i THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 19B9 AveraKc Deil.Y Net Prem Run The Weather PA G BT W K N T t F mt the WMk BM tef reisNNbrt of V. a. WMtlMr BmM liattrl?P0tpr lEwnttig l|pralih Sr4, l i s t 0 «Mr»lljr fair. m Umt Wliidijr. 1,703 the week before and 1,330 eontInuiMl nolil tayiight eni flat- Stephen Brand, aon of Mr. and the cafeteria, where the announce­ 12,860 The eecond aeaaion of the 400 Visit S c h o ^ ' ^ ment was made that Mr*! Schlm- a month ago. iirday. Low tonight S-IS. Hligh School of Mlasions at the South Mrs. Jamea W, prand, 136 Orecn 1 Statewide, "leaiional declines in POWER McoilMr ut th« AwUt ; Rd., haa had aa hla gueat thia week ; mel’s morning kindergarten class Kntunlny in tCa. A(K)ut Town Methodist Church will meet at fi had won the attendance banner. emplovment over the holidays Baraun *t drenUtioa. o’clock Sunday night at the (Thomas Moore, son of Mr. and: For Open House were blamed today for a rise from Manchester— City of Village Charm church. Those participating are re­ (Mrs. William Moore, former Green; 53,016 to 63,463 In unemployment HEARING Firtt «W Instructor* will Judfe j Rd. re.sidents who now live in the flrst-eld-o-ree *««ln this year minded to bring their own hox ' " 1 Approximately 400 parents visit­ claims for the 7-day period ending : Towson, a miburh ot Baltimore, i all n e w at the Verplanch School tomorrow ' lunches. Information as to classes ed clasa rooms at the open house ■ Seasonal Layoffs Ja n . 3. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 84 (F’OURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, .1 AND ARY 9. I9.)9 (t'lMMlfied Adtertiaing an Png* IS) PRICE FIVE CBNl'E ■Md. ! evening. Participant.* will be the ' may be obtained from guides !o- Skating Advisory held la-st n ig h t a t W addell School. i w / w Boy ScouU of the Blackledgc Dis­ I rated at the entrance. The movie. They sat at their childrens desks Hike Idle Claims , .\ni with Yoti.” will he ahown. The Little Flower of .1 e a u a | trict of the Charter Oak Council. fold weather, with no snow or and. examined, papers, and books, : The pubJlc i.s invited for all or any Boy Scouts of America All in­ Mothers Circle w|!l meet . toinor- j rain, haa resulted in good to ex­ attempted experiments, and vlew’ed DR. 1 GERSHANOFF :p a r t of th is p ro g ram ............................ row night at o'clock at the'home There were 328 new claims for R c K o n t structors are asked “to report *t 8 cellent lee skating conditions In the many interesting bulletin^ OPTOMETRIST of Mrs. George Murray. 83 Laurel unemployment compensation made the school at 7 o’clock. Manchester. boards. 1 H t A R I NG AID Loval Circle of Klnga Daughters St. The co-hosteaa will b" Mra. i at the local office of the State Em­ 915 MAIN STREET \ Hours of siiprevised skating at Af er a very brief business meet-1 ployment Security Division for the iwnll 'meci Monday night at 7; l.i | Edward Moriarty The usual midweek prayer ntect- Center Springs Park and Charter ing, Mr.s. R oger B agley, p re s id e n t.! week ending Jan. 3. MANCHESTER fo r severe Ing will be held at the Salvation I 11 the Fellowship room of Center Oak Park will be until 10 o’clock turned the program over to Mias ("apt. George M Blake. Elsie For the week before that, 317 3-60P.0 President Challenges New Congress Army Citadel tonight at 7i30. The I Church. Hnstesaes will he Mrs. MI tonight. Center Springs Anne?: ICthel Robb, srhool principal. such claims were, made, and a hearing impairments informal Bible study of St Paul .a i Hard Peterson and Miss Dorothy D r . U..S. A rm y R eserve M(*ad- will be svallable to hockey play- HAS RESmiED I , quarters, 36tth Field Artillery, has With the aid of a projector and ' month ago 180. Temporary season­ Letter to the Roman.* 'will follow Pelei.son. only. a t 8 o’clock. ’The’public is invited. recently been promoted to the actual teat papers and hooks. Miss al layoffs in Industry account for OFFICE HOURS Robb outlined and explained the most of the increase, according to FREE Ulltf IMM I Mi;.«. Chester Bycholskt and son, rank of major. IN Ills MMMfmTWM NIARIM AIRS St, Christopher s Mothers Circle ' Robei t, 3'-’ Strong St . have re- isl Church. A potluck will he variou.s mental ability and achieve­ Hus.scll Leghorn, manager of the wnll meet tom orrow night at 8 , turned home from a 10-day viait The .Mamhe.slor hiamh of the .served at noon, with Mrs, Lola ment te.sts given to the children unemployment department. MANCHESTER o’clock at the home of Mrs. Millie ’ to Miami. Fla While there they WfTTl.I will hold its first m eeting Hutchinson and Mrs. Elizabeth from kindergarten through the The total mimber of all claims QUINN'S PHARMACY Maxwell, hostc.s.ses. A buaines:? sixth grade. OFFICE Amida. 82 Branford St. Mis. Mar­ attended the Orange Bowl football of the N'e.ar Tneaday at 10:30 a m. recorded at the office was 1,682 rnONK MI S-4136 Russian Threat, Live Within His garet Falco will be the co-ho.atc.'s. , gam e on .New Y ear a P av. in the rhapel of the South .VTethod- meeting w ill follow st 2 o clock. Coffee and cake was served In for the last period as compared to Senate Turns Down 80 Perish Plans for Stronger r " Pinehurst [ CurB on FiliBusters As Spanish ' CHUCK ROAST Dam Bursts Nation in Space Age w la our meal manager's apeelal for the lal week in .laniiary. Washingrton, Jan. 9 (/P) 'hdergon (D-NM). Anderson's aim was to eatablish that each new Sen­ \\ aahiiigton, Jan. 9 (/Pi— F’reiaidpnt, Kisenhower today chal- pinehurst meal men are expert.s In trimming meal so that The Senate today turned Zamora, Spain. Jan. 9 (JP)— | ate haa the right to adopt its own longpcl tlip lipavily Dpinocralic npw rongrps.s to meet the you get ••more eating meat for your money. " the c hurk I down a key proposal designed A roaring wall of wafer, un- j I roasts we are advettising. not only have all the bone re­ rules by majority vole at the start ! rommiini.«l thipal liy living within his $77 billion budget and Open Thursdays and Fridays by Civil Rights advocates to of a session. leashed By a dam Break on moved hut ainew.s and extra fat a.s well a delicious and ex- dear the way for a tight nevy Lake Sanabria. engulfed thei working toward ta.v iplipf "in llip fore.seeabiR future.” tca-thrifty pot roa.st for .lamiaiy budget.*! The anli-filibuater forces were In a .Statp iif the I'ninn mps.sagp niitlining administration Till 9 P.M. curb on filibusters. still far from giving up sleeping village of Riradelago | The roll call vote was the first Nixon had expressed the opinion Less than 2 0 0 of the 1 plan.* for Iniilding a hetter and .stronger America in this Space pinrhur^f Jiilrv, U'nilrr test of strength in the swirling that the Senate has a constitution-1 ^ inhaBitants are .\ge of cata.st rophic war po.s.siliilifip.s, the President said his hpavv rorn«*fod beef bonele^a c I HALE’S Self Serve and Meat Dept. It) battle over rulea touched off with al right to make new rules each , formula i.s designed lo preserve this nation's way of life. the start of the new Senate aes- session but he said it was an issue known to DC alise. j I seless p.xpenditure.s. he .saifl. "might tend to undermine 7 9 that would have to be decided bv ! aion two days ago. the economy and Iherefore the nation's safel,'-'' all rtils cxrppt DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS TODAY The count wa*'60-36. the Senate itself. | Zamora. Spain, Jan. 9 (/P)— CHUCK ROAST the CNO. It marked a striking victory for Leaders of tlie anti-filibuster A dam on Lake Sanabi'ia hur.st II is 5,()0()-\vord addres.s. delivered personally at a joint s e a - .sion of the Senate and Hou.se. also set forth these other (limited axipply of e\'e of the I'liuck I'na-sl. anv weight la Democratic Leader Lyndon B force* regarded the Anderson mo- today, unlea.shing a w a ll ' •lohnson (D-Tex) and other Demo­ R.">c: and whoio fi to *7 Ih. solul .■shoulder clod roasts will be i BBRBEI't HOMOGENIZED tion as crucially important. It.* op 1 he mountain v il- highlight proposals calling for; cratic and Republican Senate special values at R9r Ih. | EVAPBBATEB 1. Knactment of nF*\v rivil lightaf —------ L X,\ pace settog ///,, leaders backing a compromise of­ tlrr S .'".S, T ; l»r' »' Riv.<i.la«o. II,an jogifllHlion to b# mihmitlert lo ('on- MILK SPRY fered by Johnson. batp-limit«tion nil* fr^e from the * 80 prisons ftlP kno^^n to ha\P giess soon Wilhoul being speclflc lev# * e Ceepwis Setback for Nixon S rpflirictionn of prior rule*. perished and many more are shnnl the legi.alnlion, the President Pertinent Quotes Let's have a Conversely, It was a major set­ Johnson smi other opponents irtissin^ ilepinred rinsing of some public 3 CAN S 45c back for Vice President Richard argued that the Senate, with onl> Houses in Rivadelago.
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