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E .. ~-=-- ILLT The D aily Student Voice of Howard University VOLUME90,NO. 110 THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2007 WWW.THEIIlLLTOPONLINE.COM BREAKING NEWS CAMPUS BUSH PROMISES NO rIMETABLE FOR IRAQ STUDENT WONDERS THUtl, 3/29: FIU 3/'MJ SONNY SUNNY PRESIDENT BUSH HE1 0 ;_,, H =.STEADFAST RESOLVE REG.t\RD· HOWARD HOLDS A WORLD OF STUDENTS WHO MAKE THEIR HIGH. 61, LOW 37 HlGt-1 66 LOW .:J ING !RAO BY REFUSING TO NEGOTIATE WITH CONGRESS FOR A PATHS AND SET STONES FOR THOSE TO COME AFTER TURN DATE TO WITHDRAW AMERICAN FORCES FROM !RAO ACCORD­ TO CAMPUS TO READ ABOUT TWO MORE OF THESE TRAILBLAZ­ ING TO THE NEW YORK TIMES ERS PAG'I 2 ADSD Talks Out School's Issues and Brainstorms Solutions BY MERCIA WILLIAMS. te<·turc building, professor have to go to any career fairs aspects of the field the)' MURRAY Edward Dunson said, "\Ve do or worry about finding intern­ like. This way, she says, Hilltop Staff Wnter need to makt• some changes ships because there ,,·ere pro­ students wi II feel less and we <lo need to improve fessionals on campus who gave lost. The School of Architt·cturc the environment in which our her those opportunities. Shitta said that a and I )(•sign Student Association students come to us and leave ·r just had to be in the lot of students leave the (Af>SA) h<istPd an event titled us.'' right place at the right time architecture program "Roundt 1blt· Discussion: "There's no way students and be prepared," she said. halfway through their The Future of Architt•cture c:in function the wa) they arc 'lhird •vear architecture first semester because gdu<·al ion at Howard supposed to with the condi· major Emiola 0. Shitta brouy,ht they <lo not understand University" Wednesday eve· lions we work under," he said. up more pressing issues. She what is going on. She ning in the Callery l.oungt· in "Our studios arc in shambles. said that when she arrived at said that the architecture .Blackhurn. They arc cold \',hen they Howard from Nigeria, a lot of field can use as many The event was 01w of should he hot and hot when the terminology used in her people as possible. many that ADSA has on the they should he cold." major classes were foreign to Dunson and agt·ncla for Archit<'C:lure Wrck, Current and former stu­ her and her peers. This was Robinson expressed a cclchration of the discipline dents spoke about their experi­ especially true for her because their disdain for the at Howard Univt·rsit}. going ences at Howard, internships in Nigeria, a lot of the elements merger of the School on throughoul tht· wt·ek. and their transition into the present in architecture in the of Engineering and the l.ast night's evt•nl focusl'd workforce. United States do not exist School of Architecture, on solving prohkms within tlw Barhara I .auric, a professor there. which becan1e the School of Ar('hitt·cture both in the School of Architecture "But our professor took us College of Engineering, with students and with the and a Howard alumna, said to a site," Shitta said. Seeing Architecture and building itsL•lf. that the School of Architecture things and putting names with Computer Science Tlw progra 111 's modt'rator, ind the University as a whole them helped her and taking a (CEA CS.) prolt'ssor f1;1rry C. Kohinson, macll.' lll'r jounwy into the pro­ materials and methods class Before the merger, post•d qtll'stions to alumni and frs.. wn Pasy. \\as even more beneficial. they said, architecture Engineering students voiced their concerns at a "Roundtable sludt•nts 111 onkr to gl'I their "One of the things that Shitta suggested that students were attended Discussion" on the future of their respective major at Howard. pt•rspcctives on tht· strengths happened that I think helped architecture majors take mate­ to more diligently and and wt•ak1wsscs of tlw school, me out greatly was that I rials and methods in the first the school was housed in the panel and audience was that them to make improvements as well as proposed methods met so man) practitioners at semester of their freshman the building now occupied by changing the administration's was the most important way to ·for imprO\'l'mt•nt. I toward," she said. year so that they have time to engineering. attitude towards the School bring about change. In reft•rellCl' to tht• archi Laurie said she did not "fish around" to decide what The general consensus of of Architecture and pressing Bush and Democrats CapComm Display Raises To­ Debate Troop Withdrawal bacco Awareness on Campus BY EBONI FARMER the now-unpopular war past Senate vote needed to overturn H11/top Stoff Wnter the half-trillion-dollar mark. a presidential veto. Pentagon officials said they Although the measure was Thl· dt•bat<' over American would have to start diverting approved by the Senate, it is a soldiers' withdrawn] from funds from other programs to nonbinding agreement. Just Iraq heranw hl•att•d this week Iraq unless 1I passes by mid­ last week, a spending bill calling hctwl'<'n tht• lli>mot'ntts in the \pril." for a Sept. 1. 2008 \\'ithdrawal Sena!<• and Prl''i<knt Bush At·cording to CNN, the <lnte was narrowly passed by as the ~il>na ll' \'Oll•d 50-48 on Sen at.-. ll'd by Democrats, the Senate. T11l'sdi1\ to ha\ l' troops remo,·ed defied Bush b} voting on the According to the New York from Iraq by !\ta) :H. :.?008. Ma~ ;it. 2008 v.'ithdrawal Times, during the vote in the In opposition. PrcsidL•nt as thl'y n.•fuscd to allow the House, the floor was open for Bush said )'t'slt'rday that he Republit·ans to overturn the some heated and com passionate \\Ould nol m•gotiatt• ''ith hill. arguments from both sides. Congress about scttinF,ll date for I laving the troops Republican Sen. John ,,jthdra\\ ing troops. act·ording "ithdra" from the Middle l\lcCain said that setting a date to !ht• Nl''' York 'l'inw.«. I k also E<1st is an ongoing emotional for ,,;thdrawal implied defeat smd that !ht• \nwrit'.lll public ,111d politieal <ll'batl' based on and that the \Hlr should be \\OU]U 0)1111\l' l:l\\11\,lkl'rs it thcrt' till' klt•as of thl' po\\cr of the fought until it is won '',\s m\ dl'l,l\ 111 nppro,·i ng pr,•sidt•nt. C:onj•rt•ss and what is "This bill should be named mmw~ for tlw ".1r effort. ht•st for those who nre fighting the Date Certain for Surrender "Ntm, sonw of tlwm m tlw \\ar Act ... McCain said. "A second­ hl.'lit•\ t' th.it h\ ddaying funding nw bill that Sl'n. Thad year cadet at \\'est Point could tor our troops, tht'' can fon'l' Ccx:h r.1nof)I1s.«issippi proposed tell you that if you announce nw to .wn•pt rc:-trit·tions on to Congress wou Id h<n e had the when the end \\ill be. it's a our t'Ollllll.llllkrs that I bdit'\ e "ithdr.n\al dak rl'movl'd if the recipe for defeat." \\Ould nuke \1 ithdm\\,1) and majori~ of the St•nak had not Democratic \\nip Dick dl'll.•;\l mon.• likd, ." Bush ~1id. ''okd to kl'ep tht• bill intact. Durbin of Illinois said the call ··I hat's not goin~ to h.1ppt·n. If Bush has alrt•ad} said he for a pullout is a step toward t'n11~1 ,., t1nls to pa .. ,\ bill to \1 ill 'do an~ bill th,11 sets a bringin~ "the \\Orst foreign tu nd our troops 'Oil tht• front datt' for "hcn the troops "ill policv mistake of our time" to lint"'· tilt' \11wr1can J'lt'<lpll' "111 be '~'nl honw tron1 lr.\q. and a an end. National Kick Butts Day kno\\ \\ho to hold n:sponsihlt•: 50-4~ volt' dot'" not fulfill the was hosted by CapComm At't'\lrdin~ lo t 11t '.'\t•\\ York Communications yester­ Tinw,.,. thl' &:natc \ olt'(l to kt•t•p day on campus and at thl' ~ 124 hi Ilion" .1r bill in pl.wt• the Howard University <lnd h;l\ t' tlw troops '' ithdr.1\\. Hospital (HUH) In an lt \\,\s a battlt' bt.•h\l't.'11 pro-Iraq effort to raise tobacco \\ar Scnattll'S .ind pro·truop illness awareness "1thJr;n' :ti ~k11.1tors. among youth. A table In ~nus is a strong Ill(' ,..,g ~ Blackbum was stacked '' hid1 amplitks tht• action with information on of the Hous(' and !'\'fleets the tobacco while students o' en' ht>lming st'ntinwnt ot tht.' registered for the game ...\merit~m people.- said S..•n.
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