• (tanecttat laflg Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXXH NO. 5 STORRS.CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1977 PIRG nets $16,000; may challenge charge for fall fee collection By MICHAEL T. CALVERT the group's anticipated revenue from the The UConn chapter of the Connecticut fee. Those figures are based on the Public Interest Research Group has collection rate this semester, where 70 per collected $16,166 through the negative cent of UConn students elected to give check-off system on fall student fee bills, UConnPIRG $2. Through the negative representing contributions from 8.083 check-off. students who don't want to students. Raymond Corcoran, the Univer- contribut to the group check off a box on sity's chief accountant, said Thursday. their fee bills. Corcoran said more money is expected Pacelle said that to her knowledge, no to flow into UConn PIRG's coffers as late other university had ever charged a PIRG student fee payments are processed. group a figure as high as UConn's for However, of the money to be collected similar collection service. by the consumer interest group, a This semester was the first time that a substantial amount will be paid to the negative check-off system was used to University for the apaerwork involved in finance UConnPIRG. Before that, the collecting the fee through the negative organization was financed by the Federa- check-off system, which took effect for the , tion of Student and Service Organizations, first time with fee bills issued for this the undergraduate student government at semester, and the group is considering Storrs. appealing that charge to the Board of According to Pacelle, the remainder of Trustees. the PIRG funds will be used for several Lisa Pacelle. UConnPIRG vice chair- purposes. This year UConnPIRG will have woman, said Thursday that UConnPIRG several full-time employees, some of felt the business charge totalling about whom will be paid in part by the UConn $5,100. is too high. group and some by the Connecticut PIRG. "UConn is charging us a hell of a lot a statewide organization. Also. UConn- more than other schools,"' she said. PIRG tentatively plans to help pay- Pacelle expects the future charge by the expenses incurred by students who do United Press International University for collecting the UConnPIRG research for the organization. * I Embattled Budget Director Bert Lance testifies before a Senate committee Thursday fee will be about $1,500 a semester, a Pacelle said the UConnPIRG budget on his questioned personal finances. figure representing about 10 per cent of still is in the works. Sometimes, you can go home again By VIVIAN B. MARTIN major, says she thinks her being tied down and wanted to only thing that keeps some of their backs." When an ambulance crew biggest fear at the time was that end everything, though we could those arrangements together is That's not totally true, at least rushed Nancy—wrists slashes nobody would come and that see each other from time to pride. Pride that won't let some in some cases. Although Nancy's and stomach churning—into an nobody cared. time," she says, adding that she people say they were wrong, or parents' silence lasted for two emergency room, the night at- She had lived with Ron for still can't think about it. that they want to come back." years, they were there when she tendants didn't know who to eight months. She says she was Although this is not a typical "I counseled one girl whose needed them. But then, there's contact. She hadn't spoken with in love with him, but that he was love story, some of the problems boyfriend moved out on her and Patty and Jim's story. her parents for two years and her beginning to be very unrespon- that Ron and Nancy encountered she was so ashamed tnat she quit "When Jim and I moved into roommate, Ron. was hitchiking sive. are very common, according to school, got a job as a waitress, our apartment, my mother made to California with another "The first three months it was Janet Wyatt, who has counseled and didn't let anybody know this big scene as if it really woman. great. The four-month mark, many unmarried couples in the about her situation for a year, mattered. I couldn't take that, I After she regained conscious- things were good. I started Boston area. and. then it was only by left and didn't contact her at all. ness and learned that her par- teasing him half-way jokingly "Many couples get together an chance," Wyatt claims. I wouldn't even giye her my "I try to get across that the ents were on their way to the about getting married. Two then find out that they can't Continued on page 4 hospital, Nancy, who was inco- months later he said he was make it work. Sometimes the people who really care don't turn herent, mumbled to the nuses what a mistake they had made. "I can't go home. You never go Klein shatters illusions at Jorgensen back once you leave. I can't." Second of a two-part series. and Chyanne. a blue grass The nurses trie desperately, By NANCY GEE The multi-talented comedian "When I first got her I was in a singing duet who were a little too but unsuccessfully, to calm the "I was here at UConn two presented two hours of mono- place called W lot. I though the loud for the mellowed out—laid distraught young woman who years ago and loved it so much logue and improvisations and whole evening was a put on. back effect they tried to achieve. was unable to see that in her that I had to erne back for released the students from many Then this girl took 25 minutes to Klein, however achieved total condition, going home wouldn't more!!" was Robert Klein's of the tensions that built up direct me this auditorium via the control over everyone there as he be an issue for quite sometime. welcoming speech to a large during these first weeks of New England Turnpike!!!" Now, a year later, Nancy, who crowd Thursday evening at Jor- school. lambasted everything from bowl- The students ate it up. Unfor- is a seventh'semester history genson Auditorium. Klein was preceeded by Rocky ing to University parking: tunately, so did Klein. At the Continued on page 3 INSIDE TODAY- Gerson steps down , DAILY CAMPUS Associate Editor Vivian B. Martin takes a look at the people who spend their afternoons looking at soap operas. Page 2. Department head chosen By MICHAEL T. CALVERT to teaching and research. doctorate from Cornell, Blanken- There will be a new head of the "Ten years is enough," Ger- ship has taught at Berkely and Political Science Department at son said Thursday, referring to headed the Political Science SPORTS STAFFERS Rich DePreta and Maria Romash predict UConn in January as Vaugn his tenure as department head. Department at the State Univer UConn will lose its football battle with Navy this weekend but Blankenship. presently with the He added that he had no regrets sity of New York at Buffalo. should fare better on the soccer field against Vermont. Page 12. National Science Foundation, about leaving his old job. and While in Washington, in addi- assumes the post at the begin- said he was looking forward to a tion to his work with the National ning of next semester, acting return to teaching. Science Foundation, Blanken- department head G. Lowell Field Although Blankenship comes ship also worked for the Bureau WHO SAYS there's nothing to do this weekend? For a look at said Thursday. to UConn from the National of Management and Budget. some suggestions, turn to Weekender, which returns for the fall Professor Louis Gerson, who Science Foundation, he has a Field, who formerly headed the semester. Pages 5, 6 and 7. formerly headed the depart- strong background in education. Political Science Department, is ment, recently left that post, A graduate of the University of acting department head until saying that he planned tp return California at Riverside, with a Blankenship arrives. Serving Storrs Since 1896 A solemn,annual pledge Mark A. Dupuii Edllor-ln-Chlal John Hill III hopes,updates and news CraigK.Spery Builn«»i Manager Managing Editor Vivian B. Martin Ataoclata Editor Monday morning, the first edition of this year's "Completing the cycle ""of eating at just about all fiaily Campus hit the streets, complete with the of the more than 60 dormitories on campus....We annual first-day mixups and not-so-straight head- wonder what eber happened to an event of three lines and stories. years ago, when the Student Union Board of This year marks the 8lst year of publication for Governors the group that sponsors all of the UConn's student newspaper and we're back at it, entertainment on campus held a "Meet the One good move again vowing like every editorial staff over all of President" get-together at Jorgensen Auditorium. those years to make it the best. ...maybe bringing it back would give UConn's One big addition this year, we feel, is the appearance of United Press International Tele- deserves another photos in the newspaper, bringing to Storrs a view of reality missing in the past....We'd again like to thank the Willimantic Chronicle, our faithful Two weeks ago, after the Daily Campus made its debut for this fall printers, for making the photos available at no cost with its "Hello" issue, a somewhat red-faced Sports editor walked to the Daily Campus and we'd like to thank UPI for chief executive a chance to meet a lot of people at into the office the afternoon the paper hist the streets.
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