r 0 H i r.-- i r v i i ii ia in t-- ir- . - - . i-- - I - rv. i it 1 - fi VOL. XXV., NO. 4020. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1S97. PRICE FIVE CENTS. i J. Q. WOOD. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. a pleasant little party, composed of committed the House to future appro- HILO NEWS NOT Captain Gibson, Lieutenant Holcombe, SfAS PREMATUR priations, and that the plan was pre- ATTORT4EY AT LAW Sheriff and Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Mar- mature. Mr. Hitt carefully avoided IF YOU BUY A SINGER, shall and Miss Mabel Hitchcock spent the subject of annexation, but stated AND You will receive careful instruction a day in Olaa, visiting the coffee plan- that the grant of the exclusive right to NOTARY from a competent teacher at your tations of J. P. Sisson, E. D. Baldwin Pearl Harbor was an absolute grant, PUBLIC. home. and others. for which the sum of $23,000,000 had ; You can obtain necessary accessories Mr. and Mrs. L. Turner entertained been paid in advantages under tho OFFICE: Corner King and Bethel direct from the company's offices. Interesting Bndget From Coffee the Monday Evening Whist Club and House Rules Time Not treaty. These are serious words from Streets. You will get prompt attention in any friends at progressive whist last week. Mr one of the best friends of reciprocity par of the world, as our offices are ev-- ei y The evening hours were most pleas- and annexation. But Mr. Hitt may not tfrh6rV and we give careful attention Center. antly spent, and the deliciois refresh- Ripe for Hawaiian Matters. be understood. He believes that tho to allibjstomers, no matter where the United States, as owners Dr. C. B. High niach!nemay have been purchased. ments were relished. the of tho You will The regular monthly church social right, should now take a step In ad- be dealing with the leading of Foreign was vance and secure a foothold once, company sewing machine busi- the First Church held at .... Dentist in the at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. L. A. because there can be, he believes, no PbilidclphU Dental College 132. ness, having an unequalled experience i and an unrivalled reputation the Andrews last Tuesday evening. A doubt about the right. If there were Maonic Temple. Telephone 318. strongest guarantee of excellence. IMPROVEMENTS IN STREETS large number gathered on this occa- INDICATIONS OF COMPROMISE doubts he could not advise appropri- f Sold on easy payments. Repairing sion and enjoyed a sociable evening. ations until the matter is settled. A, C. WALL, D. D. done. B. BERGERSEN, Agent. Feveral pantomimes were presented Reciprocity and annexation, he holds, S. 16 Bethel Street, Honolulu. with good effect. are separate matters. This course, he An unusually sad event was the bur- believes, is in the interests of Hawaii. The City Carriage Comnanv nossess ial of two children of Mr. and Mrs While there were indications of Dentist. only first-cla- ss hacks and employ only Society People Entertain John Watt of Honokaa on Sunday last. Opinion of Eastern Pa- some division on party lines. It ap- LOVE BUILDING, Fort Street. careful, steady drivers. Upon the death of their infant daugh- pears that the vote was not strictly a Carriages at all hours. Naval Officers. ter a few weeks ago, the body was bur- pers Changed. party question. On the whole, it V M. E. GR0SSAL4N, D.D.S. Telephone 113. ied near their home; but when about would be premature to take this vote 3? JOHN S. ANDRADE. 10 days later death claimed a second as a straw showing the direction of " i precious baby, it was decided to bring the Congressional wind. The fact i Dentist. both bodies to Hilo for burial. The must, also, be considered that there FRANCIS DUNN. 'Iwalani was sad voy were less than half the members of 98 HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. Kaiwiki In chartered for the Amend- Lots Sold Activity age, and the bereaved parents and rel- Vote On Pearl Harbor the House present at the voting. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Architect and Superintendent. Shipping New and Expec- atives arrived Sunday about 4 p. m., ment Not an Index to Fate The Evening Star of this city, has accompanying bodies to For- finally determined to fight the Sugar Residence: Office: ted Arrivals. the the of Annexation. D. eign Church, from whence the funeral Trust, and opened on Monday with a A. J.i .DERBY. D. S.s Hawaiian Hoteli Spreckels Bldg. took place, after solemn services had caustic article on that great corpora- Room 5. been conducted. A large concourse of tion. The Trust people privately Dentist. sympathizing friends followed the re- charge that the friends of Hawaii have TfP GUIDE mains to comfort the hearts of the fomented-thl- s attack. It Is not true. Alakea Street, Between Hotel and HILO, Hawaii, May 24 may be ' WASHINGTON, May 12. The con- Beretania Streets. THROUGH It bereaved parents. The second child The letter in the Star, from Hawaii, S "the mills of the gods grind slowly," was a boy 18 months old, and death dition of the tariff bill increases the signed "Kamehameha," cites the enor- Hours: 9 to 4. Telephone 615. IB HAWAII. complications arising mous yield of sugar from the Ewa plan- - but there is no doubt but what the resulted from anger of Republican legislators. Be- ' tation as an indication of the resources mills of justice have been grinding from teething. tween a waiting nation and angry con- GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. Considerable interest in target prac- of the Islands. While the policy of rapidly in Hilo this week, at any rate. tice is being manifested by local sharp- stituents, Congressmen are between stating the truth is the best, of course, FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS No less than a dozen liquor and opium shooters, members of the Citizens' the devil and the deep sea. The policy it should be the wThole truth. The ene- cases have come up in the courts. Guard, and a few very good scores of the leaders is to compromise and mies of Hawaii quote the statement Dentist. and say: "You see, Hawaii needs no FORT STREET, OPPOSITE CATHO- WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. Last night three arrests were made, have been made, Charley Hitchcock fix up rates, if .it can be done, 4C. the tariff protection. She can produce 11 tons of LIC MISSION. one holding the highest record, 215 Merchant St. and this morning case was tried, An of Kaiwiki lots was and let members go home. sugar to the acre." But the average 9 4 p.m. auction sale Hours: From a.m. to Have on hand Hawaiian Curios of all which resulted in a fine of $150 and held on Thursday morning, at the of- Mr. King, Democrat from Utah, a production is far below that figure, and kind, and Micronesian Shells and costs being imposed upon the illegal fice of Survej-o-r Baldwin. The pur- very able young man, introduced an should be clearly stated in any refer- dispenser of liquors. Even ex-poli- ce At- ence producing capacity Curios. In same building are large chasers were: Dr. R. B. Williams, annexation measure in the House. It to the of the The Honolulu Sanitarium. airy rooms to rent suitable for Artists, officers do not understand how to es- torney Wakefield, Rev. Baptiste, Ed- plantations. i. 1082 KING STREET. Dressmakers, or for Offices. Terms cape the clutches of the law. Not more Messrs. Affonso, Gourea, was rejected with derisive cheers. It If any one will read the arguments home-lik- e itor Sparrow, A quiet place, where train- reasonable. Cut flowers to order. Tel. than two weeks ago one of the ex-police- Olaa sold to was his own measure, and was done of before the Committee on Foreign Af- massage, move- Budachy, Ray. Lots in ed nurses, "Swedish 659. was brought before the court Frank Smith and Mr. Lobsdoff. his own motion. The impatient mem- fairs, made in 1882, when the renewal ments," baths, electricity and physical selling "swipes" of treaty was for to the cadets and Minister King and W. E. Rowell, bers are anxious to present bills, im- the under consideration, training may be obtained. fined $150, and now another ex-blue-c- oat Public Works, have he wTill notice that counsel for Hawaii, P. S. KELLOGG, M.D. M. W. McCHESNEY & 30NS Superintendent of portant to own is in the same box. been busy this week promising im- their constituents, but in answer to the statement that the Superintendent. No regrets Speaker Reed, with a majority behind United States were "paying too dear- 0 -:- - WHOLESALE GROCERS will be spoken when the provements. They have said there old stone wall around the Court House shnll be a seweraee system in Hilo him, utterly refuses to permit it. He ly for the whistle," said that the prod- -:- - a. dickey. AND DEALERS IN yard will be demolished and a neat rail sjid a wharf along the banks of thewill not even, in accordance with the uct of sugar was at that time only 48,-0- 00 lyle or chain fence substituted for that eye- Waiakea. rmes, appoint me usual commiuees. tons per year, and the inference Leather and un- Attorney Law. sore. The material in the old wall will C. S. Desky is in town again, looking To present the Hawaiian matter, was that the limit of production had at ri Shoe Findings, probably be utilized in the street work after real estate interests.
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