 ly Flock tion. Address Southdown sheep. Oakland 312 4t 533 W. 6th St., Cincinnati, O. Ui COTSWOLD AND S0UTH-- - H. C. BUCKNER, DOWN SHEEP. WANTED. GALT HOUSE, Tom at head of flock of Cots-wold- s; Ky., Imp. King A situation as trainer of racehorses. J. M. Paris, imp. Walsingham ram at head of MCCLELLAND, Lexington, Ky. 311 it LOUISVILLE, KY. Breeder of flock of Southdowns. Young stock always for sale. Also Prince WANTED. Is Being Entirely Refitted and Refurnished. Shorthorn and Jersey Cattle, Albert hogs. Correspondence solicited. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. JAS. O, WILLIAMS, PRICES REDUCED. 200 Winchester. Kv. A situation as trainer of trotters by asteady Cotswold and Southdown Sheep, and competent man with thirteen years ex-- Best of relerences. Full Board and Large Handsomely furnished Eerlence. H. 83 per and Paddle and Harness Horses. Philadelphia. P. O., Pa 311 4t slnglerooms day. 294 lv . J. SPRAOTJE. Manager. B SlIOBTHOTNS, COTMVOLDS AND TROTTERS U R. MORTON. D'. A. C V E S , e I. I. WATTS PARKER HERD, bred and for sale at reasonable prices. Clear Creel N-Mai- WMsty. ELMARCH Duke of Waterloo by 1776 2d Duke of MORTON & PARKER, Cynthiana, Ky., Oneida 9926, dam imp. Water Girl by The above brand of Whisky Is manufac- BREEDER OF Grand Duke of Waterloo (28766) will tured for Kentucky consumption upon the limited number of cows at $10 "middling" process, resulting In a clear, sine THOROUGHBRED JERSEY CATTLE, serve a liquor, fusil oil Attorneys calf.
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