H1GH.1IVt. I(M J 11)1 10-23-69 I()-! l-(,'J 5 4 at 0318 q 5 it fJ9l(J 5 7 at 1536 ~'OURGtf\SS () 4 at 2148 ---1ol; .... ... ~..,. .. ..... ,"' _ .), J.t.,....r 123 !! » All The News That FIts We PrInt IVOL 9, No 8539 KWAJALEIN,~~~~~~~!S_L_A_N_D_S ____~ __=- __ ~ __ -=__ w_e_d_n_e_s_d_a~y_, __O_c_t_ob_e~r~2_2 __ ,_1_9_6~ Government After Deadline for Georgia School Desegregation WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The government Three weeks later, GeorgIa flIed a for an InJunctIon, applIes to all of sought a federal court order today to motlon to have the SUIt dlsmlssed, GeorgIa's 192 publIC school systems desegregate every publIC school In WhlCh lS certaIn to cause consldera­ Of GeorgIa's one mIllIon pupIls, the GeorgIa by next September ble delay SUIt charged, only 15 percent of the The JustIce Department asked U S But Deputy ASSIstant Attorney Gen­ state's 360,000 Negro chIldren attend­ DIstrIct Court In Atlanta for a pre­ eral Frank M Dunbaugh saId the prac­ ed predomInately whIte schools last lImInary InjUnctIon In connectIon WIth tlcal effect of the prelImInary In­ year ltS Aug 1 desegregatlon SUIt, Whlch JunctIon -- If granted -- would be GeorgIa Gov Lester Maddox charged set forth no deadlIne for desegrega­ to elIIDlnate the need for a court today hIS state was singled out by tlon of the state's entlre school sys- SUlt the JustIce Department because Pres­ tern The Aug 1 SUIt charged that Geor­ Ident NIxon does not lIke hIm The Aug 1 SUIt was flIed 1n connec­ gIa offlclals "perpetuate the unlaw­ The request for InjUnctIon came on tlon wlth the new Nlxon AdmInIstratIon ful dual system of schools based on the eve of an unprecedented government pollcy to SubstItute legal actIon for race and educatlonal opportunItIes plea to the Supreme Court for a delay cuttIng off federal school ald funds for Negro students WhlCh are InferIor In Integrat10n of publIC schools In to dlstrlcts that malntaln segregated to those provlded for whIte students" MISS1SSIPPI The1r request was on schools The as well as the st grounds of need1ng more tIme for plans 'It Senator Seeles firm Date former General Denies for Viet Nam Ceasefire Protecting Wooldridge WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Senate Repub­ llcan Leader Hugh Scott urged the U S WASHINGTON (UPI) -- RetIred MaJ Gen today to fIX a fIrm date for a cease­ Carl Turner testIfIed today hIS "aver­ fIre ln Vlet Nam The Admlnlstratlon SIon to fIshIng expedItIons, wltch­ already has moved "qulte close" to lt, huntIng and baseless rumors" led hIm to he saId hush up two lnvestlgatlons Into an al­ "The sooner the better," Scott told leged enlIsted man's club scandal reporters He saId 1t was t1me for "I want to make It abundantly clear "an announced IntentIon on a certaIn that I never protected Sgt MaJ Wm 0 date of a ceaseflre WooldrIdge or anyone else on an Invest­ " If we proclaIm a ceaseflre, IgatIon," Turner told the Senate Per­ InVIte the enemy to JOIn, and observe manent Invest1gatlon SubcommIttee on It ourselves, we have taken the fIrst h1s th1rd appearance step,' Scott saId "It mIght be a As Provost Marshal, he saId, he was small step for us but a gIant step for "Just another staff offlcer," and call­ lastIng peace " ed the reports to the attentIon of Gen Scott noted that the present AmerI­ Harold J Johnson, then Army ChIef of can POlICY of "protectIve reactIon" Staff was qUIte close to an actudl ceaseflre Turner saId Johnson told hlm to "Keep and hIS assessment was backed by Sen­ on 1t Keep me posted Check It out " ate DemocratIc Leader MIke MansfIeld But Turner saId he heard no more about the WooldrIdge case untIl after he re­ Panther Leader Calls tIred from the Army rChicago Eight' Trial c~ew membe~s of th~ee Sov&et Soyuz Laird Doubts Success of rRailroad Operation' space velncles sent &nto Ea~th o~b&t &n a ~epo~ted attempt to bu&ld the Unilateral Shooting Halt CHICAGO (UPI) -- Black Panther Lea­ f&~st pe~anent space stat&on (stand­ der Bobby Seale celebrated hIS blrth­ &ng f~on left to ~&aht) V&cto~ Go~bat­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Defense Secretary dav today and called the "Chlcago EIght" ko, Anato ly F& hpchenko and Vlad&s lav Melvln R Lalrd saId today the Pentagon trId] a "raIlroad operatIon from NIxon Volkov and seated Vale~y YubasovJ IS opposed to any U S ceaseflre In on down' and accuslng a prosecutor of Geo~qu Shonk&n, Vlad&m&~ Shatlov, Al­ V1et Nam w1thout assurances from the beIng a raCIst exe& Yeleseuev CommunIsts that they WIll stop shootIng The NatIonal Chalrman of the black Senate C'ommittee Approves too mliltant organlzatlon stood, pOInted Lalrd sald he dId not belIeve a unl- hIS flnger at U S DISt Judge J J Bill Permitting Individuals lateral ceaseflre by U S troops could Hoffman and Ass't U S Attorney Rlch­ be successful ared Schultz, and denounced them In To Check Credit Rating Files Laud made hIS comments at a luncheon angry courtroom outbursts WASHINGTON (UPI) A bIll that meetIng of the Overseas WrIters Club ~offman and U S ~arshals repeatedly would allow people to look Into the where hIS remarks would be attached reprImanded Seale for hIS conduct flIes kept on them by credlt ratlng dlrectly to hIm The Judge warned hIm "such outbursts bureaus won the Senate Banklng Com- At the Wh1te House, PresIdentIal are contumacIous and wlll be dealt mlttee's unanlmous approval today Press Secretary Ronald ZIegler sald ,nth at the approprlate tIme" The measure, Vlhlch now goes to the LaIrd was "speak1ng for the Pentagon Seale, who turned 33 today, IS on full Senate, was Insplred by the dl_S- as a member of the Admlnlstratlon" when trlal Wlth seven other men on charges closure that people have been turned he talked of the ceaseflre of consplrlng to Inclte rlots durIng down for credlt and for employment on Asked If he was serVIng as a spokes- the 1968 Democratlc Natlonal Conven­ the baSIS of Inaccurate Informatlon man for the Admlnlstratlon, ZIegler tIon kept by the natlon's 2,200 prlvately saId that Lalrd was "relatlng hlS pOInt HIS fIrst outburst followed the lat­ operated credlt agencles of Vlew he was referrlng to Pentagon est of manv frUItless attempts by The commlttee also approved legIs la- att1tudes " Seale to defend hlmself durlng the Ill­ tlon to permlt the Treasury to lend up Lalrd sald the best place for mutual ness of San Franclsco attorney Charles to $4 bIlllon to the Federal Home Loan assurances on a ceaseflre to be worked Garry, who the Black Panther leader Bank Board WhlCh In turn would lend It out was at the Peace talks belng held Inslsts IS hlS only lawyer to saVIngs and loan lnstltutlons In ParIS Page 2 HOURGLASS FM Sch dul MZC's Powder Man WED & THURS .• Oct 22 & 23 MZC's current reef hlastln? opera tlon by the golf course 15 help1ng LIGHT CLASSICS - Boston Pops Orch­ to save a portion of Kwalalein estra conducted by Arthur Fledler Slnce Phyills struck ln Janu~ry, SAFEG UARD Officials Arrive 7 30 pm erOSlon has been occurrlng from vr 0 H Lange, Chlef SClentlst of the Ketelby, In a PerSlan Market, Rlm­ along Echo Pler to Emon Beach Rocks SAFEGUARD System Command, and COL E V Lau, sky Korsakov, Fllght of the Bumble are belng gathered by a large crane Dlrector of SAFSCOM's Productlon and LOglStlCS Bee, Song of Ind1a, Mendelssohn, after the exploslon to be used as Dlrectorate, arrlved on thlS afternoon's North­ War March of the Prlests, Nicolal, rlprap along the affected area west fllght Durlng the comlng week, they wlll Overture Merry Wlves of Wlndsor The man responslble for the thun­ be lnvolved ln KMR brleflngs wlth emphasls on LOVE IS BLUE - Franck Pourcel & derlng blasts each afternoon at the SAFEGUARD Malntenance Data System tests H1S Orchestra 7 55 pm hlgh tlde has a perfect safety re­ belng conducted at Meck Island Dr Lange's L'Amour est bleu, The Last Waltz, cord He must last V1Slt to KwaJaleln was ln August of 1966, Adaglo from Conclerto AranJuez, A carpenter can nlck hlS flnger thlS 15 COL Lau's flrst V1Slt San Franclsco, Yeh, Yeh, You Only whlle sawlng, a teacher can glve a Dr Lange was born June 1, 1912 ln Haynau, Llve Twlce, The World We Knew, faulty lilustratlon and an englneer Germany, and became an Amerlcan cltlzen on May C'est La Rose, Llve for Llfe, Moon can even make an error ln hlS calcu­ 5, 1959 He recelved hlS Master of SClence Rlver, Caslno Royale, Somethln' latlons degree ln mathematlcs, Stupld But wlth 700 pounds of dynamlte at phYS1CS and che~lstry ELLA SWINGS GENTLY WITH NELSON - the other end of the prlmer cord, a at the Unlverslty of Ella Fltzgerald - Arranged and Con­ powder man can't even have a small Breslau, Germany and ducted by Nelson Rlddle - 8 29 pm error, a "typo" ln hlS work hlS Ph D ln phYS1CS, Sweet and Slow, Georgla On My Mlnd, Danny Macadamla lS a professlonal electronlcs and mathe­ I Can't Get Started, Street of He's allve matlcs at the Berlln Dreams, Imaglnatlon, The Very Instltute of Technol­ Thought of You, It's a Blue World, ogy Darn That Dream, He's Funny That From 1936 untll Way, I Wlshed on the Moon, It's a 1939, he had a re­ Plty to Say Goodnlght, My One and search scholarshlp Only Love, Body and Soul wlth the Electronlc ROMANTIC JAPANESE MANDOLINS - Yot­ Department of the suo Koyama's Cherry Blossom Ensem­ Helnrlch Hertz In- ble plays tradltlonal and modern stltute In Berlln mUSle of Japan - 9 10 pm From 1936 untll 1939, he had a research Moon Over Hozen-Temple Alley, Fare­ scholarshlp wlth the Electronlc Department of well From a Telephone Booth, What - the Helnrlch Hertz Instltute ln Berlln From Does the Flrst Star Look Llke? Chu­ ..,.
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