CO MORNING ENTERPRISE TUESDAY, JAN. 21, 1913 crrrr BURNSBANQUETPLANS L HOME SITE TO SOME LEADERS IN COMPLETED TONIGHT HAVE WELL WATER : SPORT IN 1912 : . The Leading Clothing Store in Clackamas County Largest Stock of StapleHairisand Fancy Groceries in the City BASEBALL. The program for the Robbie Burns The Willamette Pulp & Paper Com 'World's champions. Boston Red Sox. banquet and musical to be held at pany has contracted with an Oregon National league champions, New York Exclusive Outfitters For Men and Boys Prompt, Courteous and Excellent Service Woodman Hall will be completed at City contractor to bore six wells 200 Giants. American league champions, Boston Red 'a meeting to be held this evening at feet deep on its newly plotted home Sox. the tailoring establishment of William tract on the West Side known as Champion batsman. National league, McLarty. The meeting this evening Willamette Heights. It Is expected Heinle Zimmerman. Vaudeville! will be called to order at 8 o'clock that a sufficient supply of artesian Champion batsman, American league, and all members of the society are water will be found to supply the Ty Cobb. urged to be present. It was at first entire West Side from Willamette FOOTBALL. announced that the banquet would be City line north to Bolton. It is also Champion college team. Harvard. held inx Willamette Hall and it is possible that a large iexiough flow - HOCKEY. ' Champion' Amateur league. Crescent urged that persons who have obtain, will be found to take care of Oregon ' D ed tickets will it City's present need. A. C. bear in mind that Champion college team. Princeton uni- will be at Woodman Hall. Tickets The first well will be bored near the versity. may be obtained from William Mc- West Side Hill school house where TENNIS. CD Larty, E. C. Dye, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. there are very valuable springs and National champion, M. E. McLoughlln. McLarty,, H. D. Kennedy, J. Younger, artesian water. This tract is to- - be National doubles champions, McLough- K. McLarty or other members of the provided with a sewerage system, lln and Bundy. society.' perfectly pure water, paved streets, National women's champion. Miss Mar- electric lights and sidewalks and it garet Curtis. expected many homes will be GOLF. is National champion, Jerome D. Travers. '(fi built by the company before Fall for ' National women's champion. Miss Mar- IP QUIT IT! its employes. Don E. Meldrum, en garet Curtis. gineer, is in charge of the business ROWING. for the company. Champion college eight, Cornell univer- sity. SWISSCO STOPS IT Champion' N. A. A. O., single sculler, E. B. Butler. - VALENTINE'S DAY POLO. O ST. National champions, senior, Meadow S3 LARGE TRIAL BOTTLE FREE Brook team. Open champions, Cooperstown team. T ONE TO BE OBSERVED Junior champions, Cooperstown team. you rz MOTORBOATS. know that Rexall 93 is the best Hair Tonic World's championship. Mapel Leaf IV. o One mile record. Tech Junior, 1 miDUte ' 11 seconds, nautical mile. you can get but The Enterprise, in answer to num- watch and wait for erous questions, wishes to state that Record In dispute. Average in statute St. Valentine's day this year will be miles, 58.30 seconds. p a day of abstinance for all members TROTTING. of the Angelican and Roman Cathol- World's champion,. C. K. G. Billings' ic Churches. Members of these Uhlan, 1:58. churches will not be allowed to dance BILLIARDS AND POOL. on that day. The day falls upon Fri- Billiards, 18.1 balk line. Ora Morning-sta- r; Dandruff Is Maddening. day, which is always a day of absti- 18.2 balk line. Willie Hoppe; three REXALL cushion, John Horgan. Swissco stops dandruff quickly, nance unle'ss it should be Christmas, Pool, professional Rexall will help you year ev- charrmion. Alfredo Da win the automobile. Read grows new hair and restores gray or and this it also is in Lent, Oro; amateur champion, A. B. Hyman. faded hair to its natural youthful ery day of which is theoretically a color. dayt of abstinance It also fajls this COURT TENNIS. the Enterprise every morning. Cigars Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, year on one of the special days of National champion. Jay Gould. falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, fasting, known as Ember Day. Per- RACKETS. Candies brittle hair or any hair or scalp sons belonging to the Angelican National champion, Reginald Fincke. trouble. Catholic and the Roman Catholic TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETICS. Best Fruits To prove that our claims are true Churches could not consistently at- 100 meters, 10 6 seconds, first heat, R. you on coming St. Val- G. Craig, Detroit Y. M. C. A.; final heat, Best Pictures The we will send a large trial bottle tend dances the H. P. Drew, Springfield latest standing of contestants will befound you entine's day. H. S.; at eastern free if will send 10c in silver or tryouts, held at Cambridge, Mass., June Always stamps to help pay cost of postage 8, 1912. Light Lunches and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy 1,500 meters, 3 minutes 55 4- -5 seconds, A. elsewhere in this issue. Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. Meritol White Linament. R. Kiviat, I.-- A. C, at eastern tryouts PICTURES! A Specialty Swissco will be found on sale at all Should be in every home, as its held at Cambridge, Mass., June 8, 1912. 5,000 meters (indoor), 15 5 5 sec- druggists and drug departments ev- application to cuts, bruises, minutes immediate onds, G. V. Bonhag, I.-- A. C, at erywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. sprains and wounds gives instant re games, Madison Square Garden, JONES DRUG COMPANY lief. It has no equal as a pain killer Jan. 25, 1912. and healer. 6,000 meters (outdoor), 15 minutes 6 6 seconds, L. Scott, South Paterson A. C, HUNTLEY BROS. CO. The Morning Enterprise at New York postoflice clerks' games, Cel- Rexall Store , tic park, New York, May 26, 1912. The Two miles (indoor), 9 minutes 24 5 sec- Clackakmas County's Best Booster onds, P. R. Withington, Harvard univer- sity, at intercollegiate championships. Special January Prices in Every Department Philadelphia, June 1, 1912. Two miles (outdoor), 9 minutes 17 5 sec- Subscribe now and Willamette Valley Trains onds, Tel Berns, Cornell university, at Ithaca May 4, 1912. Putting sixteen pound shot, right and Huntley's Have It Help 91 10 Your via the left hand, with toe board, feet Candidate Inches; right hand, 60 feet 6 Inches; left hand, 41 feet 4 inches; Ralph Rose, at Oakland, Ca.1., June 2, 1912. One mile relay (indoor), 3 minutes 25 5 seconds. New York A. C. team (O. W. De Grouchy, J. W. Richmond, E. Frick, Le r, Roy Wood). New York city, Feb. 17, 1912. IWjl SUNSET I Iogden&shastaI I Pole vault, 13' feet 2 inches, M. S. I I ROUTES I I Wright, Dartmouth university, at eastern tryouts, Cambridge, Mass., June 8, 1912. INVESTMENT Throwing the javelin, 166 feet 10 Inches, FINE H. G. Lott, Mohawk A-- C, at Junior met- WHEN ropolitan championships, Celtic park, New (Grants Pass Weekly , Rogue River YOU SEE York, Aug. 31, 1912. Courier.) , Running high jump, 6 feet 6 inches, G. From the office of the executive of- IT IN L. Horine, Stanford university. In dual e University ficer of-tb- Pacific Highway Associa- OUR AD, are the best for local or through travel to all points. meet with of Southern Califor- comes a nia, at Stanford, Cal., March 29, 1912. tion there circular that SO Walking one mile walk, 6 minutes 28 brings home some of the reasons oth- IT'S seconds, indoor, G. Goulding. at Seventy-fourt- h er than that of pride for the immed- infantry games, held at Buffalo iate building of the highway through THE "WILLAMETTE LIMITED" Dec. 16, 1911; VA miles, 8 minutes 20 5 this state. A good many have looked seconds; 1 miles, 10 minutes 6 seconds; upon the thoroughfare has been (Leaving Oregon City 10: 45 A. M. Daily.) 1 miles, 11 minutes 121-- 5 seconds; 2 that miles, 13 minutes 38 5 seconds; 2 miles, designated the Pacific Highway more With Parlor Cafe Observation Car, serving dinner southbound 15 minutes 25 5. seconds; 2 miles, 17 min- as an ornament than as a public util- utes 131-- 5 seconds; 2 miles, 19 minutes, ity. Thev have seen in it something all-ste- and breakfast northbound and vestibuled coaches, makes 5 seconds; 3 miles, 20 minutes 49 4- sec- for the added pleasure of the well-to-d- o travel a pleasure. Quick Time 35 Minutes, Oregon City to onds; 34 miles, 22 minutes 36 6 seconds; tourist, but the tourist as an as- 3 miles, 24 minutes 261-- 5 seconds; 3 set has not always been considered. Portland (no stops) convenient leaving and arriving hours. The miles, 26 17 5 4 minutes seconds; miles, California made appropriation train for business or pleasure. 28 minutes 6 seconds; indoor walk, G. has Goulding, at Twenty-thir- d Infantry games and is proceeding with the building held at Brooklyn March 30, 1912. of a hard surface roadway to the Ore- MOY The record committee of the Amateur gon line. Here this state should Athletic union approved of the following pick up the work, not only to accom- 6 TRAINS EACH WAY DAILY 6 Olympic and world's records, made by American athletes, Olympic games modate the tide of tourist travel that at the flow In Stockholm, Sweden, July, 1912. will over it, but also because First and Morrison 100 meters, 10 5 seconds, Donald Lippin-.cot- t.
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