First Qass Mail U.S. Postage Campus and PAE) Communihj since igiS Bronx, NY Permit #7608 MarGh 28. 2QQ7 Issue 7 Hip-Hop Week Canceled Fordham Mourns Weeklong Series of Events Halted Due to Time Restraints Professor's Death ByERINKLABUM)E formance riders tiiat needed to be "They [tiie OSL&CD] really were By WILLIAM MOCCIA COPY CHIEF worked out with many University vague in their response to us," Kohl EXECUTIVE EDFTOR departments and services. said. "They mostly said that there Fordliam's Hip-Hop Coalition Performance riders, she said, include wasn't enough time to go through all Fonfliain University lost a long• was forced to cancel a concert sched• items like electrical needs, dressing the legal ... channels that were nec• time member of its feculfy on Sunday, uled to be performed last week by room needs, catering needs, musical essary ... That m itself is understand• March 18. Dr. Leon Shilton, professor two members of the Wu-Tang Clan equipment, lights and staging and able, but I would have liked to have of finance, passed away unexpectedly after the Office of Student audio packages. known earlier than last week." at his Rumson, NJ, home. He was 63 Leadership and Community "Once a contract is signed, the Best and Kohl said the group had years old. A memorial service was held Development said that performance University is required to provide been planning the concert since early at Christ Church in Shrewsbury, NI, on contracts submitted two weeks items meluded tiierem," Mussi said. in the fall semester. They secured the March 23. before the event would take months "Accommodating contractual McGinley Ballroom as their venue Just two weeks prior to bis death, to process. Meanwhile, the requests by artists requires a lot of last semester and received funding Shilton was awarded the Bene Merenti Coalition's student leaders said that collaboration between external ven• fi'om the Budget Committee in early Medal at the University Convocation. Ihey had already secured a venue, dors and University departments, so February. In addition. Best and Kohl The medal recognized his completion fiinding, catering and a sound techni• advanced planning is incredibly said they organized a catering service of 20 years of service to Fordham. The cian. Tbey maintain that the important." She noted that artist con• and a sound technician. program for the event referred to OSL&CD should have informed tracts for the Spring Weekend con• Shilton as "Fordham's resident expert" "Essentially, we had everyfliing www.bnetfordhffln.edu tfaem at an earlier date that the con• cert are often negotiated and under control, and the only tiling that in real estate. cert would not be able to go on as processed for two months or more. [Mussi] had to do at fliat point were "Professor Shilton was my fiiend Dr. Leon Shilton, professor of finance in the Fordham business planned. the contracts," Best said. and coUeague " Dr. Donna RapaccioU, schools, passed away unexpected• "If the whole ofBce was gomg to ''Hip-Hop Week was Mussi mamtained that by the tinie dean of the College of Business ly on Sunday, March 18. Shilton had work witii us through the whole thing not canceled by tiie OSL&CD received tiie artists' Administration, said. "He was a charm• served the Fordham community for and give us $20,000-plus for tiie contiacte, there was litfle time to han• ing man who shared his wisdom and twenty years. event, we would have rather saved OSL&CD. An event of dle all die logistics involved in plan• expertise wifli aU of us. This expertise the time and energy and inconven• this size and magnitudenin g tiie concert. "OSL&CD ... was wide ranging, fix>m real estate missed by aU." ience of us and others, and just been cannot be adequatelyreache d out to the Hip-Hop CoaUtion finance to model trams. We aU have Shilton's obituaiy, which !q)peared told that the concert wasn't a possi• on niunerous occasions to meet to been blessed to know him, and I know in tiie New York Ibnes on March 21, bility &om tiie start," Maggie Best, planned in only two discuss the program as soon as the I wiU miss him greatly." described him as "loving husband of FCRH '09 and Vice President ofthe weeks." budget request was submitted to the Shilton was teaching Real Estate RobMlamarie Kiley; adored fether of Hip-Hop Coalition, said. She said — Jen Mussi, assistant dean ofBudge t Conunittee," she said. "It Finance and conducting tiie Internship Sean, Moriah, Alycia, LilUth, and fliat tiie OSL&CD was working witii wasn't until the contracts were sub• in Finance seminar at CBA this semes• Sonjelle; cherished grandfather of the Coalition to "get tilings done" student leadership and mitted tiiat it became evident to me ter. He was also teaching a hedge fimd Dylan Lloyd; broflier of David Shilton until the concert was unexpectedly community developmenttha t the smdents had a lot of logistics course and directing a field-study proj• and Maria Batchelder." CMiceled. that they (and the University) needed ect at the Graduate School of Business Chris Cutran, CBA '07, took Real "Hip-Hop Week was not canceled . In an attempt to save the concert, to work out, and the contracts were Administration. Dr. Brian McCarthy, Estate Finance during flie M 2006 by OSL&CD," Jen Mussi, Assistant Jiro Kohl, FCRH '08 and President only submitted for my review in mid- assistant professor of finance, wiU semester and offered a description of Dean for Student Leadership and ofthe Coalition, said he and the other March for a March 23 event." teach Real Estate Finance for the rest of Shilton as a professor. Community Development, said via members ofthe Coalition platmed to Oflier Hip-Hop Week events did the semester, while Dr. Robert George, "[Shilton's] animated style of teach• email. "After numerous conversa• strike from the artists' contracts all not go on as planned. Scheduled also an assistant professor of finance, ing made it clear he was both passion• tions with the stodent leaders, their flie requests fliat tiie OSL&CD could events included an Emcee Night last will run Internship m Finance. Dr. ate and extremely knowledgeable about advisor and OSL&CD staff, and not acquiesce to. Best said that in the Thursday, during which students Nusret Caldci, a professor of finance at flie real estate sector," Curran said. "He hours [spent] reviewing two dense end the artists, Raekwon and would have the opportunity to go tiie City CoUege of New York who is always kept flie class mtertained." artist contracts, I determined that the Ghost&ee Killah, siiiq>ly asked for head-to-head with other students as currently teaching two sections of After con^letixig his undergraduate event could not take place on March "a comfortable dressing room, some well as artists fi'om outside the Principles of Modem Finance at GBA^ work at Trinity College, where he stud• 23. An event of this size and magni• snacks, and a qiiality sound system." University. Kohl said this event had wiU take over die hedge fimd eourse, ied poUtieal science, m 196S, Shilton tude cannot be adequately planned in Best and Kohl sent revamped copies to be canceled because the audio and Dr. Frank Werner, associate profes• received a Master of Urban Planning only two weeks." of the contracts back to the artists' equipment they needed was m use at sor of finance, wUl assist flie field- degree fiom Michigan State University Mussi said tiie contracts would booking agents, but flie OSL&CD Senior Night. According to Kohl, tiie study students as they complete their in 1971 and a PhD. in business tmm have taken several months to process mamtamed that tiiere was not enough OSL&CD knew tiie CoaUtion needed project the University of Wisconsm-Madison because they contained detailed per• time. m 1984. - see HEP-HOP pg 3 - "We have been extremely fortunate to get these persons to fiU m for From 1967-1970, Shilton served in Professor ShUton," Dr. Sris Chatterjee, flie United States Marine Corps. He associate professor and area chair of was a Vietnam Infantry Battalion finance, said. "I am sincerely gratefiil Communications Officer and was to aU my coUeagues who have helped awarded the Navy Commendation us at this time of loss and sadness." Medal. Both undergraduate courses will At Fordham, Shilton created flie stiU be offered again next semester as real estate courses for the MBA finance planne4 although the instmctors for concentration. In 2000, he formed a the courses are not yet determined. partnership with the city of Yonkers, Shilton would also have taught Real and students in the field-study class he Estate Finance at GBA in the faU. was teaching at tile time provided the Rapaccioli, who knew Shilton for city with recommendations for a 20 years, went with George on March Yonkers urban renewal project The 20 to inform the Internship in Finance inspiration for the partnership came students of Shilton's passing. from a paper one of Shilton's graduate McCarthy met with the Real Estate students wrote, and aU of tiie services Finance students in order to plan a tran• were provided fi^ee of charge. sition. The students were surprised and Shilton was a member of a number saddened by the news. of associations and was published in "1, like most students, was com• and served on the editorial boards of pletely shocked by the untimely pass- multiple joumals. mg of our Real Estate Finance teacher. "DI. Shilton was an important force Professor Shilton," John Chiesa, CBA in the school," Dr.
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