ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 79 | No. 20 http://observer.rockforddiocese.org FRIDAY APRIL 25, 2014 Inside Annual Stewardship Campaign Begins BY AMANDA HUDSON tions where ence even SSL secure site. News Editor “His call in society. Also new for this year is the c o m e s O n e section called Submit a Prayer ROCKFORD—”In His Pres- t h r o u g h change for Intention — submitted prayers ence” is the theme of the 2014 each of us;” the 2014 are placed before the altar at Diocesan Appeal that features and youth Diocesa n the Masses held in the Dioc- Jesus as the Good Shepherd. ministry/ Appeal is esan Administration Center. Batavia ‘Digs In’ for Certain diocesan-wide min- C a t h o l i c a new web Materials have been sent out istries are featured: the new education site www. Education and to explain this annual appeal Community Addition Life and Family Evangeliza- where “His Spirit shapes our rockforddiocese.org/steward- tion Offi ce where “His creation and the many ways Catho- pg. 3 youth and our future.” ship where you can give in- calls us to love all people;” All parishes in the Diocese of stantly to the Diocesan Appeal, lics can pledge their support. Restoring St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities where “His Rockford benefi t from this ap- Combined Appeal and more. Pledge weekend is set for May Center a Lent Effort example leads us to help those peal, which also pools resourc- Simply click the donate button 3-4. in need;” the Offi ce of Voca- es together to make a differ- taking you to the easy to use, pgs. 4-5 Learn more on pgs. 16-17 Easter Mass Brings Song, Sacrament to Inmates BY AMANDA HUDSON News Editor ROCKFORD—Plans were to bring Mass on Easter Sunday to women inmates at Winnebago County Jail. A lack of Catholic female in- mates — estimated at perhaps Be Reconciled ... fi ve, with only two signed up for From East to West Mass — necessitated a change, pgs. 6-9 and Bishop David Malloy in- stead celebrated Mass for 18 men at the jail on Easter morn- ing. Six of those men had been present also at his fi rst Chrism Mass jail Mass in —page 11 a different- Holy but-identical- Thursday looking cell foot washing block a few — page 19 Organ ‘Encounter’ months ago Helps Adults Learn on Christ- About Playing mas morning. The men said Liturgical Music they found out about this Mass from a bulletin posted on the pg. 25 wall at the jail. Jesus Talks of the “We’re glad he could make Good Shepherd it,” said one inmate. “I know he’s busy … It’s nice to know The Junior Observer pg. 30 what I’ve forgotten …” “I have kids out there,” said Coming Soon another. “If they’re celebrating, I should celebrate Easter too.” Pope Francis Makes Yet another also was thinking Two New Saints beyond jail walls, and said, “I Today, read about the April try to go to church on the out- 27 canonizations of Pope side sometimes. It’s nice to have John XXIII and Pope John it here.” Paul II. Next week, read The Although, as at Christmas, Observer’s coverage from there was no physical indication Rome. of the holiday season, this time the men enjoyed some live Eas- This Issue ter music provided by Laura Or- tiz, who has served at the jail for (Observer photo by Amanda Hudson) Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 several years, providing Bible Bishop David Mallloy (standing, right) is assisted by Deacon Richard Martin at Easter Mass in the Winneba- Headliners ..................................... 3 studies and meeting one-on-one go County Jail. It was the bishop’s second Mass at the facility. Diocesan ........................... 4-11, 19 with Catholic female inmates. from the Christmas Mass at the At Easter, we remember that Saints .............................. 12-15, 18 She played and recorded piano ranged for the Mass and served music for parts of the Mass and at it. Other ministers with Rock- jail. Numerous people, he said, Christ was arrested, tried, and Around the Diocese .......... 20-22 sang at the service. Most of the ford Reachout jail ministry, in- had thanked him, delighted that condemned to death between Nation/World ..................... 23-24 men sang along, following both cluding the ministry’s executive the Catholic Church was serv- two others who had been sen- Media/Arts ................................. 25 the parts of the Mass and the director, George Hofstetter, as- ing at the jail. tenced with him, the bishop Faith Forum ............................... 26 music from provided books. sisted. One judge, he added, point- said. Viewpoints ................................ 27 As before, Deacon Richard Bishop Malloy began his edly told him that “we have got Describing the different ac- For the Record ......................... 28 Martin, diocesan coordinator homily by telling the men the to let them know they are not tions of those two others, the The Junior Observer .............. 30 of prison and jail ministry, ar- positive reactions he received forgotten.” Continued on page 10 2 FRIDAY APRIL 25, 2014 | The Observer Two Important Church The Observer (ISSN 0029- 7739), is published weekly, Celebrations Coming This Sunday except five times a year by the Diocese of Rockford, BY BISHOP DAVID J. MALLOY 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 his Sunday, we have two last five decades. And with his background of suffering un- Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax important celebrations to note. Pope John XXIII was elected pope in der the totalitarian oppression of Poland in 815/399-6225. First, since the year 2000, at 1958 and served until his death in 1963. the 20th century, he well understood the Periodical postage paid at the direction of Pope John Paul During that time Pope John convened the challenges that we face today. Rockford, Ill., and additional TII, the second Sunday of Easter is also Second Vatican Council that has, in so His brilliant encyclicals and his homi- mail offices. Divine Mercy Sunday. Based in the many ways, served as the articulation of lies as well as his travels and his connec- POSTMASTER: send address revelations given to St. Maria Faustina our Catholic faith to the modern world. It is tion with young people are a legacy that changes to The Observer, 555 Kowalska, the natural connection between sometimes forgotten or at least overlooked strengthens our faith today. Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 Christ’s resurrection and God’s mercy that the idea of the council did not begin I had the privilege of working in the Vati- in forgiving our sins is emphasized. with Pope John. can Diplomatic Service during Pope John For ADVERTISING information: Contact at the It might seem to be stating the The need for it had long been recognized Paul II’s pontificate. I had a number of op- The Observer obvious that the Easter season, with its and preparatory work had already begun address above or call 815/399- portunities to meet and observe him. What 4300; fax 815/399-6225, unshakeable connection to Jesus’ death on under the previous pope, Pius XII. Still, it I always found most striking was that hu- E-mail: observer@ the cross, is linked to the forgiveness of was Pope John XXIII who made the deci- manly he always seemed to me to be a man rockforddiocese.org. sins. But both Pope John Paul II and our sion, convened the meeting of the bishops deeply engaged in the world but yet some- Send NEWS information to The Holy Father Pope Francis have obviously of the world and set the tone for the council. how distracted from it. And the source of Observer at the address or fax seen the need to speak of God’s mercy. He famously said that its task was not to number above; send email to that distraction was Jesus Christ. Both Popes highlight it as an antidote to change the Church’s faith. The faith was Observer@rockforddiocese. the pleasure and power seeking humanism and is settled, having been given us by To have privilege of concelebrating his org; or fill out a form at http:// morning Mass was to be instructed by his observer.rockforddiocese.org/ of our day that is leading so many souls Christ. Rather, the task of the council was contact-us. astray. to find a way to speak of that faith in a man- example about how to pray and to focus on That brings us to the second celebration. ner that was updated and understandable to Jesus. Even when he was working or teach- Subscription rate $28.00 per ing, despite his joy and his humor, his focus year (48 issues); Canadian At the Vatican on Sunday, Pope Francis the modern world. Many have remarked and Pan American $29; other will canonize the two newest saints in the that the joy and personality of Pope John was always present on Jesus Christ and on foreign: surface mail $37, air Church: Pope John XXIII and Pope John XXIII is similar to that of Pope Francis. his Church. mail $97; single copies $1. Paul II. The declaration of their sainthood If Pope John XXIII was the convener It is not a mystery as to why Pope Fran- The Observer Online digital is a recognition of the personal holiness of of the Second Vatican Council, I think we cis set the date for the canonization of these subscriptions are also available.
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