Centre for C o rp o r ate Accountab i l i t y Scotland CCA p romoting wo rker and public safe t y A confe rence on SAFETY AND CORPORATE CRIMINAL ACC O U N TA B I L I T Y CCA ’s second major conf er ence in Scotland considers how When: e ffe c t ive are the Health and Safety Ex e c u t ive and Local Authorities in ensuring that companies in Scotland in general – Th u r s 14 October 2004 and in the oil and semi-conductor industry in particular – Where: comply with health and safety la w. It also considers recent Moir Hall, d evelopments in the law of h o m i c i d e, proposed new Mitchell Theatre Complex, investigation procedures for the in vestigation of work-related deaths and the adequacy of Fatal Accident Inquiries . Granville St, Glasg ow G3 Time: Speakers include 9.15am – 5.00pm ■ Cat h y Jamieson MSP, Justice Minister* Cost: ■John Arth u r , Co n vention of Scottish Local Aut h o r i t i e s £30.00/£10.00 (u n waged ) ■Bill Speirs, General Secret a r y STUC £60 for lawye r s/businesses/public bodies ■St e vie Ryan , Ch a i r , Hazards Scotland ■ Pro f . Andrew Watt e rs o n , St i r ling Univers i t y Key Issues at the Conf ere n c e ■Ian Wal d r a m , Scottish Health and Safety Revi t a l i s e r s Foru m ■ HS E ’ s new strate gy in Scotland ■Kar en Gillon MSP* ■ St r at e gies to make companies comply with the ■ la w John Watt , Ar ea Proc u r a tor Fiscal for Grampian ■ Rec o r d of the Oil and Semi-conductor ■Frank Magu i r e, Part n e r , Thompsons Solicitors in d u s t r i e s ■ La w and Culpable Homicide ■St e war t Campbell, Di re c t o r , HSE, Scotland ■ Fatal Accident Inquiries *To be confirmed Who should come to this conference Registration For m ■ trade union safety repre s e n t at i ves; Please return this form (using block capitals throughout) as soon as possible, and no ■ later than 11 Oct. 2004 , enclosing a cheque (made out to the CCA) and sending it to: sa f ety groups and hazard campaigners; ■ Scotland Conference, Centre for Corporate Accountability, Fourth Floor, 197/199 City public sector and crown bodies; Road, London EC1V 1JN ■ co m p a n y manager s and safety offi c e rs ; ■ pe r sonal injury and trade union I would like to register for this confere n c e . I enclose a cheque for £30 ❐ £10 (unwaged) ❐ Law ye r s, profit making business and public bodies ❐ £60 law ye r s. Name 5 hours of Law Society CPD credit Organisation For further information about the conference , Job Title please contact Sugar Munthali at the Centre for Corporate Accountability. Address ● Tel number: 020 7490 4494 ● e-mail: [email protected] This conference is supported by Post code Contact Tel No E-mail Scotland Contributors Programme, 14 October 2004 John Arthur is the Chief Environmental Officer of Inverclyde 9.15 Chair: Opening Council and re c e n t ly gave evidence to the Select Committee on Wo rk and Pensions on behalf o f t h e 9. 3 0 Im p r oving Safety in Scotland Convention of Scottish Local Authorities. • Stewart Campbell, Director, HSE Scotland D av i d B e rg m a n is Director of the Centre for Corpo r at e • Bill Speirs, STUC, General Secretary Ac c o u n t ab i l i t y . The CCA has drafted a Direc t o r s Duties (Health • John Arthur, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and Safety) Bill. 10.30 Questions Stewart Campbell is the Director of the Health and Safety Executive in Scotland. 10.50 Tea/Coffee Courtney Davis is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Corporate Accountablity and is a Research Fellow at Sussex 11.10 The role of regulatory bodies in improving safety university. • Courtney Davis, Centre for Corporate Accountability Karren Gillon MSP has introduced a private members bill on Does the level of inspection, investigation, prosecution corporate killing at the Scottish Assembly. matter? • Speaker from PROSPECT (HSE inspector Union) Cathy Jamieson is an MSP and the Minister for Justice in the How lack of resources affects the day to day work of the HSE Scottish Assembly. She has responsibility for criminal law reform and policy in Scotland. 11.50 Questions Frank Maguire is a senior Partner at Thompsons Solicitors and 12.10 Focus on the HSE in Scotland specialises in health and safety and personal injury law. he is also president of the Society of Solicitor Advocates. • Dr Charles Woolfson, Glasgow University HSE, Safety and the Oil Industry Steve Ryan is the Chair of the Scottish Hazards Campaign • Prof. Andrew Watterson, Stirling University Group. He is a senior trade union safety rep at BAE Systems HSE, Safety and the Semi-Conductor Industry in Prestwick, a corporate member of IOSH and is Chair ofhis AMICUS Branch. 12.55 Questions Bill Speirs has been General Secretary of the Scottish Trade Union Congress since 1998. he is a member of t h e 1.10 Lunch E m p l oyment Appeals Tribunal he is also a past Chairperson of the Scottish Labour Party. 2.10 Corporate Homicide in Scotland Ian Tasker is the Assistant Secretary of Health and Safety at the • Cathy Jamieson MSP, Minister for Justice STUC – a position supported by Thompsons Solicitors in The Need for Reform? Scotland. • John Watt, Area Procurator Fiscal for Grampian New Procedures for the investigation and prosecution of Ian Waldram is a Fellow of the Institution of Occupational work-related death Safety and Health and was IOSH President in 2000. He has • Dr David Whyte, Stirling University been a health and safety advisor for more than 25 years. He is now Director of SHEQuality Ltd and is part-time Learning from England and an international perspective Project Co-ordinator for the Scottish Revitalisers Forum. 3.10 Questions John Watt is the Area Procurator Fiscal for Grampian and has corporate responsibility within the Crown Office for liasion 3.30 Break with the HSE. 3.40 Fatal Accident Inquiries and Bereaved Families Prof. Andrew Watterson is Chair of the Department of Health at Stirling University. He is a Fellow of the highly exclusive • Frank Maguire, Solicitor Advocate, Thompson Solicitors Collegium Ramazzini. How adequate are are FAIs • Speakers from families bereaved from work-related deaths Dr David Whyte is a senior lecturer at Stirling University and has written widely on corporate crime issues. 4.20 Question Time Dr Charles Woolfson is based at Glasgow University where he is • Ian Tasker, STUC Health and Safety Co-ordinator the Director of the European Centre for Occupational • Stevie Ryan, Chair, Hazards Scotland Health, Safety and the Environment. He is a member of • Ian Waldram, Scottish Health and Institution of Occupational the CCA’s Advisory Council. Safety and Health • Karen Gillon MSP This conference is supported by 5.00 End.
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