TRANSACTIONS of the AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 277, Number 2, June 1983 TANGENT CONES AND QUASI-INTERIORLYTANGENT CONES TO MULTIFUNCTIONS BY LIONEL THIBAULT Abstract. R. T. Rockaiellar has proved a number of rules of subdifferential calculus for nonlocally lipschitzian real-valued functions by investigating the Clarke tangent cones to the epigraphs of such functions. Following these lines we study in this paper the tangent cones to the sum and the composition of two multifunctions. This will be made possible thanks to the notion of quasi-interiorly tangent cone which has been introduced by the author for vector-valued functions in [29] and whose properties in the context of multifunctions are studied. The results are strong enough to cover the cases of real-valued or vector-valued functions. Introduction. Rockafellar has introduced in [23] the very important notion of directionally lipschitzian behaviour for extended real-valued functions, and with the aid of this notion he has proved in [24] a number of rules of subgradient calculus of nonconvex functions. If / is a function from a topological vector space E into R U {-oo, +00} with/(x) G R and if /(epi /; x, fix)) denotes the interiorly tangent cone to epi/={(x,^)G£XR:/(x)<j} at (x, fix)), that is, the set of all (ü, w) E E X R such that there exist a neighbour- hood X of (x, fix)), a neighbourhood Vof (v, w) in E X R and a real number e > 0 such that X n epi /+ ]0, e[VC epi /, then the proof of Theorem 3 of [23, p. 268] shows that / is directionally lipschitzian at x if and only if /(epi /; x, fix)) i= 0. However, if g is a mapping from E into an ordered topological vector space H, then the interior of the cone of positive elements of H must be nonempty whenever /(epi g; x, g(x)) is nonempty. This very unsatisfactory state of affairs has led us to introduce in [29 and 30] the quasi-interiorly tangent cone ß(epi g; x, g(x)). With the help of this cone we have established in [29] rules of subdifferential calculus for nonconvex vector-valued functions. The aim of the present paper is to study the properties of Clarke tangent cones and quasi-interiorly tangent cones to the graphs of multifunctions following the way opened by Rockafellar. In §1 we recall Rockafellar's definition of Clarke tangent cone and we give an interpretation in terms of generalized sequences which proves that Rockafellar's definition is the same as the one we have given in [27]. Connection with strictly compactly lipschitzian vector-valued mappings is also made. Received by the editors March 19, 1982 and, in revised form, May 10, 1982. 1980 MathematicsSubject Classification.Primary 90C30, 90C48; Secondary 58C06. Key words and phrases. Tangent cones, quasi-interiorly tangent cones, convex and lipschitzian multi- functions, additively separate multifunctions. ©1983 American Mathematical Society 0002-9947/82/0000-0456/S05.50 601 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 602 LIONEL THIBAULT §2 is devoted to the study of quasi-interiorly tangent cones to graphs of multifunc- tions and to the relationships between these cones and Clarke tangent cones. We prove that the quasi-interiorly tangent cone is always convex and that the Clarke tangent cone is the closure of the quasi-interiorly tangent cone whenever the quasi-interiorly tangent cone is nonempty. The cases of lipschitzian multifunctions and convex multifunctions are also considered. The final two sections deal with the study of the sum of two multifunctions and of the composition of a multifunction with a differentiable mapping. The results are strong enough to cover the corresponding ones given in [24 and 29] for real-valued and vector-valued functions. Although the details will not be given here, this way to approach multifunctions by convex multifunctions can be used to study the existence of Lagrange multipliers for programming problems with constraints defined by multifunctions (see [31]). To conclude this introduction let us indicate that Bouligand tangent cones to multifunc- tions have been considered in [1 and 15] (see also [7 and 14]). 1. Tangent cones. In this paper all topological spaces will be assumed to be Hausdorff and E and F will denote two topological vector spaces. Let M be a multifunction from a topological space S into another one T, that is, Mis) is a subset of E (possibly empty) for each s E S. We shall consider in the sequel the graph of M, GrAf = {is,t) ESXT:t EM{s)}, and the domain of M, dorn M = {s ES: Mis) # 0}. If Z) is a nonempty subset of 5 and if í is a point in the closure of D in 5, we recall that the lower limit of M as s G D -» s is the set liminfs_oj Mis) of all t G T such that for each neighbourhood W of t in T there exists a neighbourhood F of j in 5 such that (l) wr\ Mis) * 0 for all s G D n F (see [2 and 23]). As sequential motivation for tangent cones, we shall give a characterization of the above limit in terms of nets (generalized sequences). Let iSj)j£J be a net (or generalized sequence) in S, that is, a family of points of S indexed by a set J which is directed by a preorder relation < (that is to say that for each ijx, j2) EJ X J there exists^ G J such that/', <y3 and/2 *^Ji)- By a subnet of (sj)jeJ we shall mean (see [13]) a net (sa(i))ilE, where a is a mapping from a directed set / into J such that for each y G J there is L E I such that j < a(i) for all i E I satisfying L < i. 1.1 Proposition. The lower limit liminfJ_Di-M(j) is the set of all t G T such that for each net (Sj)JeJ of D converging to s there exist a subnet (sa^)ieI and a net (t¡)ie¡ converging to t such that t¡ E M(sa(if) for all i G /. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use TANGENT CONES 603 Proof. Consider / £ liminís^D¿ Mis). There exists a neighbourhood W oi t in T such that for each neighbourhood V of s in S there is a point sv G V il D verifying (2) wr\ Misv) = 0. If the set J of all neighbourhoods of s is directed by the inclusion preorder (Vx > V2 if K, C K2), then (2) implies that there is no net (i,),e/ satisfying the assumption of the proposition. Now suppose that t E liminfi_Dj Af(i). Let isj)JeJ be a net of D converging to s and let W be a neighbourhood of t in T. There exists a neighbourhood F^ of s in 5 such that (3) WnM(s)^0 for all 5 ED n Vw. Since lim 6/i = 5, there is y'^ G J such that SjED C\ Vw for ally >jw. Therefore for7 >jw we may choose by (3) a point tjW E Wsatisfying tJW E M(Sj). Put /= {(j,W): WE<%(t),jEJ,j>jw), where %(t) denotes the set of all neighbourhoods of t in T, and direct / by setting Oí, Wx) < (;2, IF2) if;, <;2 and H/ c «/,. Consider the mapping a from / into J defined by a(i) —j if i — (j, W). It is not difficult to see that (sa(¡))iE¡ is a subnet of (Sj)jej such that lim?, = t and i, G M(sa/¡)) for all / G /. So the point / satisfies the assumption of the proposition and hence the proof is complete. D Remark. If 5 and T are metrizable, the above proof also shows that a point t is in liminf5^o¿ Mis) if and only if for each sequence (i„)„eN of D converging to s there exists a sequence (?„)„eN converging to t such that tn G M(í„) for all n G N. D We shall study some properties of (Clarke) tangent cones to graphs of multifunc- tions. For this reason we shall begin by recalling Rockafellar's formulation of the (Clarke) tangent cone (see [23]). 1.2 Definition. Let A be a subset of the topological vector space E. The tangent cone TiA; x) to A at x E clEA is the set of all points v E E such that for every neighbourhood V of v in E there exist a neighbourhood X of x in E and a real number e > 0 such that (x + tV) D A ¥= 0 for all x G X D A and / G ]0, e[. TiA; x) is a closed convex cone in E (see [23]) and TiA; x) = liminfr1^ - x), x^Ax tlO where x -*Ax means x -» x and x G A. As an immediate consequence of Proposition 1.1 we have the following characteri- zation of TiA; x) in terms of nets. This characterization is exactly the definition which has been given by the author in [27]. 1.3 Proposition. TiA; x) is the set of all v E E such that for every net ixj)JfEJ in A converging to x and every net itj)jeJ of positive numbers converging to zero there exist License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 604 LIONEL THIBAULT two subnets (xa(l))/6/ and (ta{i))ie[ and a net (v¡)ieI in E converging to v such that *«(0 + tdifi G A f°r each * e L Remark.
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