r - ' • ;-A» / • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1945- KDETBBlf The Weather iianrl;?at?r €t»gnitt0 l^gralb ATerafc Daily Circnlation Foraeaat of P. S. Westbar Baraaa roe tto.M oath «( NoTember, 1MB Generally fair thmogb 8«nday 9,016 except for Ught anow thla after­ lAtanrlf £tiptttti5 Bpralb noon and evenltig; continued ooM. Member a t tbe Audit BorcM of OIrevlatlon ManeheMter^A City of Filfaif# Charm PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1945 (FOURTEEN PAGES) VOL. LXV., NO. 71 (Claaetded Adverttatog rag* Hopeful Now President's Christmas Card Ickes Urges Hawaii Christmas Holiday Accord Will Temporarily Halts Be Reached Become New State; Informed Quarters Re­ Contract Parleys flect Optimism As Foreign Ministers' Par­ War Record Lauded Efforts of Company’I Q f f ley in Seventh Day Union and Government j Interior Department Be»J Moimow, Dec. 22—(P)—Informed Sdlons Start j Officials to End Walk- / q P G u O r c l s quarterr,. refiecting optimism as Japan to Tax lieves ^Concentration. out at General Motors the "Big Three” foreign ministera* Emperor Like To Vets’Aid Of Economic Control’] Delayed as Recess Of Captives conference went into its seventh Of Which Some People day, declared today there waa Have Complained Can! Taken Until Dec. 28 good reason to believe agreements Ordinary Man On Clothing Cancelled So Internees would be reached on aome of the Be Better Handled by I By The Associated Press j critical world problems under dis- People Themselves! The Christmas holiday to-! May Be Ready for cuaaion. Franiew4>rk for New De­ Senate Small Business Although there was no indica­ Under Statehood*! day brought a temporary Transportation to Ger- tion which of the numerous issuea Committee Plans Leg- halt in efforts of company, President and Mrs. Truman sent this 1945 Christmas greeting militarized Nation these quarters referred to. this card of simple design, from the White House.—(NEA telephoto). islation to Alio tv union and government offi­ many by Dec. 28 was the most hopeful prediction Finished; Trial of Tojo Washington. Dec. 22.—(JP) cials to end the month long yet to come from sources cloac to And Aifles in February W'earing of Uniforms —Secretary of the Interior strike at General Motors. The Bulletin! participants in the talks. Icke.s recommended today- In this connection, it waa re­ government’s fact finding Fort Custer. Mich., Dec. 22. Washington. Dec. 22- (/Pi- The that Hawaii he admitted to . called that when the conference Arias-Followers Fail Tokyo, Dec. 22 (/P)—Li'ss than / 7s f . / l ^ / / ^ - r f board studying the wa^e dis­ —(JP) — Christmas furloughs, opened last Sunday U. S. Secretary four months after the first Ameri­ Senate Small Business committee statehood “in the immediate , i previously cancelled for sol­ future. The record of thl^ pute—^the nation’s No. 1 la­ diers at the prisoner of war Of State James F. Byrnes said he can occupation troops landed, Gen- is galloping to the rc.scue of dis­ 3f bor co^roversy—recemcd until camp here in order to proems would not be surprised if no In Revolt Attempt ertl MacArthur announced today charged veterans who; lieople of Hawaii during the- Dec. 28. prisonera for return to Ger­ agreements were arrived at. Brit­ that the framework for a new, 1. Can’t buy civilian garb after war clearly indicates thatrl AMIIty to Pay rMstor many, have been reinstated. ish Foreign Secretary Ernest demilitarized Japan is finished—a they get home, bocauae of the further postponement vfitt^ The recess came after Chair- Army officials announced here Bevin has taken a similar con­ reconstituted country presently shortage. servative view. planning to tax its emperor "just be unnecessary.” he declared in 100% VIRGIN WOOL CHATHAM ntan Uoyd K. GarriaoB announc­ todaj’. Major Charles E. Gil­ Four Persons Killed and P a ttO ll tO B c 2. Can’t wear their Army uni­ statement. ed to GM officiata and CIO-United bert, camp execuGve officer, Both Byrnes and Bevin still One Wounded During as any ordinary tax payer.” forms after they get home, be­ Stand Comes aa Surpriae Auto Workers union repreaenta- said the reinstatement was were said to be anxious not to The occupation forces, first ar­ cause of military Ikw. Boxed Stationery riving Aug. 28, have disarmed the Lest large scale nudity result The secretary's stand came a i All Weather Coats Uvea that the company’s ability possible because ef a War de­ raise expectations of their people Surprise Attack on surprise in view of his rei Attractive Packages in White and Pa.stel Papers I to pay would be considered aa one partment move yesterday that too high in regard to definite re­ Buried Beside home islands and arrested many the committee agreed y(>sterdBy to “Woolshire” Blankets war leaders for trial aa criminals. launch legislailon which will per­ at his last press c-mference “Cravenette," Tailored by Aqua- factor in connection with the extended from Dec. 28 to Jaa. sults from the discussions, but it Colon Police Station weeks ago that he doubted “va Full four pounds of extra union's demand for a 30 per cent 1, the date whea 5,000 Ger­ waa said there was a growing Today it waa leamed authorita­ mit the former GI’s to go about togs. Yellow, white, blue, nat­ 3d Army Men tively that Ex-Premier Hidckl In olive drab or khaki aa long as much” he would make a recom»| warmth and wear. Large size, wage rate increase. , "* man prisoners were to be feeling that the outcome may be mendation before 1946. $1.00 to $3.95 box ural. Sizes 10 to 18. $12.98 No comment on the panel’s dec ready for shipment. better than originally anticipated. Panama Cit.v, Dec. 22.—(/P) Tojo and the men of his "Pearl they please. 72”x90”. 100% Virgin wool in He asserted then he was dlaturl laraUon of policy was asked of It is obvious, these sources said, —A brief and unsuccessful Harbor cabinet” will be tried joint­ It alao announced the quarter­ blue, green, peach, rose, and Arrangements for F ly, probably in February. master general has agreed to ed by the "economic control $10.95 cither side. The board urged that Fort Chister, Mich., Dec. 22— that every difference between revolutionary attempt early fiye families exert over there” cedar. the company and union should Soviet Russia, Great Britain and The statement on the completed recommend that the War depart­ Army officials announced today today at Colon, which the eral Announced a^ framework said there is a present ment permit discharged men to would bc better pleased "if it i make renewed efforts to aettle the that all leaves and furloughs had the United States will not be set­ ly Were a democratic instltutSoi OTHER CHATHAM BLANKETS $4.98 TO $15.95 W?:AREVER ZENITH dispute by collective bargaining. tled at this meeting, but they said Panama government charged lack "of sufficient qualified lead i The Rainbow Raincoat been cancelled for soldiers in the American Troops in ers” among the Japanese but that (Continued on Page Ten) instead of an oligarchy.” Tha union and company lenders much prtgress had been made to- was carried out by followers In his statement today will meet in Detroit on Dec. 26 but "the. i-hiinge« as directed are ex- In Aquadan—^a-Zelanized poplin. (Continued on Pago TCH) ward dispelling suspicions on all of former President Arnulfo Europe Mourn Today pccted to be assimilated rapidly. said the Interior department bae Fountain Pens and Natural color. Belted styles. the wage issues were not scheduled sides. lieves that "the concentration for discussions. They will study Arias, left at least four per­ No more major Allied directives 12 to 20. $ 1 3 .9 8 The talks appeared to have sons killed and one wounded. Heidelberg, Germany, Dec. 22— are contemplated. The last one or­ economic control of which revised demands of lomi unions at veered more in the direction of in­ Chief Counsel people have complained can bet Beautiful Chenille Bath Pen and Pencil Sets plants where pickets iure permit­ Surprise Attack Made /iPjGen. (Jeorge S. Potton, Jr. will dered an end to state-sponsored Praise Given formality. Yesterday’s four hour Shintoism. be handled by the people thera»| ting office help to go through to and 15 minute meeting, the long­ The coup took place when a “be buried Monday in Luxembourg selves under statehood with the ( their jobs. , ,,, The statement, noting that the Being Sought Mat and Lid Cover Set Walter P. Reuther, CIO-UAW est yet held, was very informal small hand of armed men made a with the U. S. Third Army men directives had removed the yoke sistance that they will have fr $1.95 $2.75 vice president, said he hoped the For Session with only Bymea, Bevin, Soviet surprise attack around midnight who died a year sgo in his cam­ of militarism, emphasized that the Federal government,” Sweaters Foreign Commissar ,V. M. Molo­ Territory Since 190Q Three beautiful designs in multi­ I wage negotlatlona could begin soon on officers on duty at the nation­ paigning in the desperate battle education and guidance "must be For Probers color floral patterns. All color after next Wednesday’s meeting. tov and their tranalators present. of the bul!?e. the main part of the program from Hawaii was annexed to thO Figured sweaters by Fisher Knit. dding: "We are going to make a Bv Leaders Previous meetings had been at­ al police station in Colon. The Funeral arrangement.^ were an­ here on, because a people who have United States in 1898 and han ] combinations.
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