Theodore J. Gallagher Assista nt Genera l Co unse l Legal Department 121 Champion Way, Su ite 10 0 Ca nonsburg, PA 15317 Office: 724.416.6355 Fax: 724.416.6382 tjgallagher@ nisou rce.com June 27, 2016 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Commonwealth Keystone Building P.O. Box 3265 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-3265 Re: Pa. P.U.C. v. Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. Docket No. R-2016-2529660 Dear Ms. Chiavetta: Enclosed please find Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc.'s Proof of Publication of Notice of Public Input Hearing for filing with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission in the above-referenced docket. The follmving publications were made on June 14, 2016 in the following newspapers: 1. Beaver County Times 2. Butler's Eagle 3. Pittsburgh Post Gazette 4. Trib Total Media 5. Washington Observer-Reporter Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerelv, ..- & J.Gall jkak Enclosures Cc All Parties of Record ( w /enc.) I PROOF OF PUBLICATION The ~eaber C!Countp W:imes, §Uegbenp W:imes, QEUtuoob C!Citp JLebger. a daily newspaper of general circulation, published by BEAVER NEWSPAPERS, INC., I a Pennsylvania corporation, 400 Fair Avenue, West Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, was established in 1946, and has been issued regularly, except legal holidays since said date. The attached advertisement, which is exactly as printed and published, \ appeared in the regular issue on 6114116 BEAVER NEWSPAPERS, INC. \ B ~ (A ~ OJ~GJ l , l Qfo ~ STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, } \ - COUNTY OF BEAVER, 55: I Before me, a Notary Public in and for such county and state, personally appeared TINA BEQUEATH , who being duly sworn according to law says that she is CONTROLLER of BEAVER NEWSPAPERS, INC.; that neither affiant nor said corporation is interested in the subject matter of the attached advertisement; and that all of the allegations of the foregoing statement including those as to the time , place and character of publication are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~a{; of June 14, 2014 The costs of advertising and proof, Na~X~ has been paid . C")c,'!MONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANI BEAVER NEWSPAPERS, INC. ;--- NOTARIAL SEAL Debra L. Hays, Notary Public Brldge•nater Bore, Beaver County L ~ll y Commission Expires June 15, 2018 By ___________________________ MEM-BER, PENtl SYLVA~I'ii -MSOCIA'i'I OH OF NOTARIES BEAVER NEWSPAPERS INC. 400 FAIR AVE. BEAVER, PA. 15009 NOTICE OF PUBLIC INPUT HEARING For Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc.'s Rate Increase Request Docket No. R-2016-2529660 The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has scheduled a public inptn hearing to receive public comment on Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania. Inc.'s request to increase its natural gas distribution rates by S55.3 million per year. or 11 .23 percent. Members of the public are welcome to attend the hearing and to provide comment for the public record. At this hearing. you will have the opportunity to present your views in person to the judge hearing the case and the c ompany representatives. All persons testifying at the Public Input Hearing shall be available for cross-examination by all parties. All testimony given under oath becomes part of the official rate case record. The hearing is scheduled for: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 6 p.m. Courthouse Square of Washington County Public Meeting Room 103 First Floor 100 W. Beau Street Washington, PA 15301 If you are a person with a disability, and you wish to attend the hearing, he Commission's scheduling office may be able to make arrangements for your special needs. Please call the Commission's scheduling office at least five (5) business days prior to the hearing to submit your request. If you require an interpreter to participate in the hearing, the Commission will make every reasonable effort to have an interpreter present. Please call the Commission's scheduling office at least ten (1 0) business days prior to the hearing to submit your request. · Scheduling Office: (717) 787-1399. • AT&T Relay Service is available for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired: 1-800-654-5988. It/ (})lumSia Gas® . of pennsylvania A NiSource Company AFFIDAVIT OF DISTRIBUTION STATE OF Pennsylvania) COUNTY OF Butler CITY OF Butler I, Glenda Stitt, being duly sworn on oath now and during all times herein stated, have been the publisher and designated agent of the publication known as the Butler Eagle ("Publication') and have full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: The advertisement for Columbia Gas was advertised in the publication of the Butler Eagle's full circulation on the 14th day of June 2016 . - - ~ - ! - - \ J t:· l i· I .· ~ f~ .J< ~J.l~ ,_·). ;;.~ ~ r lo ·.=- ~.rtr·: ... ~ .. .... ... ' .d.~ ~f _.· · -- ~ ., I,'. By: Notary information: Subscribed to and sworn to before me this __1,_4,_,_th'-'--- day of June . 2016. (S EAL) Nottr'y Public Signature Commission Expires: CO MMO NWEf. i_ T f-1. OF F:O:NN SYLVAN!A No, 2 r ·,,, Sea l / Rona!c! A. V~ d e,J , c r, ,:, c , /jo:ary Public . Ci ty of But l e ~ , B • ;: l ~r County I My Comm issi on Exp,:e:s Ju:f 17 , 2016 I .. ...... _ _ .. J ........ ~ "" ~'"' ~ ---------- ----} -- ~ · · ...... __ , w ....... ................ ... ..... .... day's attack. sands- gathered fen~' a -~i-gl l who worked at Pulse in her whether lVIateen h ad scout­ VICKI VELLIOS to support the victims and 20s. "Pulse gave me confi­ eel Disney World as a po­ BRINER/PENNLIVE . survivors. The names of dence, made me realize I tential target, as reporte:cl COM VIAAP the dead were read aloud. was normal and so much by People.com, which cited grant father him, because they thought It was held on the lawn of like everyone else." an unidentified federal law may have act­ he was a strange person." Orlando's main perform- Some, including Ja- enforcement source. ti-gay hatred, Van Horn acknowledged son got angry that he didn't know lVIateen ut seeing two well, but said he suspects lut questions that the massacre was less :l over wheth­ about Islamic extremism vas conflicted and more about a man con­ 11 sexuality. flicted about his sexuality. lorn, 71, said "I think it's possible that a "regular" at he was trying to deal with Pulse night­ his inner demons, of try­ te'cllater take ing to get rid of his anger leave 49 dead. of homosexuality," said NOTICE OF PUBUC INPUT HEARING :rying to pick Van Horn, who lost three en," Van Horn friends in the shooting. For Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc.'s ;ociated Press "It's really confusing to me. Rate Increase Request ' outside the Because you can't change louse, another who you are. But if you pre­ Docket No. R-2016-2529660 tend that you!re different, a retired phar­ then you n1ay shoot up a Je met iVIateen gay bar." The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has scheduled a public input hearing ; younger man The Orlando Sentinel to receive public comment on Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc.'s request to increase its natural gas distribution rates by $55.3 million per year, or 11.23 t his ex-wife. and other news organiza­ percent. Members of the public are welcome to attend the hearing and to provide orn said his tions quoted other regulars comment for the public record. At this hearing, you will have the opportunity to "told me they from Pulse who said they present your·views in person to the judge hearing the case and the company me talking to had seen lVIateen there a representatives. All persons testifying at the Public Input Hearing shall be available for cross-examination by all parties. All testimony given under oath becomes part · of the official rate case record. The hearing is scheduled for: led in attack Wednesday, June 29,2016 6p.m. ·she W"as dying Courthouse Square of Washington County Publ.ic Meeting Room 103 nt to play bas­ simmee, frantically trying First Floor ercyhurst Uni­ to reach the teenager, who 100 W. Beau Street ie. had been shot in the arm. Washington, PA 15301 1te her graclu- "I just tried to tell her 1 Murray, her to remain calm and apply If you are a person with a disability, and you wish to attend the hearing, the her 4-year-olcl pressure to the wound," Commission's scheduling office may be able to make arrangements tor your eel to Orlando Natalie Murray said. "All special needs. Please call the Commission's scheduling office at least five (5) vacation. Her I NUld hear was my baby business days prior to the hearing to submit your request. x, attends col­ screaming." If you require an interpreter to participate in the hearing, the Commission will make Palm Beach. Murray said her daugh­ every reasonable effort to have an interpreter present. Please call the Comi11ission's 3Y, Murray told ter was hiding in a bath­ scheduling office at least ten (1 0) business days prior to the hearing to submit she wanted to room stall, her arm bleed­ your request. ;vntown Orlan- ing for hours with no medical treatment. • Sci1edulfng Office: (717) 787-1399. :n't drink, she · Akyra Murray told her * AT&T Relay Service is available for persons who are deaf or to have a good mother to call police and hearing impaired: 1-800-654-5988. lie Murray re- .__ send help before the two dropped her hung up. They never spoke again. 2 a.m., Akyra "It was devastating," Nata­ t a text mes- lie Murray said. mother, telling For 27 hours, Murray ~ I I.,.
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