DOCOMEN RESUME .80 183 3t C2 024 377 4 Military Curricula for Vocational & Technical Educa.tion. Vetrinerv Speciaistt alocks N Air Force Training Command, Sheppart AFB, Dlio Statlis-Univ.,.Columbus.-National Center for Research in VoCational Education. SPD AGENCY Bureau of OccupatAtional and Adu Education (DHEO/D7) Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Dec.75 . NOTE 284p.: Not.evailable ih herd copy due to small, liiht type. Fpr a related document see CE 024 378. EDRSPCE MF01 Plus Postage. P: Not Avai,laNle from EDE'S. DESZRIP ORS *Animal Husbandry: Behavioral ObiectiVeNCourte GescriptiOns: Curriculum' 3uides: *Fold an prug InspectorS: Food.Processing Occupatiaons: *Food S*rvice: Food Service Oocupations; *Food Staadards- Learaing Activities: Livestock: *Microbiology: Postsecondary 7ducati41. eroaramed Irc.structional Me.teriels: Study,GuideS: Textbooks: Vocational Edu'Oation: Workbocks: ZoolOgY 1DENTIF:EFS Mil'tary Curr!culum Project ABSTRAZT Mese instructor mat r4als and student texts,- stady guiles, aad wcrkbooks for a postsecondary-level coure to train veterinary specialists are one of a number of military-developed curriculum peckages selected for adOtation to Nocational instructior; and curriculum'development in, a civilian setting. It is the fir half of two-part Course (see Note) intended to provide training in food inspection: labquitory procedmres: subprofessional duties conzernineetertnary''scierqes: sanitary s.urveillance of food processing, storage, and service facilit.1 s; control and e 'demiology .of zoonotic diseases: and veterinary aspe ts of disaster medicine. Dealing with m ()biology, food 'handling, food laboratory, and meat and meat produc. this 9ection contairs.four blocks,of instruction covering 122 hours of in,struction: microbiology (3 lessons), medical aspects of fotod handling (2 lesson.$) ,food laboratory (3 lessons;, and malt and meat prodyts. (s loft.fpn9). Ttstructor materials inlula a coirse chart, Specia.Lty mrairiFTStandard, for use in studer,t evaluation, lesson plans, and a plan of instruction detailingurdt content, lesson duration, obiectivesel and support material. Student materials include four stndett texts, stuly Inide, two study guilas/workbooks, amd programmed text. Conterts are objectives, text readings, review exerciseset and labo atory eiperiments. Commercial texts, military manuals, and audinvi u 19 are sucgested but not provided. (YLB)_ Reproductions supplied by EPPS a.re the best that'can.be maAa from the original document. ******** ***************4,******************************************** N 4 kr. , r 47: e 7 , , ; . r 410. t& e . 4 ..f 4 .1, 0, No* Thie military technical ;raining course has besu selected itud attaPPed by The Center for Vocational Education for "Trial A ` t* tion of a Moctel system to Provide Ntlitaxy Curriculum Materials for Dee ih and Technical Education," a project sponsored by the Bureau of Oedupat and Adult. EducatioL, U.S. Department of Health, %dilation, and Welfare. .... * A RC 4- MILITAFX CURRICULUM MATERIALS. The military-developedcurrimhilmaterials-in this course package were selected by the National Center for Research in vocational Education Military Curriculumi Project for dissem- T-T--_-:-,ination to the six, regional Curriculum Coordination Centers and other'instrwticnal materials agencies.The purpose/of disseminating these courses was to make ourriculurp materials developed by the military more acipetsible to vocational educators in the, civilian settingi. The oourse materials were acquired, evaluated by project staff and practitioneis in the field, and prepa&43 Dar dissemination. MaterialA wbich were specific to the_nilitary were deleted,owd.ghtedAeterials were either anitted or appro-f val for their use was Obtained.These course paCkages contain curriculum resource materials which can bezdapted to support , vocational instruction and curriculum develommt. J ry Cuoriculuilk .Materials foe The National Center Vocptionatancitd Mission Statement xechitiaal Education The National Center for Rarch in inform?tieri and Field VocatioNI Education s miss to increase the ability of diverse agencies, institutions, SPT,if:en. Division .-and organizations to solve educational prob. lems.orelating to'randividual career planning,. preparatioh, and progression, The National nrqr'Prch Center fulfills its mission by: rfNr:ItiV Generatingketowledge through research. \ .4, Developing educational programs and r products Evaluating individual program needs - and outcomes :. , installirig educational programs and products Operating information systems and services Conducting leadership developmerit and, traininciprograme. A!' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT Om. Military Curriculum Materials ea- WRITE OR CALL Program Information Office The National Center ior Research in Voc.ation;il Education 'The Ohio SerterUniversity-- 1960 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Telephone: 614/486-3655 or Toll Free sop/ 048-4815 within the continental (except Ohio) 4 4 1. * . Curriculum.Materials WhatiMaterials% .HowCtin These Diss!mination.is... Are Available? Materials Be Obtained? clet. -,e-,'`:%;-7---/-7*tr-:.. " ` I. a an activity to in'crease the accessibi ke hundred twenty courses on microfiche Contact the CurriculuM Cootdination Center' military-developed ,curriculum materia s to (thirteen in paper form) and descriptiohs of-- in your region for information on obtaining' vocational and technical. educatqrs. each have.been provided to the vocational materials le.g., availability and cost). They Curriculum Coordination Centers and other will respond 'to your request directly or refer This project, funded by the U.S. Office of instructional. materials agenci,es for dissemi- -you to an.instructional materials agenw Education, includes .the identification and nation. closer to.you. acquisitiOn of curriculum materials in print form from the CoastfVuard, Air Force; tourse .fiaterialsinclude programmed Aimy, Marine Corps ahd Nayy. 'instruction, curriculum outlines, 'instructor CURRICULUM COORtskINATION CNTEhS , gy4des, student workbooks and technical tit7 it Access to military cth-riculum materials is anuals. EAST dENTRAL- NORTHWEST provided through a "Joint Memorandum of Rebeccil S. Douglass William Daniels Understanding" between the U.S. Office of The 120 cotirses represent the followin phictor Di Education and the Department 'of. Defense. sixteen vocational subject areas: 100 Ncriih First Street 8 4119.17 Springfield, IL 6777 Airdustrial Fiark The acquired materials are reyiewed by staff Agriculture Food Sent ce 17/782-0759. Olympia, WA 98504 and subject Matter specialists, and courses Aviation Heald), . V6/753-0879 kdeemed applicable to vocoiorial and tech- Building & -Heating Az Air nical education are selected fer disserination. Construction Cbnditioning MIDWEST V SOU1HEAtT t. Trades Machinethoj3 . Robert Patton Sarnei:F.Shill, Ph.D. The National Colter for Researth ir) Clerical Managerpent &- Director. bireotOr Vocational Education is.the U's.-CIffice of Occupations Supervision 151S West SixtilA:%e, Miss opi State Uni,versity Education's. designated representative t9- Communications Meteorologyli Stillwater. Oft 74704, D DX acquire the materials and conduct the.project Drafting Navigation 405077.2000 Mississippi State, MS39762 activities. Electronics Photography- 601/26-2510 Engine MechanicsPublic Service Proiect Staff NORTHEAST. WESTERN The number of courses and the subject areas, ; JcIsepn F. Kelly, Ph.D. Lawrince F. H. Zane, Ph.D. Wesley E. Budke, Ph.D., Director represented will expand as addipordit mate-. DIfector Director National Center Clearinghouse :rials wish application to vocational and 2,46 West Strite,Stre,pt 1776 University Ave, Shigey A. Chase, Ph.D. technical education are idelified anci selected Trenton, NJ 08625 Honolulu, HI. 96822 Project Director , for disseMination. 609/2.92-6562 808A48-7834 1 -# . Clasoroin Cour 1-3 VETERINARY SPECIALISTBLOCKS II-VI Table of Contets Course Description P:age 1 Lesson Plans Page 3 Block III - Microbiology t. Veterinarg Microbiology - Student Text Page 24 .s Veterinary Microbiology 7 Study Guide and Page 44. Workbook / .,Elock IV - Medical Aspects of Food Handling Medical Aspects of Food Handling - Student Text Page 69 MedicalAspectsofFood Handling - Workbook Page.112 B1 V - Food Laboratory .1FoodLaboratory - Student Text Page 127 Block VI Meat And Meat Products Meat InsPection - Student Text Page 157 Lnspection of Meat Products - Handout Page 271 Classroom Course VETER INARY SPECIALIST, S KSIH *or by United Slates Air F lrce Occupisruirsei Ar cbevaisti.pentot our Agnetture famturve 4 '". Tenet Autism:6i: .Graders 13-aduit Print Pagars 340 Con: Aylifiabrtrty: Curriculum Prowt 7 The Cln tftf roe vocarionar Education 1960 Kerins. Rd, Columdus. OH 43210 I- , a . I a, c e 1 3 ',Contents: atI Itt 2 i e 1 N. of if:139es j Brock II-Wicrobgalogy i 25 4 14ock rv Aspecrs of ! Food Hanctling *; Brock`V- Food 1..0dr:story 1111111 of i EVock vi M,t and Mee Products ; 1 Expires July i,1978 t 4. I I. wi,,...m.x*.m.". clare riga Pereersphon This is the figst ot a twoesart cosine rei !ism yeti-inners; 'oec;rtsThe :curse includes training in foOd inipectios,1abOraty,procedures, sum), nfession *ales cgmairt!ne vehtnnaillf scterkes: sanimry Surriilante 04 food processing, storage, and'service facdides; armee ps43 epidemic:Aso of tool-torte ,r diming; and veterinary asoecn of wester mete-eine. This section contains tour *locks of instructiOnon microbio1 feod handling, the rood leuof5tory'; snd meat and meat es; The, second section, Vete:may Sp:beget,
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