www.e-rara.ch Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape gardening; ... From Garrya`ceae to the end Loudon, John C. London, 1844 ETH-Bibliothek Zürich Shelf Mark: Rar 37533: 4 Persistent Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-81813 Index to persons and places. www.e-rara.ch Die Plattform e-rara.ch macht die in Schweizer Bibliotheken vorhandenen Drucke online verfügbar. Das Spektrum reicht von Büchern über Karten bis zu illustrierten Materialien – von den Anfängen des Buchdrucks bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. e-rara.ch provides online access to rare books available in Swiss libraries. The holdings extend from books and maps to illustrated material – from the beginnings of printing to the 20th century. e-rara.ch met en ligne des reproductions numériques d’imprimés conservés dans les bibliothèques de Suisse. L’éventail va des livres aux documents iconographiques en passant par les cartes – des débuts de l’imprimerie jusqu’au 20e siècle. e-rara.ch mette a disposizione in rete le edizioni antiche conservate nelle biblioteche svizzere. La collezione comprende libri, carte geografiche e materiale illustrato che risalgono agli inizi della tipografia fino ad arrivare al XX secolo. Nutzungsbedingungen Dieses Digitalisat kann kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden. Die Lizenzierungsart und die Nutzungsbedingungen sind individuell zu jedem Dokument in den Titelinformationen angegeben. Für weitere Informationen siehe auch [Link] Terms of Use This digital copy can be downloaded free of charge. 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Yellow, to dye, i. 299. 302. 807. 465. ; ii. 532. 537- 1364. 1380. 1400. 1415. 1419. 1427. ; iv. 2040. 2046. 564. 583. 596. 621. 687. 1085. ; iii. 1364. 1437. 1886. 2051. 2085. 2009. Woodpecker, ii. 700. Why called, in America, Yews in churchyards, iv. 2070. carpenteros,iii. 1895. Yew, largest, iv. 2069. Yew, poisonous nature of, iv. 2089. Woods, natural succession of, iv. 2135. 2007. Wych, derivationof, iii. 1381. Yoke tree of the ancients, iv. Yucca starch, iv. 2521. Y. Z. Yellow juice, i.255. ; ii. 551. 553. Yellow leaves in autumn, i. 405. 418. 475. j ii. Zwetschen wasser, ii. 690. 566. j iii. 2024. INDEX TO PERSONS AND PLACES. The names here collected are exclusive of the botanical authorities given with the scientific names, and also, for the most part, of the names of authors, the titles of whose books are given in connexion with their name3. The names in this index are collected from the general text , and chiefly from the historical part, p. 1. to 230., and from the statistics. We had, with immense labour, noted down every page where the same name occurred; but, after having completed the index in MS. in this way, we found the number of pages after many of the names so great, that , had we printed them, the index would have extended to nearly double its present length, without being proportionatelyuseful. We resolved, therefore, to confine ourselves to a reference to one page after each name, and that page the one where the name first occurred. To give some idea of the length to which this index would have extended, had we introduced references to all the pages, we may mention that the Flitwick Arboretum is referred to in fifty different places; the Ooldwortn Arboretum, in nearly sixty places; the Hackney Arboretum, under that name, in above seventy places; and under the name of Messrs. Loddiges’s collection, in upwards of 150 places; the Horticultural Society’s Garden at Chiswick in 470 places; and so on. We have, in some cases, marked after the name the number of places where it occurs. A. Agamemnon, 2039. Alloa House, 1655. Agardh, Dr,, 154. Alnwick Castle, 2551. Aaron, p . 2408. Agricola, 22. Alpnach, slide of, 2115. Abbe Bcrlfeze, 2470. Agricultural Academy,Stockholm, Alpuka, 159. Abbey of Pommiers, 1979. 155. Alresford, 419. Abbott, 1868. Agrippa, Empress, 1957. Alsace, 697. Abbott and Smith, 1893. Aicholtz, 717. Alten, 1694. AbbotsburyCastle, 654. Aigle, 1251. Alton Tower?, 269. Abbot’s Wood, 1750. Ailsa, Marquess of, 2542. Alva, 1797. Abel, Dr., 391. Ainslie, 2396. Amadan, 792. Abercorn Priory, 2224. Ainslie, Mr., 2395. Ambleside, 1957. Abercrombie, Mr., 80. Airlie Castle, 430. Ambleton, 769. Aberdeen, 105. Airtbrev Castle, 419. Amesbury, 592. Aberdeen, Earl of, 2120. Aiton, W. T., 75. Amherst, 2003. Aberdour, 1402. Aix, 1287. Amherst, Earl, 245. Aberfeldie, 769. Ajax, 1643. Amherst, Lady, 2535. Abernethy, 2166. Albany, 1152. Amiens, 1379. Abernethy Pine Forest, 2165. Albert Durer, 1336. Amissa, 697. Aberpergwm, 1840. Alberti, Leon, 2467. Amman, Dr., 81. Abraham, 1720. Albertini and Schweinitz, 2149. Ammonoy, 140. Abresche, M., 2539. Alcester, 1396. Amoureux, M., 589. Absalom, 1720. Alcimon, 962. Amphiaraus, 1891. Academus, 2038. Aldborough, 948. Amphilochus, 589. Acapulco, 1948. AldclifFHall, 419. Ampthill Park, 491. Achilles, 947- Aldenham Abbey, 2310. Ampton Hall, 467. Ackworth, 1841. Aldsworth Churchyard, 2091. Amroth Castle, 997. Acland, Sir T. D., 1854. Aleppo, 1120. Amsterdam, 142. Adam, 1382. Alexander, 1351. Anacreon, 791. Adam, Sir Fred., 2328. Alexander, Emperor, 121. Ancus Martius, 1748. Adam, Wm., 2305. Alexander the Great, 2-408. Anderida, 1749. Adanson, 369. Alexandria, 1213. Andernach, 2114. Adanson, Madame Aglae, 138. Alfort, 651. Anderson, A., 1075. Adare, 1227. Alfred, 1768. Anderson, Dr., 188. Addison, 54. Algiers, 587. Anderson, Mr., 1268. A. De C., 164. Allentown, 1883. Anderson, G., 250. 1533. 1552. Adnam, Mr., 1459. Allesley, 1482. Anderson, W., 74. Adonis, 791. 1953. Allesley Rectory, 1511. Anderson, W., R. N., 1075. ./Elian, 2037. Allioni, 247. Andorre, Valley of, 1907. TEneas, 962. Allonville, 1773. Andover, 1751. ./Eneas Sylvius, 1829. Alloa, 2303. Andrews, -James, 2067. INDEX TO PERSONS AND PLACES, 2673 And re ws, John, 2067. Arboretums—continued. Arboretums—continued. Andrews, C. J., 2067. Gottingen, 151. Vilmorin’s, M., Barres, 139. Andromeda, 1105. Hackney, 508. (and in 66 other Wardour Castle, 129. Androvandus, 187. places;. Webb’s, P. B., 131. Aneurin, 1749. Hadersdorf, 150. Weber’s, Lieut., Dresden, 151. Angers, 1843. Hafton, 129. West Dean, 129. Angots, M.,2285. Harbke, 151. White Knights, 127. Anjou, 1116. Heidelberg Castle, 151. Wilhelmshoe, at Cassel, 152. Ankerwyke, 2076. Held’s Nursery, 150. Woburn Abbey, 129. Anna Boleyn, 2076. I-Ierrenhausen, 151. Wodzieki’s, Count, at Niezds- Annaberg, 2539. High Clere, 129. vicdz, near Cracow, 815. Annat Garden, 2351. Harrison’s, W., Cheshunt, 1528. Worlitz, 153. Antliony, 791. Hull Botanic Garden, ISO. Young’s, Epsom, 131. Antibes, 2234. Hylands, 129. Young and Penny’s, Milford, Antioch, 1120. Inverleith, 130. .|81. Antoninus, 478. Ivoy’s, JV1., near Bordeaux, 139. Arcfiangel, 2352. Antrando, 1992. Jardine Hall, 129. Archdall, Ralph, 1778. Antrim Castle, 109. Josephine’s, Empress, Malmai- Ardgowan, 5?0. Antuco, 2436. son, 139. Ardkinglass, 89. Antwerp, 144. Kew, 7. (and in thirty other Ardross, 2185. Apalachicola, 2536. places). Argenteuil, 1369. Ap Gwyllim, David, 2079. King of the French’s, Neuilly, Argostoli, 2327. Apollo,791. 139. Argyle, Archibald Duke of, 54. Apollo, Temple of, at Utica, 2406. Knight ’s, Mr., King’s Road, Argyll, Geo. Wm. Campbell, Duke Apuleius, 1023. Chelsea, 131. of, 92. Aragon, 587. Lafl'ert’s, Baron, 153. Argyll, Marquess of, 92. Arambaro, 1949. Lanarrais’s, General, 139. Ario, 1942. Arbela, 1639. Larminat’s, M. De, Forest of Aristotle, 187. Arbigland, 91. 101. Fontainebleau, 140. Aristomachus, 589. Arboretums, or considerable col- Latham House, 129. Arley, 250. lections:— Lawson’s, Edinburgh, 131. Arlcy Hall, 253. Alton Towers, 129. Lee’s, Hammersmith, 131. Armissau, 2111. Arundel Castle, 129. Liverpool Botanic Garden, 130. Arniston, 1957. Austin’s, Glasgow, 132. Loddiges’s, Hackney, 6. (and in Armstrong, 93. Backhouse’s, York, 131. 155 other places). Arnold’s Vale, 1686. Bagshot Park, 129. London Horticultural Society’s, Arnot, 95. Barton Hall, 129. Chiswick, 6. Arran, 1084. f Belsay Castle, 129. Luscombe, 129. Arthur , Prince, 1747. Berlin Botanic Garden, 151. Luxemburg, 150. Artemis, 1068. i Bicton , 129. Mamhead, 129. Arundel, 1523. , Biebrich Grand-Ducalj Botanic Manchester Botanic Garden, 130. Arundel and Surrey, Thos. Earl ( Garden , 152. Mere Cottage, 129. of, 717. j Birmingham Bot. Gard., 130. Metz Botanic Garden, 140. Arundel Castle, 1299. \ Bishop Stoke Vicarage, 129. Milford, 427. Arundel, Countess of, 717. 5 Blenheim, 127. Millers’s Bristol Nursery, 131. Arundel, Lord, 24. ' Boynton, 129. Montbron’s, M. le Comte de, 139. Ascalon, 1203. I Brown’s, Perth, 132. Montpelier Botanic Garden, 140. Ascham, Roger, 2070. 5 Briick on the Leytha, 150. Munich Botanic Garden, 151, AshburnhamPlace, 997. J Buchanan’s, Camberwell, 131. Muskau, 151. Ashby Canons, 1777. ] Buchanan and Oldroyd’s, 304. Newman’s, Chichester, 131. Ashby Churchyard, 2092. j CaledonianHort. Soc., 130. Northumberland’s, Duke of, 7. Ashby, George, 2413, ' Camberwell, 850. Nymphenburg, 151. Ashby, Wm., 2413. \ Carclew , 129. Oakham Park, 129. Ashby, William Ashby, 2413. Carlsruhe, 152. Osborne’s, Fulham, 131.
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