NOTICE OF MEETING CITY OF SOUTH PADRE ISLAND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS (ZONING) NOTE: One or more members of the City of South Padre Island City Council may attend this meeting; if so, this statement satisfies the requirements of the OPEN MEETINGS ACT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV ENTHAT THE BOARD OF ADJUSTM ENTS & APPEALS (ZONING) OF TH E CITY OF SOUTH PADR E ISLAND, TEXAS, WILL HOLD A REGULAR MEETING ON : TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2015 9:00A.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, CITY COUNCIL CHAMB ERS, 2ND FLOOR 4601 PADRE BOULEVARD, SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, TEXAS I . Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public Comments and Announcements: This is U/1 opportunity .for citizens to speak to th e Board relatiiiK to aKenda or/IOII·agellda item.,·. Speakers are required to address the Board at the podium a11d gi11e their 11ame before addressi11g their co11cems. [Note: State law will not permit the Board of Adju.wme11ts & Appeals (ZolliiiK) to discus.\·, dehate or consider items that are not on the agenda. Citizen Commellfs may he referred to City Stu.ff or may he placed on the aK elllla t!fa .fitture Board t!f Adjustments & Appeals (Zoning) meeting] 4. Approval of Minutes of the January 6, 2015 Regular Meeting and June 6, 2015 Memo. 5. Discussion and action regarding a Zoning request by Ray Ramon for a variance from Section 20-7 .I District "B-2"- Residential & Multi-family Dwelling District (D) Area regulations (I) Front yards (2) Side yards of the City's Code of Ordinance. Applicant is requesting to encroach into the front and side yard setback. ( 110 E. Tarpon Street; Lot 19, Block 27, Padre Beach Subdivision Section Ill) 6. Discussion and action regarding a Zoning request by Billy R Corbin for a variance from Section 20-10 District "E" - Low Density Residential Single-Family and Townhouse Dwelling District (D) Area Regulations (2) Side yard (a) of the City's Code of Ordinance. Applicant is requesting to keep existing Jacuzzi that is encroaching into the side yard setback. (218 W. Retama Street; Lot 21B, Block 94, Padre Beach Subdivision Section VII) 7. Adjourn DATED THIS THE 2ND DAY OF JULY 2015 · ~· Marta Martinez, Assistant City Secretary l, TH E UNDERSIGN ED AUTHORITY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOV E NOTICE OF R EGULAR M EETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS (ZONING) OF THE CITY OF SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, T EXAS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF SAID NOTICE POSTED A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF SAID NOTICE ON THE BULLETIN BOARD AT CITY HALIJMUNICIPAL BUILDING AT/OR DEI-ORE 10:30 A.M. AND R EM A INE~ SO I'OS ~D ; NT; OUS E..OR ~T LEA/ST nyo_:v_lG TH E S I' SAID MEETING. \ __/"(_ ,/ ):'_ ' ~ ( ~~ Marta Martinez, Assistant City Secretary ~ THIS FACILITY IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE, AND ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE. R EQUESTS FOR ACCOMMODATIONS OR INTERPRETIVE SERVICES MUST BE MADE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. PLEASE CONTACT BUILDING O FFICIAL, JAY MITCHIM; ADA D ESIGNATED RESPONSIBLE PARTY AT(956) 761-1025. Page 1 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS (ZONING) MEETING MINUTES .JANUARY 6, 2015 1. Call to Order. Roy De los Santos called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. in the City Council Chambers on the Second Floor of the Municipal Complex Building: 4601 Padre Boulevard and declared a quorum of members present. Board Members in attendance were: Jerry Pace, Roy De los Santos, Paul Fedigan, Stephen Burch, and Chris Huffman. Staff Members present were Development Director Sungman Kim, Building Inspector David Travis, Assistant City Manager Darla Jones, and Marta Martinez. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. De los Santos led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public comments and Announcements. None 4. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman. Mr. De los Santos announce the item from the agenda and asked for any nominations for Chairman. Mr. Burch made a motion to nominate Mr. De los Santos for Chairman. All Board Members were in favor. Mr. De los Santos then asked for any nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. De los Santos made a motion to nominate Mr. Burch for Vice-Chairman. All Board Members were in favor. 5. Approval of Minutes of the November 4, 2014 Regular Meeting. Mr. De los Santos made a motion table this agenda item until next regular meeting. All Board Members were in favor. 6. Discussion and action regarding a Zoning request by Clayton Brashear for a variance from Section 20-3 Definitions of "Parking, Parking Requirements, Off-Street Parking'' of the City's Code of Ordinance. Applicant is requesting to build a caliche parking lot. (Tract 17 Padre Beach Estates) Mr. De los Santos announced the item from the agenda and asked for a staff report. Dr. Kim gave a presentation regarding Clayton Brashear variance request. Mr. De los Santos then asked if a representative was present. Mr. De los Santos recognized Clayton Brashear. Mr. Brashear stated that he is requesting approval to build a caliche parking lot. Mr. De los Santos then asked if any member form the public wished to speak in favor and/or against this agenda item. Cain Mahan spoke in favor, Jacqueline Gallup spoke in opposition, Kirk Mills spoke in favor, James Gallup and Barry Sullivan spoke in opposition of this agenda item. Mr. De los Santos then opened it up for discussion by the Board. The Board expressed their comments/concerns regarding this matter. After much discussion Mr. De los Santos made a motion to deny the variance request. Mr. Burch seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Board of Adjustments and Appeals (Zoning) Minutes January 6, 2015 Page 2 of2 7. Adjourn Since the Board had no further business to discuss, Mr. De los Santos adjourned the meeting at I0:00 a.m. Marta Martinez, Secretary Roy De los Santos, Chairman MEMO TO: File FROM: Marta Martinez, Administrative Assistance SUBJECT: Board of Adjustments & Appeals (Zoning) DATE: June 2, 2015 The June Meeting was cancelled due to a lack of quorum. Marta Martinez, Secretary Paul Fedigan, Chairman BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA REQUEST FORM MEETING DATE: July 7, 2015 ITEM: 5 SPONSOR I ORIGINATOR: Ray Ramon (the owner) TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Sungman Kim, Director of Development Services ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion and action regarding setback variance for Lot 19, Block 27, Padre Beach Section Ill. DISCUSSION: The Location II 0 E. Tarpon Street I Ul BEACH. SECI'JON IV SUBDJVISION Page 1 of3 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA REQUEST FORM The Request The owner wants to build a support for a chair lift on the southeast corner of the residential building, which is located within District "B-2". The Issue I. The owner was trying to build the structure without a permit; 2. District "B-2" requires 25' front setback and 5' side setback, and the structure is encroaching 4' into the required front setback and 3.5' into the required side setback. 5' encroachment LOr 10 LDT 18 Ri-f-~ 25• front setback encrooachment Hardship l'age 2 of 3 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA REQUEST FORM The applicant, who is a disabled person cared by a nurse, wants to get access to the second floor of his house. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS I COMMENTS: Staff recommends the Board approve the setback variance request so that the owner can enjoy the benefits of his entire property. COMMISSION ACTION: MOTION: BY : SECOND BY: Beumel Bolstad Fedigan Huffman Pace Vacant Vacant Vacant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Page 3 of3 (9) 20 inch minimum distance between rack and curb, (I 0) Do not position racks within roadside bus stops, (II) Ensure that n six foot long bicycle can utilize the rack without impeding pedestrians, and ( 12) Only stainless steel or anodized aluminum bicycle parking rucks may be used to satisfy the requirements of this section. Bike racks shall be maintained in n structurnlly sound and rust free state. Sec.20-7 .1 District "B-2" - Residential & Multi-family Dwelling District. (A) Area, width, and depth of lots, sanitation and temporary building provisions are 11 11 the same as District A , except townhouse lots must have a minimum frontage of twenty five (25') feet; a minimum width of twenty-five (25') feet; a minimum depth of one hundred feet (100'); and a minimum area of two thousand five hundred square feet (2,500 sq. fl.). (B) Use Regulations: In District "B-2", no land shall be used and no buildings shaJJ be erected for or converted to any use other than: (1) Single family dwellings, multi-family dwellings; apartment buildings, condominiums and Townhomes. (2) Incidental uses to any of the above specified uses include, but are not limited to, customary home occupations when engaged in by the private dwelling occupant. Said incidental use, however, shall never be permitted as a principal use, but only as a secondary use when indispensably necessary to the enjoyment of the premises by the private dwelling occupant. (3) Special Exceptions: Public Service Facility. (4) Off Site Parking - Commercial parking lots prohibited. Required parking may be located off-site under the following circumstances: (a) No more than 50% of the required parking may be located off-site. (b) The off-site parking lot shall be no further than ninety feet (90') from the nearest property line of the principal use. (c) The off-site parking may be located on another street from the principal use. If the off-site parking lot is located on another street from the principal use, and the principal use does not abut and have pedestrian access to the proposed off-site parking lot, pedestrian access must be created between the principal use and the off-site parking lot, by means of a private pedestrian easement agreement granted to the Property Owners Association and/or property owner of the principal use.
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